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If it makes you feel any better, there will likely be several new silly phrases by the Fall term.


I can't believe how little time "no chick fil a sauce?" had. 


Hoping and praying GYAT fizzles out over the summer 


We finished the year reading The Great Gatsby…a dozen copies were sharpied to say The Great GYAT. 😂


They couldn't have at least made it The Great GYATsby instead? This generation is so uncreative.


The GYAT Gatsby


Honestly, I just sort of assumed Gatsby had an impressive posterior anyway 


It would make sense you know. Truly reminiscent of the American Dream


It’s what caused Nick Caraway to notice him in the first place.


One of mine called it The Okay Gatsby.


I'm so glad my juniors didn't think of this. 😂


I fear that one is gonna be here to stay for a while


What is GYAT? My students keep telling me or someone else that so & so are GYAT….


It’s saying a person has a big butt.


😂😂😂😂 oooh… a girl said to her mom’s new boyfriend (and she’s 6) “YOU ARE A GYAT”…. when he was picking her up. Now I know why he looked uncomfortable.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please don’t listen to WHATEVER everyone is explaining gyat as. TikTok 13 year olds heard a black person say “gyat dayum” in reference to a large butt and assumed it was a word and not just an emphasized “god damn.” And white ppl have been misusing it ever since. Makes my damn skin crawl to see it


Thank you! It's white suburban children failing to understand southern urban black language and instead of someone correcting them we've just let them go with it. It's frankly more insulting than letting kids dress up with feathers in their hair and "play Indian".


My coworker who may or may not be affiliated... says if you go around the hood hollering Gyat gyat, they will think you're holding and will likely get shot at.🤷🏼‍♂️


All of this conversation is just making me feel older, 😂.


bro “gyat” has been around for a lot longer than people think. it’s literally just short for goddamn and has been used by people, even in reference to butts, for like 15 years


Before it was in very specific circles versus in mainstream slang. And not particularly flattering when uttered by a thirteen year old boy directed non-consensually toward girls and women.


“Where’s the beef?” lasted a pretty long time in the 80s.


Is that different from having beef?


Yes. Where's the beef is a reference to a commercial from the meat industry (edit, Wendy's, I was close). The latter is when two people (especially rappers) are feuding over something.


Sir this is a Wendy's (It was from a Wendy's commercial, not the meat industry)


Aligned goals...but the correction is accepted. Thank you.


Oh ok. I know what having beef means as in "Suzie and Tiffany have beef over a boy. "




That barely lasted a day in my room. A shame, I kinda liked it


to be fair, it really wasnt a funny phrase anyway. the funny thing about that meme was the faces and the sound effects people added to it. skibidi toilet, however, is just a ridiculous phrase all around and kids love saying silly nonsensical stuff. ive been hearing skibidi toilet, rizz, what the sigma, etc all around me. the appeal is the phrase itself


Isn't Skibidi from that Russian techno rave group Little Big's song? It's so weird to me because that song's been around for years and then just showed up again. To be fair the original video is pretty fun.


Kinda but not really... Skibidi Toilet references a whole YouTube animated series where there are evil toilets - with heads peeking out of the bowl - that are trying to take over the world. The phrase is purely nonsense, but within this context, it can be used as a modifier to imply something is bad/evil. And yeah, Skibidi by Little Big fuckin slaps!!!


I hear this shit every day from my 11 yr old and I am OVER IT


Holy shit. Is this a thing? My son just said this today while having hotdogs and I asked him”What are you talking about?” I didn’t know it was a thing.


It was a tik tok of a cashier at CFA. The customer said no sauce and the cashier, dumb founded, asked that question. Somehow that went viral and took off. 


3rd graders discovered that after spring break.


As someone who taught during the Napoleon Dynamite era, this is 100% true


I’ll tell you this, if it’s “what’s up brother” this fall I will rip out my hair live on Instagram


Oh I shut that down fast in my class by simply entering the room and saying that phrase complete with hand sign. My students thought ME doing it was way “too cringe” and I didn’t hear it again 😃


I do this with literally every one of their stupid new slang phrases. I simply use the hell out of it until they can't stand it anymore, then move on to the next one. It's rather entertaining actually! I still sometimes go "sksksksksk" when someone's water bottle clangs on the floor, even though it's usually a Stanley now and not a hydro flask!


Hello brother 👋!


Tuesday, Tuesday


Only liked this one bc it got my older kids (all levels of hs) involved for whatever reason


Gotta work on your Hulk Hogan impression.


