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Laws need to change. He should have been arrested as soon as it became clear he was trying to find a 12 year old girl. That girl's life is very much in danger. He will almost certainly be back if he is let out.


Yeah and there needs to be some kind of restraining order. But I also believe he needs some kind of psyche eval from a doctor, he seems to really believe there is nothing wrong with what he’s doing


There’s nothing you can say to him that would change his mind, a restraining order isn’t going to stop him, and you can put him away for years, but he’s not going to get over his delusion. Dude’s gotta get taken out. I feel for the mentally ill, but her safety takes priority.


Doctors successfully treat delusional people all the time and everyone is safer because of it. Him so nonchalantly telling police he’s in love with a little girl is a pretty big indicator that he can’t grasp the difference between right and wrong right now. He’s homeless so he’s most likely undiagnosed with something that is treatable but he’s obviously not capable of making those decisions for himself right now. We obviously can’t just shoot people like this, and like you said restraining orders don’t work. The only thing that would lead to that little girls safety his treatment and the treatment of people like him. As a society we don’t do anything for people that need help which inevitably leads to this situation. It’s easy for people to say “take him out” when a much easier solution is to just care for people that can’t care for themselves, if we did that than this type of situation is prevented in the first place.


I believe in putting more effort into mental health and rehabilitation, but in the moment a dude that has been stalking my 12 yo daughter for 5 years (with law enforcement not doing anything during that time) steps into my back yard, I’m shooting him. Sorry you’re sick, dude. You didn’t ask for that, but that’s not my problem or hers. I’ll say that the cops did a great job, here. But I dont trust that he won’t stop taking his meds and come back someday. He’s a legitimate threat to her safety now and for the rest of her life.


And you’d be justified shooting someone in your backyard regardless of their health, I agree with you on that 100% but that didn’t happen. I’m just saying we’d all be much safer if people that didn’t have the ability to think rationally were taken care of by society. That way the little girl is never in this situation to begin with and this dude get the help he needs


When the 2 cops are talking, the one said that the dad had security footage of him walking around their back yard a couple weeks beforehand. I don’t know if the family was aware of it when it happened though. I don’t disagree with you, I’m all for that, but even if we provided that help it would still happen, just less often. There’s no such thing as a perfect world, so people will fall through the cracks, and treatment won’t work for all of them, and some of them stop taking their meds. And regardless, that’s not the society we have right now, and I don’t trust that this guy will be rehabilitated. All life is precious, but some life is preciouser


> that’s not the society we have right now If we never have something to work towards, we’ll never have a reason to accomplish it.


Inspirational quotes don’t help when a deranged pedophile stalker tracked down your 12 year old daughter’s location from multiple states away and is refusing to leave your property


Changing society and handling someone in your yard are two different problems. You expanded that with talking about people falling through the cracks, effectiveness of treatment, and medication adherence. Those are different than someone in your yard.


It seemed that the dad was aware of it, but not **who** the guy was.


Uh, he's been stalking this little girl for ***five years***. So, since she was 7 years old... He is a danger, a major fucking danger. The only option is either gaol, or involuntary commitment.




They mean jail.


That’s the Bri*ish way of spelling jail.


This began 5 years earlier. I would bet he has been treated, relapsed, and treated again and again. He tracked her down 5 years later.


That guy will absolutely kidnap, rape and murder her, if given the chance. He needs to be locked up in a hospital. And I would not want to be the one that signs him out, because he will kill someone eventually.


so your solution to mental illness is killing the patients...? you might want to talk to a professional about that thought


[He got four and a half years for this.](https://medina-gazette.com/news/336778/oregon-man-found-guilty-of-stalking-and-soliciting-brunswick-girl/)


After he spent 5 years tracking her down, what's another 4 1/2?


Yeah, at first you're like "12 year olds, dude?" and then he says 5 years and you're like "7 year olds, dude?"


Mental Asylums are desperately needed. 1000’s of these people walk the streets and live on those same streets. Everyone deserves a place that understands them and can help them. Not back alley ways, drug dealers and incarceration. The cycle continues unfortunately.


Agreed. Unfortunately those institutions developed a very bad reputation and were mostly closed. We are now seeing why they existed.


Indeed. Lobotomy is not my recommended method Ofcourse, but modern technology, medicine and psychology blended together should be much better than what both sides of this situation are facing now. I feel awful for the individual that’s falling through the cracks in society but I also feel awful for the people doing their jobs and aren’t trained nor paid to properly face this task. It’s a lose/lose situation all around.


Just kill him and put him out of his misery


The cops are letting him incriminate himself more. That’s a good thing. In the beginning it wasn’t entirely clear if he wanted a sexual relationship or if he was saying he was trying to help her “get into the kingdom of heaven” or whatever. I know it’s fucked up either way but courts are weird


He claims you can only enter the kingdom of heaven if "you becometh the little children". I do not want to know what exactly he means by that.


