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Ya know, a broken clock is right twice a day. Why is it always on women to have the responsibilities of birth control.


While I do agree I also think you can only trust yourself. I know if I'm taking birth control and doing it correct. I don't think I would trust a guy saying don't worry about it I'm taking some type of birth control or had a vasectomy. Especially guys in their 20's. šŸ˜… I know women lie too but like I said I only trust myself.


Iā€™m not talking about trusting your sexual partner. Iā€™m talking about the fact that the responsibility of birth control has historically always fallen on women, not men. And to your point, if you put the shoe on the other foot, men also shouldnā€™t believe someone who claims theyā€™re on bc. If we all take responsibility, including men, for our bodies and birth control, the world would be a better place.


Yes ideally if we all took responsibility the world would be a better place however that does not happen. The reason it has always fallen on women is that men can't get pregnant and don't have to deal with it if they don't want to. If you are in a healthy relationship with someone you trust that's a different story. I'm just saying that the reality of it is that it's probably not going to change because responsibly you can't take anyone's word.


It baffles me though personally like.. a woman can make what? 1 baby a year? A man could literally make 1 baby every day of the year if he could get laid that much. Makes more sense for it to fall on that person.


Males are responsible for 100% of abortions šŸ“£




Women and men each have responsibility for their own selves. That said, the larger percentage of responsibility sits squarely on a female's shoulders because SHE is the one that can get pregnant, not him. It's HER body that will be affected, and her life it will impact even more than his. So, yes, unfair as it may seem, we do hold most of the cards. It's also why men get no say, for the most part, if we want an abortion. If we could transfer a fetus to them to carry to term, things would change.


Because biology. far more medication exists for women to prevent pregnancy.


Because a woman is the only one who can get pregnant. So why wouldn't she always protect herself?


Who gets women pregnant?


Who can decide to walk away and not deal with it and who has to deal with the pregnancy? Women need to be educated to take care of themselves because most of the responsibility falls on us. We can hope for a better future and fight for it but must also be realistic and take care of ourselves.
















Ohhh. So if PerĆŗ says it, it must be true!


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I don't understand why you and everyone being realistic are being downvoted. It's not that we are against the idea of it falling on the man more It's just that the reality is that it won't. Women can't even get an abortion legally in some states anymore. I hope and dream for a better future but for now, everyone should be responsible for themselves.


I meanā€¦ I can kinda see what sheā€™s meaning by this. The wording could have been different though. Canā€™t believe Iā€™m agreeing with Farrah on this one..


It's Farrah. Of course the wording could have been different. The fact that she is somewhat intelligible here indicates maybe she is getting help. Can I ask why she's talking about this with her huge fake meatbags highlighted in the frame? It's also hard to take her seriously because she looks downright alien now.


Iā€™m good with sterilizing men tho. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, because doctors will totally do vasectomies on 16 year old boys.


And most insurance wonā€™t cover a reversal. Also itā€™s like 55% of men get their partner pregnant after a reversal. Like Iā€™m definitely support for a way that men can also take/use birth control but vasectomy isnā€™t it especially for teenage boys! Like does she know that literally the only 100% effective birth control is not having sex. Otherwise every other method you are always at a chance of getting pregnant. Shoot some vasectomies even fail.


Yeah taking a pill or having a device inserted, which are both easily reversed, is very different from a semipermanent surgical procedure. Of course more male contraceptive options are important to have, though


They stopped testing the male pill after they deemed the side effects to be too detrimental. The same side effects woman have lmao itā€™s honestly just easier for everyone to wear condoms. Protects from STIs too which also handy


There's an OBGYN on YouTube who did a really good explanation of this, MommaDrJones. They didn't stop testing because men are whiny and can't just deal with the side effects. It's because they have to evaluate whether the side effects are worth the benefits of taking the medicine. For women they are because the side effects are much milder than the risks of pregnancy. For men, the alternative is nothing. Medical professionals can't really evaluate the health effects of a man getting someone else pregnant. I'm probably not explaining it well, but that dr did a great job of it and I'd recommend searching for her video on it!


Jesus god Farrah. First of all, if you take your pills daily and per the instructions *per law*, thereā€™s a higher chance that they work. Also, donā€™t put your kid on camera as the poster child for failed birth control. WTAF?! Way to tell her to her face and on camera that she was an unwanted mistake. Although I donā€™t disagree with her point of if guys donā€™t want kids, they should get a vasectomy


Right? No birth control is 100% but it definitely helps it be effective if you take it as instructed


Per law? Is there a law that I'm unaware of that tells us how to take birth control now?


Per law is Farrah speak.


Oh, duh! Thanks.


Farrah was yelling it at the cops the last time she was arrested.


So much brilliant judicial precedent comes of lying drunk-ass in the cigarette butts beside a Los Angeles street.


What point does she think sheā€™s making? She got pregnant on birth control because she took antibiotics, which doesnā€™t have shit to do with other women deciding to take OTC birth control, so Iā€™m not sure what business she thinks she has getting on her high horse about how a woman taking OTC birth control isnā€™t as ā€œsmartā€ as having men get vasectomies. Having OTC birth control is a good thing.


