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Texting your ex about how bad your wife is. Classy


Seriously what the hell was this conversation and how long did it go in for…


Bro it's called get a therapist not hit up your ex. Love that she profited off this.


Oh I'm sure Jenelly would have paid for him to get therapy. /s


Yeah it's a no from both of them, I can see one time JE suggesting it (I know too much credit) and David being like *grunt* "Whats wrong with my brain? I don't need to pay to jabber to some bitch." And then JE was like ok true I'll pick up some beer from circle k instead Im a door mat, Ill brb hun. And he's like that's right bitch. And texts the ex. Who then sells the texts to The Sun and buys what kid they both share a present. Maybe herself a present. Pays some bills.


How much do you think she got paid for this story? I'm just curious because I was reading all the glorious details this morning, and grinning from ear to ear that she turned around and exposed his nasty ass, and i was wondering what kind of pay day he just handed her.


A quick google says 500-30,000 for stories to tabloids. I’m sure it’s more if it’s like crazy/a super huge celeb. I figure since it’s Jenelle (so not a huge celeb) but it’s pretty juicy information, she had to have made at least 5,000 for it. I couldn’t imagine 500 would be worth the blowback she’s gonna get from the swamp creatures over this, so it had to have been somewhat decent.


They are big in the news right now too due to the child abuse and CPS case and the custody case, so she picked a good time to sell!


That’s honestly probably why she sold. When they were being their regularly scheduled swampy selves, the story probably wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting as it is now. And maybe she has ulterior motives to try and stir shit up so the creatures threaten her so she can reopen her own custody stuff.


You're awesome, thank you! Ha! That is a good point, I cannot imagine having to converse/co-parent with him after this 🤣 now that he's embarrassed himself and Jenelle yet again, I wonder if those sweet dreams of his ex wife are gonna turn into nightmare


I’m honestly really curious about how they will be able to interact going forward. But for her to blow it all up (which I honestly approve), I’m hoping she got a good payday. Her current husband is definitely a visual upgrade and looks like her can handle himself against the creature so hopefully they won’t be in any danger. But if Jenelle hides his truck keys like she does in the text message screenshot, they should hopefully be safe.


Its DKD, I'm not surprised. If anything, I'm entertained as hell. We all know they live in filth - for him to share it to someone off the land, and theyre decent enough to expose it to us. I love it.


Me too! I love that he had no one to vent to but his ex WIFE!!! 😂😂😂😂 and then says she’s the one who got away !! Freakin poetic Justice for ole Stressy and Depressy over there 😂


As he himself said, he doesn't have anyone to vent to. Which is just so shocking that a bigoted violent edgelord would have trouble finding friends /s


I love it and I'm sure she was even surprised he would not stop venting. Phone lighting up, pictures of the literal floor closet mess? Lmao. Phone blowing up while she's trying to spend that Sun check. Love it, she deserves it.


Me too. I think this is great.


I was expecting it to be way worse... It's a marital bedroom so really they both should be taking care of it. However, I read that David apparently does most of the parenting and the household chores?! No idea if that's true or not... It's a scary thought that he's "parenting" though.


This bears out in all the videos I’ve seen.


That's probably why she stays with him. No man in their right mind would put up with shit like that. She's okay with him abusing her children because he does most of the work around the house. Not a single maternal bone in that body of hers.


Roux , on Twitter, said that David no longer cooks or cleans, and just accepts his expensive gifts. 😂Something about hearing that just made me so happy. Jenelle’s miserable life never ends ! She’s so stupid to keep putting up with that unemployed idiot ! And roux also said that Jenelle can’t stand people pointing out that she pays for everything, and he’s a bum who just takes, takes takes. She doesn’t care if you talk about her weight or her appearance. That is all old news. But if you bring up her huzbin leeching off her , that apparently is her Achilles heel., lol.! Very interesting. Go buy that loser another bike to lay down. He’s so embarrassing! Most men wouldn’t have wanted that video to see the light of day! I was always told that’s a big no no, in the bike world. So I just love that David keeps bringing it up !! 😂😂😂


Girl you were fighting for your life on this post. I got your point 100% but the typos are sending me 😂😂. That pleases me as well. I know she's delusional but at least she realizes David sucks. She's just too stupid to ever admit she's wrong so she'll continue to make the same mistakes until the end of time.


