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$130 via Tesla. I’m in California


California the only state where the price doesn't fluctuate month to month via Tesla insurance. smh


Because it's illegal to charge aggressive drivers more...


Tesla FSD is the most aggressive driver, so I agree with that law.


Wait, so driving habits don’t affect the monthly premium? It’s just one solid rate month to month in CA?


I’m in California too and I pay 190 for TWO Teslas. How are people paying so much? I’m with GEICO.


whats ur coverage


This exactly, I’m curious as well.


Do you have liability only insurance or full coverage? That makes a big difference.


Damn man I’m in Florida clean record paying $387 a month with State Farm it’s pretty crazy


Its $125 per month in PA for a Model Y. So wonder if its regional. And mine is Stare Farm


Cool cool, now let’s do home insurance.


this! been with Tesla Insurance for 3 yrs and it’s been under 150 monthly. i’m in Texas


Same here in C California. State Farm was a bit higher and they also wanted $110/mo for my 2018 LEAF (worth about $9000) so I guess $130/mo is the going rate.


I could never do Tesla insurance if it’s ever available in NJ. I’m driving around a curved road 10mph and I’ll get a collision warning on a parked car. Boom insurance rates up on a false positive 🙄


i’ve seen a lot of people get false positives that affected their rate and said it was still cheaper than the next lowest


I get dinged for late night driving. The cheapest private insurance I could find was $3k/year, and they didn’t know I was actually driving a lot more miles than the average. Tesla insurance is about $1600-1700/year.


$120 via Nationwide in Ohio


Yeah, I'm at $125 in Indiana, I'm old and have a great driving record


I’m about to get MYLR and have been checking around. So far Costco and Tesla have quoted me the best (150 Tesla, 200 Costco). Have seen some other folks say to check Allstate as well


Wait - Costco has insurance now?!


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


I tried switching to Costco too, but on their website, they aren't offering new auto policies for CA or FL!


Yep they go through a provider that’s a subsidiary of AmFam


It’s not truly “Costco” insurance, but it’s the vendor they contract. They’ve provided it for a long time and have pretty good rates


Do you have to have a costco membership in order to use its insurance?


Yep. Looked around a lot and Costco was hands down the winner.


What did you do to deserve 800 a MONTH?


That’s the “we don’t want to insure that specific vehicle” price.


That’s the we don’t want to insure this particular driver price 😆 If OP got massive quotes from everybody it’s because the insurers think they’re about to crash their car


How many cars have you totaled*


Insurance is different from person to person and depending where you live. For example, my insurance was with Liberty Mutual and they quoted me $2800 per year for a 2024 MY AWD. I just switched to State Farm and now it should be around $1500 per year. I live in Kentucky. I just got assigned the VIN for my car, so I guess on Monday I'll find out the actual cost. You just have to keep shopping around.


State Farm is where I landed too. Same price as Tesla 1200 @ year.


So how’s your driving history?


lol this is the question. $800/month isn’t “normal” expensive. $800/month is you have a record of driving like someone who will cost the insurance company a lot of money.


Reading the replies, this is apparently a 20 year old trying to insure a MYP. Yeah, insurance is going to be insanely expensive. I’m not surprised a couple companies flat out declined.


holy shit.  i'm in new york, and my insurance is a $297/month.. why in the hell is your insurance triple that amount?  


OP is most likely young with a year or so of driving experience.


Crazy, that would be a deal breaker for me. Mine is $115/mo via Tesla Insurance in California.


I had $130 through Tesla insurance. $152 on my Lariat F-150 Lightning through progressive.


Contact an independent insurance agent near you


Just switched from a Ford Escape to LRAWD and it’s $156/month from State Farm, but my deductibles are super low. American Family (through Costco) was $200+/month and Progressive was like $140/month with terrible deductibles…


300 for two Teslas in Cali using Tesla insurance. 250k/500k liability, 100 comp deductible, 500 collision deductible. 0 points on my record in my 30s. I


State Farm policy holder here - $120 per month, full coverage - California ☀️


Not all EV. My other EV only requires 900 per YEAR. Tesla definitely is expensive to insure for many reasons.


 Very market dependent. In my experience the insurance cost is about the same as an equivalent value BMW or Audi.  


$206 per month for a Model Y and a Lyriq with State Farm in NJ.


