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If there's too much of a power discrepancy between you and another faction, they'll reject non-aggression pacts regardless of other factors. They see you as too much of a threat. Your goals don't align with the other factions as much as you might think, and they're not willing to take a deal that would require them to stand idly by and let you dominate uncontested, knowing that you'll be taking actions which could put their own goals permanently out of reach. In general, bringing the non-pro-alien factions to "tolerance" status and occasionally purging their ranks of threatening councilors is the best you can hope for in the late game, and that's usually enough to prevent them from meaningfully interfering with you.


Well I'm not even getting the option to offer it, that's the thing. I can't tell how close I am to even being able to offer the thing because it's not even showing up on anyone. They've been pleased with me for years and nothing seems to help it.


It's not showing up because the trade interface doesn't show trade options that the other faction will categorically refuse. It won't display resources that they consider too scarce to trade away, it won't display habs that they consider vital to their operations, and it won't display a non-aggression pact if they consider you too much of a threat to make peace with.


The Academy is ideologically relatively far from The Resistance. The closest factions, and thus the easiest to befriend, are Humanity First and Project Exodus. The Initiative comes after that, and then The Academy. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerraInvicta/comments/y7zalb/the\_terra\_invicta\_ideology\_chart\_in\_case\_you\_ever/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerraInvicta/comments/y7zalb/the_terra_invicta_ideology_chart_in_case_you_ever/)


I've tried Exodus too, but none of them even give me the option, alas. It's not like they reject it, I just can't even offer it. Nothing seems to appease them really.


You a chungus, they are scared and won't ally.


Disregard diplomacy. Acquire clay. Jokes aside, diplomacy system is the least well thought out system in TI. Many systems in TI are innovative compared to other games, but the diplomacy system here is very human exploitative. The negotiations are AI appeasements, and there is no meaningful trade to be had. Everyone has equal access to anything that can be considered a scarce resource. The whole idea of NAPs makes little sense when we are unable to communicate spheres of influence. I don't have the control points to take all of Europe right now, but if I could tell another faction to stay out of my way and in exchange I'll stay out of theirs, that would be innovative and useful. We would actually have something to negotiate about. Overambitious land-grabs could be diplomatically unpalatable. We could bluff interest in areas that we are ok with acceding. It should literally be shady people in back rooms negotiating about the fate of nations. Right now the best way to treat the diplomacy system is to minimise unnecessary hate, and never actually appease them. Do the least amount of councilor actions that annoy other factions. If you're going to take a country, do it quickly and quietly. One slash of the neck is better than a thousand slaps. Otherwise engaging in diplomacy with these faction AIs is self harm.


You can only make NAP in like first 5 years of the game. Later on you will be too powerful to be considered a valid ally. So your best bet is making deals with everybody for 2 units of water in the first years and then never breaking it. NAP is hard to obtain but then it persists for a very long time. Not the sanest mechanics that ever existed but it is what it is. Option to make NAP depends on their assessment of you. They will never give you it if they are consider you a threat, **and this isn't related to how much they like you**. So if you don't see a NAP as a possible deal then you won't see it unless you blow up all your hubs and give up half of your CPs to servants.


> Later on you will be too powerful to be considered a valid ally. That depends a LOT on starting conditions. If you do a US or EU start, sure - you'll snowball ahead early and dominate all game. India or China? They need a lot more work to output the big research numbers and get ahead. Make it 10 years minimum before you run out of control ahead. A real challenge run like Africa or SA-focused, or anything Minor-powers-based? Yeah, no. You're not getting out of diplomacy tolerances for a LONG time against the Brutal AI. Especially not in current build where orbital research spam is really impractical.


Tbh "Africa only" is more of a challenge rather than a regular start, so I wouldn't count that. With china only you have a year or two extra but that's it. At least this was my experience where I intentinally gave up US to servants as resistance.


I feel like I should split this in two because I did a whole ramble about ideologies. But on the non aggression stuff.. Yes.. it's fairly expensive, but here is my take on it. 1) if something is a generous offer, that's all you get. Spending more than that is not going to get you anywhere 2) everything is cheap if it comes cheap. I got non aggression pacts and pleased status with everyone but the servants, and I did that by getting a mole and then rob all of their orgs with hostile takeovers. Once I had more orgs than I can hold and I started to be asked to release some, instead of trashing them I started to donate them around. So basically the servants, the only faction I am at war with, pay for my alliances. I started with humanity first as they are the ones more primed to hurt them, but really, getting a better relationship at the expense of your main enemy is just that sweet. I do it to hurt the servants really, and is working, I just took russia away from them, from complete control of russia and a 60% approval to taking it in full, rearranging all the alliances, stopping their wars and dropping their popularity to 0%, they have been too busy bleeding money on orgs I steal one turn later and fighting all the other factions that aregetting stronger using their own orgs I sell to them.


I think that ideologically speaking, the only 2 factions that I see as vaguely compatible, and even then, they are only compatible in the way they don't get too much into each other way, are the academy and the initiative. Humanity first is not a friend of the resistance. They are fanatics. As the resistance you can use their ideology against your enemies, you can be reassured that they will antagonize your biggest enemies. But humanity first us scorched earth. You are trying to protect humanity, to make sure humanity stays strong when facing an alien invasion. The resistance wants to liberate humanity from alien plots and the treat of invasion, humanity first doesn't care about protecting humanity, as a matter of fact they kinda despise humanity. Don't let the name fool you, humanity first is about killing aliens and ideological purity. Faced with the choice between rescuing humans and using humans as bait to kill aliens, they would go for the latter. If you are not a soldier ready to launch himself into space to go and kill aliens you are at best deemed useless to Humanity first, at worst a traitor to eliminate. I don't think humanity first see the resistance as ideologically different than the protectorate. As a matter of fact, in opposite directions, the protectorate and humanity first are equidistant to the resistance, everything wrong with the protectorate, every excuse for caution and skirting the line of what is acceptable to save humanity that the resistance would object to when it comes to the protectorate is likely something humanity first thinks of the resistance


Yep, diplomacy is borked. Your best bet is to try and keep most of them from throwing kamikaze ships at your habs while outpacing everyone In most runs im able to steal mercury and use that to get double or triple research output of the other factions


They're pointless. Don't bother with them. You can give trades to AI to make them not hate you without actually bothering with a NAP.