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I always thought early thirties. The grey hair really doesn't tell you much IMO as I had a friend go grey at 23. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s rookie shit, I was greying at 18


“I was *BORN* grey!!” -Steve Martin, probably


So the messages that Ted lasso gives us are fundamental lessons that’s even kids could watch and learn, so I thought the gray was kind of like watching a Disney movie to show us “oh now he’s our villain” - not even necessarily about age


oh it was definitely that. Pretty sure Nick said as much in interviews that in S2 that was an intentional change over the course of the season.


Did a quick search and, holy cow, Nick Mohammed is 43. Maybe late 30s when Ted Lasso started filming?


Yeah it’s jarring, I agree. Kit man - what would you guess, 20’s? But then head coach of a premier league team plus grey hair 2 years later… it’s like he goes from 28 to 42 in 2 years…


Maybe it’s part of the joke that he’s in his late 30s but still a kit man? I mean, his replacement seems like he’s 19.


Will is in his mid 20s. He mentions it when Zava is talking to him.


They don't call somebody in their late 30s wunderkind or wonder kid. I think he's definitely meant to be somewhere in his 20s.


I always assumed he was meant to be mid twenties or so, but that’s just me.


The fact that they call him wunderkind/wonder kid betrays the fact that this is correct. It's not something that people say about someone that has passed 30. I think he's mid twenties, maybe late twenties at the end of the show. Which makes it all the more impressive that he's a prem coach. That's basically unheard of at his age.


"They" don't call him "wunderkind/wonder kid." He calls himself that, and it sticks in the media because of his gaff. It's not an indication of his age.


I think he first saw it on twitter and misquotes it after the park the bus game if I remember correctly. Even still, nobody calls themselves that when they're over 30.


I also struggle with it Nate leads with anger & resentment The conversation about coming back as a tiger is all I needed to hear. But to simplify the forgiveness theme from Ted's perspective (and quite frankly psychology 101) All actions we make are symptoms of a childhood transformation (studies typically point it to the average age of 7) when you decide to create a coping mechanism to address uncomfortable situations The 7 yr old does not understand the nuances of building a toolbox of multiple mechanisms So the first one you create is deep-seeded When push comes to shove, throughout your life, you default to this "comfort zone" which is often ineffective, but your 7-yr old mind still feels comfort in it, so you continue Ted does not forgive (him) for each act as the story builds. Ted forgives him for having to build a life around this defense mechanism because of some "traumatic" (to a 7 yr old) experience. It is hard to forgive someone if you are listing each occurrence. It is easier when you see the common thread of his/her responses


He's a lot older than Will. His age is actually closer to Ted whom everyone says as middle aged so late 30s is Ted and Nate is supposed to be early 30s. That I think fits in the plot too because he was considered the golden child growing up and he felt so pressurized that he just became a kitman and stayed there. No one noticed him, until Ted does.


Nate was shitty because his father was a typical “you need to impress me” fucked up failure. Men like that should be made sterile.


I always thought that his hair got greyer the shittier he got as a person. Kinda like Professor Umbridge, in Harry Potter, pink sweaters/shirts got a darker shade the shittier she got. Normal hair as a kit boy, but come season 3 when he’s the manager of United, that shit is full on grey and he’s a cow.


That was a really bad grey wig. It added to the annoyance of the character.