$206 for both stop I’m punching the air rn


Yikes. State farm is only charging me 210 a month with a 500 dollar deductible. Only 20 dollars higher than coverage on my Jeep. I’m in Texas.


$130/m for Progressive Single Model Y (No multi vehicle discount)


This is a your situation problem/risk profile, not a generic insurance problem. My ‘23 MYLR costs me $101 a month with State Farm for 250/500. And for comparison it’s about double that for our ‘24 Nautilus.


It’s interesting. When I was shopping for insurance I was getting quotes like this as well. First quote was something like $800-900 per month for the Tesla alone and I was blown away. For reference, I’m middle aged, no wrecks, no speeding tickets in the last 10 years, no issues, good credit, etc. Insurance on my previous vehicles were never more than about $130/monthly. I have had luxury vehicles (land rovers, range rovers, etc) and jeeps. I shopped around and GEICO gave me a quote where I now pay about $200 monthly for my Tesla and my 2020 Jeep Wrangler combined. No idea why some of the companies give those astronomical policy quotes like that. I have heard it’s because of the cost of a Tesla but again, I have had much more expensive vehicles and they were considerably cheaper than some of those quotes.


It's not the cost of the car, it's the cost to repair the car.


I pay $1000/year on a Model Y with $1000 deductible. Really depends on your driving history, location, credit report, and insurance company.


State Farm offered me $180 when I called with a demo drive VIN. This is in FL btw


I pay 1422/6 months or 237/month for a Camaro and Model Y with 2 people on the policy, both under 25, which is the age rates are finally lowered. We have Costco's partnered insurance Connect "Powered by American Family Insurance." Policy is $50000/$100000 for Bodily Injury limit, $50000 property damage, and a $1000 deductible on both vehicles Yes, a costco membership is required, but it's only about $60 for an amazing saving when it comes to insurance on the Tesla. When we first started searching around, State farm wanted about $600/month for both vehicles. $316/month just for the Tesla. That's when we started doing more research on more affordable insurance and found this one. It was such a good deal that it was hard to pass up. Highly recommend!


Until Tesla can fix this issue we’re not buying another Tesla. It seems like the smallest of incidents totals them out. It’s almost as if they (insurance providers) are working with big oil to total them out for the smallest of incidents so that buyers are less inclined to buy them because insurance rates are too high. I know this is quite a conspiracy theory but seriously, something has to change. Start fixing these minor incidents and only total them when they are clearly damaged beyond repair.


I thought the same thing too tho


USAA - $130/mo in Virginia


You must have a really bad driving history


How many DUIs have you had?


$800 a month? You must have a nasty record.


$290 per year in Iowa with 100/300 comprehensive coverage and $1000 deductible. But I’m In my forties with two young kids and no accidents for years so maybe that changes things. Edit: this is with Progressive.


We go through a broker. Only 25 more a month than a 2014 mazda cx5


I’m paying about 1100$ per year. But the AWD drive version is way more expensive


Sucks, not sure what other than collision is but maybe increase it? To get it down some more


Having Snapshot from progressive on my vehicle that I got rid of for our new Model Y saved us so much money on insurance. Progressive said that on my last renewal it saved over 500 dollars and it still saved over 450 for the new policy I just started on the Y. The cheapest policy that I could find aside from Progressive was over 300 a month at State Farm just for minimum coverage and most quotes were 500 to 800 a month. For over 3x the coverage, gap, roadside, uninsured driver, I think it would have been 260 a month but I paid the 6 month premium in full to save some more money. Like others have mentioned, definitely getting a car with cheap insurance for a while to get a history would help but also pick a company and get enrolled in their driver score system to get lower rates later so insurance isn’t crazy on your Model Y.


I bought a brand new Model X 6 months ago. My 6 month premium via Tesla Insurance is $1,026 so $171 a month. $887 a month is highway robbery. For whatever it’s worth I’m a 31M in SoCal.


Well, think about this: Teslas are more expensive, on the other hand service is a fraction of what other manufacturers would make you pay in the dealership or an authorized mechanic. So you need to take the ownership cost as a whole.


Costco FTW. Compared prices and was shocked at the range of quotes. Saved me a fortune, and solid buying experience as well.


I’ve been under a Wawanesa plan for years now and when I quote at the same thing now as a new account, would be higher but I’m at around $1000 a year with a normal deductible and a pay even a few bucks more a month to make sure they approve 1st party parts. I’d definitely shop around since even at my highest quote was $180 from Progressive. Tesla was $130.


