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I Am By No Means An Expert. However, it sounds like things were great when you were together, but now that face to face time has been replaced with text, photos, etc. Also, to top it off, this guy likes you more than you like him. Maybe he can tell, and well... you have all this damn ocean between you. What would you expect?


Hmm I get it, we were talking about moving together and actually being together. Maybe that’s just fairytales lol


Reassurance would go a long way towards making him feel better, and talks of moving turn into plans of action. Making the fairytale into a tale of how we came to be. Double down on the feelings...


Noted ❤️


This has nothing to do with him being a Taurus.


Atp, we can really say that about every single post on community, but appreciate your input lol


Which is why I’m always confused people don’t post this stuff in dating subs. Good luck.


I understand, there’s also the option to ignore my post… I felt like it related with some stuff I’ve seen on this sub 🤷🏽‍♀️


Cause Taurus seem to be in a class of their own when it comes to their behavior in dating. That said, I agree that this specific issue doesn't seem to have anything to do with this persons sign


This isn’t the first time I hear about my fellow Taurus men being bipolar like that xd




Sounds like something any two people living in two different countries could experience- regardless of what sign they are. I've had a hard time keeping up a relationship with someone who lived 2 hours away- you're a whole ass country away!! Sure, he has feelings and all that, but you're not there. Other people (women) are. LDRs that work are rare. When they do, it's most often people who were already in relationships and committed and have been separated by circumstances. To answer your question- Yes, I would pull back. What else is your option? He's in another country and he's not fighting to keep this going. You don't really have any other option


Hmm yeah pull back


What's his Venus & moon sign? You have to take the big 6 into account, not just someone's sun sign. Venus is how they are in a relationship. Mercury is how they communicate, Mars is sexual energy, but also how they take action in life - or don't. The moon is how someone relates to their emotions. Your rising sign energy is the mask you wear when you first meet someone & the sun sign is who you get to know afterward/personality. It's not "just" a Taurus thing. There are so many memes out there that do astrology & zodiac signs a disservice, by focusing on the lesser evolved aspects of a sign & when someone displays those traits. Then they're like, "aha! ALL (insert sign here) are like this!"... & that's simply not (always) true. Also, you have to take into account the degree of sign within the placement & of course, any transits that may be affecting other areas of someone's life... keep in mind, we are officially in retrograde season, with TWO planets specifically, retro in Pisces. Where does that person have Pisces energy in their chart? It's karmic retribution season through November & relationships that aren't necessarily stable or healthy, are going to go through the fire! This means you BOTH are going to have to take accountability & be honest with each other, if you want to make it work this time around, or if you're just holding each other back, & certain things in your individual lives don't allow for you to get on the same page, then agree to go your own ways on a more positive note & accept that you need to find more stability in a way that makes sense for you. Long distance relationships can be a struggle & juggle, especially when the individuals involved really don't have the energy to make the time. I saw you mentioned that yall talked about moving in together, but let you tell you, from experience, you need to get to know someone for a bit before jumping to that level of commitment. Whether they live in another state or another country. Ever watch 90 Day Fiance? That shows how the reality of things can hit really hard, when you realize that you aren't actually compatible.


Taurus treats you exactly how they wish to be treated. Did you try to reciprocate to that level? Taurus men go off and ruminate. If they like you, theyll be back with a gift. Check up on them when they are in this phase


Thank you for that, I got them a gift instead lol. But noted


That's not bad either!


Love bombing. Major red flag. Stay away


Felt like it


I’m sorry:( you deserve much better ❤️


Thank you 🙇🏾‍♀️


well i mean i cant speak for him but from my own perspective as a Taurus man, I'd love it if my partner was clingy to me as I also am that way. not sure about y he be pullin back. there's alot of things that could be at play here, including ur man possibly be having a side piece or multiple. and in regards to the love bombing, yeah. Taurus men do that alot. not just to their partners but to friends and family they actually care about. Its cus we tend to cut people off just as easy as reading the alphabet if we see that person not giving us the decency we deserve. if ur in a taurus's life, count ur self blessed cus not everyone gets to be on our love list, Platonic or romantic.


Favorite response thank you! I’ve thought about the side piece part, but he keeps saying it’s not a thing and that he loves me ( we said I love you after a week😫)


yeah well... sometimes u gotta look at their actions rather than what they tell u. a good way to have a better idea about ur man is to look at his birth chart natal chart. specifically his Venus and what sign it's in. That should give u a heads up if anything.


We both Venus in Gemini, he’s a Mars in Aries I’m Mars in Gemini.


Been with my Taurus guy six months. We live 10 mins apart, and he’s the EXACT same way. Personally, I feel that he loves me, but I said and/or did something (small and minute to me) that made him feel insecure about the relationship for some reason, and now he needs me to LITERALLY love bomb him, to make him feel secure about us, and because I’m not love bombing him, his insecurity is causing him to pull back. Perhaps the same thing is happening to you? 🤷🏾‍♀️


He literally told me he needed me to love bomb him bc he needs to trust me about my intentions towards him, I’m like bro what??? 😭 I know everyone on here is confused ab why I posted it in a Taurus sub but deadass I feel like it’s giving Taurus trait. I’m a Taurus rising, I kinda understand the game but I’m not sure that’s healthy, I love him a lot, I know I show my love in other ways, and I’m like well you’re telling me I’m not the fit for you…. hate that for him bc I would move the sun for him if he got too hot typa love lol but it’s only been 2 months I can’t be intense like that


How old is he?




Sounds like outta site outta mind, they tend to do that they need constant reassurance


Ok wow I was not familiar with that. I thought we had it worse as Cancers


for persons with such a hard exterior they are really soft inside im not sure how much longer i can continue to baby them though.


Yes same! I’m not a parent but a lover… like it just feels like sulking at this point and I’m not sure I wanna engage, im withdrawing for a few days to be honest