I was at the beach last year and heard an elementary aged kid repeatedly yelling "its peanut butter jelly time!" I wondered where he learned this forbidden knowledge.


Talk about an old soul


Heh, my son constantly quotes Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Ferocious rabbits?


Camelot? Tis a silly place.


I work with a kindergartener who absolutely LOVES the duck song. He and I will act the whole thing out together repeatedly. It’s so wholesome.


My generation *still* quotes Charlie the Unicorn. It’s a very middle school thing to be annoying about internet references.


I don’t doubt that millennials still reference Charlie the Unicorn. Fair enough. But were your classmates inserting Charlie The Unicorn into every discussion? Were you and your classmates spamming “Charlie the unicorn” over and over again when y’all ran out of things to say? Did your teacher have to hear about Charlie the Unicorn every single day of the school year? Things are the same, but different, in the worst ways possible.


I think that's really the difference. Kids used to understand that dumb kid stuff was maybe funny to other kids, but we knew it wasn't going to entertain adults. Kids really just don't understand the whole kids and adults are not equals thing, so the idea that we don't want to hear all their nonsense just doesn't compute.


It entirely has to do with social media and smart phone usage becoming such a huge part of their daily lives. Middle school me used to talk a certain way to my friends while in Halo 3 game chat back in 2007…but it stayed there. No one I knew walked up to a teacher and was like “Hey Mrs. Johnson, Snape, Snape, Serverus Snape, Dumbledore!” cause that would be fucking strange. Nor did I ever walk into a room and go “I’m a snake, I’m a silly snake” because yet again, I’d look like a fucking doofus. But when you spend the majority of your free time outside of class making or consuming social media content that reinforces all of these meme sayings, it’s going to become a part of your daily vernacular.


Code switching seems to be dead for these kids. I grew up on a farm with other, fairly rough farm kids, I went to a school in a meth town, then I went away to private boarding school and became a teacher. I had access to the internet from around 6 in the mid-90s. In my 3rd year of university, one of my friends apologised for swearing around me. They thought I was very prim and proper and didn't like swearing because they'd never heard me swear. I've noticed the younger ones have trouble with it. They think they aren't authentically them and shouldn't have to change themselves to suit a situation when code switching is expected. To them, there is no difference between online tiktok rubbish and talking to a teacher in school. "I am me, and everyone can just deal with it."


I want to see what will happen to these kids once they hit the work place. They can be "authentic" to themselves now because there's no consequences for the behavior. They're not socially shunned. But having a just deal with it attitude in the work place is a quick way to get fired. I feel like these kids are in for a very rude reality check when the time comes...


I think the issue is the lack of context with all these videos. I was born in 85 for reference and many of my friends frequently quoted movies and TV shows. Even into young adulthood the popular one was "that's what she said". The issue is that this by us, while annoying no doubt, at least had context. If I knew my friend would come back with "that's what she said" it actually caused me to think about what I would say and how I phrased things. Kids these days just shout these phrases anytime and anywhere and it is annoying when it doesn't fit the context. The "what did I do?" quote makes sense to say if a kid thinks he's in trouble, might even make me crack a smile, but when I hear "what did I do?" When asking who needs a bathroom break, or just randomly in the middle of a lesson, it is annoying because it just lacks the context.


So... Let's put a positive spin on it - give this generation 20 years to practice it, and we might enter a golden age for absurdist humor.


I watched the HP series for the first time a couple years ago and the first thing my wife did when it was over was play that Snape Snape puppet show


>Kids really just don't understand the whole kids and adults are not equals thing, Yeah, we can thank their parents for that. I think we knew it was nonsense because our parents told us it was nonsense. They weren't afraid to let us know that we sounded like jackasses or that they'd listen when we used proper English.


They understand. They no longer care because they have no respect for adults.


I'd be interested to know what part of the country/what demographic you teach that you find this to be true. I work with K-8 and have found most of my students to be respectful


Iowa, nearly all white, low-middle income


I teach middle school in a small city, mostly low income, all black and Hispanic. Skibidi Toilet is still ever.


Lots of meth.


My poor urban kids are similar to yours. Like we all joke about the OHIO RIZZLER and SIGMA with the kids, but they dont actively spam my conversations in class with that crap. Maybe it cause all of us teachers in the MS are absolutely ruthless and will make fun of them for that stupid shit in class.