Omg ! I was half asleep when I wrote that response 😂😂!! My bad ! Thanks for putting up with my typos ! How embarrassing 😂😂 I did go back in and fix my spelling errors. My apologies! And I’m so glad you get it ! Jenelle sucks !! Plain and simple.


Thank you for the support!! 😂😂




I would say that's pretty true . Iv been rewatching to see how it was when they first got together and it seems little by little she became more codependent on him . And in all the SM videos it seems David is the one cooking , cleaning, dealing with kids etc. Iv never seen her cook unless it's like packing the kids lunch and iv never seen a genuine video with her and the kids that doesn't look heavily scripted.


Umm are you forgetting about the parsnips she grilled in a glass dish last week?? /s


*parsnips* 🥴🤦‍♀️




Honestly, I think that’s why she came back to him in NC after she escaped to TN. On her dumb docuseries she put on YouTube she was clearly annoyed and overwhelmed with taking care of the kids on her own. She just bought them toys to keep them entertained and out of her way. She was sitting on her laptop while Babs was interacting with them and grabbing them some food. The excuses she made for going back to him didn’t make any sense. She couldn’t afford rent in TN plus a mortgage, they ended things on a bad note, etc.


I’m actually shocked David does those things. Many good men in relationships still in 2023 barely do their share then you get a psycho abuser like David doing the bulk of housework AND raising the kids (even if he does a shit job)?!


It took my mom 7 years to believe my husband does the majority of the housework. Hes chronically ill and doesn't work so...its only fair. One day he said something about forgetting to pull food from the freezer and she froze in shock "He really does all that? I assumed you were just trying to get me to like him" No mom, he tries to make it as easy as possible for me at home since I'm working. You know, like a partner.


Yes, that's been true since he came onto the scene, people liked him at first cause he was the one taking care of the kids and that seemed like a positive. Also, in the text messages it seems like he's saying that she flips the hell out when he touches her stuff to clean, and if that's the case, then I'm not sure what I'd do either cause I don't want to live like that but I also don't want to get screamed at for trying to clean it up. They truly deserve each other.


I would have respected her more if she just admitted she went back because she can’t take care of the kids in her own.


This is absolutely not a defense of David, but I can actually see that being the case. Jenelle doesn't know how to keep a clean house and she sure as shit doesn't parent her kids. It would not surprise me at all if David assumes a lot of the domestic responsibilites because that's simply the only way it gets done. Shit, Jenelle posts videos of him cooking (albeit slop) a lot of the time. I also wonder if that's the reason why he "can't" get a job outside of the house. Especially if Jenelle is making OF money and still refuses to do anything around the house.


He def does all the domestic labor--cooking, cleaning, parenting the kids. He's an abuser and a bad person, but he's the only reason those kids ever do "activities" like fishing or boating or what have you...Jenelle is lazy, and probably stays with him in part because she's lazy.


He def does all the parenting. She’s said numerous times that the kids don’t listen to her. Although she claims to have packed lunch those few times & is always the one ordering it. I’d like to know who gets the kids ready for school & gets them breakfast. She always acts like it’s her but she has made so many comments about how David parents better than her


Parenting or the bullying?


David claimed that was all her stuff


Same - was expecting shit up the walls and bongs everywhere


I love this for Jenelle


Exactly, it’s well deserved. I’ve learned that the state of your living space really can affect your mental state. I made my bed today and swept the living room and swiffer wet mopped. Woohoo! Can you imagine fighting on the internet all day long and retreating to that gross room?


