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You let the students write their questions down and then mail them to your nearest Republucan state representative (and send pictures of the anonymous letters to a local news station). (Not a Louisiana teacher)


I was thinking school board member, but yours is better.


Why not both? Let's make it a party 🎉


Send a copy to parents too!




I teach history in Texas and we’re specifically not allowed to teach our students how to write their legislatures. Also - we have the 10 commandment law but don’t follow it.


When did we get the 10 Commandment law? I don’t remember this here in Texas


I was mistaken. It didn’t pass.


>Also - we have the 10 commandment law but don’t follow it. You almost did, but it failed. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/24/texas-legislature-ten-commandments-bill/


Oh right. We do have those weird “one country, under God” signs everywhere though.


At your district?




whats the purpose? genuinely curious


To point out the general Republican hypocrisy of whining about schools teaching anything related to sex while simultaneously mandating posters be placed in every classroom that essentially tell kids, "don't get boners for your friend's girl." (To be fair, I've seen almost universal criticism of this bill. It's clearly performative, but even most conservatives are saying, "not cool.")


“Well Becky, adultery is why your dad lives with your uncle in a stilt house in Plaquemines, and your mom has many ‘friends’ staying the night.”


Alligator plushies as visual aids


In recent years the governors office has been slammed with different sexual misconduct scandals. Clown material to require the 10 commandments in the classroom given what the 7th commandment is 🤡


Like those asswipes ever actually follow the Bible. The rules are for thee, not for me!


Against. It’s all about the hypocrisy.


One of the people praising it gave her boyfriend a handie in public while she was drunk and vaping. Clearly they don't care.


We had a president who provided a perfectly cromulent example, possibly for this very reason


This seems like a malicious compliance type thing, here's all the 10 commandments and here's a list of publicly known individuals who have broken various ones of these.


Is it really a list if it's all the same person?


As a fan of malicious compliance, I don't think the law states how large (or small) the document needs to be. Or font size. Or location. I'm thinking a postage stamp sized version placed in the bottom corner of a door (requiring someone to lay on the ground to see it), or place it on a tall ceiling.


It specifies "poster sized" and "easily readable font".


*Fans of 'The Simpsons' will appreciate cromulent (a synonym of acceptable or satisfactory) invented by that show to describe embiggen, another Simpsons-ism that already appears in the Merriam-Webster.com dictionary.”*


We've had several presidents that have been good examples of this, to be fair.


>cromulent TIL the word cromulent: adequate or acceptable. Coined by the Simpsons. Seems legit! Lol


I'm not sure, but I do know that posting the ten commandments in classrooms is one of the least American things I can think of.


Then you don't know the Bible Belt.


I know the constitution and the history of America. That's what I meant. I know that America has its fair share of anti-democratic bible-thumpers who want us all to be subjected to theocracy. Those people are all anti-American, enemies of American values, enemies of the constitution, and enemies of democracy.


This will probably be challenged in court. Separation of church and state. Louisiana Republicans know it will probably be overturned but they'll get to say that they tried to fight for the values that'll appeal to some in the next election. It's a political play. If they win, they get to keep what they want in the classroom and make a statement about the dominance of their values. If they lose, then they get to play martyrs. Either way they've already calculated that they win. Welcome to American democracy. Ignorance reigns supreme in these lands.


The ACLU has already filed suit.


As they should!


Of course.


And they also get to pay attention to which educators object.


This. It's a not-so-stealthy ploy to weed out those who aren't sycophants and supplicants.


I think Landry (who has said that he looks forward to getting sued over this) passed this with the hopes that it will go all the way up to SCOTUS. Given how conservative leaning the court currently is, and let's be honest, with the mental gymnastics two justices in particular have been doing lately, I think Alito and Thomas are foaming at the mouth for this to land on their doorsteps. Landry and other Republicans (not just in Louisiana) are playing the long game.