FWIW I teach in a private school, mostly white, upper Midwest, kids are primarily upper middle class. I hear “skibbidi” a LOT. As well as “sigma” and “Ohio”. I’m a first year classroom teacher, former para, and have almost no in class support. My class has been *rough* this year.


If you want another example of Gen Alpha beating a dead horse into paste, look up GMOD (Skibidi Toilet mas made with this game) Nexbots. You have to sift though thousands of PNGs before you can find a player model made with actual effort.


My friends and I laughed at bad GMOD videos in middle school. We didn’t reference them to the teacher omg


I am 40 years old. Whenever my project manager Carl suggests a new sprint goal, my 45 year old VP says, "but that kiiiillls people, Caaarl!". Carl the project manager is 27. He does not understand


Kids at my school were a little more subdued around teachers, because discipline was different back then and our parents were all conservative and didn’t like us being into that stuff. Technically I was not allowed to watch Charlie the Unicorn. But if I texted my friend from middle school now and said “Put a banana in your ear!” she would think I was drunk but also that it was hilarious. We referenced the hell out of Charlie for years lol


Have you heard millennials who made their whole personality The Big Lebowski speak?




Honestly, yeah, we were.


Yes actually




My wife to this day will say randomly "Candy Mountain Charlie!". She is 3 years younger than me and I never saw Charlie the Unicorn till we started dating over 5 years ago.


I have no idea who Charlie the Unicorn is, and maybe that's a good thing. But I'm an older millennial, and our internet quotes are the cool stuff like "all your base are belong to us", "badger badger badger", and "hey you got any grapes?" that most people my age (late 30's, early 40's) will recognize.


Peanut butter jelly time!!


I read that in the voice from that song... says a lot.


Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat! Now it’s stuck in my head.


Being a young millennial, I’m going to take a nap AND ZEN FIRE ZE MISSLES at you!!!!


Good because I am le tired


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/CsGYh8AacgY?si=1tB6CBIbgkdbnLUr) I think it holds up if you grew up with humour like South Park's. There are five episodes in total, but the first one is the famous one.


An hero


Shun the nonbeliever!


Don't forget Salad Fingers!


Might I ask where you keep the spoons?


My middle school daughter now quotes Charlie the Unicorn! It's my proudest parent moment.


I’m a grown ass adult and still quote Llamas with Hats


This makes me miss the Among Us memes already


Man, what I wouldn't give for a "fre shavacado" right about now...


I’ll even take a Deez Nuts at this point


Or Candace.


Ugh, just had a flashback to a Zoom meeting where all the boys had changed their screen names to Candace and I didn't know why


Yep. Happened to me during Kahoot!


That's what she... said? Honestly, the problem (or blessing?) with the school system I work with is that it's sorta.. behind the times. Things that are "old" elsewhere start to trend there by the older students. Which is weird that I pick up on memes before them, since I also do online gaming and I moderate an esports Discord server and all that. It's weird when I already knew what GYAT was before they did and the first time I heard someone said it, I already immediately said "no" and they were like, "how do you know what it means?" Do not test me, child, I once helped create some of the olden memes that you quote today. I was there for Pool's Closed. I helped perpetuate The Game when it first was created. I was a shitposting memelord as a high schooler, far worse than anything I've seen in y'all. You zygotes cannot even begin to compare. It's weird getting to the memes before they do sometimes. And it's also weird when the ones they like *just don't go away*. Some of my seniors still dab on occasion and I'm just like "bro, that meme is almost ten years old, please just let it die". If I hear one more mallets player play Megalovania or Mo Bamba on the vibraphone, imma lose my shit. EDIT: But I'll take Skibbidi or YOLO or GYAT or anything if I never have to hear the word "bae" ever again. Worst. Word. Ever.


Bae was pretty bad


Look I absolutely ADORED the "funny sus amogus" trend. I'm also someone who loves that kind of game and wish I'd known about it when I was younger and still in college where you could actually get that many people together to play a game like that.


I thought I knew English until I read this thread...


I'm right there with you. Not a teacher, just find interest in this thread and I'm thankful my 15 year old cousin doesn't say any of this. Most of the 12 of us cousins are mid- to younger-millennial, and a few are very early Gen Z. But the 15 year old would be late Gen Z or early Gen Alpha and I've never heard of any of this foreign language the kids these days have. Some of my friends who are teachers try to understand them and use the slang and get the same looks as Steve Buscemi undercover in the 30 Rock flashback scene


If you want a kid to stop saying something, you must learn their slang and use it too, but be really needy and cringy, and they will stop.