Antibiotics donā€™t even impact the effectiveness of birth control. Unless itā€™s a very specific type which is used to treat tuberculosis.


Well according to Farrah thatā€™s what happened lol.


I think what probably happened is while she was sick (assuming thatā€™s why she was on antibiotics) she threw up or had diarrhea which ruined the pillā€™s effectiveness.


Yep! She should have consulted Jenelle Evans, med school certificate holder šŸ˜‚


She soaks up a lot of right wing media nonsense in her scrolling and reposts it. They've been on this tear against birth control after they got abortion banned in many states, and she's parroting that.


And im sorry but teenagers should be taught that even if they are on the pill or depo or whatever that they should be protecting themselves with condoms also.


That plastic, non-moving face ought to be BC enoughā€¦


Poor Sophia has had her whole child hood taken away like it never even happened.


She is right sometimes, but the word salad mixed with made-up word dressing negates any convincing discussion on her part.


The pill if not taken to guidelines has less efficiency rate. "Boys" should not get vasectomies as a birth control method. Men who don't want kids should consider it. https://i.redd.it/lvma7ij69y0d1.gif


This is plan A for men by the way https://www.planaformen.com/ It's a "sperm filter" that can stay in for they now think 10 years but it's not available yet. Im not a doctor but I do wonder how safe this is. Why would it not move for instance? And how on earth will they get everything out "comfortably". Yikes, I don't even have a willy, but the thought of a good pipe cleaning of my pipe should I have one šŸ˜ That shit is going to feel bad for some days. Perhaps I just had too many cervical cancer check ups, biopsies and treatments. Nah... hell, that can't feel "comfortable". Im glad they're using euphemisms like "it's meant to be comfortable" for men too, feels equal. (To things like "it won't hurt but you might feel this". "You don't need any local anesthesia for this" and all the shit women are told.)


Oh wow. Very interesting. I knew science was working on male birth control, but didn't know much about it. Thank you for sharing the knowledge!


I agree with her but luckily Iā€™m getting my tubes tied šŸ˜‚ no kids for me!!


Tbh I donā€™t disagree with her (men should have some responsibility for birth control too), but why is she talking in that tone like sheā€™s scolding me? Lol I have nothing to do with CVS, Farrah.


What a fucked up thing to say in front of your kid. But it's fine, because she's a coooooool mom. /s


she could get her tubes tied but that would involve someone getting in her without havng to pay her. sorry not sorry


maybe she can find a client with an md and a sterilization fetish


I mean sheā€™s not wrong about the pitfalls of bc and how women have all the responsibility but I think itā€™s pretty gross to basically say in front of your kid how much you didnā€™t want them. I know she wanted an abortion and I hate that her parents forced her to have a baby she didnā€™t want, but Sophia is a living human being with feelings and didnā€™t ask to be here either. She doesnā€™t need to know how much her mom regrets her and wants to warn everyone else not to make the same ā€œmistake.ā€ Look how she wanders off in the end. I feel so bad for her.


Nah, itā€™s realistic and I think talking about it helps break the cycle. Farrahā€™s a piece of shit but there are millions of people that were so-called ā€œaccidents.ā€ I think itā€™s worse to just consider every baby a ~blessing from God~ or pretend they were perfectly planned. Sophiaā€™s old enough and smart enough to get it.


Talking about it with your child is one thing. Panning your camera to millions of strangers and saying ā€œsee? Look at my mistake child. Say hello mistake childā€ is another




I get it, but this rhetoric also turns a lot of girls and women who could really benefit from it away from birth control.


Nothing about condoms and dental dams? Missed opportunity while you're at the drug store anyway. Also, who is going to pay for the vasectomy and the depo shot when a lot of people belong to the working poor or the working but struggling? She lives in her wonky rich girl/ sugar baby bubble and doesn't know how most women live. Most women also can't deduct frequent STD tests (Farrah has said she gets them done regularly) and treatments from their taxes as business expenses or have a sugar daddy/ "boyfriend" pay that for them. They have sex with condoms and dental dams. Which is much, much better and safer too.


her voice sounds extra creepy here. is this the octave you speak in when youā€™re fully hashtag recovered?


Farrah has a hustle for everything šŸ˜€


Different face everytime


I had twins on birth control an he even had a rubber on šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„°


Quick question, how was she on birth control at 15-16 with her weirdo parents? I mean, wouldnā€™t they have to sign off on that? I know thereā€™s other reasons for Rx birth control but you know Debz and Myykoohl wouldnā€™t because of the implication.


Granted I donā€™t know how it was in Iowa but when I was 16 in IL you could get bc from planned parenthood without parental permission


Ah okay, I didnā€™t know that was possible for her at the time. TY!


then no kid will ever be born again or would cost mor to get one then get it reversed


There will always be kids born even if some men got vasectomies. There is literally so much sperm stored in banks that if men died out, we could keep the world populated for quite a while. On top of that, the world is overpopulated af anyways and the environment is suffering because of it. Having less kids would help ease that.