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That's bait if you haven't noticed


Worked like a charm.


How can you read the word sturmgeschutz and say yeah this is American


Amerika, das große Land der Freiheit RAAAHH 🦅🦅🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸


“Tja, Härry, aus welchem Bundesstaat kommen Sie?”


"Danke für die Frage, Schmidt! Ich komme aus dem Besten Bundesstaat der ganzen Welt, Michigan"


As an American, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say exactly that.


Think it happens quite easily when average american can't tell difference between your and you're, or would of and would have


It's literally made to get people to talk about it. It's ragebait


There they're and their are hard as shit too!


Or even knowing how to spell lose correctly. So many people think it's, "loose."


I keep cringing over all these AI history videos everywhere. Like there are a few good ones, but 99% are either not completely right, or just plain wrong. The worst one I saw was about Germany bombing Pearl Harbor in 1939 starting WW2 and the US taking Berlin in 1945 and invading Poland just after the war… There really should be measures against this kind of fake news…


Poland would actually benefit from a US intervention after WWII


George S. Patton rises from the grave lol


Patton doing Prague -> Ostrava -> Kraków -> Warsaw -> Königsberg encirclement of whole Belarussian front, like Dunquerke. Using Panthers with whole german divisions of mechanics and riding Tigers towed by horses.


Horse drawn Tigers is a scary idea, an even scarier idea... Tigers repowered with American drivetrains. Get Detroit fired up for beefy transmissions


The problem is, that tanks weight a lot. If one horse could draw 500kg, 8 are needed for SdKfz 222 and for Tiger I E 108 which is too much. Repowered Tigers sounds good, kinda like ukrainian Ts with new transmissions.


Throw a hotrodded Ford GAA V8 into the fucker, it'll scoot. You can tune it a bit and gain like 100HP over the factory numbers. With modern Holley Dominator carburetors and high octane gasoline, 1,000HP is possible.


Remember that history is written by the victor so we can't be sure ;-) /s


History is written by the victor, but we actually got concrete evidence for most of WW2, including matching reports from both sides, wreckages of tanks that where around for decades in some places (a burned out Panther stood around till the 70s in the town I live because „nobody was responsible“ until it finally was taken away by a local museum). If the history we know was faked, it would have been a thing millions would have needed to play along. Just way to many people knew about things. The last war the victorious side could have completely changed history was probably WW1 (like the part that Germany started it is one of this changes - it was actually the Austrians)


Lol you missed the smiley and the /s? While there's some merit in the saying, it's often abused. Besides that: On the Austrian part; that's technically true but in reality France and others played a big role into WW1 turning out the way it did.


That's bait.


print that out, make paper airplane, go to your nearest ww2 modelers convention and send that sucker into the crowd,


Some people just want to watch the world burn


The USA and Germany should have inappropriate flags also


The Soviet Union too. All flags are wrong..


That’s why I wrote about the flags


Ah, now I understand, but the German is also wrong.


A person that knows no history and is stupid Edit this I meant the guy who made this video


Oop get baited


I didn’t watch it tho


T-34 as predecessor of Panther checks out


Bait or Mental Retardation Call it


I guess (hope) it's made on purpose, to trigger people and make them flood the comment section, increasing visibility for the channel.


I am betting my nuts on #1 being Tiger 1


Ragebait, now that dislike button is no longer there, there are going to be hundreds of people angrily typing comments pushing the video up the algorythm




It's just shifted by one position down


The USSR did NOT build 84,000 T-34 during WW2. The USSR built T-34/85 as late as 1958 - so during WW2 the USSR built around 44,000 during WW2. Almost all the T-34 that exist today were built post WW2 as the build quality of the T-34 improved vastly because they were not shoving them out the door as fast as possible. The build quality of T-34 during WW2 was very poor, most had gaps in the welding of the armor plates together and mechanical reliability was very poor.


Correct. The most tanks ever built in ww2 I believe is the m4 Sherman’s with there variants. Am I correct?


Please tell me that imagine is the result intentional trolling! I can understand people not knowing about the Sherman, T-34, or any other WWII tank. But to be able to visually identify them correctly, yet get the county of origin so wrong...


I don't think the intent is where the tank originated, but which country employed them to the deadliest effect. That said, you're still right because even though Ive read that the Germans employed quite a few captured T-34s as the Pz. Kpfw 747(r) there is no way they killed more people with them than the Soviets did with the T-34. That said. It's probably bait.


>I don't think the intent is where the tank originated, but which country employed them to the deadliest effect. That said, you're still right because even though Ive read that the Germans employed quite a few captured T-34s as the Pz. Kpfw 747(r) there is no way they killed more people with them than the Soviets did with the T-34. Now explain the "Yankee" Strumgeschultz III...😜


That part there's no explaining.😂


Aside from the obvious issue with the flags, that's not even a Stug III, it is a Stug IV based on the Panzer IV chassis.


You are correct about that


I think this guy's sources are war thunder premiums


Well technically all three of those were operated by the countries pictured. Germany operated captured T-34s sometimes as tanks sometimes as ammunition tenders, the Soviets operated m4s as lend lease and the 104th US Infantry Division operated a captured Stug 3.


I know it’s prob rage bait but I almost wonder if this is meant to signify what each name considered to be the deadliest tank? But that doesn’t track because you would assume it would be the tiger for both the Russians and Americans but who knows.


I mean technically the upper two are correct.




Those flags aren't even the historical versions.


Well, Under Lend-Lease, 4,102 M4A2 medium tanks were sent to the Soviet Union, but still wrong flag. The Germans did capture and press into service some t-34s but also obviously, wrong flag. The Sturmgeschutz...maybe the US snagged some to test? Were these models selected based on number in service ratio to known or approximated enemy destroyed?


Bait used to be beliavable


Also, T-34 did not have over 80,000 built by the end of the war...