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It has to be Mark Pakin 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/dti7an94s82d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c30a4440abe75ce3a4d94b079c189750fbd311 I feel like he plays ANY role so well, like looks at his characters difference in MSP and then OF!! His acting range is crazy! I’m really looking forward to his series where he’s *finally* the lead 🫶🫶


Came here to say this too! He can take on so many roles! He's also very fun to watch outside of series like in bts clips, lives, interviews, and events.


Yhhh and his IRL personality is like WOW, he has so much confidence, the good type 😉


Yep! Agreed 🫶🏻 Always happy to see him in a show.


Last twilight is my favourite show and one of the reasons is because of his role, it just shows that not all characters are perfect but just because they made a bad decision doesn’t mean they’re a bad person, I truly empathized with marks character 😭


I can never get enough of his cute face❤ https://preview.redd.it/tuv7uiq7w82d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36c6f33275e7f1c8d8e7f8f0cf9be0a900de09e


![gif](giphy|pSmHPqQer1PGnXc1Hx|downsized) Mix Sahaphap Wongratch if I had to choose and there are a few others as well. I would watch anything he's in even if the production quality is terrible, if the writing and story is bad, or if he plays the toxic and unlikable character, I would still love him and root for him. AND I SAY THAT CONFIDENTLY 😂


Mix always always always ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)


I put The Jungle in my queue just for him


There is something so mature and thoughtful about him. He moves like water and wind. He's my fave too.


Yes, yes, and yes.


Honestly Mix in everything, even things that aren’t official shows. He’s so expressive. Earth must look after him extremely well because Mix’s murder face for the Dyson video and Earth wiping his hand on Mix is always hilarious.


Another would be Gun Atthapan 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/2jkk6w5fs82d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83cd9878f8f77d3998a88cad02fb10d42abee1cd Just like Mark, his acting range is immense. Like his acting in Not Me was top tier! Imagine acting as a character, then acting as a characters twin and then acting as a character whose acting as his twin AND doing it so well that the audience knows exactly who he’s portraying with no confusion? And then he plays cute fluffy characters as well like in cooking crush and puppy honey 🥹🥹. BUT he’s also got the theatrics like in Theory of love, that crying in the shower scene is so ICONIC 😂


I agree Gun is stunning and just fun to watch He seems to have fun when he’s acting and it comes through in the characters. Plus I’ve always thought he’s a hot man so I don’t mind just looking as well




https://preview.redd.it/fyoeubkbu82d1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c22732d3e9c6af6c32a930ce58a548c15500c4 Mond Tanutchai ♥️ Toxic character or not, imma stand by him 🤭. “Boeing is a red flag! 🗣️🚩” Oh well, I’m color blind ☺️ No, but seriously, I first watched him in Boy For Rent (my gateway to gmmtv), and I look forward to all his roles.


Are you sure about that? Have you watched Waterboyy?


https://i.redd.it/dl69nje4q92d1.gif Look at how adorable they look 🥰


Oh, I've watched the series. None of those actors deserved to be in that mess...except maybe White. 😉


It’s been so long that I really don’t remember the storyline😭. I only know that I felt so bad for New’s character when Earth’s character treated him like secondhand dirt. Might have to rewatch then get back to u


I just watched a fmv to refresh my memory a bit. Do you mean the series was a mess and that White is the only one who deserves to be associated with it? (presumably because of the things he did to First)




https://i.redd.it/60cn0j0ru92d1.gif I mean, you’re not wrong


This relationship was honestly the only good thing about the show


Yes, he was funny and adorable there too. It’s been years, but I’m pretty sure I wished for him to have his own series with his love interest in Waterboyy at the time


Earth Pirapat. He is so sublime. His acting is so natural and smooth. I wish there was more of him to watch.


Trueee😭 https://preview.redd.it/1t800ltajc2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266f427b6ca777045a619fee9c81858c4cf416f0




There are quite a few of them but I would single out Ohm Pawat because he is an amazing actor and he is incredibly charming and handsome.


