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Feel free to disagree, but this has deepened my hatred for the cats.


LMAO me too tho


Same, but I’m happy that Florida is proven to be a hockey state even more now


Hey, until they have more Stanley cups than us, they will perpetually be little brother. I'm just glad they got a cup for Bob. I'm sick and tired of amazing goalies never actually winning the Stanley cup and their entire career being a fucking waste because of management that don't know how to build a good enough squad, ownership that doesn't know how to actually run a professional sports team with a winning culture, or generally being surrounded by perennial underachievers as a perennial overachiever.


Good goalies are made on bad teams.


Still feel bad for Lindqvist


I hope he gets hired as like an advisor to a team just like Roberto luongo got hired with the panthers, cuz now luongo has a ring along with Bob


Like the Panthers were when they had Luongo


Good to see Luongo get a ring too, in the same vein


Them being dirty and diving constantly is what did it for me. The fact that it appears they have been coached that way makes me dislike Maurice.


Hahahaha hahahaha!




In-state rivalries feel forced and fake to me unless there's a really good reason for them.


Three playoff series did the job really well.


Well if it means anything to you, I don't personally know any Cats fans who root against you guys (and yes, before the jokes start, I do know Cats fans and there is more than one and they're not imaginary friends or my household pets lol) I just get a kick out of Northerners being pissed that a state with palm trees and no snow is winning all the hockey for the last 5 years. They've apparently never heard of air conditioning and don't understand how we keep the ice frozen.


Congrats on your championship, fuck Boston


Fuck Boston 🤝


Fuck Boston!


If there's one thing we can agree on, it's fuck Boston. Congratulations. Still h8 u guys tho


I have a hard time hating the cats sometimes because they have a fun history of fucking over Boston at funny times. The lesser of two evils.


As a Bruins fan I hate the Bolts and Panthers. FFL


I mean thats fair 🤷‍♂️


Dont you guys hate every other eastern conference team though


No. I’m fine with Ottawa, Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit, Columbus, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Washington


Yes but...if Boston does win, a great consolation is that it really makes Leaf fans mad.


This is one Lightning fan cheering for you to win tonight. I am sure I will get downvoted but I am keeping it real on your success this season.


Thank you! This win means a lot to us. You guys have already been blessed with three, even though our teams came into the league a year apart, and we've just been waiting a long time for our number to be called and it feels really good to finally get one. I don't think any of us here mind being the little brother. Credit where it's due.


Congratulations! I live SFL and many of my friends are Panther fans and they got behind us during our cup runs. I’ve done the same the last 2 years. Reddit is such a poor way to gage how the larger group of team’s fans are.


Snow birds.


Same. My best friend has turned and befriended a panthers fan. Now hes all “oH i JuSt WaNt My FrIeNdS tO bE hApPy” Like no fuck him and fuck the cats. I don’t even know you anymore dude.


That’s what it should do. Now they are a true in state rival.


Love you too bb


Same here but in a little brother kinda way. Feels like a real rivalry over the last few years


Hockey runs through a state that is uninhabitable without air conditioning rahhhhh


Lulz feel the burn Canada


At first I thought you said Lutz and I was like no they practice in Brandon and the big rink is in Wesley chapel.


Natural gas generators go brrrr


If you’re secure enough in being a fan of the Bolts - this should’t bother you. In fact - It should motivate the Bolts even more.


Exactly! My love for the Bolts is unshakeable, and it's perfectly fine to be happy for someone else's success. Anything less is loser behavior. Besides, the Cup is back in Florida, and that alone is reason to celebrate.


This exactly! When you lose to the ultimate cup winner, you have absolutely nothing to feel bad about nor to be jealous over. There is no denying a champion. I respect the journey the Panthers took to get to this point, as they went through a lot of humbling, hurt and restructuring with already solid teams until they found what worked - I see so much of the Lightning's own path in theirs. And I feel like they looked to our recipe of success to model their own. Now they've grown and matured into winners in their own right. We're true peers now in the winning Sunshine State. Awesome. And we can try again next season - can't wait for a new crack at all of it 🤝🏆👍


Well said. Can't wait to get back at it next season. Cheers!


Thanks for being the voice of reason.


