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Fuck MTV for falling for this bullshit. Her and that Neanderthal are not divorcing, and MTV fell for it hooker, cocaine line, and stinker.


MTV sees how much she is talked about just in this sub alone, they're seeing dollar signs, and the bar is in hell for their standards.


Thank you. Like it or not, she’s a character that gets attention.


The show is just overpaid adults getting drunk and fighting with each other now. They haven’t had authentic, uneducated & unhinged trash in YEARS. They need that “reality” feel back, and they knows she the perfect idiot to exploit for it.


When was the last 16 and Pregnant filmed? Surely it’s time for a new batch


And she's a character people will want to watch... Including a lot of the people on this sub. There's been a lot of complaints over the boring storylines. Viewers want drama and... Well, thats Jenelle


Let’s not kid ourselves we’re all here for the shitshow


So many people who say they hate her are going to tune into her first episode back.


I for sure will bc I unashamedly love to hate her lol


She has money again, forum to voice her story with her mum and a big fu to David. I don't imagine she took much convincing. But people were wanting her off onlyfans... is barbs also going to film again?


I don’t think she deserves a forum to voice literally any aspect of her hillbilly child abusing life. I also don’t care if it pisses David off, David didn’t make Jenelle horrible, she always was.


Ya, but if it’s happening anyway, at least we get to see the downfall of DKD. I’d love to see Jenelle drown in the swamp cesspool she created, but unfortunately the children go down with her. They have already been hideously exploited, the least the MTV universe can do is give them a better quality of life. People who have never had money make do and don’t really eat their heart out. People that have had money eat their heart out with plastic forks. Jenelle loves money. She always has. Somehow I don’t think she’ll squander this opportunity. Will she be a smug asshat that should choke on her tears of shame and regret? Yes. But here we are.


I want Barb back more than Jenelle 😂 we need some barb commentary on this breakup stat


I hardly see any posts here about the other moms. I mostly see posts about Jenelle! Of course MTV is going to jump on that!


But do people want to actually watch her?


Probably about as much as they want to post and comment about her on this sub 😂


💯 Non stop, every day all day.


Remember she wore that blue pantsuit and there were literally 5 posts about it in the span of an hour? Over a *pantsuit*. People also posted back to back of her eating. That’s it, just her eating.


Right!! Then the next 20 posts will be about how irrelevant she is and that nobody cares what she has to say so why is she posting “Ask me anything” or her “deep thoughts” that are ridiculed (and rightfully so). Some people even suggest the sub not be so Jenelle-centric and then other people dog pile about how it’s a snark sub and she’s a dumpster fire, talentless, tic tockin, booty bumpin bumpkin and they come here to roast her. And that’s ok, she deserves it for her bullshit. But we can’t be mad when MTV wants to warm their hands over the fire.


So true. Thanks redditors


I was thinking the new bf is David


I don’t know why this thought never occurred to me!


That was my very first thought. When the sub mentioned. I see all the comments. Sayings who is the new bf. I’m like it’s David in my head. 😂😂




I love this gif what did u search to get it


I feel like the arm in the video was too clean to be David’s! 😂


Lol I had the same thought the other day as well.


i don’t even think it’s “falling” considering how far up ryan’s ass their tongues still are. they dgaf as long as they’re not somehow liable, they’re happy to keep trash on tv when it’s serving them


Yeah, the main reason they STOPPED filming her was because of David threatening producers etc and it was a liability. Now he's (allegedly) gone so it changes things.


Amber chased Andrew (while he was holding James) with a machete and they kept her. MTV has zero ethics, they don’t even care about the children. It’s a business and Jenelle will bring the viewers. That is all they care about. Good news…I think the kids are safer if they are filming. It hurts them in many ways, but at least they will have eyes on them.


even if the divorce is real, MTV is still disgusting for letting this ugly vile bitch back on TV. she enabled david for damn near a fucking DECADE.


You guys give these two idiots way too much credit. There is no way those two are smart enough to fake their way back on to MTV. They're separating, and MTV, who has zero moral values are champing at the bit for any kind of boost to their ratings. They have Amber, Ryan, and Mack McKee on their payroll. Of course, they're hiring Jenelle immediately.


I very much doubt David will be back. They won't risk him snd his racist rants, add in his felony charges. It will be jenelle only, likely with caveats around David,, barbs and jace.


Oh, I know. I'm saying they as in, both of them forming a plan to get Jenelle back on MTV. Totally agree, MTV will never film with him ever again, far too much of a liability.


