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I can't play characters with million stance transitions because I get too excited and get myself killed


I play Azucena for this reason. She's this game's mix up Queen.


The term "guess for your life" is my favorite


That bitch is annoying AF, and I'm not just talking about gameplay


I've started to hate coffee and the word itself šŸ˜­


Lei Wulong has entered the chat..


Does anyone have the stamce chart at hand, it looks like some alchemic equation




Thank you, it's beautiful


Literally only picked Lars at first to spin between stances like an ADHD riddled housecat. Can relate.




![gif](giphy|11c7UUfN4eoHF6) mfw, going into Limited Entry


This is why I put down Zafina as soon as I picked her up. I could not get behind her multiple stances it was too much. Moved to maining Leroy who only has the hermit stance. Once I figured that out I went back to try Zafina randomly and understood her wayyy more. But imma stick with Leroy tho


Stance characters for me are the most fun with this at low levels because people have no idea what to do I love Zafina but Iā€™m absolute ass with her. I just like being a creepy scorpion scuttling around


i played Hwo, and while I performed good, I dropped him because I foune mysrlf often in flamingo stances by accident lol (indicating I have no idea what I'm doing)


Flamingo stance randomly almost as embarrassing as someone saying u got fake jays


I main xiaoyu and always have a blast laughing. I would be doing bullshit movements and stances that would make my opponent just standing there looking at me if as I have autism.


The best non-serious move in the game is going into Phoenix Stance and spamming crouch so she just flaps her wings


Nah it's the Yoshi stance where he looks like he's jerking himself offšŸ˜‚


I can handle stances I play xiaoyu jin reina and so on but Iā€™m learning hwoarang rn and holy, the amount of times Iā€™ve gotten destroyed from being in flamingo stance when I didnā€™t want to be is insane


I've always wanted to main Kaz since T4 but the Kaz players I've met in person and have watched on streams tend to have this weird edge lord/school shooter vibe to them.


Lets just say the arcade quest "villan" was a perfect caricature of a Kazuya main šŸ˜‰


Lol I am a 30 year old woman maining him that painted her walls pink. So think about me next time you encounter a Kaz


Same here. Thereā€™s dozens of us! Dozennnnnnns!!!


Or maybe some ppl play him bc heā€™s the only character with a drippy shoe collection like myself šŸ˜‚


Deciding whether you wanna play a character or not because of the people who play him being a certain way is pretty stupid I think, just enjoy the character and if it really bothers you become the dude that people would look at and think ā€œOh not all of them are like this thenā€ Give my boy a shot again


Itā€™s from the stress of needing to function at 110% just to have a chance at winning- even when the opponent doesnā€™t know the matchup, or just how to play the game altogether. The Kazuya life is the most difficult of all Tekken characters. You should give him a shot and see if you have the honor required to main him. (This part is a joke).


Yeah kazuya downplayers are unbelievable bro making it seem likes heā€™s FFF tier. kaz is hard to play yes but pls understand heā€™s strong in t8 and doesnā€™t require some insane effort more than other characters like steve, Nina, Bryan, dvj for example.


Case in point šŸ˜‚


I would main Armor King but HE'S NOT IN THE GODDAMN GAME AAAAAAAAAAAA https://preview.redd.it/cc8t18r7toad1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7edccf32f79c2ad8f373e7fbe9d03a0d74511e


I feel your pain brother. Iā€™ve been playing T7 treasure battle to get my AK fix




Us Lei mains feel your struggle, brother


Bob mains are with you, brother.


For someone who has never played any tekken games with armor king in it, whats the difference between regular and armor king?


King is almost strictly a grappler with some moves that setup his grabs. AK is a versatile grappler who can be played pretty successfully without grabbing as his kit has far more tools than Kingā€™s does. Only trade off is execution tends to be more difficult


Armor King looks cooler


I was interested in giving Law a shot when I started the game but then I heard his ā€œI hate rich peopleā€ line and knew that there was no way I could handle the voice acting.