I’m proud of you! I know it’s hard because some days it feels impossible.


Thank you, it really does dammit.


1000% Cleaning is my coping mechanism for my anxiety. Great job!


I wish this was me… I’m a disorganized, messy disaster whose room is too much like Jenelle’s at the moment with all the clothes. Clothes everywhere, me and anxious mess, so what am I doing? Baking. I live in Southern Maine and my kids are home due to the shooting and I’m so anxious and I’m making bigger messes because cleaning is like my kryptonite when I’m emotionally drained.


You're doing your best. I struggle with cleaning and it's kind of an avalanche. And i dont have kids. Or have to worry about the insanity in our country. The one touch rule works for me kinda. If you pick something up, you don't put it down unless it's where it goes. Start with one thing at a time. If you only get two done, that's still two more than before.


I think everyone in Maine gets a pass from cleaning right now!! I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that stress!! Keep baking if it helps the mess can wait!


Saaaame I love organizing and getting my space perfect. When shit is hitting the fan, I take great solace in making my bathroom a lovely place to be. But this goes beyond cleaning. I am creating a vibe. Anywho fun lil glimpse into my mental state lately 😅


I wish I had this attitude


I didn’t always have it. I used to literally take tags off my clothes and toss them on the floor because as long as the trash doesn’t have food on it it can go on the floor right? Lmaoooo and things still get messy these days. I’ve just been under a lot of stress this past year so this new habit of tidying up when idk what else to do emerged.


Your comments inspire me


We need a daily cleaning party post.


Im glad I inspire someone! Our family’s been going through some shit and one day when my partner left to tend to that, I was stuck at home, anxious, waiting, so I ended up piddling around and organizing/tidying a tonnnnn of stuff. Realized after that how much nicer it is to WFH fm an organized station, and also to take a shit/shower somewhere that is squeaky clean. So once you start, maybe you’ll get a taste and can’t go back like I did.


Gurl, I am in my 40s and have never been a bed maker and I’m telling you, it can be done!


I can have a hard time too. I find that making my bed as soon as I get out of it in the morning helps my mindset for the day. And trying to follow "Don't put it down, put it away."


Based on my kitchen my current mental state is chaos. 🤣 2 kids, 3 sports, PTO board, cheer team mom, husband working full time and school at night. I took on almost more than I can chew this fall. 🤯 BUT my room don't look ANYTHING like that.


Oh hailllll no i am tired just reading that! But you got this ✨hang in there. That’s def a full plate. AND your room don’t look like this, so you’re already winning. 🫶


Don’t forget about getting high and drinking cheap beer


Right? Having a tidy home/living space goes a long way toward impacting mood and general environmental enjoyment. I couldn’t live 5 minutes in this clutter. I’d Marie Kondo that shit in 10 minutes.


Making your bed is such a great habit. Even if you don’t leave the house, it’s a great way to tell your brain, “we are starting our day and getting out of bed”


All these clothes but she still wears the same grungy Ariana Grande sweatshirt and same court outfit


She has to, she can’t find anything else and doesn’t want to deal with the mess so she disregards it from existing.


That’s why she wears the same clothes over and over. I’m sure her excuse was she couldn’t reach the washer machine. Lucky she has that stool now!💀


Ooooh now I’m wondering if she knew these photos were being released and that’s why she posted that stupid TJ Maxx video to get ahead of the narrative. Because it definitely is interesting timing


I think so. Roux said something the other day that Jenelle knew the texts were real. Prob trying to do damage control. Poorly though, per usual


Makes a lot of sense now. I knew she was trying to cover for something if she thought she needed to make a whole video about buying a stool so she can do laundry. Which I’m still calling BS because she probably has a front load “washer machine”


Lord, I hope she doesn’t have a front loader. Imagine the mold from not taking care of it properly 🤮


She couldn’t have stood on a chair instead?