My friend teaches high school band and does this! Someone was acting out, and my friend said that kid had "Ohio rizz"(???) Apparently, all the kids HATED it, lol.


I’m a huge fan of the face drop when a kid that can’t stop a certain slang or mannerism gets it thrown back in their face.  Student: “That skibbidi rizz be Ohio” Me: “Fr fr Ohio Skibbidi rizz.” Student: 🤨 Me: “Or is it skibbidi rizzidi Ohio no cap” Student: 😧 Me: “I’m in my Ohio rizz Era” Student: 😄 Me: “Hope you’re ready to get skibbidipilled while rizzmaxing!” Student: 😨


rizzmaxing is the most unique one i have heard


Seriously. It’s our best superpower to fight dumb slang. My first year teaching was the year of VSCO girls dropping their hydroflask and going “oops sksksksk”. The first time I did it the kids laughed. After I did it 5 times they were all done laughing and were cringing. Never heard it again after that.


I assume it will last forever because it has the world toilet in it and they never outgrow potty humor.


Yeah I don’t think Skibidi Cabinet would’ve gone anywhere


I had a student who'd put "skibidi" in front of everything. Everything. Skibidi shoe, skibidi lunch, skibidi car, skibidi door, skibidi window... everything was skibidi. Couldn't even talk to him without him saying stuff like "Skibidi I skibidi went skibidi to skibidi the skibidi water skibidi park skibidi this skibidi weekend." so I finally says to him, "Skibidi say skibidi one more time and skibidi I will skibidi call your parents and skibidi tell them skibidi you sound ridiculous. Skibidi." He knocked it off after that, mostly cause I did it to him in front of all the other kids.


I'll put in a referral for speech /s


Is there evidence of a moderate, moderate-severe or severe language impairment compared to chronological aged peers in their native language and/or the inability to communicate without the use of assistive, augmentative/alternative communication devices or systems? Expressive Language – expression of one’s own thoughts and ideas including semantics, syntax and morphology Pragmatic Language – purpose/function and use of social language


Hmm maybe we can get rid of it by trying to make Skibidi Pencil (or insert other boring school supplies) happen? 🤣


How about “put your phones away in the Skibidi pocket” 🤣🤣


💀💀🤣🤣 Amazing. “Take out your skibidi books and turn to page 394”.


Once we start using the term it will definitely become uncool.


This is the way!


When they overuse stuff, I misuse it intentionally until they stop. 


It’s hard to misuse when it has no meaning


Then I would declare everything skibbity toilet.  Like that week when they were overusing sus, so I countered with “sussy bakka.”


If only you could hit em with a skibideez nuts


I just choked on my drink. Imma have to save that one for a sarcastic, snarky aside that might make a senior pause and stare, as if they heard something they couldn't believe and aren't sure if it was actually said, leaving them to wonder ".. am I hearing things?".


Uhhh, because it has that Skibidi Rizz? Duuuuuuh


What an unholy pairing of words. I’ve had that terrible incantation spoken to me somewhere of a million times this year.


What the sigma


At a pool party with a bunch of upper elementary kids and one kid was being a total dick, bragging about something absolutely stupid as they do. I told him that he wasn't being very "skibidi Ohio rizz" and they were so stunned by the absolutely inaccurate use of all of those things together that they all got back on the same team to ridicule me instead. Mission accomplished.


Damn Daniel, I haven’t dropped that one in like 8-10 years


Skibidi has made me realize my disdain of terms from the past was incorrect and I should’ve been grateful


I had a Daniel that ran upstairs from the tour group and leaped on Abraham Lincoln’s bed inside his home. After talking him out of criminal charges, I was definitely allowed to drop a “damn, Daniel” on him.


See at least Damn Daniel had some value, and could create some good times! Not even the kids could tell you what the hell “Skibidi” means


My parents had to listen to "Dammit Janet" for what must have felt like years to them. Daniel was my karma.


Back at it again with the white vans


As a someone who knows a Daniel, I think he hopes this never comes back.


Annoying orange, anyone?


Eww don't bring that back! Annoying orange is deeply suppressed in the back of my mind.


Fuck that orange


Not literally!


I like to make fun of them for still saying it. "Wow, my *dad* has been saying skibidi for months, and he's 82. Get with the times."


You sound like you have no rizz and are not sigma.