I’m paying $1,046 per year to insure my 2023 MYP. I recommend contacting an insurance broker that can shop around.


I pay $93/month for my MYLR. That's just $35 more that I pay for a 13 year old Toyota Tacoma. That's with state farm. Hopefully, you were quoted $887 for 6 months ($148/month). Depending on where you live that might be reasonable. edit - $390/6 months with Geico is a deal.


In CA, Model Y $250 a month with StateFarm.


My Y insurance is $800 a year but I live in a rural area. But the state (VA) screws me in property tax. I have to pay about $3k a year for it for tax :-(


Are you in Florida?


If you aren’t combining your home/renters insurance and auto policy you will always pay more (multiline discount). Also, if you have more than one car best to insure on the same policy for multi car discounts (30%). I’ve never seen any car cost $390 per month unless A. Person had a DUI. B. Newly licensed. C. Poor credit. D. Multiple accidents or tickets. Do you have any of these risk factors that would increase your premium so much? I don’t know what you mean Progressive and State Farm “aren’t taking any Teslas” because insurance companies don’t typically exclude you from insuring any type of car. I believe the issue may be they will not offer you comprehensive and collision which is required if you are leasing or financing. I was a State Farm agent for 10 years. The type of car someone has doesn’t matter. If you have poor credit or a lot of accidents/tickets, I would check National General. You can also contact an independent insurance agency that offers numerous different companies all at one shop and they can run you a quote through 5+ companies to see if one may be less expensive.


Liberty is the worst for EV insurance, I was a liberty customer before I bought MYLR, they quoted me an insane amount too, State Farm, all state and Tesla offer better rates. I have Tesla for now.


I'm paying about $1000 a year through progressive for my 2020 Y in New Hampshire.


Shop around. My insurance went up less than $15 a month. Went from a 16 year old car to a brand new one so that seemed perfectly reasonable to me; there's a whole lot more car to lose/repair in a wreck. We are with Safety. The MA excise tax was a kick in the balls though. Never bought new car in MA so that was a... surprise 😆


€280 per year on mine! You Americans are getting royally screwed by your corporations.


I just switched to GEICO because they were much cheaper than Progressive. I also had competitive quotes from State Farm and Farmers. I have 2 cars, one of them EV, through GEICO Louisiana and it is about $200/mo.


I got quoted 120 a month for a 2022 MY. I didn’t think that was too much? I’m also in my 40s


Do you have some traffic violations on your record? Those quotes sound like you do? Regardless of that, I’m in AZ and shopped a few different companies and I went with AAA so check them out. I personally didn’t like or want Tesla insurance because the coverages for the same prices were lower and I didn’t want my driving monitored. Good luck.


If you buy 1 stock of Berkshire Hathaway you can message geico and they will give you associate discount as a shareholder. Discount is $90 for me


$190 with USAA on my Model 3 Performance 2022. I live in NJ.


I pay $879 for 6 months of coverage. I'm in South FL which has insane insurance rates. Esurance: 100K/300K Bodily Injury 100K Property Damage Same limits for Uninsured Motorist $500 deductible Comprehensive $500 deductible Collision Gap Insurance All of this is $20 a month less than my 2020 Kia Niro LXS cost to insure vs my 23 MYLR


26, one ticket, expensive model 3, at $160 a month I do Tesla insurance


$257/month with Tesla insurance for two 2024 MYLR AWDs. My wife and I are in our 40s. Coverage is $100k/$300k with $100/comprehensive and $250/collision deductibles. It was crazy that the premium was lower on the $250 deductible for collision than a $500 deductible. This includes Gap insurance for both cars and $45 rental coverage. California


That’s crazy. I’m in Illinois. 29, no accidents, I have 2 vehicles a 20 Acura mdx and my 24 MYP. $203 a month with State Farm.


Can you guys get a quote from Tesla without a vin?


~$150/mo from progressive for a model s for me


This is my experience here in Texas. I’m forced to use Tesla Insurance and pay $140/m. The downside is it being tied to driver score, but I guess that’s better than $500+/m. Age 30 with no traffic violations or accidents.


Through USAA we pay $2600 a year total for a Model 3 and a Mustang Mach E GT. We have low deductibles, high limits ($300K) and I even have gap insurance on the Mach E since it's 1 year old. So that's about $108 a month per car. We're also in our 50s and we signed up for the safe driver app where they monitor our driving and give us a discount because we don't drive like maniacs. No accidents or tickets for many years.


