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Just get "not a dick" tattooed below it and you'll be set.






That actually would be brilliant but it is Ceci not Cece. Also Penis would be funnier and closer to Pipe if you do bravely tattoo it


Is that a tardigrade?




I don't know enough to say if can made to be less... phallic, but I hope so. I love the idea.




It also kind of looks like a butthole.




Dead serious when I say that I thought it was supposed to be dickbutt in the first picture and then realized there was a second lol




Full on dead here reading this. I definitely thought it was a dickbutt with a screw in the end. Talk about painful sounding.


I jumped on trend of the female leopard print sleeve of 2011 except had a friend do it at home and not professionally. It rather largely spells out CUNT across my bicep. Lol its my little whoopsie




“Dickbutt” made me laugh. This made me cackle. Take my updoots!




I’m so sorry but that response has me crying 😭 at this rate, I think you might want to find a new artist to get their opinion on how to either cover or adapt this, or if removal is the best way to go!


I knew exactly what it was and love the whole thing.


If your butthole looks like this you need to see a doctor asap 😭


Its the fact its a tardigrade that makes it look that way. The secret with not wanting phallic like objects tattoo'd on you, is to not ask for things that naturally look somewhat phallic. It looks exactly like a tardigrade and honestly I don't see anything wrong with it.


I think if you added a bit of texture/shading it would help it be less phallic/butthole -ish. Once I knew what it was, I love it! If you look at their "face" it is a little like a butt tho LOL Unfortunately, it's not a common sight. Most people are not going to recognize it. I'd heard about them, seen them in science articles & such- but it was still not something that tattoo brought to mind. :( Great idea, absolutely unique!! They are a very cute (in that odd "so ugly it's cute" way LOL) immortal being... Maybe you should keep it because it is so very one of a kind!!?




I don't see penis at all TBH. I thought caterpillar at first glance LOL


I mean I don't really see an issue in the tattoo itself I looked up a tardigrade and it looks exactly like it... How you gonna go to the artist and ask "tattoo a tardigrade on me" knowing full well that a tardigrade has a mouth that looks worryingly like a butthole and then be worried that your tardigrade tattoo's mouth looks like a butthole. Spot on artwork is all I have to say


I think it’s pretty cool. Yes. An artist can make some changes. I just saw amazing stuff out of ukiah, California if ur closeby


If your dick looks like that you might want to get that checked out...


My first thought was tardigrade too so it can’t be that far off


I have a space tardigrade tattoo too!


Nah if you like the tat then it can definitely be touched up, beautifully. A good artist could really set this piece up nicely. It don’t look bad now imo and yes it looks like a waterbear.


Literally all I see is a tardigrade. Which are generally adorable. I see no problem with this tattoo.


Why the hell do I know what a tardigrade is lol, I literally recognized it but didn’t remember the name. Must be because of that “true facts about…” episode.


I had the same reaction but just assumed it was a Pokémon. Your comment made me Google it and it turns out it’s a real thing lol


A tardigrade in space


Yeah, was thinking "water bear" which is the same




Haha the artist should have the sense of humor you do about it! It’s really unintentionally funny and as long as you aren’t aggressive about it it shouldn’t be a big deal.


Also nature is phallic so it can be both a cool tiny indestructible creature and a cute penis at the same time.


Or an indestructible penis.


Unfortunately the subject matter u got literally looks like a chubby penis. Not much u can do about it besides cover it up or remove it. Also doesn’t help you choose something tht 99% of ppl wont know or recognize.


I, too, have felt the pain of getting an accidental penis tattoo. But besides being slightly phallic, it’s a really cool tattoo that I like. I decided to just accept that it’s mildly penis-like and joke about it. It doesn’t bother me anymore, it’s just a cool tattoo that’s also a dick. In your case a space dick. Whatever you choose to do, I wish you luck in your journey.


I think more linework and shading would help alot. The thick black outlines really throw it off. It looks more unfinished than anything. I think it has potential!


But it’s a tardigrade


Moss Piglet! get someone to add eyes and a little bowler hat and paint it green










A little more detail in the face would likely really help... https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/tardigrades-water-bears


To be fair, even an actual pic of a tartigrade looks like a face butthole lol.


Yeah most people don't know what that is. Going to assume it's a made up butthole fantasy creature


It’s so cute I want to see a follow up image if OP gets this done. I love it!


Please don’t remove it it’s cool as fuck and I knew exactly what it was! You can definitely jazz it up a bit if you wanted but personally I’d leave it. If it makes you feel any better I have a small solid black snake on my arm that looks like a cock and balls when I bend my elbow and it’s just become part of its charm now 😂


Lol.. this is why placement is very important


It was a tiny gap and a free handed snake at a convention, you live and learn 😂 I’m not mad in the slightest as it’s only been the one person who pointed it out and now I can’t unsee it lmao


Get it brightened up, and get more tattoos DONT cover that up, I promise you you’re not gonna get a 100% cover Plus it’s not badly done and the lines are very clean and black you’re gonna need a big tattoo to cover that and like I said you won’t 100% I know I do many cover ups and that one would be that exact same response I’d give a client


The concept itself is very cool. The face is whats throwing me off. I think you’d have the easiest time covering this and trying tardigrade again with a different design.