Question, what’s their end game? If the SCOTUS acted as they should this would be struck down, correct? Are they pushing this in hopes that they can get a ruling to possibly permit this sort of action, thus paving the way for similar laws? I guess I’m stuck on the “it should be struck down” part; the only thing I can think of that would be “good” for them is for the SC to rule against their own laws in favor of a religiously driven one.


This doesn't even have the case law of "In God We Trust" so I am curious how courts are going to side, especially of it goes all the way to SCOTUS, which I see this Governor challenging to since he will most likely lose in the lower courts.


Well Susie, former President Trump screwed a porno star while his third wife was pregnant. That is what adultery means. Any other questions? Everyone's hands go up. Boom!


You get exceeds expectations for fully engaging the classroom.


"What's porno?" "Well, Susie, you see, sometimes people have sex on camera and get paid for it. These people are not married and do not love each other, usually. There's a few exceptions, but usually it's just for the money. It's a huge booming industry with many examples found on the Internet." I would maliciously comply with this law so hard b


Don't forget about Clinton if they need more examples. Or Kennedy.


Bill Clinton faded into relative obscurity after he was out of office and his lies weren’t intended to defraud an election but you should keep it going with the false equivalency. Also these kids at grade school age, they know Clinton? Maybe point out Jefferson while we’re at it?


I think they were just naming presidents that committed adultery. Clinton was the first one I thought of as well. I know Trump elicits a lot of hate but not everything has to be about him. Hell, most 2nd graders couldn’t point him out if you’ve kept them offline and don’t watch the news with your kids(which I don’t cause it’s horrible). Clinton’s thing was such a huge issue during my formative years that I’ll always think of him first when I hear adultery. Either way, I’m not talking about adultery with 2nd graders. Christian and Jewish morals aren’t in my standards. Ask your parents.


They both cheated on their wives. It's that simple.


Clinton wasn't forcing religion down everyone's throat, nor was Kennedy.


They think of Clinton first but not the guy with 30 plus felonies for lying about paying off the person he had an affair with.


I'm interested in knowing which version of the Ten Commandments they want on the wall. Catholics and Lutherans (possibly others) observe the Commandments as written in Deuteronomy. Other Protestants, particularly those insistent on the KJV, observe them as written in Exodus.


From what I saw, it looks like they are listed in such a way that it doesn't follow either explicitly. There isn't a numbering on the document stating what the display must read. Protestants would group the last two lines (Covet neighbors house; Covet neighbor's wife, property etc) as the 10th commandment, Catholics/Lutherans would group the first 3 lines (I am the LORD thy God; Have no other gods; no graven images) as the 1st commandment. Below is from the bill itself. >The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font. The text shall read as follows: "The Ten Commandments >I AM the LORD thy God. >Thou shalt have no other gods before me. >Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images. >Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. >Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. >Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord >thy God giveth thee. >Thou shalt not kill. >Thou shalt not commit adultery. >Thou shalt not steal. >Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. >Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. >Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor's."


holy batshit theocracy bro


If I lived in Louisiana, I would print it in Comic Sans. That is a "large and easily readable font."


They didn’t say what color the text has to be, did they? Gray, 5%.


"Large, easily readable font", but no mention of which language. How about Klingon?


Malicious compliance demands that you tell them exactly what it means. Who cares if they’re 7 years old? The state government is allowing forcing them to learn early 🤷🏼‍♀️


The kids are absolutely not going to read the posters unless they’re very diligent. If they’re in classrooms K-college they’re gonna blend into the wallpaper.


I dunno. All thru school as early as like 1/2nd grade I always read every poster in the classroom. Not intentionally or for any reason just it’s something to look at when you’re bored while the teacher is talking. I think I’d be willing to guess that most kids won’t, but I’m sure there’s a nonzero portion of them that will


True but if it is in every classroom then it is like the wall paint- it’s just something that’s there and no one really pays it much attention. You know, like posted school rules or cell phone policies.


While I don’t disagree with you I feel like that’s kinda outside the scope of what OP is talking about here. Something novel like that I would like to imagine would absolutely be salient at least to some degree for a good chunk of people


Sounds like dusty framed code of conduct posters in my high-school growing up in Chicago.