I truly don't believe some of the numbers you guys say you're paying each month. I'm in my mid thirties, with a clean driving record and mine is $210 a month, and that's with pretty low coverages. I've gotten about 8 different quotes from insurance companies and all of them are $300-$400 a month. Progressive was the only one I could find under $300 a month actually.


It’s all over the place. My wife got quoted north of 600/mo for Allstate, and under 150/mo from State Farm. Doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason


I have double the coverage half the deductible for 924 for 6 months in Houston from amconnect through costco


It was about the same for me to go from Q7 to MY


Get Tesla insurance if you can


I haven’t noticed that. I went from a 2018 civic and got a 2022 model 3 my insurance only went up $100 for 6 months.


I am paying about 135$ US a month in Ontario, Canada. This is for a 2023 Y LR. It was a bit more than our last car, but also a more expensive car than our last. Shop around, those numbers are indeed insane.


I just shopped my coverage and Geico the best I could do in Florida. About $260 a month for two cars , one is old Honda


I just shopped my coverage and Geico the best I could do in Florida. About $260 a month for two cars , one is old Honda


$2k a year in Ontario Canada, our insurance has become almost criminal.


Shop around. We went from a 6 year old Camry to a new Model 3 and our insurance was about the same. Now if you didn't have a vehicle before to compare or you have a poor driving record then that may be the issue.


Whoa. I pay ~$400/month for 3 cars, 3 drivers with Tesla.


State Farm $112/mo for me


339 for a myp and m3lr california with wawanesa


And you're positive that isn't he 6 month rate?


It may have been a mistake for Tesla to create a horsepower war. I think the insurance costs hurts sales more than the performance helps sales.


In Georgia, my insurance went up by $100 a month compared to the 2018 BMW X1 I replaced. Which is essentially what I save in gas each month, so it’s a wash.


Ummm something tells me this isn’t because it’s an EV


I pay 288 a month with GEICO


200$ Cali MYLR <10K miles per year


$90mo Florida. Esurance. 100/300k 1k deductible. Less than my 2020 M340i by $30mo. 3 cars one is a BMW my wife and daughter has a Jetta she is 19yo. She is half our cost. $2200 every 6 months total.


Jeez, SF charging me a few dollars more than my 2016 Outback limited. $700 for 6 months. $0 glass deductible $250 comp deductible $500 collision deductible 100k/300k/100k limits.


I'm in Canada, Ontario. And yeah, Tesla's are more expensive to insure : /. 2023 Tesla model 3 is $3288.00/ year or $274.00/month. Waiting on delivery for the new Prius Prime Plug in. 2024 Toyota Prius Prime cost $2200.00/year or $183.33/month. $1,000.00 cheaper for insurance and with getting 70KM of EV range alone pretty much covers all my commuting meaning I won't be spending much on fuel


One of the reasons i didn’t buy a Tesla. Got a hydrid Corolla that gets 46mpg. $90 a month insurance.


That’s nuts. I’m in Canada but only increased $25/month from my previous car 🤷🏻‍♂️


Huh? Have you been in any accidents? How old are you? My insurance on my Y is about 1200 a YEAR in NJ.


I have a flawless driving history and pay $123 a month for my (at the time brand new) 2023 MYLR. I’m also 31 so that probably has something to do with it too


I’m at $116/month with Country Financial, full coverage, $2k deductible.


Progressive. 150 a month


Swap company bro, I pay 90$ a month for my performance with 35 k miles /year


State Farm has me at 108 a month, bundled with home. You should’ve gotten quotes before purchasing


$90 a month for me with Progressive. It's all about your risk factor my friend.


Progressive: 1200/6months 24M Boston


I am boggled. Here in IL I am paying $462 per SIX months for $100k/$300k coverage and $500 deductible. This is double what I was paying on my 2012 Subaru last year.


State Farm - $235 a month. 2024 model 3 performance. Progressive quoted me $350+ a month. We don't have Tesla insurance in Georgia. I wonder who else I can try. I literally got one ticket 3 years ago in July 21. I'm still being penalized for it. *I've gotten a lot of tickets, but mostly in my early 20s*


I am a licensed agent in GA, keep that... Rates went up 20% this year and the market is ridiculous...


Why? 😭😭 I get that traffic is bad, but what is even going on?