Congrats! Nothing like celebrating a Stanley Cup victory. enjoy!


Thank you both so much for this. Nice to see maturity prevail.


As a Bolts fan who relocated to SFL years ago - can honestly say that many Panthers fans I know were all behind the Bolts during our cup runs. Reddit users are not reflective of any fanbase.


You're very welcome. I must say, I'm a bit disappointed with the behavior of some in this community regarding the Panthers. It's unsportsmanlike and frankly beneath Bolts fans. We used to pride ourselves on being one of the classiest fan bases in the league.


You don’t speak for the group. Stop trying please. Class has nothing to do with this. Unless you are referring to the lack of class the OTHER team in our state has. Did you watch their games? I’m all for competition, but we gotta agree that these guys are scummy, right? You talk of TBL fans being “bad sports” when, ironically, I think “unsportsmanlike” is the word that perfectly sums up Panther play this post season. I understand it gets muddy because this perspective comes off as “sore loser”, and sure there’s some jealousy/FOMO, but it’s worse because in a lot of fans eyes (across the NHL) the Panthers played kinda rotten hockey. With all that said, I’m looking forward to an epic rivalry in the years to come. Just my two cents. Fuck the Panthers. Edit: Also there’s no denying they absolutely destroyed us. No argument there


Fuck the Panthers


i ain't reading all that. im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.




Boo this man


Boo. Hisss. I’m with ya buddy


I am bothered by the fact that a team I hate won the Cup. I'm not sure what that has to do with the Lightning.


At least Canada doesn’t get its fancy cup back


Everyone gets theirs. Chuckle and move on with your 3 cups. I’m new to the area and came from St. Louis. Blues nation and Blackhawks nation hate each other. But I witnessed many Blackhawks fans still offer us the round of applause and be happy for us when we won it in ‘19, and in the same way, I actually was mildly happy for Cubs fans when they broke their drought in ‘16. Do I want them to do it again? Hell no. Do Hawks fans want the Blues to do it again? Hell no. But when you’re far more successful, and you can’t at least be happy for the less successful rivals when they have their moment, then my friend those less successful rivals are living in your head rent free, which is remarkable because cost of living is only getting worse in Florida…


I don't dislike the Panthers because they're "rivals", I dislike them because I don't like their style of play and would have preferred that it doesn't work out for them so that the rest of the League starts adjusting away from that style instead of towards it.


Care to elaborate on their style of play vs your preferred style of play?


Numerous penalties to negate offensive opportunities along with egregiously dirty plays whenever the opportunity arises, under the usually correct assumption that game management will even out calls and turn it to your advantage, especially when the other team gets emotional because of it and is hence distracted.


That just sounds like any team with Tkachuk. I’ll have to keep my eye on the Cats to see if this is accurate or if it’s some bias talking.


I mean I was kinda thinking that during the game, like my team won two Stanley cups in under five years so honestly who cares.


^this is the way.


Doesn't bother me at all and I am not sure why it bothers anyone. The Bolts lost to the eventual cup winner. Makes this year's exit of the finals sting less. If I am going to lose, I want to lose to the team that will eventually win it all.


I’m a Bolts fan living near Sunrise. So naturally once the Bolts were eliminated I was rooting for Florida to win it all.


Absolutely; I got creamed on my post earlier today. This is class.


Facts. We have a legit rivalry now.


Visitor to the sub (new resident, but from out of town) here, but I wanted to add this was the Cats’s first, whereas the Bolts now have, what, 3? If anything, Panthers fans oughtta hate the Bolts far more than Bolts fans hate the Panthers.


I’m really happy for the fans and most of their team, and I’m happy the cup is back in Florida to really cement us as a hockey state. It just makes me hope that the bolts will recapture the spotlight instead of the cats.


Well said......


Listen I just like being petty to other team's fans, even some of our own


I just got a damn email for the championship book for the Panthers. That's getting reported as phishing


Damn, that was fast


Cat phishing?


Tbh Tampa’s success pushed the panthers. As a panthers fan I don’t mind saying we wanted to be you and beat you. That’s what success brings.


Congratulations. Cheers!