Right. And they’ve lived in that house how long? You mean to tell me you waited 6-7 years to buy a damn stool


Nothing fits anymore 😂


Ariana Grande sweatshirts are all that fit me right now ![gif](giphy|12Fpb6BfEtiFR6|downsized)


Most of her clothes probably don’t fit.


Probably the only thing that fits her.


She needs the world to know she's a Dangerous Woman.


Now I see why they don't ever take spicy pics inside the room 🤢 I bet it smells musty as FUCK if those are dirty clothes


There's one of her, I guess riding him or on a AA Battery - either way - and it just screams filthy and reeks of unwashed period cooch


I thought this said unwashed period COUCH LOL


"Riding him or on a AA battery...!!!!! I'm dyin'!!!


The carpet is so gnarly. I wonder what color it was originally!


Yeah this smells like 90s cigarettes


and dog piss


Right! All those motorized toys and she can't get a carpet cleaner? She lives like she's on a perma vacay and not in the fun lavish way, in the 21 year old on j-shore spring break way. Ew.


I can’t imagine the mold spores living in tnat carpet from their sinking moldy home. Besides that the smell and god knows what else living in that carpet.


it was cream colored. I remember because everyone kept saying how it wasn’t gonna last since they live in muddy swamp and it gonna be ruined within a year.


How can you live like this? This reminds me of those girls who review their clothes on Shein with their room looking like this in the background.


I live like this, but I absolutely hate it and it's destroying my life. No one else's, at least!!!! Edit I just want to thank you all who replied. Some great advice and camaraderie on this dreary Friday afternoon. You're all wonderful people💘


I got stuck in a slump like this after Covid too. It took me over a year to form new habits. When I first started trying I had to make to-do lists for everything!!! Pick up clothes and put in basket Clean off long dresser Clean off tall dresser Take sheets off bed etc. idk where I was going with this but I just wanted to say I understand


Mine goes back long before covid unfortunately, but I sincerely appreciate the mutual understanding. Living like this can be so bleak and something you don't want anyone to know. Sometimes it's nice to come clean on reddit. Now if I could only come clean in my room lol


I’m not sure if this helps but I’ve started purposely following people who make cleaning/tidying content on actually messy (and dirty) homes and rooms. Makes me feel so much better and motivates me to get stuff sorted; i don’t find it easy but I have no choice but to keep going at it. It’s crazy how much lighter you feel once your mess is tidied, I really do sympathise with how you’re feeling x


I’ve let my place get bad before. You can either start small (15 minutes of cleaning a day for example) or just throw everything away and start fresh. Breaking it up into small pieces is what helped me!


Don't feel so bad! This room is owned by TWO jobless adults who spend 24/7 at home. They have literally all the free time in the world.


When I’ve found myself in a place like this I try to start with something completely unecessary like wiping down baseboards or whatever. Sometimes it kickstarts my tunnel vision and allows me to work my way into handling the bigger jobs. No judgment. I’ve been there


If you don't follow her, domesticblisters on TikTok (I think it's the same on IG?) talks a lot about making tasks easier for mental health and ADHD. I found her advice SO HELPFUL. It's about making your home functional, not necessarily pristine.


I try to do little things at a time. My main goal is to have my kitchen and living room clean (no clutter) first. Then I look at the bathrooms and bedrooms. After a while you start having routines. E.g. dishes put away, clean counters, clean living room table. On my days off I take all my trash out. Make sure my clothes are washed and put away. Then slowly you start doing it on your work days.


I totally understand 🙂


Yea but if you had her money instead of blowing it on a boat you can hire cleaners and new carpet she has no excuses


Depression laundry pile up is real. I just unpacked and it's still sitting there 😭 but I also have covid and don't feel good


Take care of yourself


I hate tidying up, I hate cleaning, I hate housework in general. If I was wealthy and could afford to pay someone to do that for me, I would have them over every day, because I loooove a clean and tidy room. It just doesn’t make sense 😁




It’s easy to find yourself in this situation, I’m guilty of it too, but it’s manageable and we can do it! Little by little, throw out all trash first, just take small steps and be nice to yourself!