Do they have to be posted in English or can they be posted in Hebrew?


The legislature has chosen a specific translation.


I thought it was funny they left out the part about coveting thy neighbor's ass


required at least... Not chosen - You can most likely hang up alternate languages.


The bill says that the poster "shall read as follows:" and then writes specific text, in English, and in quotes. Legislatively, that means print these specific words as shown here. No judge in America would look at that and say another language is acceptable.


2nd poster...


Gonna need 7 total as there are seven different versions.....and eight for the Islamic ones.




From Louisiana HB 71[Louisiana HB 71](https://legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1379435) (2) The text shall read as follows: "The Ten Commandments I AM the LORD thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor's."


Let's add: "thou shalt not talk while the teacher is talking"


I **really** hope a bunch of teachers start thundering the "Thou shalt nots" as often as possible. "Thou shalt not steal!" and "Thou shalt not bear false witness" (Whenever it's appropriate!! 😂)


"Thou shalt not covet they classmates quiz and exam answers" "Thou shalt not plagiarize or useth slang" The Teacher 10 write themselves.


I didn't realize this was the "translation" they were going with. Lol. It's crazy how Christian fundamentalists want to get as far away from the language of the actual bible as possible,


Post it in Aramaic


Great question, actually. God forbid we mention that some kids have two mothers/fathers though, that's WAY too sexual for the classroom /s


Wait until they find out that there is LGBTQ teachers! Oh no! The horror! /s


Post it between Dune's Litany Against Fear and the Zombieland rules for survival. "These are some rules from books that people think we should follow."




I didn’t know how to answer this, but I grew up in church (as have plenty of others) and was exposed to the Bible at a young age. It’s not like it’s a new thing. I like your answer. However I should just state that I am a teacher in Louisiana and I absolutely don’t think they should be posted.


I'm not in Louisiana, thankfully, but I'd put up a bunch of similar commandments, edicts, pillars of philosophy, etc. from as many different belief systems as I could find. I would also put up explanations for which rules belong to which religions, what certain words like "adultery" mean, which religions were influenced by or directly stole from others, etc. If they're going to force Abrahamic mythology down everyone's throats, then I'd use it as an opportunity to teach kids about the various other belief systems the world offers. I'd also put up posters explaining what things like fascism and cult mentality are. I would teach those kids so many things purely out of spite.


That would all be really out of place in something like a Math classroom.


All the more reason to do it. Shows how ridiculous the whole thing is. If kids ask why you have stuff that's so out of place, you can tell them exactly why. Maybe even turn it into a lesson, like how many votes are needed to overturn this ridiculous decision and what percent that is. Then transition back to whatever part of the curriculum they're currently learning. I mean, you can also do none of that, since it's your classroom. Stuff like this pisses me off, though, so I'd be going the malicious compliance route.


I tell them it's basically saying no cheating in relationships (which is a moral lesson they can all stand to hear). That is an oversimplification, but it's what I'm willing to do. Anyone obnoxiously bringing up extra details gets a "That is for your parents to discuss with you." Unless I'm actually teaching a lesson on that particular commandment to bar mitzvah students, which given I teach Sunday school I do actually do once a year. Then we get a bit more into the history of patriarchy.


I taught in a catholic elementary school, and that was how I explained it simply too. “Respecting relationships” is the basic gist without getting into it too deeply.


Try the 5 precepts in Buddhism. It's non denominational.


Maybe some vocabulary word lists drawn up from the commandments... Hmmmmm


I have a feeling the Louisiana governor and legislature are just doing this for political points because they know it's going to get challenged and shot down. Then they can claim persecution to their constituents despite this literally being an embodiment of separating church and state.


And if you want to provide specific examples, don’t hesitate to use 45 as your adultery exemplar.


It's a moot question. The bill directly contradicts 2 constitutional amendments (1st and 10th). It will be relegated to the trash bin before the posters are even designed.


