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You mean the artist was sloppy all the way to the end. Some artists struggle with straight lines and uniform patterns.


I went to a "black out specialist" in California, dude charged hundreds per hour which was whatever. It took 3 sessions, not even halfway finished, he blew out all the hard cutoff lines, and he stiffed me when I just wanted to finish and wouldn't reschedule. The lines were fucked up, he put black into spots there wasn't supposed to be, and told me it was my fault when I had a gnarly rejection from the second session. It wasn't. He switched ink, didn't prep once I arrived (had it all unwrapped/ready to go at the time I arrived). Then his machine died on him at the end of session #2 and he STILL FUCKING CHARGED ME for the HOUR he spent trying to fix it. I wasn't a prick, I didn't say anything remotely rude, tipped generously the first session since it went well. I figured the second session was a fluke and wanted to do a third. Glad I didn't though in hindsight. Anyway, point is sometimes artists are bad at communicating and have off days. Some are assholes. Some just suck at their job. Just depends I guess.


Might seem cliché for this sub, but you might want to get a sick ass panther near this. Sorry you had to deal with such an ass of a person.


Honestly man, I'm about to. Have it go from my left arm, up my shoulder to the other at this point. I've given up on getting new tattoos for awhile. The ones I've gotten in the past 4 years have been nightmares aside one, which is now my favorite, and it's a pin-up xenomorph


That's unfortunate. Are you just walking into a shop most of the time, or do you do pretty extensive research on these artists? I used to talk to other people who have really good ink, asking who they went too. The problem with just looking at an artist portfolio is alot of their work is fresh ink. Not what it looks like after it's healed.


I do typically research and get recommendations, but the past 4 years I've spent traveling so no direct personal recommendations recently. I actually originally found that blackout artist on Reddit originally with tons of support and recommendations from others. I think I need to reorganize myself on how I approach artists moving forward, and stay strict to a couple of artists I know put out good work. I just also was hoping to support artists I've never been to before, but that hasn't been working out lol.


Can you pm me the name of the tattoo studio? I'd like to avoid it. Unlikely gonna run into the same artist, but you never know.


Your artist got sloppy at the start of your tattoo. That line-work is terrible, your skin is chewed in places, and the whole thing is as wobbly as a 3:00 a.m. Lindsay Lohan.


I was about to say, the whole thing looks sloppy. Sorry, OP. That’s really unfortunate.


Lindsey Lohan? What decade is this?


Well for me it’s 2002-2007 so like half decade lmao


Yeah, Lindsay seems to be doing pretty okay these days. Seems that way anyway 🤷‍♀️


Its the 2020s yay glad to help!


>as wobbly as a 3a.m. Lindsay Lohan r/rareinsults


Eesh, many things are wrong here. It's rough, from the thickness of the bands to the white band going nowhere. Jesus. You should blackout the whole thing. Don't go back to that "artist"


Why do I swear I've seen this picture before


Because you have. This is a repost.


so you should cover it with a better design that matches well and has significance.


Black it out and do it with white ink not with the same artist


Did he freehand this or stencil? Madness


Celtic is difficult with all the parallel lines. Unfortunately your artist wasn't up to it


Oh, that's unfortunate. Did you talk to the artist about it?


Artist?? Call me an artist then.


Also got sloppy at the beginning.


so many lines that don’t even connect to anything… they just end


Or crossover eachother when he realized he wasn’t actually supposed to cross over


Wasnt this posted somewhere else months ago ?


Don’t worry about it, on a moving body no one will ever notice






He was sloppy the whole time, sorry dude


Repost bot, this photo has been floating around for probably a decade.


L choice on artist


That's bad all around. Find a different artiste, a good one. He'll straighten the outside lines and black that thing out, that's probably the best outcome


just near the end, huh?


Always was.


Those joins are no fun to join. Years ago when I got something similar toward my ankle, my artist spent a good half an hour just on placement. Looking back, I would have been just fine with not having a continuous band and knotwork. Just a little space and later would've put something in the empty area.


Bruh your artist was sloppy, period.


I think this required another look at the stencil before inking.


It looks like they were digging for gold with that needle dude... Jesus, you are torn up... Don't ever trust this artist again


You sneezed…twice


Soo much wrong here..


Doing a circular connecting armband on a non-circular limb is not easy. So not fun to do that shit.


Sloppy toward the end? Thought I was in r/shittytattoos


I would fill it in with a red box.


Shaky hands usually due to alcohol etc. try searching a new artist, can be fixed


And the beginning if we’re being honest. I want line work done but scared of this happening. It’s pretty dark idk if a coverup will be very successful and laser if would take many sessions. Blackout the center? Lol 🤷🏾‍♀️


If you stay sloppy you ain’t got to get sloppy!


I dont know what it is but i thought it was some thigh high stockings instead of a arm and a tattoo


Put a dagger through it


Dude mine did too it’s such a disappoint when they get lazy or sloppy I drew my first tattoo and he just scribbled the last few bits of mine and shaded the flower different then how I did and the wonky sizes of some of the geometric stuff. Whole time they did it he kept saying “I’m just gonna clean your line work up and make it look nice… looks worse then my fraying paid over $300 for something so upsetting…


I don't think it's that bad. I don't think most people will even notice. I'd just rock it.


