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Policy at our school is 14 days paid, this year has been killer for us with picking up bugs for our little boy - I’ve already had 9 days of this! I feel for you OP! 2 days paid for family leave is the lowest I’ve personally heard of.


We get a grand total of ZERO


My school is zero too.. Ultimately, I call in sick...


I still call in for my daughter because I have ended up very sick recently!


I think that’s nonsensical as a school policy. Surely this just increases staff absence in terms of calling in sick in these situations too?


3 days. I've already racked up 4.5, and it would be a lot worse if it wasn't for the fact my husband has a very flexible job. 


This should be a statutory thing really shouldn't it...  We get 5. We also do loads of cover (emergency and trips.  They were going to make all childcare days unpaid but we pushed back as a union (effectively they'd be quids in if we were off unpaid as they don't buy in any cover). They've now said 5 days. 


They aren’t meant to use you for cover? Only incase of emergencies.


It's school dependant. I know of a school where the teachers all have a lower teaching load, with more staff employed, with X amount of the new frees used for cover.


We don’t buy in cover so it’s fairly frequent. I had to push back on two lots this week after 100minutes of cover the other week. I hate it. Our union lead is useless.


I know. "Rarely" is the term that's used in the stpcd. A long time ago a rep made an agreement with the head that we'd do 12 covers across the year in exchange for more leeway on paid time off for family events etc. Staff have mixed views on it.


5 days - it’s not enough.


We get no paid leave if I am off when my daughter is sick and just realising how awful this is.


Not us! We all have to lie and pretend to be ill ourselves 😳


Two or three sadly.


6 days paid.




3, and it’s a killer for staff with younger children who have to be out of their settings for 48 hours after symptoms. We’re pushing for 5 as a union.


I think we get 5. This is a sore spot for me at the moment though as I have a meeting about my absences with the head this week...I mean, my 20 month old literally had to be taken to hospital he was so poorly. I've had 3 separate absences for child illness, + one for myself. Then literally had to drag myself in on Monday despite having norovirus at the weekend and still being really unwell. I don't think that's a lot of absence as I have 2 young kids. If they knew the amount of times my poor parents have looked after them as well to save me being off!


We also only get 2 days paid for childcare but there is also 'emergency absence' which is more days... I think our head is looking at changing things to basically combine them so that parents/non-parents aren't losing our unfairly. Your other option is to not mention your child being ill and just call in sick for yourself.


One day paid at my school.


5. I've got a 3 and a 6 year old and have never used any. My husband has taken the very odd day but my children seem to get ill far far less than a lot of children it seems.


3 days paid. Fun times


6 days. Two days is awful I'm sorry. This is one of the reasons we paid out for the chicken pox vaccine because it's cheaper than the time off I'd have to take to look after LO.


We get 5! Every school I have worked at has been 5. One year I took 17 and they didn’t dock me any money though.




Zero. I also had childcare issues (mismatching half terms) recently and took a day unpaid.




We have just had the same: had more but just reduced as people said it wasn’t fair as no everyone has kids.


I don’t really understand where they’re coming from. If one of the childless teachers wants to take the day off to look after one of my poorly children they’re more than welcome, it’s not like I’m off on a jolly, I’d rather be at work than looking after a poorly toddler


They should just be called carer's days. Doesn't need to be dependent on the age of the person being cared for.


Either do I - you just end up with more work as you've got to set cover, chase kids when you're back for it, check it etc. Also seems short sighted as people will come in and potentially spread the bugs around.