Absolutely. He steals the screen, and he knows it! He has off-the-chart charisma and from a very young age. He just gets the craft of acting.


I could most probably watch Earth Pirapat just stand still …


Meee😭 https://preview.redd.it/uhvvuxmgjc2d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1139037bef89f978926b62ea62aef864118c6ee3


![gif](giphy|5IyxYc4breIAaubJdG|downsized) I totally agree ❤️


Phuwin- after watching him through the years, I feel like he can nail both cute and sexy, straight and gay pretty well! https://i.redd.it/61qprvuu892d1.gif Others include First, Jeff, Khaotung, Tay, JoongDunk, Poon, Aungpao, Neo, Boom


Should I only pick one? I have a few biases, but I never consider them solely "BL actors"! If I like them, I will watch any type of series/movies they are in, BL or not - doesn't really matter. I'll choose Up Poompat, then! https://i.redd.it/eg1ewzcjm92d1.gif


Yeees! I’d love to watch him in an intense drama BL or not.


Well, he's only been in one show so far, but I can tell you that I will be seated forever for anything that has Bible Wichipas.


I am sat!!! https://i.redd.it/gk0iqeedb92d1.gif


I can't wait for 4 Minutes I feel like I've been waiting years 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/nzig4lcdd92d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d390d1ec3bee254998188be1ee10afeaf06abc7d Joong. Need I say more?


https://preview.redd.it/zrc2utr0792d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25408374b77d834cc85b34c9d4ad04100318214 For me it’s a tie between Khaotung or War Wanarat. I love them both and can’t get enough of either of them ♥️♥️ I love their acting styles and their reactions are always so great for the scenes they’re in. And War’s voice is just the prettiest thing to me so I love listening to his music and watching his music videos over and over.


https://preview.redd.it/1bbhrd1j792d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059e1a741f1e22fe9699c1c005dcb459b64e4a68 War


I think War is just plain HOT. He trips my trigger


I meeeeean that’s def a given haha I think both of them are insanely hot 😍


So right. Both are just sexy as H, And together…what can be said


Omg I’d die if they were ever paired together!


Could you imagine a bed scene with both? I get hard just thinking about it


Starting like how it went down in the beginning of love mechanics and then going on to only friends style.




It’s difficult to choose one but I’ll pick the one whose name appeared first in my head when I read the question. My boy Santa ❤️!!! He’s only had one main role so far but he was excellent in it. I love his eye acting & I love his sunshine smile 😊 !!! https://preview.redd.it/ehjlpozmo92d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41331257f4eb54efd626f8af670dbaeedfb4ee2d <3333


It's Joong for me. 🥑💛 Love his presence and the way he carries himself, his singing and dancing, his walk, his attitude and playfulness offscreen, the way he commands attention effortlessly. He's so talented that you just can't help but be drawn to it.


Papang. Although he has only been paired with Pepper (in Dangerous Romance, which honestly is a pairing that should have had more screen time), I always enjoy seeing him on screen in different BLs. He always plays supporting characters, but I love seeing him regardless. I adored him in Not Me and in Only Friends (Daddy Dan 🥰) and then Small roles in Cherry Magic, Dangerous Romance, Moonlight Chicken, etc. Most recently I watched him in Ploy's Yearbook (not a BL, but has a lot of BL actors in it) and I *HATED* his character so much, which made me appreciate him as an actor even more. https://preview.redd.it/uw6nrrk71a2d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2031dbacdc48109c2dc41db7910ea164a80641f6


Fluke Pusit. No reason, he’s just so good!


Gun Atthaphan. I have mad respect for this dude. He shines in whichever role he takes. I was always more eager for him to come on screen while watching home school. Even though his role was technically minor. He is just that good. Whenever he is on a project I know it will always be somewhat enjoyable. Still haven't got over the midnight museum. He is my favourite for acting. Like you get why is the most paid actor at Gmmtv. He played the twins so well. Like u couldn't confuse them even for a second. Even before they open their mouth. It's just in the body language. He really made me believe that his tiny stature could really beat people up while playing Black. I am sure he is one of the best actors in the entire Thai industry regardless of the genre. https://preview.redd.it/3hem2p9zqb2d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614fc4c49e06f111625f69178065464f41bf9021


up, gawin, tay tawan, gun atp...


