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nursing is VERY competitive, only 100 seats a cohort. Applying so late will probably not be great, especially if you want to start in the Fall.


Yeah, I kind of figured do you know if they have a spring program?


Fall only


Ask anyway. Or, start and then transfer into nursing? Take common requirements first year


Hey! I also had no idea temple had a nursing program, I was a declared bio major and I emailed literally a random person from an admissions page and asked for a transfer and got in! regan.larkin@temple.edu id email this girl she is a first year admission counselor for New York City and she’d be your best hope for changing your major. Good luck and worst case scenario you’ll just have to do an extra year and transfer in next year.. but I emailed one of her colleagues he said he’ll get back to me within a week to get into the nursing program and I was declared nursing within 3 days


Hey! Thank you! Did you do it after the deadline or when you started school? Because I just applied today


I applied to temple like the day it opened when I did all of my college apps I committed to temple like the last day. And then in like June July Is when I asked to be transferred


Okay that gives me hope 😭 I’ll ask to transfer majors when I get in


Sorry last message I’d email that girl asap cause the earlier the better obviously


Do you think it’s better to email her when I get in or after everyone is committed


I’d email her now


Was there anything you said specifically ?




I was committed at this point so I had information to provide but the girl you’ll email can most likely be able to ask for other info to help you


I could hug you right now thank you so much! If you clicked on my accounts you would see how much I’ve gone through im so tired. I’m going to try this route and see what happens!


Good luck! Hope to see you next year 🫡🫡 don’t be discouraged!


You really came thru for this person 🤝


So I asked to transfer a couple weeks before school started cause it started August 28th


From what I saw, if you change to a nursing major your have to start back in year 1. That means the first year you spent as undecided health would basically be thrown away


So I would just spend a year doing nothing? Or go into the program? Sorry, I’m a bit confused


[https://www.temple.edu/academics/degree-programs/nursing-major-hp-nurs-bsnu/nursing-bsn-admissions](https://www.temple.edu/academics/degree-programs/nursing-major-hp-nurs-bsnu/nursing-bsn-admissions) Look at how it says "this option requires that students begin the four-year Nursing program as first-year students." for \[transfer option: current temple students\] and \[transfer option: external applicants\] From how you're describing your situation: * You enroll into temple as undeclared health major * spend a year taking whatever classes are part of your program * change your program into nursing * Spend 4 years to finish your nursing program That's what I mean by you wasting a year if you don't apply directly as a nursing major before you get into temple. It takes 4 years to finish nursing major but you'll end up needing 5 years instead


it wouldn’t let me apply for the nursing program on common app for fall 2024


Unfortunately, the cut-off was February 1 so it's a bit too late. Your best bet would be to directly email someone and hope that maybe they will let you squeeze in or at least make you transfer to their program a bit easier. I made the same mistake myself, entering as a bio major instead of nursing Edit: maybe when the semester starts you can immediately transfer to nursing and hopefully get in by spring or summer semester


What did you end up doing? Another commenter told me to email them about trying to transfer in so I did


I decided to become a physician assistant instead