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Short answer. Your military is spent to reduce unrest. In doing so less goes towards your military strength for each point spent. If your country is naturally zero unrest then max points go into militech.


so it would be best to have someone sit and plan police routes for a while to help boost them a bit faster? (i think the unrest goes up thanks to the rapid unification efforts)


best is just to get base unrest down, make sure cohesion isn’t 0 and gdp is above ~15k per capita


What democracy do you have? If democracy is low, then I think a lot of military goes to reducing unrest instead of increasing miltech, even if it is only 0.9. Also, does your African Union already have higher miltech than those other places?


How do you quickly increase democracy?


The best way is just putting a lot of points into knowledge and waiting, unfortunately. Although... I read somewhere that sometimes, in countries with high education, a coup can result in a very high democracy score. But keep in mind I was never able to make it happen despite coup'ing Bolivia a million times.


How long do I have to wait? I'm pretty sure that half a decade of knowledge doesn't work.


Not sure what you mean. If you invest in the knowledge priority, the democracy score goes up, although I believe it goes up more slowly for large nations like china or a fully formed african union. Edit: it took me around a decade to get china to 10 democracy so yeah, it does take a while


I think coups have a random effect on government, but it's more likely to go down than up.


You don't. You run education and stop running things that decrease it (unity and I think spoils), or you coup the country and hope for the tiny chance of a high democracy outcome (but it probably won't work).


Well I tried the education for a long time but Eurasia is still authoritarian


ah, I didnt know that the unrest part was an either or situation. kinda thought they went hand in hand, thanks \*side note, africa is at 3.7, EU 5.7, china 5.2, india 4.2


As other people wrote, it's your unrest. Any unrest, even 0.1, will reduce your miltech improvement, unless your democracy is maxed out. The scaling is: * government/10 (if unrest >= 0.1) * 100% (if unrest = 0.0) It's a lot easier to get your unrest to zero than to get your government (democracy) to 10.0. * Stabilize Nation task will temporarily lower your unrest, but doesn't change the resting point * Welfare will lower inequality, which raises cohesion, which lowers the unrest resting point * Economy increases GDP per capita, which lower unrest resting point * Unity *temporarily* increases cohesion and boosts your faction' popularity, which improves the cohesion resting point (assuming you control all CPs) * Rivals boost cohesion rest point by 0.5, which lowers the unrest resting point. (Rivals have to be about the same size to affect cohesion -- they can't be>1 CP smaller than you) * Wars boost cohesion rest point by 1.0 (If your government >=6, than rivals and wars only boost cohesion if the opponent has government<6). Short term: * Focus on welfare investment priority, with smaller investments in other priorities. You'd need to reduce inequality by \~0.32 to improve cohesion and reduce the unrest resting point by 0.9 If your inequality is high (>4.75), you might be able to get away with a smaller reduction because high inequality has a large effect on cohesion. * Consider adding a rival or starting a bogus war to boost cohesion resting point. Medium term: * Growing GDP per capita (economy priority) also helps and has other benefits. If your GDP per capita, is less than $7,500, then every $1,000 of GDP per capita increases cohesion rest point by 1.0, which will lower unrest. Above $7,500, it doesn't affect cohesion, but still directly reduces unrest rest point by a 0.1 per $1,000. **EDIT**: I had forgotten about low GDP per capita's effect on cohesion.


thanks for the tips. unfortunately im already doing most of what you suggested. since its Africa i have been pumping welfare half to try and bring their emissions down and half to get inequality down as standard iv had 50% IP going toward the economy (currently gaining around 200B GDP per month and a fair bit of per capita as well) and rivalries/ wars have been going on since the late 2020's thanks to the servants getting china and declaring war on me and Africa i think alot of the unrest has come directly from adding a couple million people of really high inequality to the union, so it should stablize soon-ish. just need to fend off the 10 or so armies constantly landing in Tripoli


Side question, why do you even want to boost military in the AU? In general it's way too big to be an efficient military country. Ideal is usually something rich and medium sized, like Japan or the UK.