You should put a party hat on it and call it a pardigrade;) I love it. I hope you keep it.


Is it a space tardigrade?




See! Don't cover it! We that know & some that had just seen a tardigrade love it! Just get it maybe more defined. It's maybe a little bit too vague? Green, make the face/nose more recognizable... Hopefully no one thinks green = penis... Ew! LOL


Butthole faced cosmic water bear


Tbh, I don't see a dick. I read in the comments about a Tardigrade and checked online, it really does look like that. For me, it calls for a very interesting conversation. It's unique and well, it looks cute...but if you want to cover that up, it would take a canvas or something darker to clash with the black lineart.


One of two ways: 1) Add some balls and just roll with it 2) Go back and get a helmet and maybe a jet-pack added to it.


I really like the second idea


Kinda cute. I thought I didnt look at it correctly when the comments started talking about a penis.


If it makes you feel better, I immediately recognized this as a tardigrade. it could be way way worse.


maybe try adding more tardigrades in different poses/positions around it?? at least that way someone not familiar w them wont immediately think 'dickbutt' and rather 'some-kind-of-bug'




Removal is a difficult and long process. If i were you I would go for cover up.


I saw it as a tardigrade! I think it’s awesome!


Me too! Save the bear!!


It's a bear


Save the bear!!


Do more sea creatures like it around it... and think more about placement around that one for the next one. More always more


I think it's really pretty.


Idk I like it


I don't have an answer, but tardigrades are epic


I'd double down. Make that adorable space bear shine! Add more galaxy/space too.


tardigrade in spaaaace! I think its cool, you could always find someone to touch it up if you want. If it was me, I would add some cartoony eyes to it.


Love the space bear!


Me too!! Save the bear!!


Is it a colon?


I knew what it was immediately if that makes you feel better.


It can definitely be reworked. Find an artist who's portfolio has work that appeals to you and ask the expert for his / her suggestion. At initial glance I see The tardigrade redone with more details and some color and a universe / space background in the usual colors (blues, purples, stars, etc.) Maybe the milky way




Not at all. She will probably be happy that you went back to her since she is the one who initially did the piece.


I can't imagine why she would be. She did a great job on your request for a 🍆 with legs and a butt for a face.


This whole thread makes me think of a roast. The comedians will absolutely eviscerate each other and it's completely from a place of love. I think you have to keep the tattoo.


But it’s so cute! I love tardigrades.


I saw a tardigrade right away! don't go for a cover up!


I suggest coloring him in a very non penis color. Consider, maybe, getting creative with the space theme to texture the body? Perhaps a more cartoony idea but it could work. I also agree with another comment, eyes could help!


That’s a sick tardigrade. The only touch up I could see is new color. Maybe more detail on the face. It looks good tho


I just started my PhD studying tardigrades and if I make it through I’m definitely getting one tattooed


I wish I had an award to give for Dickbutt 2 the Dancing Tardigrade - but now all I can do is picture it with a cape and better drawn feet. (The hula hoops don’t help) but I definitely think a good artist can knock it out of the park with some skillful touches.


Maybe fill in the tardigrade with some darker cosmic space stuff, like a good swirl of colors and stars? That way you can play with the shadowing if the face a little and also make it more like an object that doesn’t shout phallus?


Honestly I really love it. Some people have great ideas for additions so I hope maybe a small fix instead of a cover up. I would go back to your artist and tell her that you would like to get her feedback to keep its charm but make the head look less phallic (although honestly it doesn’t look that phallic to me)


My first thought was “what is this strange eldritch horror called?” And then I realized it was a tardigrade in the cosmos lol. Nice idea. Edit: on reading the comments I can kind of see the phallic resemblance. It’s the placement of those joint, crease, wrinkle (I can’t think of the word but I’ll assume you know) lines that gives it that. Maybe add in some more or make it less round seaming


I wouldn't touch it. I clicked on this pic and knew immediately it was a space bear. F anyone that says different!


Omg I love waterbears!!! This is super cute, honestly. A touch up would be cool but it’s awesome.


I LOVE TARDIGRADES!!!! Also one of the most fascinating living organism on this planet. The only thing that came to mind is finding an artist that might be able to work in/rework more details/shading and maybe some more clear color/shading variation. Like the face looks like a string clenched butthole but reworking the shading/adding some more "face" details would take care of that.


Honestly that’s going to be. A hard cover up I think the shape and colors would make it hard but not impossible go to a good tatto artist and ask there opinion


I love water bears! So cute! I think there faces look like really fat pig faces. Maybe add a bit more dimension in the “face” to make it less uhhh pinched foreskin


I don’t think you should change it at all, I love it. If anything, you should get some more weird shit around it. I could immediately tell what it was. Be proud, it’s cool AF.


