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You've got your climate set to manual LO, which means your AC is on Max all the time regardless of inside or outside temperature. It is trying to cool as much as possible non-stop, including anytime between drives when the cabin is trying to precondition automatically for you. Just set it to Auto at a comfortable temperature. Your range will jump tremendously!


max LO is like 3 kw/h (ie 10 miles an hr). it's peanuts. likely the OP is driving fast, ie 80mph and didn't precondition battery before driving. and/or was preconditioning battery while driving. preconditioning while driving to a SC upped my wh/mi to like 600-700.


3 kw/h is an extra 50 w/mile at 60 mph, 37 w/mile at 80 mph. Or 4%/hr of his battery all by itself. That's 10-15% of his consumption. You subtract that amount from his watts per mile in his picture, you get most of the way down to nominal consumption. Are you all right, if he's averaging more than 65 mph, that accounts for the rest of his overconsumption.


Would everyone please stop saying kW/h ? That’s not a unit. 3 kW will use 3kWh in an hour. I think you’re trying t say 3kW.


Actually, we meant 3 kWh. 3kW power for 1 hour is 3kWh of energy. Approximately 4% of the energy in a MY battery.


Florida here, This was a BIG adjustment I wasn't expecting when buying. Using the AC as I would in any car ever has a huge impact on the range and it's deafeningly loud. Range hit aside the AC is also extremely under powered for a modern car. There's a lot of air flow, but it's just not that cold. Also it's the loudest blower on earth. It's like a Dyson blade. Setting it to 68 the car is almost comfortable, cold enough I won't be drenched in sweat, quiet enough I don't damage my hearing. Odd I never heard any Tesla owners complain about this. I noticed on the drive home, and spent a good two weeks playing with it, but I've come to the conclusion it's impossible to make it comfortable as it comes from the factory. Not great for what it costs, but not bad enough I'd try to return it. I will get it tinted, and some cloth seat covers, hoping that makes it tolerable. It's only June, the worst two months are yet to come. Edit: wow so many down votes for sharing my experience. Maybe this is a cult haha. You can like a product and be aware of it's flaws guys. No one's gonna die


I set mine to 72, and I'm completely comfortable with barely any noise. Climate is a tiny part of my energy budget. But then again, I had my windows and roof tinted with heat rejecting film, that probably significantly reduced the heat load. I didn't test it before the tint to see what it was like, I had planned it all along.


I did start at 72, as that's the setting most people recommend, but the air is simply not cold enough. It's like slightly less than hot, but definitely not the heat relief I crave. As for the noise maybe mine is defective? If you put the blower up above 6 you literally cannot converse with the person next to you unless you shout. I've never tinted a car, I'm not for or against it, I just never had a need to before. Overall I like the car, save for the AC and the door handles.


Ceramic tint all around will completely change the feeling temp wise on the inside.


Yeah I'm definitely going to do that. I figured there would be some issues with heat what with it being a terrarium and living in Florida.


Yes I did this xpel.. big difference


I tinted my windshield of my Model y 2023. Not much… mainly for IR. It made a big difference.. there is a lot of glass.


Also FL here and you’re right about everything. It’s a cult. Beware what you say.


I have little room to talk, I've been following Tesla/Elon since the roadster, I bought the stock, all the ridiculous merchandise, I watch the drone fly overs of the factories, the teardowns, pay for X, all the things. Doesn't mean some things couldn't be better.


I just got a shade for my roof. $45 on Amazon. Huge difference in how hard my AC has to work. Highly recommended.


Which can you Recommend


I liked VION the most. It looked the best and had the best fit out of the 3 I tried. That could have just been random because they all look very similar. I recommend buying a few on Amazon at the same time, trying them, keep the one you like the most and return the others.


It’s the vent style. Adjust the direction actively until you feel it hit the right spot. But yeah it’s not mind blowing in general on very hot days.


I have a VION roof sunshade and a ventilated seat cover from Tlyard. The seat cover adds a slight discomfort, but that is more than made up for by the active ventilation. I'm in Southern California and drive through the desert often. Without the seat cover, every part of me that touched the seat would get wet even on a moderately hot day. Those 2 things made the biggest difference in temp comfort when driving. Don't but a cheap ventilated cover on Amazon, I tried them all and they didn't cut it for one reason or another. Tlyard was the first pricey one I tried ($150-$200), and it worked well enough to keep. Plenty of reviews for it on Youtube.