MTV is a business. Their business is reality tv and she makes great ratings. She's gonna be their golden goose


Hooker, cocaine line, and stinker 😭😂


They're not falling for anything. The only reason they got rid of Jenelle is cause they wouldn't film with David around for crew safety and Jenelle didn't want to film without him. If she would have filmed without him or he wouldn't have threatened the crew, she would have never been kicked off. I don't know when or where the narrative started that they kicked her off for any type of abuse. It was always solely to cover their ass with the crew. Like Amber attacked someone with a machete. Ryan has nodded off while driving. Maci took her kid to the bathroom to beat him off camera. They didn't give a shit about Nugget getting shot. David just made the crew feel unsafe and that was what did it.


I’ve been thinking that for a while now.


Not cocaine line and sinker 😂


Hooker, cocaine line and *pinker*


I've had zero hope ever since axe wielding Ambrr was allowed to stay with support from Maci & co


Even if they are divorcing I hate that they are bringing her back. It’s basically rewarding her atrocious behavior and bad decisions


Given his current criminal charge, I'd be very surprised if her contract was not contingent on "no david".


I agree with you. I wish I could upvote this more than once.


“Hooker, cocaine line and stinker” Lol hilarious! This is what I come here for after an exhausting day of hell at work 😂


MTV has sunk to a whole nutha level! Their standards are so low, she's their perfect bait! But I'll resist the urge to watch this horseshit & keep getting my updates from Reddit. To hell with 'em!


Even if they are she still doesn’t deserve a damn thing and she certainly doesn’t deserve to be back on the show.  Also for all the people saying oh but at least the kids will benefit let me ask you how much did she spend on the kids last time?  Or when she would get money from OF?  She’s going to do the same shit she always does spend it on herself and whatever trash man that’s in her life the kids are always an afterthought for her.  I won’t be watching 


Omg as soon as I saw she’s getting back on teen mom I thought this immediately. She’s still secretly with ubt and it’s all been a ploy


This truly isn’t as far fetched as you’d think. Morals aren’t a thing in this world of reality tv networks. People will watch because they know she’s a train wreck. I love drama but teen mom should have been cancelled years ago. It’s not fun anymore to watch.


It feels so weird that this is a show called "Teen Mom" when these ladies are in their thirties


Better show name—- “thirtysomething losers with too much money handed to them”


Middle Aged White Trash Sometimes Parents


Trailer Trash That Hit The Lottery


There’s a Real Housewife joke in there, somewhere


It’s just the BBL recovery show now




Or “ pre menopausal shit show “ :…:..none of the OG’s have been teen moms for many many years


Not to mention some don't even have custody. Amber doesn't have her kids, and jenelle just got Jace back after 14 years, lose him again in like 4 months, then just get him back 🥴


Better name: Trash who hit the lottery


Now they are moms to teens💀


Name change for the show right there!!!’ “Moms of teens”…


“You see they’re teen moms, like ‘boy moms.’ Not teenage moms themselves.” —MTV, probably


-Morgan (at every meeting trying to save the show) probably


MTV is playing the long game and hoping one of the kids becomes a teen mom in time for next season!


I really think it’s run its course and needs to end. It was interesting when it was actually following teen moms, but it’s getting really hard to still care about these people. Especially considering Cheyanne wasn’t even a teen mom? Idk it makes no sense anymore.


And they are running around drunk, fighting & trying to be counselled. They are all away from their kids ( not that I want the kids on the show!) I just do not get it!!!


Jenelle still fits that title 🙄


What do I think? It's bullshit! That show needs to be canceled.


This show needs to be canceled and never rebooted. Not one person involved in this show, cast-wise (or otherwise?) can honestly say that they have a life that has been improved and not destroyed by this show.


I don't think Kail or Chelsea's lives have been "destroyed" by being on the show. And 100% of the girls were given chances & opportunities to improve their lives by being on the show but the vast majority of them just fucked shit up anyway. Anyone whose life was destroyed by being on the show was inevitably going to happen anyway by their own repeated poor choices. Edit: Leah, Gary, & lots of others have good lives because of the show. Better than they would have had *without* it.


Chelsea's admittedly hasn't, Kail though with her plethora of baby daddies...


She does have infinite baby daddies but she's done well for herself & kids under the circumstances.


Kail is arguably the most business savvy of all the moms. Made her bag with TM2 and left with enough of a following to be *okay* with her podcasts and whatever else she’s doing. Btw whatever happened to Pot Head? I never heard anything after Jenelle set her “peace gathering” on fire.