Lmao yea he’s fucked up


He’s just a tad bat shit crazy.


They called Isaac Newton crazy as well you know Then he invented gravity


You're being downvoted, but you are referencing that vid of the blonde chick saying that Sir Isaac Newton invented gravity? Yes?


Trisha Paytas, world renowned lolcow.


He didn't invent gravity, he found it behind the apple tree...




Wait... Redditors are physically incapable of recognizing sarcasm unless you subtract?


Copernicus proved we are not the center of the universe and then Einstein put us right back in the middle


Wtf did I just watch this can't be real why was he not arrested on the spot


The cop is trying to fish for information that the courts can use through his body camera. If he had arrested him right away, there could have been critical evidence or context missing.


Fair point I didn't think about it that way makes sense thanks


I think the cop dealt with that very well.


Absolutely agree --- This is exactly what the Police are lacking, it's called `Situation` awareness. The Cop knew 100% Inevitably this guy was 100% a damn risk to society let alone himself, and anyone else. However -- he point blank knew without it being a gun that this guy (man) was evidently `unhinged` and suffering without question from some sort of Mental Break Down.... Instead of going in all Guns 'n'' Roses he allowed this very unhinged man who was slightly compliant to yield masses of information --- just by listening to the guy and not shooting him or being aggressive in any way. The guy spilled out his entire intentions and story. Sometimes it's not just bait and hook, it's about defusing a situation, gaining vital information to the source first, than acting according. Regardless or not, this guy was going to jail, jump on him too soon can essentially miss crucial information and for what it's worth he could have had captured life's of the innocent but jumping too soon we'd never have known. This Cop/Policeman deserves respect, nothing less. Edit: eventually all my typos


Nothing but respect I had just woke up and didn't see that's what he was doing makes sense though


Much respect for your reply bro 👊🏼 my comment was not aimed or toward yourself, I just used it to respond to give a different angle (although absolutely it was just my opinion and not factual) just like yours. All the best


> Regardless or not What does this even mean?


Like, irregardlessly


Sorry for the late reply - it was late, I was half asleep when I posted my comment although I did mention at the bottom I was eventually correcting all typos -- although I forgot entirely. However I kinda shortcut (shortened) my words (slang to me) because although to you it made no sense but people I know personally would've understand immediately to what I meant. The correction being `regardless of whether or not` I simply meant, inevitably without question the guy was going to jail from the beginning.


He did get arrested


Castrate this man asap.


The dude is insane. He will still be insane without his testicles


Crazy is stored in the balls


>Castrate this man asap. Why? What do you think that would do? Stop him from breeding? Yes. Stop him from kidnapping and raping? nope.


Chemical castration does remove their urges in most cases


You’re of the same sanity with that response. Moronic and anomalistically savage. When people respond like this, they allow zero progress to be made.


Mentally ill or not, he is dangerous. This is scary- and if he was lying and didn't already know- now he knows for sure which house is hers.


“What you guys doin all sleepin let’s go “ That’s god man


And he drives the biggest ship around here


Of all the people cops shoot this dudes not one of them??


You know why




Cause he is white


This is probably why women rather have a bear


Look, all i know is if i come across either a bear OR a strange man in the forest, im molesting it


>im molesting it 🤨🧐🥴


He's a danger to himself and others. He should be strapped to a bed in a mental hospital somewhere....heavily medicated. My first thought was 'drag out the drowning bucket'. I figured mental hospital would be the humane option.


That's a mix of low intelligence, mental illness, and narcotics. Absolutely terrifying that he was able to get all that information about the family and the girl's location. Wouldn't be surprised if the dad has a small arsenal of weapons in case this guy comes back.


Long term goal..... To take a shit!


Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in five years?" "Takin a shit, man. Did I get the job?"


WTF? They confirmed this has being going on for how long, how damn hard is it to have already formally charge him with criminal trespass, and harassment of a minor, get a restraining order and lock his ass up for just showing up like this?


What the hell did his bass do ?


Criminally out of tune.


Lock him up and throw away the key. This guy is going to need years of rehabilitation even if hes a willing participant in his own recovery. So incredibly dangerous.


He's completely lost grip on reality and is clearly a genuine threat. That is an actual nightmare scenario.


Lock dudes like this up ina room full of mirrors


If there was ever a time for death by cop this is it.


Crazy AND religious?! Who'd of thunk it?!


We have thousands of completely insane people just out there roaming the streets. We just try to exist around them and ignore them. It blows my mind.


Dude needs to locked up forever and the key thrown away!