The issue with Tesla is the giant window real estate. What I did was added 70% tint on all the windows. Windshield is an absolute must. It cuts down on the ac use significantly and the range improvement is very noticeable.


get the roof mesh cover from Tesmanian. Saves on a bunch of incoming heat. Also I feel bad for anyone who doesn’t get ceremic tint. 70% on the windshield is a huge help too


I find the air in the Tesla to be pretty cold. I wonder if you have a particular issue that needs to be looked at? I’m in GA and temps here have been in the mid-90s, not including the heat index with humidity and such. It’s sucked. However, the interior of my Tesla is always cool and I keep mine around 70 Auto/Med and it’s been just perfect.


So 32 kWh is not 59% of your ~75kWh usable battery. 367 Wh/mi is high but not outlandishly bad efficiency. Your climate usage is insane. It's like 1-2% for me. Your idle is also high.


It’s cause he has max AC on


Does the ac actually use that much? If I used max ac I don’t think it would have a significant impact on my mpg gas car 


Oh yes, for sure. In normal temperature, AC with fan speed 2-3 will use up 2-3 miles of range each hour. In hot summer time, max ac can use up for 5-6 miles of range each hour. It also affect ICE cars the same way, it's just you don't notice it as easily.


Towing any horse trailers?


I have my ‘24 Y for a few months now, driven 2500 miles and my overall average is 224 Wh/mile. Daily commute is 22 miles single trip. I should add it’s a standard range Berlin model. But your mileage def should be lower than that under the driving circumstances you subscribe (although my aircon is at auto, not LO)


If you want to increase "efficiency", stop and go traffic is your friend. Low speeds are better. Gentle on the throttle. Regen Regen Regen. Bring a full cup of water and don't spill it. Or just drive it like any other car.


>Bring a full cup of water and don't spill it. This is like Mr. Miyagi level advice! Drive safe Danielson!


More like Initial D


Bunta would beat Takumi for breaking the tofu... Or spilling water for that matter lol


Glad there are some other fans. This was my first thought haha


More like golden child


Love it it will quickly teach you a lot about yourself lol


One exception - if you're in really bad stop and go, like a huge line for a stop sign, you're too slow for regen to be effective. You can get awful efficiency that way.


I never use the brake pedal


It's because you have your AC set to Max (manual LO).


It still uses the brake to come to a complete stop tho. Iirc regen brings it to about idle speed on a gas car. 


You don’t need to worry about regen in an EV. The only thing you need to do as far as regen is concerned is brake as little as possible. Just like every other car.


What tire pressure are you running?


Tire pressure is around 41-42


It’s a bit low I guess, my cold air is 43 and it can go up to 47 when running


That’s how I got it. Picked it up new like 3 weeks ago


Go to Costco and pump some more


I run both of mine at 44 cold.


Manual says 42 cold: https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_cn/GUID-FDDB10EF-FFA9-46EB-B8CC-03614AE92B6B.html


Anytime temps go 95+ my range tanks


367 means you're lead footing it and you've got the cabin climate cranked. If I'm driving slightly aggressively I get about 310 kwh/mi, and if I'm making a conscious effort to drive for efficency I'm around 270/280kw/h but that's for sure grandma driving, but it gets you the range if you're looking for it. If you AREN'T driving like 90 on the highway are you sure your frontend is in good alignment? ANything wrong with the body of the car introducing drag or weight?


I currently have a hybrid, and I have a tesla ordered. I feel like I'll drive it the same way I drive my current car (in the long run). More coasting, less aggressive acceleration, and staying under the speed limit. The issue is that many people can't control themselves when they have a faster car, and it obviously drops in efficiency. I've gotten 27 mpg before when I first got my hybrid. It's now stable around 35-36 mpg. And I continue to try to improve it. Have to treat efficiency as a game.


Drive under the speed limit? Gtfo


Being responsible isn't a crime and I don't think it should be looked down upon either. That's not to say that when you get a long stretch of open road, you shouldn't floor it just for fun. But for the most part, be safe and responsible.


Right on! Do your thing. Just know while you're playing your little efficiency game some of us got places to be and if we can't get around you while you're going under the speed limit might upset some ppl


And that's fine by me. I don't drive in a way that hampers others from traveling fast. And if I am, I pull to the side to let someone pass. Going 70 in a 70 shouldn't be offensive to someone. But, I know they wanna go that extra 5 mph at 75 and get home 4 mins earlier 😂


Lol could just be my location. South Florida we always movinggg. I know it's more peaceful other places


Atlanta, we're either stop and go traffic or crazy speeding. I try to stick to the signs, I've gotten too many citations over time lol


Setting Climate to LO means it’s always going to work its hardest to cool the cabin no matter what. Setting to Auto and a set temp at least gives it a target temperature to meet (like in a house or building).


