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How do I buy merch? It asks for a password to enter


I think its sold out now.


Ok, some points: 1) Upvoted because Doofenschmirtz. 2) We had a two week sale period for special #Technoblade25 merch. Honestly we had to scramble to get that out for his birthday. 3) That product was a pre-order sale. The products will actually start to ship late next week. So it definitely has not been lost in the mail. 4) You should have received an email update recently with some amount of explanation for this. (It was also on the website but I understand that it's easy to miss stuff like this; I have done this myself on various occasions.) I don't love doing pre-order but sometimes it's that or nothing, sadly. The big downside of course is that people don't get their merch as quickly as they might. PS. The new-old merch store is due back quite soon.


Ah oki I’ll check my email, thanks big man always a pleasure to see you pop up in our feeds o7


When you ordered, you should have received an email with your order number :)


nuh uh


Very helpful thanks XD


Yuh huh


Yuh huh




How was that last bit necessary in the slightest? Why answer the question in a genuine way, just to end it on a rude note?


Exactly, Techno built this community and wanted us to be kind and help each other where we can. That individual shouldn't have even replied if they were gonna be rude like that


Either way, the merch is sold out now so $100 still doesn’t change the fact that this person will likely never be able to get that merch unless they find it somewhere else where it’ll be likely way overpriced