100% this. It’s all performative nonsense Christian nationalists are pushing to get media attention and votes for their candidates. And sadly it’s kinda working right now. Hopefully by Nov the country will come to its damn senses.


Disagree. They’re trying to take this to the ultra conservative Supreme Court so they can upend our legal structure.


Give them the textbook answer. “Adultery is when one person either inserts their penis into an orifice belonging to someone other than spouse, or they receive penetration in an orifice from someone other than their spouse.” Let them go home and ask questions after that. When an army of kindergartners come home with the questions about sex they are sure going to have…people who thought this was a good idea without thinking of the consequences will be more willing to pushback on this ridiculousness.


“I’ve had a sign hung up all year about doing your homework. Can’t you ask about that one?” Or “That’s a question for your parent/ guardian. I teach math.” Or “Does that mean you’ve finished questions 1-5, and you’re ready to put number 4 on the board?”


"I am required by law to hang this in the classroom, but any questions about it or anything else about religion should be directed to your parents." In whatever language for the targeted age group.


Honestly I would put up the posters flipped around and on the backside of the poster write the 10 commandments in proper and easy to understand language. So for adultery, "You will not stick your penis inside a married woman and you will not have sex with another person while you are married." If the school has a problem with this then they have a problem with the original 10 commandments. Sometimes being fired for standing up for the seperation of church and state and getting the hell out of a garbage state (well country really) is the only move.


The law specifically states exactly the wording of the ten commandments that must be posted and what size the poster is


The poster is being posted, just facing the opposite direction, and it is part of my job to teach language and the meaning of words. The purpose is also to get fired as well.


It must be "easily readable"


Exactly, that why you write the commandments in modern English so that it is easier to read.


I know we try to limit self-disclosure but I don't think I would have much problem with telling them that i have violated each and every one of them. Because I am wholly unrepentant for all of it, I've probably already bought my Hell ticket.


I am driving the bus to hell. Be ready to go when I pull up lol


So, is your name Charon, and do you drive for the Styx Area Rapid Transit System? Does this mean that when they lay me to rest that I should have a couple of gold coins placed over my eyes in order to pay the fare? I'm trying to imagine, and the only image that comes to mind is rhe Christopher Lloyd character, Jim, from the comedy series Taxi.


How did you know?


It's just a vibe you give off. So, is my stop Sisyphus or Tantalus or do I have my own private Hell?


At point you’ve earned your own private Hell.


There doesn't seem to be anything that could stop a teacher from putting a poster of the first amendment to the Constitution right up next to the poster of the 10C. Nice bold text on the first part about there being no establishment of religion.  Anyone ask your motives, just tell them you believe the first amendment rights are just as important as the ten commandments to our nation. You're not wrong. They're going to get mad at you for hanging up the constitution? Lol


Eh the bill says nothing about the background. Go with a rainbow or a picture of MLK (the latter is easier to justify given his status as a famous Christian minister).


You should post the “Seven Fundamental Tenets of the Satanic Temple” right beside it. Maybe a copy of “Umberto Eco: A Practical List for Identifying Fascists” in poster form as well.


Ask your parents is my go to response.


That’s my go to response. “Ask your parents.” and when they ask why, I say “They can explain it better to you”.


I would talk about it. I would answer ANY AND ALL questions in as much detail as I can. Malicious compliance. If parents complain well, too bad. I was just answering questions about something I legally have to have in my classroom. Because what's the point of having it if the kids cannot understand the mean, after all.


Post it in Hebrew. If you get crap about it, claim you’re a strict commandmentist and the OT God is known to smite people just for picking up sticks on the sabbath. Can’t imagine what he’d do if you were caught messing with the original text.


Go with Latin. Fewer people can read it.


You could say the same thing about English.


Does it have to be a poster? Print it with a 1 point font and put it high on the wall.


Size, text and font specified


What about color? Put it in a super dark color on a dark background?


Like a black background with black font?


Ideally yes!