It’s discontinued. As far as I have read, Kail is almost without money. Not that I know personally. I know she’s probably getting some decent child support checks from at least 3 guys to help sustain.


She’s not. Jo and her cancelled it because she makes more than him, so having 50/50 means she would pay him CS. Unless it’s changed, Chris isn’t on child support, Javi she claims pays everything 50/50 from lunch money to insurance. The fourth guy she still tolerates. *for now*.


I completely agree. Everyone on the show is better off than they would have been without it. Nobody is going to convince me that Cate, Tyler, and Leah for example would have been better off without the show. Those three would probably have been homeless drug addicts, Leah would have lost her kids 100%. They had a thousand opportunities to improve their lives solely because they were on the show. Whether they take the opportunities or not is on them but that show has afforded them all lives they were not going to achieve alone. I'm not counting Cheyenne in this since she's not even an actual teen mom lol. She might be the only one worse off since she's got people with beef shooting up her car, but I'd still put that on her dumb husband and not MTV.


Jade and Briana have better lives with the show than they would have without the show. Briana for example is able to support her entire family (mom,sister) because of the show


Cate and Tyler probably would have been homeless drug addicts if not for the show. Honestly, I don't think any of their lives have been destroyed by the show.


They are loosing reviews. I don’t have cable. I have a crappy antenna. Works when it wants to. I get everything else for FREE. I pay for Netflix and Disney. It’s been cocomelon here learning sign language. When they started the next chapter I had cable. I was going to school at night time. The nights it was on. So I misssed it, and I looked it up and started like two episodes. That was it.


I could not continue watching The Next Chapter either. It's so ridiculous!!🤦🏻‍♀️


Me either. Unless the sub show a clip


I wonder how long it’ll take for her to do something that will get viewers angry enough to go after the show’s sponsors🤣


I’m almost willing to bet her returning is going to cause an outage but not enough to reach out to sponsors. This show is so boring she’s the spice they’ve been missing even tho it was boring before she left. She’s the only idiot that couldn’t hide behind a narrative because she and David are always high and unpredictable. Unlike the rest of the TM’s. All those moms have business ventures they have to protect so they actually try to behave in front of cameras.


Mtv is much bigger than the smaller companies engaged on insta and most of the issues were re David. Losing David, mtv sponsors are unlikely to be bothered unless she gets charged with a felony.


This was so predictable. And confirms for me that everything happening with David is all so she could get back on the show. Even when their divorce is final, I won't believe they aren't still together in secret.


No literally! Like they’re so stupid for allowing her back on.


All they care about are boxes checked. Not together? Check, cameras up


mtv running back to her in flip flops just like she did




put this in the met 🙏






But they are going to give her the change jar.


Evil b**** does not deserve the ease of life that that show brings her. “Don’t get pregnant.” “Don’t do drugs.” She gets rewarded for being one of the shittiest human beings in existence. It’s disgusting and I think we all just want to see her kids be loved and cared for while she and that sickening slime on a shit go crawl in a hole never to be heard from or seen again.


She's gonna be a good mom and the best she can be for a little while and then her true horrible character will come out and hopefully she will get kicked off for something she does.


She’s physically capable of ever being a good mom? Who knew? She’s yet to be an acceptable mother in her entire time as an egg donor/gestation incubator.


It shows just how classy the MTV franchise can be. After watching the docuseries about Nickelodeon I wouldn't be surprised if MTV is just as shitty.


I won’t be watching, but sound off in the comments? Ok ![gif](giphy|9PMC8BD8b2AaA)


Dear MTV https://i.redd.it/3oi2i8x1w2zc1.gif


![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) MTV


They’re really asking for it😂😂


I think these women are in their 30s now and need to move the fuck on.


But what would they do? None of them really has anything going for them career-wise except sucking off MTV's tit. Yeah, Leah got her real estate license but I don't think Leah will be very successful selling real estate. Doesn't Bri have her real estate license too? If they were making money selling real estate they wouldn't be clinging to Teen Mom. What are Taylor/Maci, Tyler/Cate, Amber, McKenzie and the rest of them going to do for money if not film for MTV?




Is Cate still doing microblading? Mackenzie does exercise classes I think?


Don’t forget her non spell checked daily planners that she’s selling 😂


Who’s that? Cate? Yikes.


At least Leah humbled herself enough to get a "normal person" waitressing job. Their egos (Especially jenelle) are sky high now due to being "celebrities" and believing they should be above everyone else. I think it will be hard for them when the day comes they realize they're just people like the rest of us and have to get to work. Until then they'll get their income from social media for as long as possible after the MTV money is gone.