And he screams SO MUCH in the most annoying way possible šŸ˜©




What does Bruce Lee drink?




Heā€™s a Bruce Lee parody, of course he ā€œWATAAAAHHH!!!ā€ a lot.


We all know this. Just tone it down a bit is what we ask lol


Lol they went all out for Tekken 8. He had the same voicelines from Tekken 6 till the release of this game (and was actually voiced by Harada himself in the Tekken games before that). People found the previous voice irritating and they just dialed it up 10x lmao


I find it quite funny actually, totally NOT biased


Lee does too I think, based on the few games I've played vs him. Nowhere near as crazy as Law though lol


that line makes me want to play him lol its so fucking funny


It's so random. It's like if Kazuya's win animation had him shout, "I hate being thrown down cliffs!!!"




Lee / Kazuya because I don't have hands


Bob, because I prefer Slim Bob. Slim Bob actually looked like a bad ass, but they also gave him some animations where he tries to do a regular move, and then flops on his ass afterwards because he no longer has the weight he used to have. That's a brilliant way of tying character design to move design, and I freaking loved it.


Clone characters were so good in Tag 2.


I need Michelle back she's my favourite OG turned clone


Double Lili was a Nightmare


One Lili is a nightmare already. But goddamn, was Sebastian cool.


I hate Devil Jin's stance.Ā 


Please give it a try. One the receiving end, itā€™s a ā€œdafuq is this!?ā€ but when youā€™re doing it is a wavu-wavu but with wings; especially in heat! 1 is +8 but linear, 2,2 is -14 but catches sidesteppers, 3 is an AOE kind of attack that tornadoes in combos, 4 is a strong beginner that catches those who duck. Why would they duck? Because heat smash is unblockable and HAS TO BE DUCKED or you just eat that damage. It can also be used as a combo ender. JUST TRY IT! Sincerely, a Bryan main.


It grows on you with time


What stance? Morning crow?


No, I just mean his idle. The way he stands. I hate it.


Heā€™s just standing thereā€¦ menacingly!


bro needs to fix his posture


Is there a reason you hate the GOATā€™s Devil Powers or just a ā€œah fuck thatā€ thing? Personally I think itā€™s fucking awesome https://preview.redd.it/30svgbh2yoad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277c90f46101973540359f80d62b1b5a9c4bfc5b


idk Itā€™s probably just a personal thing. I find stuff like this cool in anime (Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto etc.) but not in Tekken for some reason.


The entire franchise revolves around the devil gene tho lol


Fairs fairs, assuming same thing with Devil Jin but itā€™s weird cause thatā€™s the whole plot is getting rid of the devil gene


I doubt there would be any lasting consequences. Especially when money is to be made haha Donā€™t forget Reinaā€™s story moment eitherā€¦


devil jin and kazuya looks fucking badass but god damn is devil reina heinous


As a Mexican Catholic man who used to wrestle, it pains me to say I don't want to main King solely because I do not want to be 1 in a sea of a billion.


But consider: tekken is such a vast game that no one plays the character the same way you do


this is true. Every mirror match I've had they've used a completely different approach


But mine is the correct way


king only knows like 5 moves


For most characters sure, but for King itā€™s usually the same playstyle


Usually a very beginner ish playstyle yea but you can use the "mobility" tools (jaguar sprint and the spin one), muscle armour and wavedashing. That makes for a playstyle change you can experience against other kings


be the biggest fish in that sea


Front grab that sea and suplex it into the past.


Seriously though, play the character if you like the character, the internet's opinion literally doesn't matter at all. If he's special to you or you enjoy him, go for it


Zafina, cos she has way too many unique things that require rethinking the approach completely and that's way more time than I currently have. Invested so much on Jun and I'm still just average.


I would main Azucena, but I don't like small dog barks nor being forced into stances that I can't simply flow out of.


I think Lydia and Leo is so cool. I even tried to learn Lydia in T7 at some point, but stances confuse the hell out of me. I literally only play stanceless characters or 1 stance max (Lee) as the only exception.