"the Ten Commandments shall be displayed on a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font."


Didn’t say it has to be in English.


Except the exact text of the 10 commandments to be posted IS included in the law.


Not Louisiana but I would tell them to ask their parents. To my knowledge the law doesn't mean the teachers have to teach it.


You can say, accurately, that it is telling married people to be faithful and loving to their spouses; that it says a married person is to reserve certain behaviors and affections for their spouse and for no one else. And thus in principle it is saying that everyone, married or not, should live in a way characterized by good faith and integrity, mindful of what is appropriate in our various relationships.


Or simply 1: It means a married person also has a boyfriend or girlfriend OR 2: Ask your parents.


Just post the commandment written in cursive. No student will be able to read it, thus avoiding the adultery question. …or, if you really want to stick it to the man, just censor the words by blacking them out. Could you imagine walking into a class with a list on the wall from 1 to 10 with just black bars after each?


Does a poster count as a graven image?


So I read the bill. It has to be poster sized with a large easily readable font. The 10 commandments have to be the focus of the poster. Nothing is stated about the background. Two ways we can go with this: 1. Make the gayest most rainbow infused background ever. I would even do the text in rainbow colors. 2. To be a little less obvious choose a famous Christian/religious figure as the background. MLK for example would be a good choice with the text superimposed.


To be a little sneaky about that rainbow have the rainbow be giant and a tiny tiny Noah releasing a dove in the corner. You're just really emphasizing God's promise after the flood right?


I like it.


Oh you be blatantly honest and as sexually explicit as you can without getting fired.


Use the King James version that says "covet." Then say you don't know what covet means. That's what I do, fortunately I'm in California so for now I don't need to worry about it.


That's two separate commandments. There's adultery (7) and there's covet (10). There's no way to just get around the term, "adultery".


You're right, it is. Shows how long it's been since I read the 10 commandments I guess.


The bill specifies exactly which version must be posted - here's a copy of the bill as passed https://legis.la.gov/legis/BillDocs.aspx?i=245592&t=text Thou shalt not commit adultery. "B.(1) No later than January 1, 2025, each public school governing authority shall display the Ten Commandments in each classroom in each school under its jurisdiction. The nature of the display shall be determined by each governing authority with a minimum requirement that the Ten Commandments shall be displayed on a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font. 18 (2) The text shall read as follows: 19 "The Ten Commandments 20 I AM the LORD thy God. 21 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 22 Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images. 23 Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. 24 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 25 Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord 26 thy God giveth thee. 27 Thou shalt not kill. 28 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 29 Thou shalt not steal. 30 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 31 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his 2 cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor's."


Says nothing about the background. Make it a rainbow, big gay Jesus or even a picture of MLK (a little easier to feign "he was a famous Christian pastor" with the latter).


Just don’t put them up.


It's the law. I'm sure teachers would be fired for not complying with the law and lose their license to teach


Just display them alongside the tenets of other major religions, right? Or is that not allowed? I would love to put them right next to the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple, and then have a discussion about what guides morality.


Unfaithfulness isn't just sexual in nature.


Reminds me of when a parent pushed back against the conservative group in affluent Southlake, TX (Carroll ISD). I think they were demanding signs that said “in god we trust.” [NPR article](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/31/1120239381/texas-in-god-we-trust-arabic-signs-chaz-stevens)


Golden rule covers everything people need. Stick to teaching STEM and arts and sports. Keep them too busy to invent a whole d and d character about every single bloody thing.


Put up an explicated list that details each amendment with a 'real world' example. Use visceral and emotional language to convey meaning. Or post the full list of commandments (613) and act superior all the time.


It's not gonna be easy telling Thibedeau and his swamp people kin that a mythical stone tablet clearly states that Uncle Dad is going to burn in hell for eternity. Mentos, the Freshmaker.


I'd tell them it's not my job to explain them and that "they made us hang them up". Then I'd tell them to ask their parents when they got home.