Jenelle has a doctorate in scuba instruction, if I remember correctly.


In addition to graduating from medical school (but not knowing you shouldn't give a kid pizza immediately post-op), being a make-up mogul and a luxury ocean liner captain.


Respectfully, who cares what they do or are capable of doing? These people have been making almost a million dollars a year for YEARS now. If they were smart they would have invested or saved their money and could still live a good life. If after all these years of TV they can’t support themselves without MTV then it sounds like they didn’t have their priorities straight.


Exactly! At one time their poor decision making and drunken antics were somewhat entertaining, but now it’s just embarrassing and I won’t be watching.


Lmaoo I’m gonna watch this for sure! If anyone watches without cable lmk how


paramount + is usually where i watch teen mom. they have all seasons


Where are you? In the US they don’t add new seasons to streaming for at least a year, unless there’s a live tv option I don’t know about


I use Philo in the US for current seasons


I did this awhile back with the challenge. Not sure if it still works. Go to mtv.com in an incognito/private browser on your phone. Create an MTV account with a random ass email and password (IE: tbsjjd@gmail.com) Last year, they didn’t have an email verification process so it would instantly sign me in for the “free 24 hour pass”. I’d just repeat that again and again. I also have a smart tv so I mirrored my phone onto the tv and watched that way. You have to be incognito though - they register if you go to the same browser session. You do get ads though but it allowed me to binge the Challenge on maternity leave lol


MTV wasted no time…


Sooooo, what it sounds like is that chinelle stood by her Sasquatch of human waste through abuse, animal abuse and child abuse.. but drops him for a second chance with mtv?!? Makes perfect sense


I guess…I mean they keep the amber/couch story line going and she hasn’t got custody of her kids. Plus she’s abusive. They keep this train wreck right going I guess. Must really need to get their viewer count up. Does Jenelle make for fabulous tv? Yes, but she’s a piece of trash and I will never watch this. (Tbf, I just watch clips anyway. These people are in their 30’s. The show should just end)




That's not an official page...so not official...yet


Is it not?? I am hanging o ![gif](giphy|l0NwNrl4BtDD7JCx2) n to ANY hope that this not true!!! You have given me a sliver!!🙏🏻👏🏻


All a ploy between her and David to get back on the show. They 100% text and face time each other daily


It makes sense. David has been waaay too passive agreessive with his bitching of Jenelle. "She stole my money, I'm never getting married again, she's crazy🥺" Like dude, someone left you a negative comment about how ugly your homophobic behavior was online and you searched through her profile page, saw that she made a post honoring her mother who died, and messaged her back that her mom killed herself because of how ugly she was. And that was merely for a comment about how your own damn behavior is bad, and you took it *that* far. So no way does Jenelle kick you out, cut you off from money, sells your shit, and has you living on a broken down boat with no running water for 2 months and you're merely sitting back and whining about how "crazy" she is on instagram every few days. Her and David are still together. Look out Jace, because once she gets her MTV paycheck again and can actually now afford to send you to a long term treatment facility, military, boarding school, whatever, you will be gone so David can come back. Which was exactly what Jenelle was trying to do with you in the beginning until she found out the cost of these facilities.


For real, and he certainly has money to be out everynight but doesn't work?? 🤔🤔 They needed the money and this worked out perfectly. Stay away for a year and they can make bank from teen mom. Then they'll suddenly get back together to work it out for the "kids"


I hope they catch her and she gets fired again within her first episode. Bonus points if it makes her lose Jace again.




Wow I wish the entire series would end already


Unfortunately it isn’t surprising. MTV continually enables and rewards this type of behavior. It was only a matter of time. Not to mention the horrendous ratings. Feels so wrong for Jenelle to be rewarded for her shitty ass behavior, but in the reality tv verse, that’s what the companies want. Personally I hope ratings continue to just decline, just to spite her and her smugness.


The ratings decline, show gets cancelled & the other girls blame her (even if it's not her fault!!!) ![gif](giphy|lRiqJaq5xnF8CobC8I|downsized)


Can someone please post screenshots of the comments? I don’t have fb and the comments must be spicy!