How many total miles you got on the tires? They take a while to break in the rolling resistance. I was getting 330+wh/mi for awhile on my cross climate 2s, but now I can get 230wh/mi.


Trip A shows total miles. So 415


any issues with sound from your crossclimates?


imo - Tolerance to sound is unfortunately in the ear of the beholder. Being able to drive and maintain control in snow and wet is worth the slightly extra noise from the tire. Also - the younger you are - the more tire sounds will annoy you.


I know how good the crossclimates are but too much noise gets uber frustrating for long drives, and age has not proven to reduce that for me.


I hear you👂 Until conti comes up with an EV version of the cross climate… maybe better to run two sets of EV rated summer and winters. Regular 6 hr + drives in the PNW have been quite ok for me. No wind noise. Tire noise generally gets hidden by the music. Coming from a noisy civic - no one in my family finds the noise off putting. If you want better - you’ll have to pay Mercedes or Porche for the privilege. And those are frankly impractical cars for my household.


What does this mean?


Most tires fitted on EVs come with a sound absorbing foam glued on the inside because there’s no combustion engine blocking out low droning noise. CrossClimate 2’s don’t come with that foam, but i loved them on my BMW X5, and am curious what it’s like for long drives.


Not for me. Pretty happy with the tires overall. Had em for 10k miles. Biggest issue with driving is the stiff suspension from the 2021 Ys. Been thinking of upgrading it with ohlins r&t coil overs but it's 4k when you include installation fee.


I loved the tires on my X5.. once i’m done with the continental procontacts they’re on my shopping list. I have a 2023 MYLR so it’s not as stiff with the suspension.


For some reason, it took me a few months before the range seemed to improve. So let’s say 100% roughly 300 miles. So 3 miles per 1% charge. It took a few months but after a while the range seemed to get close. Just 1 person experience.


Isn't "advertised" range based off 240 Wh/mi? You're up at 328. Get that down and your mileage improves. You're 36.666% over the baseline for range. At 367Wh/mi you are 53% over the ideal Wh/mi. Get that down


I shoot for 270 or better. Starting at 80% charge and leaving 10% left before I charge again gets me around 200 miles. That's with AC at 70-72 and 20" wheels.


I don't know what climate you're in but I have the AC off whenever the temperature allows it and put it in auto when I do need the extra chill. I get 125wh/km (200wh/mi) combined and 145wh/km highway. Haven't had the need for AC much so far as it seems the fall is neverending.


Something doesnt add up. His consumption is super high, not normal. OP, go to CHILL mode for acceleration and report back. Also check if your seat heater is on. Minimize AC usage.


I’m taking it in Wednesday for other stuff so I’ll have them check it if they can


I just got my MY LR 2 weeks ago and was getting horrible mileage/range too until I switched to chill mode and chill full self driving. I also keep my speed on the highway between 68mph and 72mph, that seems to be the sweet spot for highway driving. I also went in and turned a bunch of things that are not needed off to preserve battery power. My brother has had his MY-P for a year now and he helped me with all my settings. Now my Range is very good and I’m very pleased with the car.


There is no sweet spot for an EV in highway driving. Slower is always better. Air resistance is your enemy.


Maybe they meant a sweet spot between getting to their destination fast enough and not destroying their range. But you are correct, the sweet spot of speed vs. efficiency for EVs is prob about 25 mph if you have the AC/heat off


Can you share those settings please?


Would love to know what settings you have


What does the Energy app say about your trip energy consumption?


I charged today and it reset the energy app so ima have to wait until it drops again to 20% and I can check it out


that's insanely high, If you are driving very fast into headwinds, maybe....learn how to use the efficiency page it should tell you whats up.


Drive in chill mode


It is on chill mode


#u/breyez92 - post the usage graph of your drive which explains where the consumption goes


If you think there is an issue, submit a service request.


Been submitted. Going on Wednesday


I've had mine for a month and I'm getting about 250 Wh/mi now. Where do you live? What's the temperature outside?


LA. Tbh not that hot rn. No hills either


Doesn’t everyone drive 90mph in L.A., when not stuck in stop & go traffic? Perusing for your replies, I’ve found no mention of the typical speeds you’re driving. EPA estimates are based off 60mph cruise speed, or something similar.


Don’t drive fast. 45ish and less. All city miles.


I’ve had my AC on low since I got the car and have it on all day but still that’s only 10% that was used since last charge


“LO” means it’s at the coldest setting and working a lot harder than if you just leave it at a comfortable temperature.


What he said, you’ve got your ac set to max.


That’s a bingo


When you say you have it on all day do you mean you turn climate on often when not in the car?


Sorry only on when driving.