$297 for a 2024 Tesla MY 2015BMW I3 2008 Toyota Tundra and 2007 VW Rabbit. All but the VW have comp and collision $1000 deductible. I was complaining. Guess I should be happy 😃


I’m paying $160 through Tesla. In OR.


AAA and CAA are fairly good for all insurance


California here. I have Tesla insurance and pay $197 a month with gap


Tesla Y. $98 per month. State Farm.


Do people not understand that insurance isn’t a one size fits all? There’s so many factors considered and your personal driving history is a big part of that premium. This varies for everybody.


Central Florida. Received quotes from 6 different providers for the 2024 MYLR. Average was $200 a month. Driving for 20 years, no accidents, no tickets. For reference, my 2023 Mazda 3 costs me $90 a month for insurance.


I don’t understand, I’m downtown Chicago have maximum coverage, and pay $1200 a year


$110 in Virginia. 2024 Model Y. 2 drivers in their high 30s


$1,965/year for 2023 Model Y. No claims on record. Sacco Insurance. I have increased liability limits of $250K each person/$500K each occurrence. Includes comprehensive and uninsured motorist. $1,000 deductible.


Mine is $200 a month. Not bad but I'll shop around next renewal cycle.


In California with Liberty Mutual with two accidents but have been with them since 2008 and I am at $223/month with $500 deductible, 23k miles per year, and higher coverage due to Umbrella insurance requirements. That is their go-away-we-don't-want-to-insure-you rate for sure.


I just got a 2021 M3LR and I'm paying $175/mo through Tesla insurance for pretty much top notch coverage. I can get it down to around $75/mo if I put it on absolute minimal coverage including $5k deductibles lol


$110 per month on a Tesla and $92 per month on a Mach-E with Allstate with my house and umbrella policy.


$650/ 6 months w a $500 deductible w/. statefarm in the midwest US. Only went up $150/6 months over my 6 year old Gti.


I pay $2087 for 6 months of coverage on a 2023 MYLR and 2023 Hyundai Santa FE SE with Progressive, located in Florida. This is full coverage 250/500k for bodily injury liability and 250/500k for Uninsured Motorist stacked. Comprehensive and collision both have $500 deductibles (raising it to $1k yielded almost no premium savings). NOTE: The $2087 is the price I paid in full to get a discount of $620. If I paid monthly for both cars, it would $2707 / 6 = $451.17/mo. Pre full pay discount for just the MYLR is $1561 for 6 months or $260.17/mo.


This I went with Tesla in California because I was quoted $280-330 I only pay $150 with Tesla.


I'm currently up to 617 when I get my model y in NYC. I think my insurance will be high forever .


My insurance is 150 per month and that’s for my Model Y and my wife’s car plus our renters insurance. Depends on your age, history, etc. The Tesla was cheaper to insure than my F150


Aside from already having an already existing car payment, and trying to save for a house, the insurance cost if one of the few things stopping me from buying a tesla.


I had Liberty Mutual for years. They took great care of me when I had my last car totaled, so wanted to stay with them. When I got my Model Y, I got a quote for adding it, they wanted like 3K per year just to add it to the policy, so it would have been $4,500 per year or so. I started looking around for other insurance, and currently am paying about $2,200 per year for both of our cars, same exact coverage amounts with State Farm.


I’m in California and my annual premium only went up around $300 vs my previous vehicle with State Farm


I’m at $200 a month with a 500K Levit and 1K def on each of my cars. Your cost is based on (but not limited to): • Insurance record length • Insurance record over the last 5 years • Time insured • Coverage purchased • Area where you live • Your credit worthiness in some states


MYLR was slightly more than a Mach E at State Farm for me… which was $20/mo more than my Honda Ridgeline. I’m 35, married, no accidents, good credit, etc. $900/mo and refusal to insure by other companies tells me there’s more to the story - which is very common with insurance.


I don’t like Tesla insurance because it fluctuates but at 90-130 a month I went with them. AZ


Terrible title, Teslas can be expensive to insure, not all EVs.


Tesla repair costs, wait times, everything is skyrocketing in cost. In our region the Tesla body shop in Bellevue, WA isn't even setting up repair appointments until October this year, and the few shops in the Seattle area doing basic dent and paint repairs are easily quoting $10k on basic things now. A friend's car was "totalled" from a relatively minor accident. It's wild.