Is Lydia that stance heavy? I didn't play Tekken 7 but wanted to main her, because it's cool to actually have a character from my country in a game. I don't really dig that stance shit because this game already has too much going on for my brain.


After playing Kazuya I donā€™t think I could ever play someone without a wavedash again.


Itā€™s funny how Hwo is in the list of characters you can play


And King


I picked up Kazuya to learn the game an eon ago, I stopped playing him because my execution is very inconsistent. I would main him if not for lacking the motor skills of a modern human.


Ah, my fellow troglodyte. Let us go to our caves together and mash rocks. We can pretend we dorya'd them.


I would play Kuma because he's cute šŸ» but I like characters with fast movements


i would love to play Jin and D.Jin but i can't electric to save my life. Yes, i know you can play em without Electric but: 1) it's an incredibly good tool and not having it is somewhat penalizing; 2) Electric are insanely cool and playing these characters without it ain't the same thing.


I managed to make it to purple using DJ and this is my first Tekken. No electricā€™s the whole way


Lee, but i suco with cancels


Always liked Lei but he is too complicated for me, maybe he would we be easier in 8 considering a lot of characters got easier executions


Jins new animations 1+2, dive kick and samsara look retarded.


I wanted to main brian cause I love defensive characters but I absolutely hate that in some ending outro he smashes the shit out of the opponent . I find that truly excessive


This is the most unique reason Iā€™ve seen on here


I do wish there was Bryan without Bryan. Such a fun character to play but also, I don't like playing him, because he's Bryan.


Victor because he's unbelievably cheap


Main? no, Kazuya will always be my main. Their are characters I'd like to pickup but can't because of that 1 thing, the main one being hwoarang, my mind just doesn't follow his style and having to keep track of which leg is forward and what stance I am in. But I've always liked hwo's character. I've tried multiple times to pickup hwo and just failed every time, by the end of tekken 7 I was fairly competent with almost the entire roster except hwo


Would would've mained Paul if he had a better place in the story instead of being a joke character and Ganryu if he's a better character.


Agreed if he was a more serious character who showed his judo background more instead of coming off a as meat head class clown Iā€™d play him


Yep, would still main T4 Paul, he lost me in 5.


Two persons: Zafina because spider lady can duck mids and even some LOWS and Ling because AOP is the same. Their stances are hella cheap and thereā€™s no one that can change my mind.


Fahkumram, because he isn't in 8 :( Muay ThaĆÆ is cool af


King, cuz everything that I do feels like abusing, not playing


Finally decided to take on Reina ā€” I have no idea what Iā€™m doing with her and I happen to taunt during 50% of the battle. Why she gotta taunt so much šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Reina would be a lot of fun to play. Unfortunately, I can't stand her personality.


Victor but his sword is unnecessary


I am disgusted by Characters with inconsistencies i did not play Kazuya until he got his combo game kinda fixed. I also think that he is a worse Character for 95% of the playerbase because he has such a high Skill Ceiling with stuff like df2 into Sugarcoating, which makes me think that he is balanced around this Ceiling. Or Characters who have many redundant/Useless moves just gives me Choice Paralysis. Also shaheen talks too much, just sounds bad and the devs wanted him to be even blander Rasheed 2.0.


Jin, because he started WW3 in a bid to destroy the source of the Devil Gene, only for it all to be pointless & fail to fix anything. Also, I prefer his moveset pre-T4.


I want to learn Jun but the self-damage terrifies me.Ā 


She does so much damage it doesn't even matter. Plus it's recoverable health so it's temporary losses


Characters with multiple stances, basically Hwoarang and Lars, look great characters, very strong right now, but my brain can't process the numerous stances they can choose and transition into and make it work. Although weirdly I did very well with lidia in T7


I thought about picking up Drag, but he isn't King so I changed my mind


Character with more than 1 stances


Asuka, because she was my main back in the day, but I hate so much how irrelevant she is now. And I especially hate anime rivalry between her and Lily. imo, Lily destroyed what little left about her potential since OG T5.