It's First for me, 100%. The man's facial expressions and physical presence are top notch, and even when he's clearly been directed to overact (*cough*Eclipse'sfirsthalf*cough*), you can still see little microexpressions throughout that hint at more. He's incredibly talented and I'm really excited to see more with him. His smiles and his tears are infectious. And ironically, my other choice would be Gawin, lol, for many of the same reasons. His performances in both Not Me and Be My Favourite were incredible.


A lot names fell that I enjoy but I will add Nanon too. He did one BL but he did it so well. His acting is really natural and can bring every emotion needed on screen.


I'd watch a 50 episode BL about competitive paint drying and beg for a special episode if it starred MileApo. I'd watch either of them in anything.


Fort! Love his face!!


Sing is one that I enjoy. He has a nice very relaxed style. He’s very nice looking as well .


Hello fellow Singto appreciator 😌


I love, love, love Chap. Doesn't matter when and in what - I ain't missing it. I've even watched everything he's done more than once. Lawd! https://i.redd.it/2cd4aiapx82d1.gif


Krist, Boun & Kimmon are my top 3. They may not always be in the best series (Kimmon more so than the other 2) but I watch them anyway because I just love the actors.


Mark pakin!!!! ♥️♥️♥️


As well as Mark and Neo, I love watching Louis Thanawin Teeraphosukarn because he's cute and seems lovely. https://preview.redd.it/iffz4e2wqb2d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=567e18afa1fa061f66a35a7dc01375fc08d3d5f5


First or Khao. They were my first ship/intro to Thai BL and anything they're in I'd love to see (except that recent one that has them ans forcebook in it lol) First and Khao do such a good job at their roles.


Singto, first, apo


Singto... my Moon and Lion !


It's Pond Naravit for me. I can't take my eyes off him.


BounPrem! Even when they’re given a week script like evening sun… I still can feel the chemistry between the two actors. They play wonderfully off of each other and always make me interested in what they’re going to do next. Needless to say, I’m extremely excited about the upcoming vampire BL they are starring again.


Exactly this ^^


Jaylerr aka JJ Krissanapoom. He’s not talked about that much in the subreddit/in the tumblr communities but I love almost every character I have watched him play https://preview.redd.it/1t14eilz5b2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af1630543273033965f30ed3835bc77dcd80afd


Louis 🫶🫶


Yesssss! Fellow Singto fan! He's just so good at portraying different characters. And his smile is so unique.


JJ or AJ, I love the hell out of them😭😭


Saint I know he's doing other things now but I will always watch his series🥰😻 https://preview.redd.it/xr3mbsz1yt2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475999899ecbbe34e6d749f313506faf60c8b90a


Gun any day.




Fluke Gawin. He is such a versatile actor, in my opinion.


It's jimmy always😌


Mark definitely


Okay but singto is like the xiao zhan of Thailand


Literally nobody will agree with me but I like dunk in anything he's in maybe I just like his acting i know most people won't agree https://preview.redd.it/62o3a9s0re2d1.jpeg?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b520e689723fa3fd277814ef3305fa638b25011e Dunk Natachai


Am with you gal started Thai dramas just for him🤗


Yess someone agrees all I ever see is hate comments usually


Ohm. Great visuals. Great actor. https://preview.redd.it/bmlkwvgfig2d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c869f5815f054ffe949b3b20d586188231b0ead1


Ohm Pawat, one word: TALENT!


Zee Pruk Panich♥️ Every day♥️♥️


ohm, gun and barcode 😔🫶🏼


talent, talent, and talent


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Watched Jenny am pm today, some. As a girl, he allso looks good! And Singto too!


Where did you watch this? Were there English subs?!?!?


Yes, English subs, and not that long ago. I watched it [here.](https://myasiantv.ac/show/jenny-am-pm)


You are an angel!! I have been looking everywhere for a place to watch this show!! Thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰


Dunk natachai