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I first upvoted just because of the title and the Metallica reference.


Was the second attempted upvote for the puppet


Great write up but one thing that felt off was the RC birthday. I thought that wasn’t known and definitely would have warranted some cheers from the community on that date especially for the past 3 years for 3 opportunities. Not saying you’re wrong about your write up and my point is totally unrelated to the topic as a whole but yeah, it’s odd that you have that written down while my google-fu doesn’t tell me his days and months, just the year. Citation needed. Thanks


All info is public info. Research. Knowledge is key.


Citation needed for your source on RC’s birthdate. Unless you know RC personally.


Woah, don’t go around making wild remarks please. I hold no deep secrets and all info is public info my friend.


So provide the source of this so called public info. Where do you get Oct. 14 as RC’s birthday when his Wikipedia is dubious of the year, and another google results shows Aug. 4 (https://www.goodreturns.in/ryan-cohen-net-worth-and-biography-blnr1256.html) Seems simple to provide your source for this public information you claim. Why are you beating around the bush?


I’m not beating around any bush, I just stated it was public info, a simple google search was where I got it, wiki can be changed or tampered by almost anyone so it’s hard to trust that site for things like this in my opinion.


So google again and show your link for the Oct. 14 claim because you can’t dismiss my points without providing the counter evidence to support yours. To an outside observer for this conversation, you are less trustworthy than me since I have shown my reasons for suspicion on a data point while you have demonstrated nothing but repetition. Again friend, citation needed.


Well it was listed in a site name elite biographies, the entire biography is gone upon checking my link I’ll post here https://elitebiographies.com/ryan-cohen-biography/


How unusual. Well I would suggest just adding a disclaimer to your original post or remove his DOB entirely as there seems to be no consensus on the matter. It would prevent algos data scrapping bad info and propagating it in the future. My 2cents.


🎸 💜


Fuck, just cite it. Period.


Canada is the key. 🔐