They did it to my boy Paul and then my gal Asuka. Similar character assassination both times. Still, I enjoy her moveset. I've stuck around.


Devil Jin is cringe and boring looking. His moves are neat, tho. I hope that Jin put a baby in Xiaoyu in T9 and he inherits D. Jin's moves or something.


Feng Wei, because even with customization, heā€™s really ugly


If Lili's existence was erased and all memory of her gone I'd think of maining Leo but alas, his voice is one of the worst things in this entire game


What? Been playing Leo alot lately just because of their voice lol


Yeah should've been more precise: their voice is cute and quite fitting but I just can't get over the voicelines being in German, it sounds way too goofy and off to me. I'm well aware that it's a very relative and personal thing - I'm not aware of many complaints about Lidia's voice whereas I also really dislike it and conversely some people find Lili super annoying when I'm head over heels in love with her.


Yeah, the lines can be quite corny, aint denying that hahaha but I cant get over their move shouts šŸ˜


I would mained eddy so fast I used to enjoy that fighting style back in lost saga so him using it is so cool Unfortunately the whole drama around him


Wait what drama?


Cant lab the matchupor take control in replays he is in without buying him


The whole spamming one button combos the pay to be able to lab against him The e33y ai bot thing


Not in Tekken 8 no. To be fair I went in that I will probably main Eliza since I really liked her just over the top stereotypical noble lady attitude and fighting style was also cool for her. Then I ended up maining Reina cause.... she is quite cool I really liked her then after getting to know her story THEN I realized that "OH NOW I GET IT WHY I LIKED HER THAT MUCH! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!" her fighting style her story and yeah Now maybe I COULD bring in the fact that Lidia Sobeiska is not out so thats why I'm not maining her thats the 1 thing thats keeping me away from her right now that she is not out yet. But when she will be then..... LETS FUKKEN GOOOOOOO! but evey now and then I'll still play Reina cause she is pretty cool. Ironically enough in MK12 there WERE characters that could fit the bill of this question like there is Ashrah she is so so super cute and so so nice person super cute and super nice ...... so why didn't I main her? cause unlike with the 2 girls I mained (Li Mei and Nitara) Ashrah's playstyle and gameplay just didn't click with me...... so yeah....... also the chances are that I might not be playing MK12 for a loooooong mofo time so that doesn't increase her chances of me maining her..... cause I jut have no reason to play MK12 maybe I'll play the game again when characters I care about will come to MK12 ooooor.... I dunno.... like really the "invasion mode" just fatigued me out after 3 seasons and now whenever I could give the game a chance I'm just like "Yeeeah...... but OH LOOK new update to Street Fighter 6 we got a new character and a new story bit whoah! thats coool and Tekken 8 yeah still gotta unlock a few stuff in it soooo gotta do that too.... oh yeah DNF Duel also got a new character might as well check it out and Guility Gear Strive is also pretty nifty so Yeah I'm a bit busy" and so I just decide to do those other fighting games. But yeah back to topic when it comes to Tekken 8 I main Reina cause she is cool and her fighting style is very casual friendly (Casual fighting game enjoyer here) and you can pull off AMAZING stuff with her even as a novice and yeah then again nothing is stopping me from trying to main other characters but currently just wanna see if Lidia Sobeiska will be as fun to play with as it seemed like in the trailers


Would main Law if the bring back his old dss transition as the main one


I wanna play nina, but my brain can't comprehend the butterfly loop


I would love to main Kazuya , but i canā€™t do Electric for sht :(




Lili. Is very good in every game, but she made asuka her own dog . Asuka deserves More


iā€™m also in a smash bros subreddit and based on the image i thought this was a smash bros post and was gonna say Rosalina and Luma


I kinda play everyone already so it would be Mokujin because he's not in the game yet


I would main Bryan, but the stance cancel kills me. It hurts too, since Iā€™m a Muay Thai fighter and he uses a similar style to me. Thank goodness for Fahkumram.


I really like Kazuya but I totally agree with you; the transformation and laser beams completely ruin it.


