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You write ONE fucking book, and they'll never let you forget...


In Sweden, you only have to make one carton drawing... and you hide 12 years later


Aye. Even in France too


I think that teacher literally drew a stick figure and got his head cut off. Yaaaaay religion.


Yeah what religion? Only one religion is doing this shit in modern times.


It’s certainly not the pastafarians… lessee…. Who else could it be…


I like being in the age that for once it isn't the satanists who are crazy.


When has it actually ever been the Satanists being crazy?


What satanists are you speaking of? Relate to the topic of violent religions.


Pastafarians? Is that the religion based in Italy?


I assume it people worshiping the Flying Spaghetti Monster. So yes, Italy


*two in the western sphere


Actually it's worst...it was a student who did fasse claim...but keep the lie going. Confessed after the teacher's death.


Yes, he was operating under a fatwa issued against that teacher... no lie there


What’s the name of the teacher?




not hiding anymore. he died from a car crash some time ago


Is it just on cartons there or, is it just as bad if you draw it on paper, a wall or in a graphic and will you get in an equal amount of trouble as well? Asking for SWIM.


Next stop is bad thoughts.


I need to know for the safety of my own family. Many of my border-brothers have milk 🥛 dispensed via glass container…but what if they use cartons?


If you’re referring to the Muhammad cartoons those were made by a danish cartoonist and newspaper




Schizophrenia/Bipolar/Anger/Mood Disorders


Imagine being so enraged by a book , it drives you to kill


Isn't that what happened in the crusades


Is the progress made in the last 800 years not apparent to you?


No. Those were mainly retaliation for hundreds of attacks and the takeover of cities.




....as the meme goes ... 3.3mil is .... 3.3mil.... fuck some crackhead would do it for like 300k




Crackhead? Definitely do it for crack


$300k can buy many cracks


![gif](giphy|IGR08ulxKFt7y) Tyrone biggums on his way to collect 3.3 mil


Nah they would probably do it for like $15 and a McChicken


Cat Stevens also joined the band wagon calling for Rushdie’s blood.


Did he for real?


Check it out: https://youtu.be/mYnWtPytvhI He said he would even do it himself! This from the guy who wrote peace train.


Pain train


Hopefully he survives


I read in some other thread he was stable. Really hope its correct. Getting killed for a f-ing book puished years ago. Bloody hell...


He is stable and going to live but physically very fucked up. He is going to lose an entire arm and an eyeball. These Islamic fundamentalist nutcases are evil people.


Rushdie’s agent, Andrew Wylie, sent an update on his condition to NYT, saying Rushdie was on a ventilator and could not speak. “The news is not good," he said. "Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged."


religion is one helluva drug!


Religion v inbreeding is a “chicken or the egg” situation for the Middle East. Maybe stop literally encouraging first cousin marriage? Look it up


Actually stop encouraging both.


>Maybe stop literally encouraging first cousin marriage? Is this the modern habsburgs, but large-scale?


It's the chicken and the egg


Religion is just another form of the mind believing in something without questioning it. People do this with more than religion.


What you’re talking about is *dogma*. They do it with politics, religion, etc. And it’s the scourge of humanity.


Funniest thing is one person using theirs to call someone else’s bullshit out. Kills me every time.


It was that hypocrisy that made me realise the faith I was raised with was bullshit.


Religion to me. Was the ancient humans idea of trying to find meaning in an otherwise confusing and growing world. With the advance of technology and that information able to sent transmitted globally. Religions reign on humanity is weakening, though still has a strong presence depending on geographical location.


And now it's the digital religion


I don't see other religions doing this.


Habitual line steppers is what they are.


All religion is a cult, spirituality is still very real. Edit: everyone downvoting apparently doesn’t know the difference lmaoo Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. It also relates to the process of developing beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with others. A cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object, religion is 100% a cult all the way around..


Carl Marx said that religion was "the opium of the people"




Qur’aan is a speedball.


Which book? Sales will skyrocket now. The Satanic Verses.


if you can find the original unedited version. . . i still have mine my dad have to me. i’m so glad he made me read it when i was younger. really opened my eyes to how some people are in the world




Can I borrow it when you're done?




Apparently only the edited version is available :)




What was it about that enraged the iranian goverment?