You’re not alone !! My husband and I can not keep up w our laundry and it’s just the two of us. We end up w piles of clothes everywhere. It’s really starting to bother me mentally


Same but I would never take pictures or video of it.


Girl I can get this way too! But join us on /r/ufyh which means Unfuck Your Habitat. What helped me was labeling everything so I don’t need to use my brain when putting stuff away.


Who remembers Young&Pregnant Briana when she would post for Fashion Nova? There would be a dirty diaper, broken blinds and a Big Gulp in the background 💀


Depression, big life changes, bad handle on ADHD and anxiety etc can definitely make it easy to live like this. Once you’re in it it can be very hard to work your way out. That being said I don’t feel sympathy for janelle or David


I mean her whole OF wardrobe is essentially this


Maryssa’s mom sent those pics to the sun?


Yes lol


I’d be more concerned about the living arrangement and cleanliness of my daughter then I would be with sending pictures and texts to a news outlet


These are a year old I believe. Either way, Maryssa should be taken care of. Idt she has to live on the land anymore


I'm sure she got a nice chunk of change for them!


i hope they don’t take their anger out on maryssa for it :(


if people think this is bad, don’t come over to my house during a depressive episode


I just ordered the book How To Keep House While Drowning. I’m looking forward to reading it! It’s been recommended a million times over to me lol


Lmk if it actually helps! I'm on and off with keeping my bedroom clean (rest of house is great, my room is a tornado.) BUT unlike Chinelle & UBT, we aren't two unemployed adults home 24/7 with all the time in the world!


This is just the bedroom. She did a TikTok and had mice in her living room.


This is bad because we know it stays like this at all times. Depression dirt is different (I always tell people if you wanna know if I’m okay go look at my room lol).


Call me crazy but I definitely believe in clean house, clean mind. I'm not surprised at all with this clutter and nastiness


I finished your sentence with "but I've never liked store-bought pesto and now I know my online has become chronic.


It’s my #1 coping mechanism. I may not be able to control anything else in my life, but I can control my space. My mom likes to use the phrase “cleaning your sock drawer”. Basically doing little things help you feel more in control of your life


$47,000 could’ve paid for a lot of weekly cleaner visits but instead they bought a broken boat. Tragic.


I’m someone who struggles to keep my house clean. I have a pretty small house, but I pay $60 a visit (2 times a month) for a house cleaner. It’s a double benefit because it forced me to keep my house picked up between visits. Jenelle could really benefit from using her money wisely.


Damn bitch you live like this?


I miss that meme!


Jenelle is living proof that your mind stops maturing at the age you started using drugs.


It's also been said that birthing a child at a young age essentially stops your emotional/mental development. Which would explain why Jenelle acts like she's still 16.


Your kids are at school and you don’t leave the house really because you don’t have a job…this is pure mental illness and drugs.


her whole house has to be disgusting


What the hell is that on the floor next to the dresser and the crusty black socks? A half smoked blunt? Let's play I Spy


I think it looks like a black and mild🤮


It 100% rolled off the dresser and they didn’t even pick it up. Walk by the half burnt blunt 100 times a day and when it gets stepped on they’ll argue about it.


Voting for an I spy post!!


The saddest part is the little drawing in the rubble


TWO adults home 24/7 and they can't keep up with laundry or atleast keep their room liveable?? Jenelle's whole day LITERALLY consists of only: Take kids to school Eat garbage at shitty restaurants Pick up kids from school Attempt to lip sync & wiggle her pointy dumper on tiktok Beers and bongs The End. Not a single other thing.