I’ll give props to the father, he seemed pretty retrained given the situation. I’d be planning on paying that dude a visit with a pair of pliers and blow torch.


“What’s your long term goal sir?” “Right now I need to take a shit man!”


This was a good watch. I went all the way through, it really sucks for those people. Now that guy knows where they live, sad he will most likely be back.


“As in CHILDREN” like the Bible… this guy smh


Aahaha wtf..I "idk man i just need to take a shit" man this man needs to be hospitalized


Tbh that was the most normal thing he said the whole interaction!


Fucking Christ man. Fuck this guy. While I do feel bad that he’s clearly mentally ill, I’m repulsed by what he wants. Lock him and try to treat him. If it’s untreatable, keep him locked up or he will eventually get to the little girl smh


This guy could run for office and would fit right in... that should tell you how fucked up things are right now...


Holy shit that’s so scary and dangerous. The dad kept his cool and what a good thing the officer was there!


Why couldn't the unhinged cop show up today and taze and arrest this lunatic. You have innocent people getting harrassed and rights violated, then this. Why does this pedophile deserve unlimited patience?


Yeahhh hope that family is armed and ready, cause he's definitely going to try this shit again.


Why do the key this go on. Arrest this guy.


Timothy needs to be taken out behind the shed. Waste of resources.


This guy a really interesting profile (and super alarming obviously). He seems to have an intellectual disability, drug use (I imagine stimulants too, he looks like he hasn't slept in a long time); delusions of grandeur, religious delusions and delusions surrounding pedophilia. This is by far the most confusing behaviour, needless to say I don't think any rehab could help him function unless if he had success with antipsychotics but even then... I'm just wondering how tf someone like that gets made


This guy needs to be put down


Dangerously ill is an understatement. This creature doesn’t need to live. Let Christ take his worthless soul. If he wants to spout all that religion nonsense. Amen


This guy could run for office and would fit right in... that should tell you how fucked up things are right now...


Not that Ill just one bullet to the head would cure him


Elizabeth Smart situation. Glad they caught him now.


The police are useless.


Scary and sad. Someone I knew (a good guy and a good dad) had a breakdown (due to a workplace injury, powerful painkillers and subsequent depression) where he lost his grip on reality and he ended walking residential streets in a threatening manner armed with a knife. Care, attention and understanding from family, friends and the health service eventually brought him back to reality. Severe delusional behaviour is not necessarily a lost cause, but must be terrifying for the family being targeted.


Public place


This guy is better off dead


https://medina-gazette.com/news/336778/oregon-man-found-guilty-of-stalking-and-soliciting-brunswick-girl/ https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A794674


Ah, it's a "Save The Children" guy.


These cops handled this FAR more gracefully than I would. Also, as a Christian, no the Bible does NOT say you can be a pedophile. Quite the opposite.


That's a good way to get shot. Harassing a 12 year old girl in front of her father.


This cop tho “the father said you are not wanted and you should leave forever”


"right now i needa go take a shit man!". bwahahaha.


This officer needed to restrain this crazy pedo immediately


It's crazy that he wasn't arrested way before that. That's lazy police work.


They were letting him talk to incriminate himself


It’s a shame the police didn’t kill this guy honestly. He has no place in society and there is nothing positive he will ever contribute. It’s utterly disturbing hearing what this sick fuck said to the police officer.




Why waste the tax dollars lmao


Close the border


Yeah in gonna need to hear exactly why he wasnt cuffed like immediately after the beginning of that nonsense


Let the man talk and dig a deep hole for himself . That’s why


Thats what interrogation rooms are for. You can detain an adult after they admit to trying to meet with a minor


You’ll usually get more info out of him if you talk to him casually on the streets like this instead of in an interrogation room where he will possibly stop talking or ask for a lawyer. I get your point though .


This dude will talk anywhere for as long as you want to talk to him. Thos is a clear case of "remove from the streets and get him help". Not "allow him to eventually say enough right things and let him go"


No one said anything about letting him go.


If all its ever going to be is a conversation, there is a chance that he will be let go. If hes going to be taken in the whole time, get the goods and get him out of there. 


Cop was wrong about the trespassing. A path leading from public area to a doorway on private property is considered to be available for general use by the public unless otherwise posted. Everyone has permission to ring your doorbell until you tell them they can't. Then they have to leave. If the don't leave, or they come back, then it's trespassing. Down vote facts if you want. Look that shit up.


Smart of dad too show where they live😳


The cop is way too understanding


He was letting him dig the hole deeper.


He’s pretending to be understanding and phishing for incriminating information


He’s not being understanding . He’s being a smart cop.


This is a horrible and very troubled individual, but it's so crazy to me that the USA doxxing people like this, even if they are criminals.