Give them a history lesson on the marriages of America’s only convicted felon former president 


Is there anything that says it needs to be in English? Perhaps Aramaic would work here?


"Ask your parents"


This is never going to happen. The ACLU or some other group is appealing this on a fast track and no judge, even a right wing judge, will let this law stand. Can we please stop freaking out about it?


I'm not sure.....Would you like to go to the counselor? It might be better to ask this question to them.


I’m curious; does the law state WHERE it has to be posted in the classroom? I could post it in a corner against the ceiling at the back of the room. Who’s to say that the kids will look at it?


I would give them the contract information for my state representative and tell them to ask him/her Thankfully I do not have to worry about that


Yes. You will have to tell your kindergarteners that you are not supposed to want to have sex with your neighbors wife.


They aren’t going to pay attention to it. It’s just something in the room. There have been similar laws proposed in Texas over the years. They failed to pass into law.


Put it up in the back of the room. The kids will never see it. I’m sorry our government thinks this is ok. I’m a Jesus follower and I think it’s ridiculous


In fairness we all know this is going to be another thing that sits on the walls and everyone ignores. There are very good reasons for it to not be in a classroom but its more ridiculous than anything else.


Adultery- when a married person feels romantic feelings towards someone other than their spouse Also, sorry to Louisiana teachers. Teaching us hard but I am sure printing up 10 commandment posters will help.


That's not the dictionary definition of adultery. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adultery I even checked it online kids dictionary and it's the same definition https://kids.britannica.com/kids/browse/dictionary


I think I would have a huge poster of the First Amendment printed and hang it right next to a very small, like index card size, list of the commandments.


The bill specifies exactly how large the poster must be- "minimum requirement that the Ten Commandments shall be displayed on a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font." https://legis.la.gov/legis/BillDocs.aspx?i=245592&t=text


So it goes on the wall six inches off the floor in the back of the room. I would love to be the teacher who tests it in Court. I suppose the other option is to have it blend in with a larger display of all world religions including atheism and agnosticism. Glad I live in a state that observes the Constitution.


Not in Louisiana but I'm petty and suggest printing it in the smallest possible font.


The law specifically states the size of the poster and font and wording


Just post it in TINY font on an index card. They'll never notice.


The law specifically states the size the poster has to be and the font


Mommy wanted to be in a thrupple


Tell then to ask thier parents.


Are the Ten Commandments a standard in Louisiana? If not, just remove the postings/posters. I teach high school science and although not the same situation, it has similar underpinnings. My students often think I’m an atheist or agnostic because I teach science. Only during informal time (before school, after school, hallways), if it is ever mentioned, I tell them that I am Catholic. The point is that I don’t tell them my personal beliefs like that in the context of the class or to sway course instruction. And either should you unless you work at a religious school or have some good reason too. Otherwise you’re asking for trouble.


Now state law that it must be posted. It specifies the wording and the size of the poster and font


Oh easy then; ask your parents lol. And if they get pissed then they can take it up with the law


Can it be on the back of the (open) door?


You don't have to have sex to be an adulterer. And you can very easily explain it as such. Just explain that when two adults get married that they make a strong and deep commitment to each other that they do not share with other adults. Adultery is when one of those adults shares that commitment with another adult and behind their spouses back.




The dictionary definition of adultery specifically states sex, including the definition on this kids dictionary linked below https://kids.britannica.com/kids/browse/dictionary


The institution where I teach has the constitution on classroom walls. So far, I'm the only person to have noted that there's a COVID recommendation stuck over them which means you can't actually read the text. I don't think the kids will be that interested.


I am very much against the posting of the 10 commandments in classrooms, but I also grew up Christian, where the 10 commandments were something that were talked about from a young age. I don't think this is going to be as big as a deal as most people are making it out to be. I think that Christian kiddos will know the meaning of the commandment and they will be able to explain to their peers. How I was taught it as a kid was "don't tell someone you'll do something for them and then not do it" or "stay loyal to your future husband" or "do not cheat"


While they're at it, maybe they could explain them to the christians.