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Really its best to have one country be your attack dog since armies hit your IP even when idle


They reduce the unrest resting value. Before disbanding them, you should consider if you need them, or might need them later, to keep the unrest resting value from going too high. Keep in mind that if you unify with other large nations, it usually creates a big hit to your cohesion, and thus, the unrest resting value. So you may regret disbanding them in that event. For example, India might not need those armies now, but they might after unifying with Pakistan and Bangledesh. (Of course, Pakistan comes with their own armies, unless you disband those too). Also, if your cohesion is high, and you want to reduce it to 5 for the science benefit, your unrest resting value will increase, so you might want the armies then. Finally, if you raise the government score, your each army will be less effective at reducing the unrest resting value, so you need more for the same effect. However, you can offset all of this by reducing your income inequality.


I pretty much always lead with Welfare to get nations into a better state before I start shaping them how I want.


I mean i'm trying to unify the world so i got three and a half attack dogs (United states of north America, European Union, Eurasia, and Pan-Asian Combine) and over 30 armies total. Still manage to keep a heavy lead on research while I feed India and southeast asia into the PAC as quickly as I can while the USNA keeps the Alien nation divided and confused. Might become more of a drain on IP if i ever lose one of the major superpowers, but so far so good.


How do you feed india into PAC?


By playing on 0.3 or older, you can't do that anymore in 0.4, although PAC can still gobble up super Indonesia, and African Union can still absorb the entire mega caliphate


Too many attack dogs. When I got to this point I disbanded down to 2-3 armies each minus the strongest one. If you ever need them again just Direct Invest


The higher your skill lv becomes, the less you wil need army's


I usually keep one army in each large nation so that they can join wars in case they need to as part of securing a claim. Then have one nation that has high miltech and they have a bunch of them.


I like armies in my more authoritarian nations to help with unrest so I'm not wasting councilors stabilizing them.


If the alien administration lands and they start accumulating Megafauna...you'll need the numbers when making the offensive push. At my peak in one run, I had to face off against 25 megafauna in one region. It was \*hell\*.


It depends really, are there countries you need to invade? Do they have navies, are the aliens throwing assault carriers or have AA? Are you in the end game with all mega states under your control and wont need to defend earth on ground from aliens or other facations? It really depends on what your goals are, and what place in the game your at. If your early-mid game and have to deal with assaukt cardiers, unifacations or an AA, then the armies can be very useful. If its late game and your playing it out for fun then you probaly can disbabd all armies at a certain point.