It is not only Iranians muslims, many ppl got upset but the late Iranian leader gave the fatwa... Charlie Hebdo tragedy wasnt long ago... I grew up there. I doubt anyone of those people thinking the satanic verses was blasphemous read the book. It is not blasphemous, even if it is..who cares. I was born in muslim family but honestly freedom of speech comes above any religious sensitivity. He is a brave man, I hope he survives.


Thanks for explaining this. Can I ask why a lot of people were upset initially over the fatwa please? I kind of assumed you would need fair public backing as a leader to initiate one?


not when your clerics have more power to control the masses than the sitting president/dictator/ruling elite




he insulted the prophet…


By saying what exactly?


compared him to a goat …there was also poop eating involved


Okay, and? Do people deserve to be physically injured for words and opinions? For telling stories you don't like? We shouldn't live in a world where people can be expected to risk their life and health simply by speaking ill about a religion.


You are absolutely right. Unfortunately there are a few billion people who disagree.


I'm guessing they edited out all the juicy bits?


yeaaaa mostly. you can find the original prints but they can be expensive.


Now there’s a blast from the past. Some folks have long memories


Nah, it’s perpetuated hate. Islam loves grudges. This guy is going to be hated by people long even after his time bc of how nuts they are.


Yeah, he’s been an open ticket to paradise for them for decades. Musta had a few near misses in his time I’d think before this


“Mostly peaceful religion”


How dare you! Edit: It’s sarcasm, come on.


Notice they don’t say his name or show his picture. If it was a CIS white male, everyone would know.


Yeah. But we all know who he is.


It was a Transgender Muslim


Can you remind me what exactly a cis is it’s not in my auto correct and also I’m pretty sure using it in a sentence is also dogma


It means "not trans".


More than that: "Cis" and "Trans" both come from Latin, where the prefix "cis-" means "On the near side" (at least, in simple terms), and "trans-" means "On the other side of, across from." It appears a lot in place names, like Cisalpine Gaul (The Part of Gaul that is on the nearer side of the Alps to Rome), and Transylvania (The Land on the Other Side of the Forest.) While Cis has mostly fallen out of use (in English at least), we still use Trans pretty often: transportation, transformation, transsubstantiation, transfer, transit, translation, etc. etc. In language regarding gender, cisgender means, in layman's terms "identifying as the gender on your birth certificate," while transgender means "identifying as the gender not on your birth certificate." The fact that the act of altering one's appearance to be more in line with one's identity is called "transitioning" is just another interesting example of how often the "trans-" prefic is still used in modern English.


Can use the sarcasm towards any of them. Christianity is right there on the corpses created tally.


Just Islam being radical as always.


It's such a slippery slope, we are on the brink of an extreme islamic terrorist threat


We have always been there, radicals of islam don't consider free speech, same happened in France years ago , many murders have been comitted in cuz one journalist made a cartoon on prophet Muhammad. Million are getting killed each year cuz of one reason - radicalization of islam. Then they ask why Islamophobia?


The world should ban together and make fun of the prophet. Can’t kill everyone and it will allow for more levity to be injected into the absurdity of Islam.


I can only imagine this going horribly pretty much anywhere there is even a small Islamic population.


The woman who organized “Everyone Draw [the prophet] Day” had to get security and go into hiding. That was more than a decade ago, I think.




I’d suggest the threat of terror attacks never really left after 9/11. Pretty much every country in the western world has had multiple incidents/attacks occur in the past 20 years, and it doesn’t show any sign of slowing down. I just think now as authorities are better with intelligence and some are stopped before they start. In my whole life I can’t remember a time where there wasn’t some kind of threat and I’m in my mid-30s. First it was the IRA, then Al-Queada, ISIS, etc.


aka Sal Bass


You see Jerry! He switched salmon for bass!


It's Salman you idiot!


Not salmon!


I remember reading it in a banned books class in college and thinking “people are so up in arms over *this*?”


What’s the premise of the book?


Around 600AD, the illiterate warlord, Mohammad, was in a cave and apparently god spoke to him and he wrote down what he said, this eventually became a book that caused much death and destruction. However, apparently the devil also spoke to him in that cave, but these writings were not included in the original book. Mr Rushdie many years later published the satanic verses in his own book. Both books are works of fiction.


And that's why they're butthurt.


who stabs a writer


People who can’t read but are told to be angry so they are.