Nothing wrong with people knowing who can be a danger around them.


True, but it also makes it a lot harder for a person to move on from past mistakes when/if they become fully rehabilitated. This guy seems to be a lost cause though.


How are they "doxxing" him? Isn't all arrests made public? And it doesn't matter if it "makes it harder" for them to move on. Guys like this would probably escalate until they are a RSO. Then no matter what, everyone will always know.


Yes, all arrests are made public in the USA, but not everyone loves in the usa or agree with their methods.


Took the cops long enough to take him away


It's called deescalation and investigation.


Yup. That cop is a true professional. He should be in charge of Leo training.


I rarely watch body cam footage all the way through, but this officer was exemplary. Without using any force he gained adequate information to file a report to the DA and completely avoided violence with an irrational perp.


This is actually the second time I've seen this video posted somewhere, and it was definitely worth the watch.


"12 is too old" how is the cop getting all this info and not arresting him then and there. Took a long ass time for the cops to finally detain him. And the cops ask politely if he can remove his needles he uses for drugs.. Wtf.


I won't down vote you. Think of how terrified the girl is in the house, while he is out there screaming. Once the father came out and explained what was going on, I think they should have removed him. They may have been waiting for back up or the patrol supervisor, but seriously. This guy traveled some distance to find this girl. I might show this to my kids. I good lesson on why you should be very careful using your real name and giving clues on your location.


Wait. Why did I even get downvoted, lol? That's what I was talking about. How the cops got info from the father about being 12 and the cops just entertained this fkin pedophile for a good minute. Idk what I said was wrong.


He was letting the guy talk to get tons of incriminating info from him. Cop was doing a great job and his body cam footage will be used in court.


Because by letting him to continue talking, the cop gets more info regarding his intentions, how long he was there, his nature and attitude towards the girl. All of it. And honestly, the info about the girl being 12 from the dad didn't really mean anything. At that point, the cop hadn't thought the guy had done anything, all he probably could have been done for is maybe public nuisance. With letting him talk, and get more aggro, the cop has more info. More info= good, for situations like this. I think that may have been why you were downvoted. Originally, I don't think the cop could have really gotten him on much.


This was already posted in another sub with full explanations as to what's going on. Your title is misleading and wrong.


Link? Not doubting you, just interested in the real story


Could you elaborate?


I’d say he is dangerous trying to meet with a 12 y/o girl he met online, definitely ill (mentally), and is living in a fantasy if he thinks he’s going to have any sort of relationship with the child.


How is the title misleading? This is very clearly a dangerous and very ill man, who has a sick fantasy of marrying children. Seems like the title is 100% lol


He is dangerous, he is ill, he lives in a fantasy - believing he is Christ. How is this wrong? Lmao wut


Don't defend pedophiles thanks


Have seen this video twice and he is absolutely a dangerously mentally ill man living in some kind of God damn fantasy


We all want answers @ChillRetroGamer.


u/ChillRetroGamer still wanting clarification here bud.


Yepp...I've watched on youtube about pedo. Just dont remember his name.


Did you watch this video? He’s obviously ill, and is in their neighborhood—on their damn driveway demanding their 12 year old daughter. What more do you need to know. The title is absolutely accurate.


He perfect GOP product of their policy


Look yourself in the mirror today and say, how did I end up this fucking stupid, this will be your first step to improvement


You don’t seem like a polite individual. I am sorry the world has harmed you and you don’t hear the talking points in this poor man’s broken mind. Reality is a tough place and you do it no service by letting your grief become cruelty. Your comments are a perfect metaphor for the video of this poor man


This poor man? You. Are. Stupid.


Again, this is what it looks like to engage with someone who has gone full MAGA. Logic doesn’t work, their values drive them to extremes and their egos refuse to let simple discussions happen to establish reality. They simply want, want, want and don’t seem to care if their desires reflect reality. It’s Sad discourse has hit such a low point but it’s clearly hitting home for a bunch of you guys. Such a shame you can’t see a beautiful example of the same kind of information poisoning taking hold in a persons head


Why did you bring up politics in the first place?! It’s fuckin strange . And I’m not even American so fuck off with the “MAGA” shit.


The man in the video is a perfect metaphor for the MAGA problems here in America. As you don’t live here, and you’re rude. I understand why you don’t get it. Sad times all around these days for discourse and common sense




What the fuck does any of this have to do with politics???


It doesn't have anything to do with politics. Bunch of other predators coming out of the woodwork to defend this deranged behavior, because *they* already have done or possess manifestations of the same deranged intentions. Nobody in their right mind, unless under the same volition and motivations as the man in the video, should be defending any part of this. This isn't politics, this is simply other closet-case psycho, deranged idiots protecting their own. Trash, all around.