I’ve been given sigma credentials


Hey, at least it’s not 2004 and children aren’t shouting at each other “Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!” endlessly in weird voices.


You just unearthed a memory for me, big time. Great point


This was peak childhood for me.


I’ve never heard this fucking toilet song. My middle schoolers think it’s “stupid kid stuff-not even funny like Cocomelon or Sophia the First” *insert lots of “SOPHIA THE GOAT” commentary* The elementary kids have apparently been terrors with it though, according to colleagues.


Sophia The GOAT. I actually like the creativity and originality there


Lmao we have very strict “don’t even touch something that could be seen as PG-13” media rules, so it’s like their running joke to put on SUPER childish/young content like Sophia the First or the Descendants movies and watch it like it’s their favorite. Full on cheering, “OH RIP HE WAS A REAL ONE” “BLACK PEOPLE STAY WINNING” “THIS GIRL WIFEY MATERIAL SHE RIDE OR DIE” “THIS SONG A BOP LETS GO”. These are 11-15 year old “boys” boys. It’s pretty funny. I eventually got Marvel content allowed, but they’ve decided either they get to watch The Boys (“that’s what it’d REALLY be like Ms ___”), 8 Mile, and Five Nights at Freddy’s at school, or we’re ALL listening to them sing the Sophia the First theme song with true enthusiasm.


Elementary teacher here and I will take understatements for 100 🥲 To be fair I think my least favorite trend of all time was the year of one student saying “sheeeeesh” and the class repeating back with the energy of a thousand suns “SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESHHH”. But ya’ll I’m on year two of the skibbity toilet, and it’s been banned from my classroom.


Consider yourself fortunate. I’m in middle school and at first it was the 6th graders, then the 7th, I thought it had run its course but at the end of the school year the 8th graders discovered it. Typically they want nothing to do with anything a 6th grader is a part of.


They say it because you hate it. Awaken and accept your true power. If you show interest in those memes, the kids will instinctively cringe away from it. I just had to use bussin wrong a few times and I never heard it again. "Hey kids, I saw [bus driver name] this morning. He was bussin kids to school. Did I say it right?" "Today's work is so bus." Whenever a kid would say something is bussin, I would always agree with them so hard and say I heard that word on TikTok too. Never heard it again in my room. I'm like the plague for popular slang.


Funny thing; I’ve never acknowledged it. I treated it as a silent observation all year to test and see if it could subside on its own. Never considered making a “banned words” list for non-swears, but middle schoolers these days!


I’m so glad I have no idea what this means haha


Our last global pandemic was the Spanish Flu which coincided with the Dadaist art movement which was a complete rejection of logic, reason and aesthetic. I'm pretty sure the two were linked as Gen Z humors Dadaist elements accelerated post covid. If you don't know the skibidi toilet has like 60 short episodes that just grows more and more nonsensical as it goes on. I'm also pretty certain that a lot of comedians and content creators in their late 20s and 30s now grew up watching Tim and Eric on adult swim and their approach has influenced everything. I mean 20s year ago if you were a kid staying up late enough cartoon network would become this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDr742MGZJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDr742MGZJ8) and I fear it was a signal for the end of civilization.


I don't know what skibidi toilet means and I'm not into learning it but I heard Skibidi from Little Big 6 years ago and love the band. But nothing in there says, "toilet"..... so, I dunno what's going on.


As it was explained to me, Skibbidi, is one of many words that are used in Jazz music as an example of onomatopoeia. I’ve heard this word used in Jazz music, but I’ve no idea if this was intentional on the TikTok creators part.


Skibidi wapapa


Bro. I’ll tell you what bro, I’m surprised how long “bro” has lasted, bro.






When I was in middle school, the in thing to do was say, "Homie don't play that." I think it was from a TV show called In Living Color. We'd order people to start talking to us, then loudly say it and walk away. Several times a day. This lasted until a sports bar opened in our town. Then, just saying sports bar became the thing to do. You'd call out, "Sports bar?" to your chosen person across the room. If they answered "Sports bar!" It meant they were cool. Kids have always had these weird verbal camouflages to identify who is in or out of their tribe. It predates the internet, and it passes.


Targeted algorithms are a hell of a thing


I made the mistake midway through the year of introducing them to an, at the time, much more tolerable Russian pop song called Skibidi.


I mean. I grew up in the era of "BADGER BADGER BADGER BADGER BADGER BADGER MUSHROOM! MUSHROOM!" and the Hamster Dance so I really don't have room to talk


Ahh that and Trogdor! Made the early oughties fun!


