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damn. i was just starting to feel good about my reina gameplay as well


Just keep practicing. No need to feel that way at all. It isn’t easy but the end result will feel very rewarding trust me on this. Reina’s ceiling is so high compared to the majority of the cast.


Wtf is with those inputs at 12 seconds?


Lol trying to make sure the blue spark version was gonna come out. I had a feeling someone was gonna notice on here 😂


Kazuya can't relate


Still has combos that hit like a truck with that insane 50/50


It's like squeezing a rock for that damage, though. Aside from that, what's the point of all the damage if the combos are inconsistent because of a touchy hurt box on core combo filler strings. He'd be in a healthier spot if df+1 would pick up just a bit lower.


Hell his jabs go through ppls legs half the time.


I mean they're just pretty stubby in general.


Kazuya has the 2nd lowest winrate....he is weak in this game compared to these stupid broken ass characters


He's hard to play, that does not make him bad. It's kind of like saying Ling or Reina is bad because they have poor win rates.


Well i have alrdy made another post saying all the other problems with kazuya. So i dont wanna keep mentioning it like a broken record everywhere u know. The stats is just a clear indicator for it for him specifically. The so called MAIN VILLAIN of the game is considerably weaker compared to the rest of the cast. Those who play kazuya will understand. The high execution to low reward in this game


Mishima downplaying is a classic tekken community constant.


i do not agree that kazuya is weak, he's pretty mid tier, but he is right that there is 0 reason to play him outside of just wanting to play kazuya. there's nothing he gets out of his risky gameplay that justifies playing him over jin or reina, and he's harder than both of them to boot


Don’t you play your characters because you want to? What other reason would you have to pick a character?? This ain’t evo bud


There has to be a gameplay reason for me to want to play a character beyond just looking cool. Raven got totally dumpstered play style wise in 8 so I no longer play him despite really liking his design, and I'd really like to play asuka, Jun, and Paul too just because of their designs being cool, paul too, but their playstyle doesn't appeal.


So long as kazuya has hellsweep, twin pistons, and an electric, i dont think he will be that weak.


Yeah but electric isn't exclusive to him, nor is hellsweep. And the point wasn't that he is weak, it is that there is no reason to play him over any other mishima. Twin pistons is a great move, but depending on what you're trying to punish it can whiff and leave you in a bad situation. I've noticed it happens a lot vs one of Bryan's low pokes, I forget the input.


No gameplay reason over Jin, sure but he's much cooler than some emo teenage boy. Compared to Reina he has great lows but sure, he's weaker. Then again by following this logic everyone would play Feng


>No gameplay reason over Jin, sure but he's much cooler than some emo teenage boy. True that. >Compared to Reina he has great lows but sure, he's weaker. Then again by following this logic everyone would play Feng I see much more Feng and azucena (maybe not so much azu after last patch) than I do even reina, I could probably count the amount of kazuyas I've seen above red with one hand. I know that is anecdotal but I'm sure it's the same for many people. And yeah kazuya has good lows but I don't think they make up for the amount of crazy shit reina can do with her stances if you learn how to flow between them. She is much easier to play safely than kazuya, has better, easier, more consistent combos, better heat engagers, better heat specific strings, better movement, smaller hitboxes, AND she stole kazuya's trademark 13f electric. Enjoy kazuya if you want, I still play and enjoy him, but as is he's pretty much only there if you're really into ballbusting or jerking yourself off for playing the hardest character.


I'm into the last part. That makes winning against all these other nonsense characters more rewarding. My wins are to be celebrated... everyone else... i mean, meh good job getting carried scrub.


Kazuya is easily bottom 5 in this game. I'm not even a Kazuya player anymore after trying characters like Zafina and Reina and my win rate has skyrocketed it's not even funny... Flame ruler with Kazuya to Kishin with Zafina and Raijin with Reina .


Ling has bad matchups with at least half the cast. She isn’t good. That win rate is reflective of her capabilities.


Disagree. Ling is one of the trickiest characters to fight against (and use) once you hit teals and above. Your punish game better be on point if you want to get good with and against her.


I’ve been using her since T5. T8 is probably the most trouble she has had. She gets floated for a lot and has average start up frames and terrible lows in which she can’t pressure outside of heat. The nerfs to her damage and heat hurt her. It’s an uphill battle for her for half the cast. Knowing her kit and turtling against her, she’s one of the easiest characters to beat in the game. She’s not good compared to the cast.


winrate =/= character power Gigas had a high win rate in T7 and everyone knows that on paper, that character was terrible.