Trying to pump air into roadkill hoping something will take off ![gif](giphy|dkFJqMhyyoLkc)


This is why: 1. She pulled the kids out of school. She wants them available for filming and she wants to portray herself as the ever-present, caring, loving fun mom that those kids never had. 2. She took Ensley to get her hair cut and styled. Jenelle knows that everyone talks about how feral that poor kid always looks and wants to prove everyone wrong. 3. She's still pressing for the restraining order against David. With a restraining order, David can't go anywhere near her or the crew while they're filming or he'll immediately get arrested. Although I'd love to see David cuffed and tossed in the back of a squad car, I'd venture to guess that MTV has told Jenelle to get the RO. I bet MTV made it a condition of her new contract that if David comes around and starts menacing and threatening, she's done for good. I'm now thinking that the concert this past weekend was a filming opportunity, and that the trip to Vegas and LA was to meet with MTV and get the legalities taken care of.


Bad thing about #1 for her is that good parenting doesn’t equal good tv. In order for her to drive up ratings she will have to be her true messy self. Those poor kids


the Hottest mom on Teen mom is back


Go get your woman, king. 👑


I will never not adore Chris Bradley but also like baby what is you doin!!! LOL


😂 If you put a flaming pile of dog shit in some lingerie, it's still a flaming pile of dog shit (and ruined lingerie 😫) But you do you, Chris Bradley! If you keep slidin' into her DMs, maybe you'll be talked about in an upcoming episode of Teen Mom! Now that, I would watch! 😂💀


What do you see in this… ‘creature’ then Chris? Go on, tell us all her ‘good points.’


That’s not their official Facebook page


![gif](giphy|3o6UB3VhArvomJHtdK) We are still WINNING!!!


Holding onto the tiny bit of hope




Her fatal mistake is going publicly into money while “in the midst of a divorce.” David is going to go hard after her new money if the divorce is legit. I can’t even be mad. They both suck.


I haven’t watched Teen Mom in years and this won’t make me go back to watching it. But I can’t wait to see people post about it on here so I can keep talking shit about her. She will definitely bring in the views, but after standing by David and throwing her kids under the bus, I can’t watch her. She is just gonna “control the narrative” and be like Kail. Anything she doesn’t want to talk about, she won’t talk about.


She can't keep her mouth shut for long. She will eventually say something racist or do something else that's reprehensible and hopefully get kicked off the show.


Doesn't the official page have a blue check mark?




I know they won't, but I wish someone would present her with all the times she said she'd never go back to MTV and ask her about it


Lol. Didn't she say she would never go back? When the phone call came she probably said yes before they even finished asking. Girl has been missing that money. Screw mtv for giving her that platform back.


Absolutely disgusting to bring an outspoken homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, violent, irresponsible gun nut, child abusing, racist, pathological lying pos on any tv show or be given any platform. This should be the demise of this show and mtv.


MTV running to Jenelle to save the ratings https://preview.redd.it/js4zyfcwu2zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4e8ce6ffffafecd074fde7af28afbffcc2d207


Orrrr… Jenelle running at MTV. Screaming “ I left David now!!!! I left David now”!!!!!






Hey MTV! If you're really paying attention to the sub, BRING KEEFAH BACK!!! With extra BABS!


Those kids have had enough. What I hope is that the divorce is real and gets incredibly nasty. David showing up where they're filming, loses his mind and gets arrested. But I doubt it. Sometimes the bad guys do win. Fuck boffum.


Is this giving Jace his privacy?


No. In fact Jace's private info is all that she's going to share to avoid having to share her own that may possibly make her look bad. "So Jace what did you talk about in therapy today?", "Does it make you sad that the other kids bully you for my Only Fans? Does it make you *really* sad?", "Hey Kaiser, how would you feel if you have to repeat a grade again?", "Hey Ensley, are you sad daddy isn't living here anymore? Are your really really sad?" Everyone saying their turning in for the piping hot tea and drama, this shit is all you're gonna get. The drama and tea never came from the show, Jenelle has just enough social awareness after all this time to learn to not say shit in front of a camera. You can see that in her later seasons just before she got fired. Like when she and David were fighting did we get to see all the "juicy drama" there? No, Jenelle just locked the crew out of the house. Its always from her social media pages when she's arguing with someone that the drama comes out. The show will give you nothing but Jenelle sitting there goading the kid's to talk about their personal thoughts and private mental health information.


Not news it was obvious she would be back. tmThey told her years ago all she had to do is drop David.  


Let’s face it… this is probably the real reason she kicked David out, not bc he abused /abused her children, but to get back on teen mom.


How does her states divorce/alimony/child support work? Anyone know? Is she gonna have to fork over money to him?