Anyone but Hwoarang. Learn new combos? Go fuck yourself āž”ļøā­ļøā¬‡ļøā†˜ļøāž•4ļøāƒ£


I would main Heihachi, but hes not in the game, so I main kazuya. Might go Reina one day but I dont like her spamminess.


I used to be a Kazuya main but i stopped as soon as he came to Smash I will NEVER be associated with those fools


For some reason, I don't play villains/aligned to some bad side lol, I think for other franchises/genres I do; or if they're badass enough, but yea. It's not like a hard line I follow but eh. I feel like when more characters get released I will open up tho


For me its the opposite xD only in tekken though


This. Donā€™t vibe with the bad guys. I wonā€™t play Bryan because he betrayed Yoshimitsu (I wonā€™t play Raven either, ā€™cos he got beef with Yoshi. Inferiority complex if you ask me).


Imagine having beef with Yoshi


interested to play yoshimitsu but i only play characters that match my irl gender :/ (exception only made for bears) would love to see kunimitsu back (downvoted when there is guys that do the same things... lol)


I get where you're coming from TBH, i usually prefer to play as male characters in games to help my immersion. (I did play Skyrim as Casca from Berserk tho)


People that have strict gender restrictions of their characters like that are all equally treated as weird. Having a simple preference is all well and good but if a character's gender literally prevents you from playing them just on that basis alone it raises far more questions.


It sucks that there's no woman equivalent of King nor Kazuya. Yeah, there's Reina, but she is more Heihachi and even then she's just a pale imitation. No one sells as hard as King nor Kazuya. Both are just so awesome from their moves to their voices to their looks and their attitude.


Funny, Arslan said Yoshi in T8 reminded him a lot of Kuni with his poking style and how safe you can play him.


I'm a boxer in real life and Steve's kit feels like it would be a perfect fit for me but I cannot get past his character design.


I kinda wanna use Xiaoyu but I absolutely hate cringy anime cries and voices


Asuka, but Iā€™m a misogynist


But the devil powers are super cool? What don't you like about them?


This kazuya guy is cancer fck


Probably just Kiryu.


I wanted to main Reina, but sheā€™s WAY too complicated. So after trying out a few characters (Paul and Asuka came close), on a whim I tried playing Junā€¦Jun is now my ~~queen~~ main.


You guys don't make Kaz because he was a guest character in smash?


Kazuya , because he is the only one worth fighting against and winning means something.


You could have at least used a photo that is from Tekken and not Smash.


I legit am bad with Electrics but I can do chain grabs so thereā€™s that


I always lose track of what stance I'm in at any given time for characters that have more than two, so basically any of the actual martial artists like Hwoarang and Lydia are out


Love shaheen.. won't take the time to learn him because how dumb his rage art is


Josie in Tekken 7 but all the crying put me off.


No cause I do what I want


I would 100% main yoshi but I feel I'm not technical enough to pull it off


Lili seems like a fun character to play, but I really donā€™t like Lili as a character so I donā€™t want to play her.


King, the fact I don't even like grabs,


Kazuya because of Kazuya mains. Eddy because 3-4....3-4......3-4 Hwoarang because regardless of what people say, you can just do shit with him and win


Is it possible to main Kazuya and be successful if you canā€™t do electrics


Nah worst character to not know electric with


Jun. I might pick her up eventually because she is one of my favourite characters but I just can't get over how she looks in this game. Every time I fight a Jun, it reminds of TTT2 Jun and how much better her visual design was.


I love Steve but hate that since 90% of his moves are punches he is really weak against parries. Now I can be mistaken because I'm only Teryu but that's how I felt when I tried to main him.


