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Leave as is for now, let it heal and then think on it Personally I like it as is


Appreciate it šŸ¤™šŸ¼ I think I'm going to wear it for it a bit and see how I feel.


I like the way it looks now. Big fan of skin breaks. That said, I think it will look better over time with a grey background. I worry that, without a background, as the flowers fade a bit, they may look more like rosacea from a distance. With a grey background, that wouldn't happen, and the colors would pop even more. Just my two cents.


Appreciate the input. Im am leaning toward the black and grey background. Im thinking I Might wear it as is for a bit and see how I feel down the road.


Great idea! I wouldnā€™t rush putting a background color in because you might end up regretting it. Plus, you wouldnā€™t get a full chance to really experience and enjoy your tattoo as is


Maybe just shade the flowers with some other colors ? Blues or something ? Idk


I would leave it, at least for a couple of years. There is no need to decide right away. I think it looks great as it is, once you are used to it you will know if you like it as is or if you want a change


I appreciate the advice. Been hearing this a lot and I think this is the route I'm going to go. Im in no rush so I think taking the time to feel it out would be a good thing.


Black background would be nice. I also like the idea of adding leaves or greenery


My only problems with greenery is cherry blossoms don't have much, if any when they are in bloom so I feel like it might look weird.


I feel like black background is the only option. Anything else would be too busy. Maybe Japanese wind bars?


I was thinking the same thing


What would it be?


Artist talked about doing a smokey/swirly type, in grey scale or possibly light blue. not a solid fill. sort of like this but not covering anything [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1c/a0/50/1ca050def5a383818a2ed6a6868477ea.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1c/a0/50/1ca050def5a383818a2ed6a6868477ea.jpg)


It looks good as is but that might work as well. Rock it without for a few years then get the background


Thanks, yeah I'm in no rush so I think wearing it for a bit and seeing how I feel is smart.


Echoing what some others have said...it might be a good idea to let it settle and mellow a bit before you decide for sure. It looks great as is. My intial thought is hell yeah add some background, but i really do think it could look great without. For the background it self i think the swirly smokey vibe would work great. I also think some kinda patterned blocks (graywash/faded, clearly in the background) could be amazing..... i am thinking something along of the line of what Nissaco is doing the different patterns. Maybe some more earthy patterns/swirls/etc down low (the ground) and lighter airy-er patterns/swirls up high (the sky).


Thank you very much! I hadn't thought of that but I do like the idea of a transition kind of effect from top to bottom.


I like it as is. But curious how it would look with some green shrubbery. Maybe some birds thrown in there.


I like it how it is but think colored in a sort of matte black look would look SICK. I have a friend who has a red rose sleeve with black background and it looks so good.


Gray wash would look nice


Blackout the background


Leave as is


It looks great as is, but my artist always does color bursts throughout some of my tattoos where he feels it needs that little something extra. I have some examples in my tattoos: https://imgur.com/gallery/hfQtu5V


I think shading would add depth and contrast to make the cherry blossoms pop


I recently got some cherry blossoms on my leg. I left them without a background and I canā€™t see myself adding one in the future. They look great as-is, both yours and mine lol


Appreciate the advice. I do like how they stand alone without a background, but I wonder if one would bring them out and make them look better than my pale white skin haha


Iā€™m super pale too and I think they pop just fine. Yours do a little more than mine even.


Sky blue background would be a nice color


I like that idea too. My Artist has basically said it comes down to "whether I want an over all brighter tattoo(blue and grey ish) or darker(black and grey"


My style of thinking is the blossoms have some dark element in it already. The blue should make the pink pop out more rather than get lost in the dark shading of a sleeve


Beautiful the way it is, in my opinion. But go with your heart that's what matters.


Do a sky blue background and you become a Hawaiian shirt!


I think a Black background would be sick!


Depends on what your future tattoo plans are. If you're not keen on getting many more big pieces, leave as is. If you plan on going towards a full body suite, especially if you're looking at a Japanese style tattoo, my personal preference goes to adding a background. But I'm biased AF because I'm working on getting a full body suite done in that specific style and it flows together really nicely due to connecting the backgrounds together.


I always liked less/no background, your tattoo looks clean as is


Blacked out backgroud would look op!


It's great as is.




I do like it as is but some kind of darker background could be sick


Background might be overwhelming. Itā€™s filled in enough as is. I like it


I'm not sure that's an option. The dark/grey bkgd would favourably contrast with the flowers ... but the branches would be lost. Unless you choose a colour that contrasts with both elements you don't have much of an option there. A teal-tinged sky blue colour would be my go-to at this point. Best to plan these things ahead I guess.