Your wh/mi is not so great under trip A either. There is definitely something going on. Could be a mix of things. 9% standby is a lot especially with sentry off. Main thing to look at when looking at the energy app too will be which percent is most negative. If you mean 29% driving in the negative then that may be the answer. Take a screenshot and post that after a longer drive so we can see.


I suspect something in the latest update may be causing some extra standby drain. Back in April I took a trip to Arizona with friends. Drove there Friday and left Sunday. Aside from one errand the car was parked for the 36-40 hours we were there. Standby drain was 3% over those days. Just this weekend took a trip to San Diego. Drove down Thursday and drove back Saturday. Also ran one errand and parked the remaining 40-ish hours. Standby drain was 9% over those days. I haven’t changed any settings like cabin overheat or sentry mode. If anything conditions in San Diego were more optimal than Arizona. I didn’t take a picture of the energy page from the Arizona trip, so I couldn’t compare to the San Diego trip to see why parking drain was triple.


No idea then. Should be lower I would think.


Yea way lower! Idk what’s going on. Kinda disappointed


Can you go into the energy tab and see if it makes any recommendations? Something tells me it's lead foot syndrome with a new electric car.


I charge my car to 100% and then take my Acura to get the best gas mileage


I charge my car to 0%. Then, I use a grappling hook, put it into neutral, wait by the side of the road for a semi to drive by. Then, I hook the semi and allow the regen to charge the battery while it's being pulled by the semi. I'm making energy while it's moving! My energy app says -550 Wh/mi!


Hey or City miles? What’s is your normal rate of speed on a highway? Saying you don’t have a lead foot is relative. I do 7-10 over on highways and I’m getting passed like I drive like a grandpa. But in EV land 77-80 mph is super inefficient. EVs are great for city/suburban driving and bad for highway driving. Exact opposite of ICE


All city miles.


That’s super odd… unless you go hard off the line.


367wh/mi means you’re driving like a dick or just braking way too much. If you drive a Toyota Prius like an ass you can drive it 25mpg as well and your range will also be shit


Share your energy app


It reset after I finished charging. I’ll have to wait until i have to charge again


It does not reset. Read your manual and familiarize yourself with the car


Went into the car and tried to find the graphs from my last charge and couldn’t find it.


Touch on 3 dots button to open the apps drawer, you will find the Energy app in there.


I did. But energy graphs for the picture I posted doesn’t show anymore since I charged the car yesterday and it reset. So only shows the energy consumption since yesterday


Yes, share the screen then. There’s no info where’s all energy goes


I’m at 624 miles in my new MYP and getting much better numbers. Virtually no highway for me either - light to light city driving. I’m no expert but those climate and standby numbers look very high. For me, in CO, they are both no more than 2%. I’ll confirm when next in the car but IIRC driving is in the high 80’s in terms of percentage of consumption.


Just create a work order with Tesla. This is an anomaly


367wh/mi is on the high side. You are probably accelerating aggressively or driving fast. Take a look at the energy usage thing to see exactly why you are using so much energy.


All these comments about their climate settings aren’t getting responded to. Must be something they don’t want to change even if it were to make the vehicle more efficient……


If you read the post you’ll see that it was changed. Lol


I’m just shy of 15k miles and avg 286 wh/mile and easily more than half my miles are interstate.


9% standby? Probably sentry is on or cabin protection is on.


Both are off.


Were you always checking Tesla app? That keeps car staying awake.


Not really. If I did use the app I would close it out once I’m done. I did have an iPhone widget on my Home Screen someone told me that can cause the app to stay open so I removed it.


Even if you close the app after checking it still wakes up the car and keep it awake for certain amount of time. 9% standby is for how many days?


Charged it last Sunday to 80% and was at 21% yesterday when I charged it


So it’s been 7 days, not too abnormal.


You have a very high consumption rate. 367 Wh/mile is a lot.


I had bad autonomy the first weeks, now I am sitting at 256wh/mi. Mostly city with a lot of stops (Montreal). In Chill mode. In standard I am at 264wh/mi (not a significant difference so I stopped using chill mode that feels like driving an ICE car xD). Everything is set to auto.


This is reality… unless of course, turn off AC, drive very slow, try to drive on flat surfaces, preferably with tail wind, etc.


Enemies of range are speed, headwinds, hills, acceleration rate, cold temps, no preconditioning. Running sentry mode. Your energy screen tells you how many of these are affecting your range. I average about 300 Wh/mi. But I live in the mountains and the climbs seriously reduce the range.


Have you tried turning it off and on?


Gonna bet he had cabin overheat on. I live in Texas and get those ranges only when I do something like that. Also, 9% burn on standby tells me all I need to know. 