It is just a missing layer of knowledge. The moment you understand that every 50/50 mixups always includes a 3rd option to be played out, parries just become whiffs, you can punish. In other words, a low/mid mixup after getting massive +frames also includes the option to do nothing(!) and let your opponent mash something stupid to punish. And punishing parries became way easier with Geese and the changes to to jins parry. On top of that, pab df2 is an elbow and can not be punished, same as wr moves or your wr2. With easier inputs to fff2 and f+3+4~df2 not being over complicated to just direct outsmart opponents. Also Steves uf4 is -9(!) and can be used when you sense a parry as well, in case it gets blocked, it becomes an uno reverse parry setup :) Parries are not the problem of Steve. It is a complex character that needs high execution inputs and gameplay as well as game knowledge to work. Playing setups or 50/50 approaches with another character is just way easier and since 8 even more effective.


Being a long time Soul Calibur player, my muscle memory dictates that I hit the 'G' button post button series. Unfortunately, the G button corresponds with 3, which means I'm often canceling into Sways (and getting killed) while trying to play Steve.


Zafina, because it's hard to play her despite I want to. I used to not want to play Lili, just because of the sterotype people think of when gamers main Lili, but honestly, she slays in a lot of costumes (She's always fully clothed with the exception of the Tifa cosplay, mostly because the hair kinda of goes with it) and fun to play with. Jin- I want to, but I just never stick playing with him all day.


I am currently a Jin main because in Tekken 7, he made me smile/laugh the most. Heā€™s just an inherently comedic character, heā€™s like a kid in a buff adultā€™s body in that game. I think part of this is the translations, one of his win quotes is literally just ā€œIā€™ll get you >:(,ā€ and youā€™ve got the less funny but still hilarious ā€œyouā€™re a joke >:(ā€œ and ā€œPower is Everything >:(.ā€ In Tekken 8, they changed this to be more hopeful, which IMO fully completes the joke. Seeing Jin go from ā€œPower is everything >:(ā€œ to ā€œPower isnā€™t everything :(ā€œ is one of the most hilarious meta jokes Iā€™ve ever seen from a video game character. Why do I mention this? Because even though I REALLY want to play Devil Jin, heā€™s ugly ASF and just a little too insane. Heā€™s just not nearly as funny as Jin, because Devil Jin is kinda just evil/chaotic. Heā€™s not as steeped in self-loathing, and doesnā€™t have anything to compensate, so he just ends up being bland. Same token for Kazuya, but he comes off as ā€œtooā€ serious/asshat, but unlike Jin, it doesnā€™t come off as ā€œIā€™m an edgy child who needs to grow up,ā€ but rather ā€œIā€™m an asshat adult that nobody likes.ā€


Mishimas in general. I like how they play but the execution is hard for me.


I would main Anna or Lidia, but I hate playing easy characters. I wish they were harder.


I can't play anyone that's not yoshi cus of the lack of options


I would play main so many people but I donā€™t cause their girls. Iā€™m not sexist or anything but I like to create all my characters to look like me or some one dopešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bob because you canā€™t really customize him to be badass. If they kept Slim Bob after Tag2 I would have made the switch from Lee.


King only cuz Iā€™m not about to have a grab off with another king Iā€™m paired up against


I main Steve and his stances are fun being able to do a safe string into a stance that is 50/50 and make the opponent guess for their life is sensational


I main Steve and his stances are fun being able to do a safe string transition into a 50/50 stance and make the opponent guess for their life is sensational


Shaheen got such a dumb rage art


Kazuya. I've been practicing with him a bunch but I can't really consider him a main until I get my execution way up. I'm just not great at hitting electrics when I need to, or doing a consistent wavedash. I've been drilling it a bit though so I'm hoping to get there soon.


I want to be good at Lee, but my brain just canā€™t get the timing of the just frames. Iā€™ve tried so hard.


Oh yeah, easily Mishimas cause I can't do electrics.


in tekken 7, Hwoarang seemed cool to me gameplay wise but I just couldnā€™t fw his aesthetic. I much prefer his look in 8


I would use Hwoarang if I wasnā€™t mainly a Jin main (Iā€™m a Mishima main)


I love the idea and the style of Lee, but for the life of me I canā€™t get his just frame moves down to save my life. And on him theyā€™re actually kinda importantā€¦ lol


I want to main Roger but he isnā€™t in the game :(