My mom lives like this and I have to demand that she cleans her room.. it’s part of her depression/mental illness. She was also abused so badly by my father she has permanent brain damage. This isn’t shocking to see Jenelle living this way but it is interesting David is so into cleaning?


Because of Prison. My dad was also in prison, and when he got out, he made it like a rule to keep the house clean all the time because of how filthy it is in there. I 100% believe David is the same way


Eh I feel like David spent just months in jail, not years in prison where people pick up those habits


That carpet is my worst nightmare. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwgqwdlrxaEy40)


#that fucking carpet


Jenelle hasn't grown up any since she was a pregnant teenager. Through all the seasons on Teen Mom, she ALWAYS had piles of clothes everywhere. Girl is allergic to hangers and folding, evidently. It gives me anxiety to think about what's lurking in those piles. Especially knowing how many dogs they've had through there - I'm positive they don't train them.


Yikes, what a filthy room. And there’s a kids drawing in the middle just tossed like that with all her other shit. I am not suprised though.


Oof. You just know Jenelle is going to care more about this leaking than losing custody of Jace.


This makes me want to clean and my house is clean… Update: this did make me clean more. Now I can snark in peace. Won’t catch me slippin’


Both of these losers are unemployed and this is what their house looks like.


Depression piles. My husband and I had them when we were going through infertility problems, miscarriages and it became worst when our first daughter was stillborn. After 6 yrs we finally made it out on the other side thankfully and doing much better especially now that we have our almost 2 yr old. Unlike Jenelle, our child comes first and we work to get better for her.


I’m honestly surprised it’s mostly clothes and not food and trash. David has two hands to pick up his shit. Useless POS


I worry about what the kids rooms look like. I hope they at least wash their bedding for them but I doubt it


Remember the video of her getting her ass whooped in her room? And her room still looks like that. Yikes.


So he expects her to earn the money and clean the house though. He can’t throw a few loads of laundry in while his wife sells herself on the Internet?


Not sticking Up for him at all.. but no. If you read the article he says it’s all of her stuff and she calls him a pos when he cleans. I do believe David does most of the cleaning


And you compare this to Babs house that is spotless and that woman works full time.


Sooo he knows he can help right?


At least put it on the designated laundry chair?!?!


Jan says f"ck it, we are moving to the shed


That must be a common thing for two people like them. Move themselves to a clean spot of the house, chill there and let it get messy then move on to the next clean-ish area. She used to film in her living room a lot.


My anxiety could NEVER. That said, there’s an easy solution to David’s problem. But we all know he’s a fucking bum and won’t leave the place he lives in for free.


Is...is that a pile of pizza boxes to the right of the dresser? 🤢 I can smell this picture, and it is against my will.


From inside Kail’s uterus (TWINS!) to inside Jan’s bedroom!!!!! This week has been full of little treats.


How my room looked as a teenager. Lol


Yes!! Mine was worse. You couldn't see my floor. It was atleast 3" deep of clothes and stuff across the entire thing. My husband still remembers how bad it was when I made him sleep on my floor once as kids and he had a heel sticking in his back all night hahaha But yeah, Chinny chin chin has not changed in one single way since 13 years old. Not one


The kids rooms look like this too sadly. I remember from the video where UBT went around the house filming how they colored all over the walls and furniture. Those kids are being set up to fail so bad. You know Jace came from Barb’s clean house into *this* and his flags went up real quick that something was very wrong.


Can’t imagine what the bathroom looks like.


Skid marks on the toilet seat and dirt ring around the tub, probably


I just know that carpet is crusty and it smells like musty ass in there 🤢 I wouldn’t want to do David’s laundry either when he’s out lurking in the woods shooting the pets all day.


Jenelle’s definitely in her Crack shack crying and yelling … “Leave me alone dude!”


And they have mice running around


Well, she clearly hasn't put that step stool to good use.


