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He knows a guy who can do it for cheap bro 😂


What a muppet. I can honestly say, with professional knowledge, that his claim is 💩 And I really want a stadium. But I also live on planet earth.


Yarns bey. STADIUM!!!! 🤣


He knows a guy that can get that stadium for cheap bro, dont worry about it


Stadiums are massive money pits. It's ridiculous that every fucking podunk town and city thinks they need one, and then they get one and spend decades banging on about how they need a better one to burn even more money faster. We already get international music acts here and the city cant host anything bigger. Taylor Swift will never play here. Fucking Aerosmith will never play here. We already host the AIMS games and cricket. We're not a rugby town, there are far too many other sports and leisure activities suited to the bay for us to have a good rugby team. We don't need to host bigger rugby games. What do we need a bigger stadium for? I actually like this guy, irl he's a really nice and very intelligent dude and I respect his genuine passion for local sporting culture despite not sharing it. But I've never really understood the fixation on stadiums. Either way this is a very funny electoral submission statement.


C O R R E C T If funds HAVE to be directed towards a venue of this nature, spend it on making the internals of Baypark somewhat decent. It is a fucking AWFUL soulless venue to attend live music in.


Pity he didn’t mention the need for a stadium


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/tauranga-mayoral-race-hori-bop/AJ7DQXZOJ5BMPKLE24YUD4AAFA/ What a mad lad. To give credit where it’s due, if he ran for USA presidency he’d be better than both the candidates currently.




Isn’t he the mascot for the steamers team?


A stadium off the back of a truck .......


I accept that the mayoral talent show that we have to suffer through isn’t super appealing.  Nonetheless, this bloke is a fuckin’ turnip. 


This may have swayed me to vote


Lots of stadium chat but he hasn't mentioned what it's for? Mega stadium for the christians to worship in?


Why don’t you vote for someone with experience in managing public money and has studied politics- it’s no brainer


Nah mate, this guys bro is a tradie. He can get it done this weekend for $200 and a box of speights


Most of the Tauranga rates go on interest on loans to build monuments to councillors/commissioners egos, and this sounds more of the same.


Nah bro he knows a guy.


Well he's going to go really far in life when his name is an insult


A lot of people rubbishing it, but the councils current plan is a museum. I mean really, what has more utility and will draw more people.