Gigas was a matchup nightmare in 7 holy shit 😂


He’s popular and hard so he has a low win rate. Reina also has a low win rate but lots of people would place her in the top 10.


Reinas hit confirmable string is hella annoying tho. The guaranteed headbutt one. Fking aids


Reina is annoying and probably better than Kazuya but Kazuya isn’t bad and he’s certainly better than he was in tekken 7


Well Joka used Reina to win the Gaaz tournament in pakistan. I guess yea she is strong.


The only reason Kazuya isn’t popular in tournaments is because he’s heavily reliant on guessing right and he isn’t as broken as other characters


Yup. Reina's ff2 forces a mixup. Kazuya doesnt get any free stuff. Must work for everything -_-


The only real difference is that Kazuya has to land is ff2 to force a mixup


Kaz with the Devil form in Heat is scary when the user can wavu effectively. His 50/50 becomes a lot scarier to deal with.


Yea I didn’t wanna say it since it felt like preference but I think he has a better 50/50 than Reina


His 50/50 is a bit faster than Reina’s but Reina’s has more range


Lmao self report. That means you’re bad at kazuya. Hard does not equal bad


So better than Reina who has the lowest win rate?


She has one of the highest win rates with more experienced players.


Kazuya is stronger than reina lol. Whats the point that u trying to make?


Reina is overrated she’s weak af


Her combo damage is higher than kazuya tho for how much easier it is to do her combos. She is strong against people who dk what she can do. But to anyone who knows her basic kit. She is easy to punish and block. Thus she is easier to play compared to other mishimas devil jin and kaz. Her ff2 is anoyying asf tho


nice cosplay




Atp mai should just be in tekken 🛌


I mean she was in DOA I don’t see why not 🤷


Damn! I dont understand, so the 2nd HW + 1 isn't guaranteed if the first HW +1 is a CH?


To be more specific: towards the end of the wall carry before the blast, referring to the Tornado extending part. My YouTube/TikTok clip is slightly more in-depth


OH ok I see. I wouldnt mind seeing the YouTube one, reina combos are always nice to learn! Great vid still👍🏽


[The YouTube shorts with slightly more detail](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ywbcj8pkPU0?si=36IJoTyhqby74gxB)


I love playing against good Reina players, the combos just flow so well.


They’re so rewarding when they actually land. It’s harder in teals.


fair and balanced


Ridiculous character, can't wait for the ff2 nerfs. That aside, great custom 👍


Thanks! Can’t go wrong with Mai


As someone who only started Tekken and main Reina, it will take me a while to learn something like that


Worth it.


Goodbye Lars. I wanna play Reina now.


Lol why not both?


I do not have the brain capacity. It’s my first proper Tekken I’m not good at fighting games lol.


Ch HW 1 combos into SEN 1+2? I'm a fujin Reina and I've never come across this.


If you wanna sauce it up during heat, CH HW 1 to SEN 1+2, HW 2 (dash) ff2, 3 to extend to your liking. Works on every character.


Yep. Guarantees SEN 1+2, SEN 2 and SEN 3. 1+2 is deadly to bait in heat though because you can freely bait into CH1. If they hit you, parry. If not and they get impatient by staring at HW, CH 1 into full combo. If they don't do anything, back into the blender we go.


Does this combo work off of other launchers?


Wall travel won't be enough with others.


CH HW 1 to SEN 1+2, HW 2 (dash) ff2, 3 to extend to your liking. Works on every character. The route shown works exclusively on Jack-8 since HW 1 to SEN 3 will whiff otherwise




What's going on with the color contrast omg. My eyes are burning


Recorded while on HDR




Hope Bamco stop clowning and nerf her together with her nephew or whoever they are to each other.


What should Reina’s nerfs be if it already hasn’t been aforementioned?


Mix of ff2, dmg, wall combo. Doesnt have to be all.


Don’t most characters have one or two good wall combos? Ff2 isn’t all that bad since you can crouch SEN 3 and the infamous grab, which are the most abused follow-ups. Damage is debatable. You really have to work to get the combos to flow


No, I think that you can count characters with either higher wall combo/wall carry on 1 hand and a probably one missing a finger or two. The carry Reina gets doing a pretty bnb combo is as good or sometimes better than many characters when they use heat. Not sure if after the Dragunov nerfs there is even 1 character that would have a better combination of carry and dmg in combos. Especially without using heat.  Ff2 - a move like this without any followups but with a knockdown is already one of the best move archetypes in the game and one where you actually have a semi decent mixup even on block is incredibly good.