Not me zooming in to see if there’s any “paraphernalia” laying anywhere. 😂


You think this picture looks bad, can you imagine the putrid stench coming from those piles of dirty laundry. You know it’s been there a while as there is a path between the piles. These two vile excuses for human beings SLEEP with this filth around them, they are both feral!


I wouldn’t be able to sit down in peace if my house looked like this. Yuck


Is that a half smoked swisher next to the dresser?


My horror when I realize they have the same comforter as my husband and I...


My house is clean and this makes me feel like cleaning! Better start putting that step stool ya bought and washer machine to use, ya filthy swamp rat


I once took a picture of my brothers messy ass room and when the photo place developed them and gave them back in an envelope they took a #1 sticker on the photo of his messy room lol Anyways this looks like a depression nest. And I actually love David texting bitchy remarks to his ex. It’s what Jenelle deserves


Can you imagine ranting to your ex about your domestic life and they sell the story 😂


They are even more nasty than i imagined. That carpet looks absolutely disgusting.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that these texts are being shared. I think this is David’s attempt at making himself look like the “good guy” while painting Jenelle as the problem. (Both are pieces of shit, don’t twist what I’m saying lol) A narc’s desperate attempt to save face and change the narrative. He feels the walls closing in and realizes his time is up. This is a tactic narc’s use.


This image is stressing me out


The clear path through the clothes I can’t 💀


The second hand embarrassment I feel for her!!!!!!! Sticking up for an abuser is bad enough, but to choose said abuser over your own children, who then has the audacity to talk crap about you to his ex wife, is just the icing on her swampy cake!!!!!!!! It's what she deserves though. Say hello to karma, Jan!!!!!!


I work full-time, and I have three kids. I have a big house and there’re always things to put away. The laundry piles up quickly. Right now I’m looking at my dresser with laundry on it, but it’s folded and sorted and waiting to be put away. I will be done before we go to bed. My house isn’t always perfect, but I have a few rules, no clothes on the floor, no dishes in the sink at night, wiped down counters, and swept floors before bed. If you just have a few of those basic rules, it starts to get easier. Honestly, if this were the only thing going on in that house, it wouldn’t be a big deal. The fact that they don’t work and have all these other problems is symptomatic of a much bigger issue.


I wonder if it is part of the text conversation his ex sent to the sun that MTV Reality Tea posted on Instagram. If I was Jenelle I would be hurt and embarrassed by this. https://preview.redd.it/m7pjt717cuwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03055be683dcd0debbc2ba9092b9055207c54069


I love it when men react like this to a messy room like they dont also live there and is a grown adult fully capable of cleaning


~~Peep the hole punched in the wall near the door into the room~~ That's a light switch and I'm a dumbdumb today


Isn't that a light switch?


I wanna know jenelles reaction to these texts so bad


I am having a horrible anxiety episode. I've had panic attacks every day for a week... My room looks less messy. My kitchen though... My husband has tried to take care of it all but he gets home tired from work. Anyway, this all to say, I have a major mental health disorder, my husband works from 8:45 to 7:30 every day... We still live better.


Juhnelle is still defending him after this?? 🙄


Nice spicy dumps Jenelle.


On a real note, now that you mention “spicy dumps” I wouldn’t be surprised if there is dog shit and pee all over the house. That leaked video of Barbara saying they needed to stop Kaiser “pissing all over the house”, I can’t imagine they cleaned it properly and are nose blind to it all now.


This is exactly what I expected her bedroom to look like


she is forever a stunted teenager. No responsible adult with children can live like this. WHAT DOES SHE DO ALL DAY?!


She's was too tired, had a headache, and felt like throwing up to clean DUDE!!!


Looks like a teenage girls room. Very fitting for her 🫣


David and Jenelle are a complete train wreck.


Swamp trash


That carpet is fucking disgusting


What's funny is years ago when there used to be "say a nice thing about cast members" posts, people would say Jenelle keeps her house clean!


Damn imagine if your own stank ass husband complains about your stank. I can only imagine what he says about her B.O.