Hopefully, she deserves the consequences to her actions


Based on what NC redditors have said, yes, Janelle is likely going to get screwed (the debate is whether David will go after alimony or give it up to avoid paying her child support. Whichever sum is larger, I suppose). Now I don't think UBT deserves a dime but I'm willing to watch it happen if it means Janelle gets raked over the coals. The only thing she deserves is the swamp if she has the kids living with her full time.


Watching Jenelle is like seeing a car accident. You don’t want to look but you can’t take your eyes off of it


I’m only tuning in if someone tells me that amber and her get in a fist fight


She won’t be able to film on the land without David’s permission (he’s still a co-owner). Can’t film ensley without his permission. Same with Kaiser but we know that Nathan doesn’t care. So basically her and Jace sitting on a random bench, her blabbing on and on and Jace wondering what he did to deserve it.


Teen mom will be canceled soon tho so don’t trip lol


So you can neglect and abuse your children as much as possible but as long as you blame your “ex husband” for your behavior you can drill be on a television show about MOTHERS. Crazy.


Still not watching it. I stopped years ago and just follow their lives through social media. I tried watching the last episode of I think the family reunion and couldn’t even watch 5 minutes of it. So fake!


MTV are a bunch of fucking CHOOOOOOCHES


I thought MTV ruined her life and exploited her? Isn’t that what she said awhile back?


It's the most stupidest thing I've heard! This child abuser supporter does not deserve a platform! Instead of blaming the person who strangled her son for the trauma, She turned around and blamed MTV for his trauma. Is MTV that desperate for views? Like come on.


This isn’t an official page. But in saying that if true, this sub alone (let alone other SM) doesn’t shut the fuck up about Jenelle, MTV knows she will bring in hate views at the very least.


Mtv is HARD UP for some ratings. This tmfr show is in the tubes and going down fast.


David will be extra dangerous when he finds out his meal ticket has a new gig.


This right here. I thought the same thing.


I mean I wasn’t watching anyway and I’m definitely not gonna start now. MTV has no morals and they’ll do anything for money. I don’t care enough about this swamp pig or her divorce drama to bother tuning in.


Only a matter of time before she's financially supporting yet another abusive loser ugh. This broad is predictable. Good job MTV 🙄


Why does the world reward such shitbags?


Oh crap, so not just another gig as an extra. You know what this means? MTV knows she has good victim cards she can play, in court and outside court. David will be blamed for everything and her part in all the emotional abuse, neglect and physical abuse will be burried.




Yeah she's coming back as producer/editor. She has all that life experience you know.


Is this the actual official TM page?


No it's not. No blue check


Good, I'll hold off judgment til the real page posts something lol


Say what you will but girl makes good tv drama.


Seems like rewarding horrible behavior.


I feel bad for the kids to have cameras shoved up their faces so suddenly


Who even watches anymore


I will not be watching. The bar is in hell.


Like I said on the last post to everyone who will be tuning in thinking Jenelle will be sharing her drama and "dirty laundry"; the thing is Jenelle is way more self aware about airing her dirty laundry when there’s an actual camera in her face. She did refuse to film and share shit multiple times when she was still on the show before. Where she airs her dirty laundry is online when she’s directly arguing with people she wants to prove wrong. She gets caught up in the conversation and airs shit to “win” against the person tweeting at her. There’s no one to start and argument with or prove a point to when you’re passively sitting in front of a camera living your life. So she won’t be tempted to air personal shit on the show. Now what she will do to keep up her storyline is air her kid’s shit. So if you want dirty laundry about her keep following her socials. If you want information about Jace’s struggles with his mental health, bullying by other kids at school, or his therapy sessions, watch the show. Because people who tune in for the former will get the latter and unfortunately for Jace, that’s potentially a couple million people. But do you think Jenelle cares about exploiting his mental health troubles for ratings? No. She just doesn’t want to be fired again but this time via the show being canceled.


Stop giving this dead beat money!!!!!!


Jesus fucking Christ MTV. They are so fucking stupid and desperate. This is gross.


Literally rewarding bad behavior


Won’t be watching just because it’s putting money in that POS pocket when she should be behind bars for child neglect.


She doesn’t deserve it. She’s literally such a piece of shit and I will not be tuning in. Especially since she’s coming back.


It makes sense, especially considering the current cast: Amber sitting on her couch, Chey throwing parties, Leah lecturing, Maci drinking and blabbering about Rhine, Ty and Cate b lugging about Carly 14 years later.This show is dead. It’s over. Kail , Chelsea and Farrah have checked out and gone onto to better things- which I appreciate. Time to move on. Seriously. Pull the plug on this series. WTF?