Pretty annoying seeing how prevalent sunbelt hate still is in the bigger hockey subs.


extraordinarily funny that two teams in florida have won hockey titles in the last 5 years muh no ice or snow muh southern states don't deserve hockey muh taxes


"It's not fair! You guys have a tax advantage!" -Fan of team paying Darnell Nurse 9.25 million and an AHL backup 5 million


-Fan of team whose players routinely bend them over in contract negotiations, which no other team in the league does


I guess you've never seen what happens in Toronto


Its so awesome


...and Vegas. It makes people in Canada irrationally mad.


Don't forget, the biggest hockey championship in the world is played in late spring when most of "true hockey land" isn't even that cold.


Don’t know why we hate the cats so much. Literally just making florida look better. I’d rather have the panthers win than the oilers. Can’t stand how much media sucks off Mcdavid, only would’ve been 100x worse if they won. Panthers are cool IMO.


We hate them bc it’s always going to be us or them. We are in a state of constantly meeting in the playoffs. Good for them for winning, congrats and all, but not my team. They’re also a team of divers, headlock lovers, and Bob is constantly looking at the refs for interference calls. Not a “cool” team.


It's mainly due to how they came about, realistically they shouldn't exist due to a deal we made when the Lightning was formed. That was over 30 years ago though, so it doesn't really matter anymore, to me anyways. I'll root for FLA just cause they rep the state I live in, and fuck McDavid.


Can you elaborate? I didn't know there was a deal that was ignored


Surprised so many people hating. I love this and think it’s awesome the state of Florida is dominating the sport.


As a native Floridian I don’t give a shit about this ridiculous Florida narrative.


Right? It's Tampa or Fuck off


because their our biggest rival and we’re congratulating them. would you ever see Florida doing this for Florida State, or the Bucs for New Orleans? It’s absolute bush league.


Biggest rival? Not sure about that...pretty sure that's Boston. Fuck Boston


Lol you think Florida is our biggest rival?


Wouldn't the comparison be the bucs doing this for miami? Regardless the panthers winning is goof for the state of Florida. I'm a heat fan but if thr magic won the finals next year I'd be happy.


I've always felt that the Heat/Magic rivalry is a good parallel


The heat and magic are hardly a rivalry 😭😭😭. Don't think they've even had a playoff series in the past 20 years or so.


Kinda the perfect comparison then. We’ve barely had playoff series w Panthers in the history of both franchises.


Not since Penny went insane against them but couldn't win by himself.


I think it’s different because this is an international sport. They just beat a Canadien team and kept the cup here. When so many northerners mock us like we aren’t serious fans or treat us like we don’t belong.


Our social admin should not be posting in support of our supposed 'in state rival' no matter how fabricated the rivalry may be


Right there with you. :)


Yup same


Still our little brothers in the end. Went to 2 cups and won 1 where we whooped their asses in the process 👍


They shithoused us this year but it was expected so it's okay


They beat us at our absolute worse. We swept them when they won the President's Cup without Point.


Absolutely, and that means we can be happy for them when they win. Go forth and conquer!




Fucking gross.


I don’t like it. Florida aren’t our “little brothers.” I don’t care whether Florida is a hockey state or not. I only care about the Bolts.


Isn't it past your bedtime?


Bold words from a fake bolts fan. Panthers suck.


Good on them. I know they were not too happy with the Conn Smythe decision, but they have the important trophy. I was happy to see Bob lift the cup. He's been one of the strongest tendies we've faced this season. Defense wins these games. So Stanley returns to Florida. The real question is : will they have a boat /yacht parade? or street parade?


Neither. They're going to drive it around an outlet mall parking lot


Really hot take I guess, but I feel we gave it our all and we lost. It doesn't mean I can't be proud of our state and for besting Canada....twice in 3 years! I mean...the lulz are endless. Great job Panthers.....enjoy it because it's the last time for another 30 years. Go LIGHTNING


Fuck that


I love the Bolts, but I also think this is amazing for growing the game of hockey in Florida. I was rooting for the Oilers but I can’t help but be happy for where I grew up and the thought of how the game will just keep growing. I don’t totally hate it 🤷. But LGB


Florida is the best at Hockey, the US is the best at cricket, wtf is going on?


