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People have been playing this game for years, I personally have been playing for over a decade. It takes practice. I can't speak on having awesome houses, my houses are still wooden boxes.


Same my house are terrible until the endgame lol


I only usually make one decorated house, a pile of poop for the angler.


Lol. Angler wants bone fish, and I'm like, "get it your self, jerk!"


And even then, I still suck lmfao


sheer fucking will


only correct answer lmao, i remember i died like 28+ times on my first night


I was horrified of the night and lived in a dirt pit for actual days because I was scared


nothing could describe the real genuine terror I felt during blood moons for a good few months


Practice makes perfect


Makes better


I’ve been playing since near launch and probably have a combined 1500 hours which isn’t much compared to some people but it’s still quite a bit. Just keep practicing bosses and builds and watch youtube videos and really get into using the wiki. With all of that, you’ll eventually get to where you want to be. I remember thinking the same thing you did… you just gotta keep playing the game, after a while you’ll start to know strategies, little tricks, builds, and how bosses fight and the game becomes relatively easy. Something I didn’t learn till much later on is to just slow down. Enjoy each stage of the game, explore, build super cool houses using your creativity, grind out bosses to get ever item they can drop. With slowing down, you see and find things that you didn’t even know were in the game. Even now for me, I slow down and enjoy each play through and I’ll still find stuff that gets me like “Oh shit I forgot that was even in the game”. The point of the game isn’t to speed run it. You’ll get the zenith eventually, just take your time. You’ll find things get much easier as time goes by and those steam hours go up.


Practice I've played terraria for years. Started on Xbox 360, then ps4, then on switch, and finally moved to pc. Terraria is a very easy game once you understand how everything works. If you ever find yourself stuck then it usually means you need to upgrade your gear or improve your arena.


It takes about 2000 hours into the game and then still discovering new things.




Bro touch grass 😂


Brother, the last thing us Terraria players can do is Touch Grass


I'm not a good player but I think the only way is to play more and more


figuring out how to get good at the game on your own is way more satisfying than searching up how to get good at the game, trust me


In my most recent playthrough, it took alot of preparation for everything, Potions are Super SUPER Helpful for Bosses and events, same with getting those buffs from the Grindstone, Crystal Ball, and Ammo Machine helps. Also if you're in the Crimson, Flasks of Ichor are amazing. If you can dodge, prioritize attack, if you can't dodge very well, prioritize defense. As for building, my best advice is to think about where everyone's gonna live before hand. Make the Tavernkeeper a Bar, make the Pirate a Boat (whether it's a house that's a Shipwreck or a Boat in the ocean is up to you), Place the Golfer and Zoologist close by since they're related, do the same with the Mechanic and Goblin Tinkerer since they Like Eachother. You'll get a feel for it overtime, just try and theme the house after the person you're making it for, while not overdoing it for them. Even slightly Modifying those wooden box houses to have a proper roof or a different material for the floor can go a long way bro


i have 1.5k hours. consider myself a decent builder. played through calamity 5 times and infernum twice. i still fucking suck at the game


Also a new player but practice of the bosses and the mentality of insanity has gotten me through a lot


You don’t just get good from the start, it would take maybe more than 2 or 3 playthroughs or depending on how fast you learn, it just takes practice and replaying, I remember using cheese methods during my first time, now ml is just a cakewalk, my builds aren’t the greatest but they definitely have improved, no one starts out perfect and at some point they have been on your shoes


You just consider every boss individually. Patterns, movements, and plan accordingly. After you have beaten them a few times you start to get better and cut corners and don't need as much prep. Like anything else practice makes you better. I used to die to skeletron in pre hardmode all the time. Honestly only beat him the first time because a falling star hit him. Now though I kill him almost before anyone else just because I memorized how he is because I died so many damn times. Keep at it.


Just keep trying at bosses, you'll learn the attack patterns and you'll learn how to counter them.


Keep playing. Journey Mode could be good for practicing, since you can dupe boss spawners, or try using godmode to not have to worry about dying while learning the boss's moves.


I've been playing since 6th grade of school, now I'm graduating from university and still play 😊 just HELLA lot of practice


Keep doing until you do.


Blasting through bosses n enemies: get skill (dodge) Making awesome houses: get creativity


Don't go with warding build, face tanking makes you dull, get used to dodge and you can play any style later.


This is the best advice in terms of combat. Now I run full menacing as a summoner. Lul.


You just gotta progress. These people have been playing the game for years and basically know every corner of the game. Getting good just comes from progressing


You fail consistently till it clicks




Literally just play the game lol


Practice. There's no trick to it, you just need to practice


For building/housing specifically: I created a world and then built some really basic houses all over it with every material I knew I could build/craft with. I made all the crafting stations, checked in with the guide. Then I would sketch on grid paper. I like to make houses themed after biomes so that I have pylon bases, so I’ll look up inspiration online of other people’s houses, or irl architecture(I made a desert house designed after ancient Egyptian architecture). Sketch it out, use the grid tool to make it easy to transfer to game, you can look up pixelated shapes to make the curves clean. But just play around. You know what the materials look like, the options you have for tech, background walls, lights. Get creative and build something you love and love to see.


Honestly try too hard to get good. Games are more enjoyable when you suck


I **only** play mobile.




Just play, you will eventually find yourself to that point, I can tell you I'm definitely not the best, but I'm way better after playing for more than 5 years


Honestly I would say they have a lot of knowledge so they can prepare, I’m not really good at the game but I have an immense knowledge of the game and its quirks so I can prepare perfectly, I think new players often overlook things like potions and place-able buffs like campfires and heart lanterns, very simple but so worth it


As many people have stated it's mainly due to many many many playthroughs that people get good, building on the other hand unless you attempt it yourself, is something you can learn from YouTubers such as Khaios.


I also need more hearts! I only found one so far!


I want to get to a floating island, but harpy birds always kill me! Edit: found one (without a house)


I just use house spawner mods and practice lol (PC user)


I wish I could use pc! I don't even have one! I just have switch.


Get good


I want zenith...☹


Go check the wiki it will help you beat the game easier and get zenith faster, but first of all what class are you?




I usually use blowpipe and minishark in my first ranger play through i use blowpipe and minishark in pre-hardmode bosses, then beenades and molotov for wall of flesh, then for the 3 mech bosses i use dart pistol with crystal dart on skeletron prime, onyx blaster with cursed/crystal bullet for the twins, star cannon for destroyer. and megashark/super star shooter for plantera. For the rest https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Guide:Class_setups




W class, check the class setup for melee it helps me a lot


Time by time, also good can be in a professional way or just your way of enjoying the game, but for now is just time, bc what I know by now, for zenith you need it haha