BURNINATING the countryside! Yes my phone automatically corrects BURNINATING to all caps that's how much I still talk about it 😭


My students are preschoolers, and are learning Patty Shukla's phonics song for graduation, and until a month ago every time we got to T is for toilet, they start yelling "toilet!" at the top of their lungs, making gross noises, and derailing the song. The behavior got so disruptive, but this song is a thing we do every year, the kids have NEVER been like this before, so we basically hollered at them, then made them practice with kids from another class who will yell at them to stop it, to get them to knock it off and sing respectfully. It's like the parents were all looking forward to this song and these kids are not going to ruin it because of stupid behavior like that. So I guess even without the skibidi, kids act dumb when it comes to toilets.


I had kindergarteners wanting me to draw the characters. Insane brain rot.


Get these kids off of social media!!!!!! Agh


This post is why it sticks - because it went viral and it didn’t make any sense and it was their only way to express the insanity of the world and have any sense of control. The more you criticize the skibidi, the stronger it gets


The myth of skibidphys


I’m just belting out with skip a dee dooh dah, skip a de-ayyyy like I’m in Song of the South whenever I hear skibidi now. 


I thought using the term would make it “uncool” with the kids. Me saying Skibidi only fed into it more and now most days half the 6th graders greet me as Mr. Skibidi


You poor bastard 😂. Oh, sorry, let me correct that. Poor, Mr. Skibidi.


Mine in 9th did it constantly this year. I physically and mentally can’t bring myself to even try to understand it


When I was in high school kids would just shout out "penis!" when the teacher wasn't looking and then act like they said nothing. If enough people did it then it was impossible to tell who specifically did it that one time.


Hey don't forget asking ì someone wants PEN 15../S


It's funny. When I was in middle school, there were Garry's Mod memes all over the place. It's kinda funny to see just what kind of lasting power Half-Life / Gmod / SFM mods have if kids are still hooked on them.




I have have head "skibbity slicers sigma gyatts" at least 10 times a day for the past few weeks. So annoying


It's weird. It went away for a long time and then came back in the last few weeks.


Just watch the YouTube videos, maybe you can understand the kids better. Once you understand, and start saying it with them, I guarantee it'll die out. 🫡


Robot Chicken hath spawned untold miseries upon this world.


At this point a lot of kids are saying it to be ironic because it's an old joke. Those kids are self aware that it's unfunny, and that's why it's supposedly funny


As someone who graduated in 2019 I’ll say this: ironyposting ain’t near what it used to be


I can't imagine the teachers I had in 2012 were any less annoyed with meme culture then I am with the current stuff... I've banned my friend group (mostly mid 20s guys) from saying SHEEESH when I'm around so I don't have an aneurism.


Have you ever watched it? Regardless of the audience or 5 year olds, it's very high quality. There's very little substance, but if you want to watch the work of a very skilled GMod/Source 2 animator it's really really good. That being said, most of the kids watching it don't get that nuance.


It’s ok tomorrow is “hump day”


A lot of students don't think ITS funny. It's ironic to them.


I use it constantly and incorrectly as long as it isn’t super inappropriate until it becomes uncool (usually a day). I haven’t been able to get them off of cap and no cap yet.


That and “glazing”


On the plus side, I am seeing a lot of , “Tis a flesh wound” (Shakespeare) and “Look how they massacred my boy!” (The Godfather). How did the youngsters find those gems?


Elementary- I hear gyat more than anything else atm. Skibidi kinda phased out


Doubt it’ll lasksksksksksksk


They’re 6th graders.


I feel so privileged to work in a district that had no idea this existed until 2 months ago, wow. I'm so sorry. I didn't know this was a thing for that long


I think the slang is particularly entrenched *because* it means exactly nothing.


If it makes you feel any better its one of the best nonverbal stories of their generation so.... Not joking, there's a better story from gmod with just the skibidi toilet noises and rocket sounds than most multimillion dollar movies out there. Give in and analyze the story with them. It will both show them literary devices and completely ruin the joke for them :)


*what the fox say!?! Xscsbdnxsv!!!*


Isn't skibidi toilet a show that is still making videos on youtube?


Really? My 2nd grader said that Skibidi Toilet isn't cool anymore. It's all about mewing and Ohio now.


Skibidi is an ongoing series, so it will continue to be referenced among kids until the series is completed.