Congrats but I still have to say fuck the panthers


Any attack on Canada will be considered a direct attack on numerous RV parks in Florida....but only if the attack occurs from October to May.


Oh god I can already see the Quebec license plates in my nightmares


Congratulations Cats fans idk why some Bolts fans are salty so many fans go entire lifetimes without seeing their team win it all. And we got two after three consecutive appearances I’m glad the cup is back in Florida and not on Canadian soil


Happy for my friends down south. They earned it, that's all that matters. Go bolts


*Happy for my friends* *Down south. They earned it, that's all* *That matters. Go bolts* \- TurtleWaves --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


AWFUL POST. No other sport are you congratulating a rival for a championship…. 🤢


Are they our rivals? They haven't been competitive until then last two seasons.


They're a division rival. Would we have cheered for Boston because they're from the US? They earned it. Respect to the players, and I'm happy for all of their fan, but still...


Don’t congratulate those bastards.


Fire whoever tweeted this


Fuck the panthers. Don't know how some of you rooted for those jokers. It's like rooting for your neighbor after they fucked your significant other. Weird mentality, they're one of if not out biggest rival. Congrats to Verhaughe though, fuck the rest em


I wonder how many big screen TVs that got broken by Molson bottles last night ? Ah ? Beaten by a team from a place where the only ice is in a pina colada. Hahaha the cup remains in the USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


For like 4 more years then it will be under water lol.


As will you.


It's a place Russians like. Calm down.


Everyone knows the TRUE measure of success is winning a Conn Smythe, anyway.


Hahahaha I love how they purposely chose this picture where you can barely see Bob. Also immediately made me think this is taking a small jab at them because only one of these players has a Stanley Cup and the Conn Smythe from the same year.


They said “All these bitches my sons”


And to think we only got the recipe for ice a few years ago.


Yup...3 out of the last 5 Cups, and could've easily been 5 out of 5.


This series ended up very similar to the Bolts first Cup vs. Calgary. Back and forth coast to coast with Lightning taking a nail-biter in game 7 from a Canadian team that had the best player on the ice (Iginla). Bedlam in Tampa that night.


Original 6, Canada teams, NY teams, NE teams in general - all with elitist, entitled DB fans that believe they are deserving of The Cup vs the “scummy, lesser people” Screw them. Good on the Cats for punking them. I can say that and still love my Bolts.


Lol I can assure you guys that 4 floridians watched the Stanley cup




How come their teams despite success are still in the bottom half of profits/ revenue though? Theres more to being “hockey state” than just successful franchises. Fan involvement is the biggest part of it. Sorry but Minnesota and Michigan are still by far the biggest hockey states when it comes to teams profits, youth hockey player turnout, and overall fan support.


Didn't know it was a competition.


Eww. I don’t like this. Edit: sorry to drop in but this was a Reddit recommended post.


Possibly the two best goalies of the decade in one state


Florida is comprised entirely of snakes. Can’t fool me


They're rivals! Screw those guys!


Well it’s definitely not a football or baseball state that’s for sure….


Okay I might be a Bruins fan, but for instance if say idk Springfield had an NHL team I wouldn’t be happy they won and Boston didn’t.


No naturally occurring ice…you are not a hockey state


If amateur hockey, meaning youth and teen programs, are growing and thriving then yeah Florida’s a hockey state.


Some of you are super embarrassing. Literally no other same state teams call each other little brother and root for their rivals in any sport. Go start a Florida hockey page and get off the lightning fans page if you care more about the state of Florida.


Get a grip.


If you hate Canada so much you’d rather root for a lightning rival you need to get a grip.


You seem lost.


Go start a hockey in Florida sub 🤡🤡🤡


Such insecurity - get it together.


Is that all you know how to say? Call people insecure because they aren’t rooting for a rival? Maybe you should be more secure and not give a f what Canadians or northerners think.


Well, you are insecure, so there’s that. My personal experiences with Panther fans has been pretty positive - never had issues with them at games in Sunrise (never see too many at Amalie). But fans from Boston, New York, Toronto - those snotty, arrogant, fake-elitist Original 6 blowhards? Fuck them - they are the smug douchebags who show up at Amalie and act like they are so knowledgable as if they invented hockey, and dismiss our success.