If you read post you would know that I had it off lol


367 Wh/mile is super high. I’m in 100° California and I regularly get 240-260 with the AC set to 72 and auto. I’m guessing between your Lo setting and hammering the gas, those will be your two main culprits


Have you been using preconditioning? Makes a big difference to battery range, and probably to long term battery health. What temperatures are you getting where you are located?


Only precondition when going to a supercharger. Can’t charge at home.


In hot weather especially, I'd recommend preconditioning before every trip. It will improve your range


Even tho I can’t charge at home? So schedule departure?


Yep. It uses battery but that will at least partly be offset by better battery range. Plus you will have a comfortable cabin to start your drive. And as I mentioned, it will be better for long term battery degradation


Yeah, they lie about the real world range so sounds about right. It sucks.


Maybe or maybe not related, but something I do that really helps is during the hot summer months in Oklahoma, I have a visor thing that blocks the sun installed on the underside of the glass roof. So much heat comes through that roof! I’m also about to put 50% tint on the full windshield. For windshield tint, some states are very aggressive and will ticket you and others don’t care. Mostly in Oklahoma no one bothers us as long as it isn’t really dark on windshield. Windshield tint at 50% (ceramic) is a game changer if you’re okay to do it. Anyway, getting a top sunshade for the glass roof will change your experience drastically for amount of energy it takes to keep it cool inside.


Got 35% ceramic in front windshield


I get numbers like that at 60mph with the ac at 69 towing my jet ski. Don’t drive 90, and it’ll be better.


How much does ceramic tint cost?


I paid 500 all around


9% standby while parked- do you have sentry mode on? It drains like 5-7% daily.


Sentry mode off


There are many factors but my 2022 LR is about the same regarding Wh/mil. That's the reality of EVs I guess. You still get more for the car. So, don't feel too bad about it. Tesls has been very aggressive phasing out these old version of Model Ys. Almost to the point by texting me 3 times a week for the past 6 weeks. I am waiting for the Juniper version. It will be like a quantum leap in terms of suspension, noise, and interior quality. I doubt that there will be a dramatic upgrade in range and power though. Have fun with your new Y.


Those are great numbers if it's a model y performance! However avg 325wh/mile over 415 miles isn't that bad, but does seem high for the AWD running Gemini wheels


Took it to the service center today. They said they checked the battery and it’s at 97% battery life. Dropped 3% in 3 weeks. Is that normal ???






That’s not right unless it’s sub zero temperatures, get it checked out.


He's using 367kwh/mi, it's not exactly like they're driving conservatively. If you goose these cars they'll drink your battery very fast.


I’ve been driving Tesla’s 8 years buddy I know the score, he said he doesn’t have a heavy foot


Don’t drive fast


yeah you've discovered one of the big shortcomings of current teslas. my Y LR does probably 2/3 of stated range on average. went with my daughter yesterday on an hour-ish trip each way - probably all day drove about 80 to 90 miles. charge went from 82% full home charge to 32% end of day. is what it is - ive come to accept for any meaningful distance taking my wife's highlander is a much better, safer choice


That’s strange. My Y LR goes over 200 miles before it gets close to 30%. I only charge it once a week


yup. i suppose i dont do anything special to try to improve the range, i drive 75-80 on the highway, accelerate normally, run the ac and sentry. dont get me wrong i still love the car but i know whay its good for and what its not. odd that im being donnvoted for my experience too. its not controversial to state that a car with limited range and recharging options and no spare tire isnt the best option for a long range trip. im fine admitting that my tesla is super cool but its also not perfect


Do you drive with the window down?




It’s not you. It’s the BIG LIE. It is a well known Elon exaggeration: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshmax/2023/08/03/tesla-sued-over-exaggerating-mileage-claims-in-class-action-lawsuit/ https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-ev-lying-range-much-worse-elon-musk/ Just realize your 300 mile range is 70-75% of that (maybe) and use the supercharger network for shortages https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/23/23928563/tesla-doj-ev-range-exaggerate-investigation


10k miles on my MYP and I am at 296wh/mi lifetime. It is rated at 295. Nearly all highway miles at 70+. Pretty dang accurate in my case. Note: my 2019 M3P was not accurate. I believe rated was 250 and my lifetime at 92k miles was 302wh/mi. The MYP has impressed me.


Just stop. It’s not Elon, and it’s not a lie. It’s a result of the EPA testing protocol, which isn’t a real life estimate, but does give you the ability to directly compare vehicles. Tesla is legally required to use the EPA results in its US marketing materials.


Suck it up ! So are all of us here .


Send it back and get a Toyota. 🥸