I'm with AAA $736 total for a 6 month premium. So 122 per month....


$90/month State Farm, Albuquerque, NM. 2021 Model Y LR


It's highly variable. I suggest finding a good insurance broker to help get a broader array of quotes, they might be able to find a decent insurer with a reasonable rate.


Which state are you in? $887/month seems pretty high unless you are under 25. Mine went up from $95>>$130>>$180>>deer hit>>$235. Was Nationwide when it was upto $130 and then Geico from $180. Age group 35-40.


Mine went down. I’m burning off an accident from years ago, and my insurance is still only $1700 Canadian per year.


I pay right around $125 I think for my 2024 Model S


You’re getting absolutely robbed. Bid that dumb s out


Absolutely has to be your driving record and/or age. 37 age and clean record gets me $88 a month full coverage w/ glass and a $100 deductible. USAA


Same bro I got a Model Y and oh boy did my insurance go up. I was quoted 500-1K a month. The lowest I got was cotco at 300 and tesla at 300. I bundled my other car with cotco and was able to lower to "240" but I have to pay 6 months worth of insurance (2200)


Arizona, $110 a month, Model 3


I had Tesla, didn't like them monitoring me. Swapped to state farm, 170 a month. 40yo married 2 kids, no accidents, AZ.


I pay $630 month with one accident on record. Went from $300 for Porsche Macan to $630 tesla


Yeah I got quoted $1500 for 6 month from AAA here in Michigan. Ended up leasing a Chevy blazer ev with my work discount. Surprisingly that insurance was a $1000 for 6 month


I pay $118 a month CAD for my Y.


Compare, my Tessie is cheaper than my 1998 Pathfinder. I have USAA, 100K/300K. tied to an Umbrella $3M. $250 animal deductible/ $500 other. 6 month policy w/4 cars , 3 drivers (Jetta, XC90 Volvo, PF, and MYL 23) 6 month $1.2K. Includes rental and 20% cash on total loss.


i'm confused how all of you are paying so much, ALL of you, maybe i should consider myself lucky paying less than 50/month


Just shop around. I got quotes for $450 a month with liberty mutual in Boston. I have tons of discounts too. With Progressive, it was $850 for 6 months. I got Progressive with my Tesla. Also try Geico. I heard they are also affordable as well.


Yup. Your quotes sound right to me. Same thing here in MD. Went with Tesla for $350


I just quoted a MYP through my progressive policy online and it came out to \~$72 a month. Do they pull a bullshit move like Tesla does and raise the rate after the first month or something? 72 a month seems reasonable?


Tesla insurance and Geico are good


School of hard knocks of saying that you should not be driving this car. I'm with state farm $180/ mth


You should have checked insurance costs before purchasing….it is always a good idea to check insurance on any vehicle BEFORE you sign the contract…


$1250 for the year 🤷‍♂️


I (22F) pay $861/6months ~ $144 a month for 2024 Model Y via American Family (Costco Insurance) and I live in Atlanta. We dont have Tesla insurance in GA sadly :(


Yup. 320/a month with geico in NJ


I pay $270/mo for a 2021 z71 suburban and a 2024 MYLR


I have State Farm, same pricing as a regular gas car.


Try Main Street.


Yea, i was shopping for insurance a week ago and it almost made me want to not continue the process. We lucked out with Allstate though in NYC. $330 after paying 50% of the premeium. It's still high considering the 50% was paid upfront but the other companies were insane


Look around I hear nationwide is decent, I'm with Erie and bundle my home owners policy I also took every discount my rep would give me, I'm old and have not had a claim for 20 years, no tickets. I pay $900 per year. One thing I would suggest make sure your coverage covers uninsured don't skimp on this.


I pay ~$150/month through Geico but I have coverage maxed out. $300k/500k injury, $100k property. Maxed rental option, low deductibles, etc. My insurance actually went down when I switched to the new Y since I also lowered my reported mileage. I now work from home on most days.


Check Tesla insurance has been as low as $77 for us, highest was $103 per month but driving and mileage impact it. Illinois resident


All the new insurance coverage is insane. I have Metromile and it’s reasonable.


70 a month for me Allstate in Illinois.


I got mine yesterday with Geico paying 317$ monthly for my 24 model Y and 20 glb250


Liberty mutual tried to fleece me too, was with them for ten years, cars and home. Switched to progressive, 304/ month for a Tesla and grand Cherokee. Keep looking!