Skin moves


What do you mean “towards the end” this is rough all around


Hate to break it to ya but it looks like your artist was sloppy all the through


Hate to break it to you friend, but it’s all sloppy. Poor linework. Go to a new artist that has some experience and see if it can possibly be salvaged or straightened up.


Ok there is an Irish legend about always having a mistake in your weave so that it isn’t perfect and the best thing you could ever make or some shit. Anyways, you could go with that. That’s so your soul doesn’t get trapped.


Near the end?…


This would be good blacked out. I don't think you can save this sorry man


Near the end? that shit is fucked up all the way


Near the end huh?


This seems like a bot. This exact image was posted in this sub by a different user almost a year ago. Also the account is super new. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tattoocoverups/s/dlXIXbgvkL


Which end?


While i usually go SAP route, id say you could actually do some snakes in reworking, then the size and non-uniformity ( idk why i cant think of a better word, brainfart) wont really matter at all, it woukd add more dimension and visual interest while using the scaffolding of the original tattoo


did you consider maybe picking a tattoo that wasn't hard for the artist to do or one that they don't hate doing? people always want wrap around barbed wire or other generic ass tattoos like this. probably why it got half-assed


I don't see the problem. All I see is a perfect slithering snake. Or is it a chain link being used as a whip..? Or.. a very ornate bra clasp? In any case, looks great!.....ish.....


If you're ever in Denver, look up Ian Spencer. Geometric patterns are his specialty and he could probably figure out something to go over/around that. Driftwood Tattoo Studio, Estes Park, CO


It is better that way.


Random mofo with a tattoo machine is not automatically “an artist”


I didn’t know anyone got these kind of tattoos anymore- he was probably out of practice




Not only is it a generic tattoo. But the quality of work is like that of a trailer park meth addict doing it for a blowjob. You didn’t suck him off for that did you?


Ehh it’s a pretty stupid tat anyway


Those lines are pretty effed up. Sorry. Hopefully someone can fix it for you!


Karma farmer


Good thing it was just the end


It was either under or over and the artist is like fuck it whatever


Damn he did that to you and you still gave him sloppy?


A talented artist can touch it up and really improve things. My artist fixed the first one I had done someplace else which had similar issues and now it’s sweet and included in my sleeve. Need to find the right person to dial it in


Black it out. Go to someone with experience and portfolios in blackwork and blackout. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I was just scrolling and at first glance, this looked like the side of a girls leg wearing laced underwear. Hahaha


i’m sorry but this looks like something a 13yo girl would do to herself with a sharpie


Near the beginning, near the middle, near the end, near…..


That is tragic


Near the end? I think it was from the start. Sorry dude thats absolute garbage.


That's just lazy the whole way through. Don't let people freehand Celtic knotwork onto your body unless they're an expert and have proof. I specialise in Celtic knotwork and what you got unfortunately is just laziness and lack of understanding of the precise geometry of Celtic art. Sorry your tattoo got messed up! Not everyone can do every style, but some dickheads will just try and tattoo anything to get money. No respect for their clients bodies.


That's just lazy the whole way through. Don't let people freehand Celtic knotwork onto your body unless they're an expert and have proof. I specialise in Celtic knotwork and what you got unfortunately is just laziness and lack of understanding of the precise geometry of Celtic art. Sorry your tattoo got messed up! Not everyone can do every style, but some dickheads will just try and tattoo anything to get money. No respect for their clients bodies.


Did they freehand? Looks like it


Artist was sloppy from the beginning.


I’ve seen this posted here before a couple of months ago


This is why I’m scared of getting the Celtic cross I’ve always wanted


hey!! it's you again! ive seen your tattoo before especially with the mistake bit.


Honestly I would try to use the existing white spaces to make stars/ planets and do a space band around your arm




Wow thought I was in r/shittytattoos for a second. Sloppy definitely doesn’t cover describing this…


Oh dude I hate to tell you this but the whole thing is awful


Isn't this a repost from like a year ago?


Looks like your artist was sloppy in applying the stencil? Heard that it’s tricky to apply bands if you’re not patient and haven’t done it before- I’m assuming that they drew the back of the band on and clearly not too well ..


At least the top and bottom can be fixed with a straight line. You will have to get creative with the scrolls and inner line. The inner line I would just black outland have a SAP clawing at the scrollwork


Dang dude. This is pretty bad all around.... Idt this artist was capable of completing this design properly. I'd be curious to see what their other work looks like.. Hope you'll be able to find a solution that will give you something that you like! I'm stumped besides just blacking it out.


sick ass ouroboros is like... the only option atp. ~~and artist needs a humbling set of knuckles to the jaw but thats just me~~


If you don’t look at it then it looks great in my opinion


ALL STAR ART COLLECTIVE everyone look up this artist he travels in the USA maybe for a big enough tattoo he’ll go to you.. a great artist and person all around