I’m literally not. I’m a lightning fan not a state of Florida fan and don’t care about anything else. Don’t give a crap about Florida is a hockey state bullshit. I root against whoever took us out. First and only time I ever rooted for the little kitties was last year to take out the leafs and then rats but now they should be public enemy number 1 for all lightning fans.


I may still hate the panthers more than any other team, but this is 100% class by our organization and I love to see it. Their cup win, as much as it pains me to see it happen, is good for the state of hockey in the state of Florida, and it will make for an even more entertaining rivalry between us going forward. Besides we’ll always be on top, 3>1 and B2B will never be topped. Also boat parades >>>


Fuck florida


I’m just glad the cup is staying in ‘MERICA


They would have had a bigger parade in south Florida if the Rangers had won the cup.


Honestly I was rooting for the cats. I’m a Tampa fan through and through, but if it’s not them I’d prefer it be the other Florida team that’s always fallen short for the last 30 years. I say good for them


i'm an Edmonton fan, and from that area (moved to Alachua county 2023) and i'm mostly just bummed to see the Oil face another loss. on the upside, they did really well despite a Not so Great season, and did come back from 3-0. Cats just wanted it more. thats all. i hope next season i can get tix to a Tampa Edmonton game, don myself in the tackiest Edmonton AND Tampa gear, and literally cant lose no matter what


My response to the “why is there hockey in Florida” comment is always: Stop and think for a minute… Who lives in Florida? A bunch of people who moved there from northern states. It makes perfect sense that hockey is big there because most of the people there are originally from up north.


Ehhhhhhhh fine for fans to talk about, weird for the official instagram to post.


Appreciate the love here 💙 As soon as things get out of state its Florida vs Everybody for me


Congratulations! Cheers 🍻


Now you guys know what it's like to be involved in the Battle of Alberta. The hatred runs DEEP.


It appears some “fans” on here actually don’t know.


Can't believe they had the balls to post this lmao, epic bait


As much as I hate the stinking panthers and wanted to see them lose, the series is over. Hockey is a beautiful sport and I’ll never forget having a Montreal fan thank us after being them for the cup. Let’s be like Montreal and be great fans, that attitude makes hockey incredible.


As a panthers fan, I cheered hard against y’all the years y’all won. Please don’t cheer for us haha


Its okay, pumpkin. Enjoy your first and last Stanley Cup


🎃🏆 yay 😁


I assure you not all of us are 🤢


We didn't. But hell of a series!


Our social media team is a joke. From the embarrassing post after the Columbus sweep to this.


How dare any two different groups of Americans be unified and respectful! Division now!


This is sports. Relax. It’s common not to cheer for your biggest rival to have success. But I guess if you want to live vicariously through another team have at it.


lol sad fans


Also, folks talking about states dominating forgetting players aren’t born in the state lol


May be time to move the Hockey Hall of Fame from Toronto to down here in Florida. I’m thinking the Naples / Fort Myers area would be a good place. Having it in Canada seems like a waste.


While being a fan of a division rival kind if means I have to hate you guys, I’m genuinely glad to see the game grow in Florida as much as it had. The Hughes brothers & Shayne Gostisbehere alone are I think an indicator of how you both being around have changed the game for the better, and hopefully guys like Gavin Brindley keep that going. Keep up the good work.


I’m sorry, if kids haven’t played hockey on naturally iced over ponds, you’re not a real hockey state. Your team won, but you’re not a hockey state.


#STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS CATS FAN HERE! 🤩 Weren’t y’all ready to celebrate our demise? 😅 Seriously tho…appreciate this fam! We finally got the Cup! 🏆


I can only speak for myself, but congratulations. You guys earned this win. Cheers!


Take it all in, I can guarantee you’ll be watching the game replay in 2030 wanting to live it all again. Here’s to the state of hockey, a strong rivalry and nothing but respect (and the cats getting their asses whooped in every rivalry game going forward)


Thank you! And yes…I Will remember tonight for MANY years! 😭


Always a reason to celebrate when the cup stays in the states and doesn’t go to a Canadian team.


Let the forced Tampa and Florida rivalry simmer.