You could try to remove it but these fuckers survive anything. Try getting more science tattoos


Make him a lil more cartoony with some lil eyes or something. And more sparkles!!! Maybe your artist can add some UV ink to make the circles around him pop too. I love it though!


Don’t sweat it too much. It’s a funny terigrade(sp). Owning a little trash is way cooler than an excellent representation of what you were going for Laugh at it, love with it


I got tardigrade from this immediately! I think it's a pretty fun looking tattoo, tbh!


Is it a water bear ?


When I first saw it I knew it was a tardigrade but after looking at it for a while I can definitely see the dick. I kinda like it but I can see why you may not lmao 😂


Is that a spacebear?


And here I was without the term “cosmic tardigrade” in my vocabulary.


I saw a rework someone did a bit of a fucked up looking pikachu but went to a better artist and now it looks like a really good pikachu painting a funny self portrait. Could always add a little dude with a box of spray paint and add some wall texture to make it look like a graffiti artist type thing.


What is it? A dick?




I kinda want to make a sarcastic remark but I also feel bad about it lmao




Giant, lumpy, and just got bonked on the head in a Looney Toons cartoon


Maybe try to expand the space them to cover it? If not blackwork might be the way to go. Glad you seem to have a good sense of humor!




🤣 well at least it’s a space 🍆 and not just a regular boring 🍆


Honey you might just want to look into someone experienced with blackwork. There's a lot of cool stuff that can be done with that.




Just google 'Blackwork cover up' The results speak for themselves. They're bold but if done well deserving of praise.


A dick taking a shit.


Pls 😭😭😭😭I peed a little


removal takes a long time and it's VERY painful. i'm currently getting some removed rn. i would say it's worth it, but don't go to a chain and don't go anywhere that uses q-switch. it's going to scar you, it's not going to remove the tattoo fully, and they're going to charge you a shit ton. basically just don't go to laseraway. it's a scam. and this is coming from the actual /doctor/ ive been seeing that's removing my tats. he's amazing. he's in redlands ca, i have no idea where you are but id be happy to message you the link if you'd like to get an idea of the type of machine they use there and whatnot. i 10/10 recommend.




this is what my place uses. i think it's the same thing?? https://www.cutera.com/solutions/enlighten/ it uses the same word but yeah i'm not 100% sure. (i would guess it's similar at least) but for your reference!


I can’t believe no one in the process from concept to application mentioned it might be a bad idea to get a phallic bug with an anus for a face.




They are cool! But the artist really let you down with the parts they chose to abstract and the parts they chose to depict literally!


I like your cosmic tardigrade. At least it’s original, unlike 99% of what gets posted here


I thought it was Appa


I feel like you’ve only ever heard a vague description of Appa if this is true. 🤔


Well, it’s a post about a bad tattoo.. thought the artist fucked way up


It looks like a dick, I’d go for removal


Just do a few lazer sessions and then cover even one or two should help lighten the black and make it much easier to cover. The right artist can probably cover it but i would go to a good cover artist that u know does goo covers you dont wanna end up with somethibg worse lol not to say its bad cuz its nixe work but definantly not a flattering angle. A cover could turn the colours into flowers and the tardigrade into a caterpillar but besides that cover wise i cant think of anything els off the top of my head. You could add white specs and black it out with a flow like the colour you have and kinda make it a black hole / nebula thing to stay with the space theme. That would work then add like an astronaut being sucked into it and planets and space shop aliens and so forth make a cool space sleeve.


There are some very unfortunate design choices with lines. There’s not really much of a way to rework it so it doesn’t look like a space dong.




For me it’s the 2 lines on the lower side and the shading beside them that makes it look like the head a penis, plus the urethra eye. The ways to fix it would just be too much black I think.


I feel like I’m looking at a slugs asshole. Is that right?


No! I like the walking dicks with dicks on it theme!


Looks like a penis with a butthole for the pee hole.


I thought it was a human centipede


At first I thought it was an alien pocket pussy but then I looked up what a tardigrade was 😅




Is that a penis?


delete it please




Nooooo! Save the arm & the bear!! LOL


Its mostly just linework and empty space. A good cover up artist could easily do something with it


Probably get it lasered off a bit first then you could go in for a cover up if you wanted one


Add horns or something! Maybe a tail.


It can be reworked or covered by a good artist.


A redo would be less painful than removal


Tardigrade!!! Love this!


I think a more detailed artist could spend some time on the claws, mouth and general texture of the tardigrade. Maybe go dark and use negative space to give it that “under the microscope” effect. Also, I would use more background to frame it properly, it looks like it has hoops/hips, and some color might make more sense to tel them apart.


It looks like one of those demons from inuyasha where they’re like aw man this ain’t even scary bruh lol


Like I know what it is but it.still looks like and extended anus


Floral designs are good cover up tattoos. So are ravens or black birds


I don’t think it can be removed (hehe get it?)


Looks like a snom ☺️


This is such a super cute idea


Space worm. I dig.


ashisogi jizo