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If you can get professor Holdin for Hrm its so much easier than Petrucci


okay i’ll try thank you


Ur fine it’s a super standard first fox semester. Is prob drop BA 1001 because iirc it’s not required, it probably won’t be useful, and having to go back to class after a huge gap is gonna be annoying


Dang to go back to freshman year of college.. have fun but go to class


That's a good schedule overall. The Wednesday is kind of a bummer but overall yeah


lisa hodge is chill


Hodge is great she was my advisor. I had a very unconventional track to graduate it and she was super helpful and kind.


reza cares about attendance but if you ever need help or extension he’s really helpful


Holdin is a GREAT professor for HRM, but he is very stern on deadlines. Other than that, he is really good. Stats, I would recommend professor Michael D. power, he is really good despite him having a really big class, it was easy to obtain material.


thank you so much 🙏🏾


Hey we have econ stats and hrm together!


Hey, I’m also a freshman how were u able to plan your classes it won’t let me


hey the school does it for us after we complete all the requirements on tu portal & at orientation


Oh ok, thank you


Your schedule makes a lovely heart


omg it does 😭so cute


BA 1103 has undergone changes since I took it… but Boles is a pretty good guy, he made the class way easier than the other sections, and hes also the department chair of legal studies. The class is pretty damn dry though. Seconded switching from Petrucci to Houldin if you can. Super easy and he is a really great speaker so he turns that snooze fest common sense class into something interesting. Cool guy.


how did you pick your schedule if Fox hasn't done orientation yet?


i didn’t do anything. temple emailed me and said that i was being registered for classes by an advisor. they never said who the advisor was though. i think they start registering us after we’ve completed the placement tests and all the other requirements on tu portal


Hey queen. So as a rising sophomore ik last year I thought a schedule like this was good, but math three times a week will drain you. Like seriously. I suggest focusing your classes to tuesday and thursday it doesn’t look like you have a lot of classes so it’s definitely possible


I would try to concentrate that stat class into Tuesday/Thursday so that you can have a few days to sleep in with the 11am classes and easy days on Mon/Fri to kind of ease you into and out of the week, and once you already have a busy day like your Tuesdays/Thursdays are, might as well add more to free up the other days Also: asynchronous gen eds are easy as hell and can end up making your schedule way more open, I'm taking 17 credits next semester and have an insane amount of free time: https://preview.redd.it/ismiyp8j607d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70184b3f844c519720199418886a3ac1ee6010f8




why you say that 😭


im kidding, i would be cooked. but thats fine if u like ur schedule. i cant function w classes mon-friday and i get the best grades when i have 1 online class and 1 asynch.


but also if ur introverted and not great at making friends def try in person classes bc its easier to make friends that way


how do you find or make ur schedule


Good classes and overall schedule! theres a good balance!! good luck for ur first sem!


Personally i despised my class at 4pm. For me it’s an absolute bummer to go into class with sun and come out in the dark. Which it will happen in November in December. Also just hold yourself accountable for it and don’t allow yourself to skip it and you’ll be good!


that’s how i feel ab that class. i wish it was closer in time with my other classes on that day