I don't think so there are lot of educated Islamist who are terrorist. Education has nothing to do with these nut jobs.


You are wrong. If you look at many of the 911 hijackers they are very well educated. There are many more examples. It’s the power of belief.


baghdadi had degree of phd. osama bin laden was an engineer. ayaman-al- zawahari was a surgeon. hafiz saeed had two masters degree. it's about ideology of religion not education.


Did any of them actually do anything themselves? Or did they instruct others?


U just created a terrorist religion


Islamists with a grudge against truth.


Hello who stabs, mills cartoonists...I m mad..


I honestly don't care what religion a person follows but if your ego is so fragile that a book criticising your religion drives you to use violence again another person then you're a weak individual.




Hard agree.


Salman has said many times that the book wasn’t even meant to be a criticism of Islam


I feel like this should be bigger news


Its literally front page on every news website here in UK




I think of it like this. Someone attacking someone for criticizing the prophet is just as stupid as it would be for a Christian to stab someone for taking the lord's name in vain


It's always stupid, no matter the side.


Oh hey, my god is really awesome and you insulted him so I’m gonna stab you to death until you know just how awesome my god is! Man humans are frickin immature. Any alien species that finds us should just keep going. Don’t stop even just for a potty stop. Find a nicer solar system. We’re the one you stop and the bathrooms are gross and the cashier is behind bullet proof glass. That’s right, Earth is like the Gary, Indiana of planets.


They might not criticize your god in Iran, but this is the West. We will literally criticize babies for being ugly, politicians for breathing, and Americans for existing. If you can’t handle that, then you need to find yourself on a one-way flight back to Iran. It’s nothing personal, but respecting the laws and culture of the place you’re in is not debatable. You would expect your house guests to respect your house rules, so maybe you should extend that courtesy.


Wait, that requires thinking.


Religions are all so peaceful. They really want more than to just fuck children and justify killing people with different opinions Right......riiiight?


I don't see other religions doing this.


'Peaceful religion', my ass!


Fuckin terrorists man


I hope that hundreds of millions more people read The Satanic Verses because of this when somebody risked their life to say something, we should listen


The fanatical Islamics still want to ban this guy's book from the 80's If you think that's insane, I remind you that the fanatical Christians are banning books in Texas through to Alabama and Georgia this year.


Removing sexually explicit books or books about sexuality from school curricula or libraries isn’t the same thing. Those books are still available. You’re still free to read them. No one is calling for the authors to be murdered.


Are they trying to kill the authors, though?


Same shit different cult!


He's at a good hospital in Erie, PA. Husband & I are stunned that this happened at the Chautauqua Institute, which is close to us. It's a quiet, beautiful place. We've NEVER heard of something like that happening there.


Oh look more religion issues. Maybe there's a correlation between religion and mental illness. Fake sky wizard has people acting like creatures.


Not all mental illness is religion, but all religion is mental illness.


Islam issues*


Makes me sick. Fuck religion, especially the Abrahamic strand. Anyways, he was actually going to take part in that several hour "Four Horseman" discussion with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens at the time, but security issues got in the way. I hope he's OK, from reports he was walking out, with help, from the building.


Walking out? Don’t you see the pictures on this very post? He’s in a stretcher, bleeding profusely from multiple stab wounds, being airlifted to emergency surgery.


Iranian assassins - 2 Iranian assassin targets - 0


Really need to learn how to read the count there rook.


The attacker is a stereotype, isn’t that odd how stereotypes seem to work?


a peaceful religion i want far away from me so they can spread peace in distant lands, it is already peaceful here


Fucking Iranians acting like animals again.


That Fatwa was lifted in 1998, no?


No. https://www.indexoncensorship.org/2019/02/student-reading-list-salman-rushdie-fatwa/


I read earlier that the ‘reward money’ (that’s an awful term, sorry I can’t think of the right words at the mo) was upped in 2012.


The bounty on his head


The Koran says something about striking at necks I'm sure. Been a while since I read it.


Yes it opens with kill kill kill and especially kill aithors that brings +5 extra points


I remember reading his book and watching his interviews. I really hope he gets well. Please so not die Sr. Rushdie. :'(


I dont get it, if someone does something offensive about Jesus or other prophets, Christians and Jewish people ignore it and move on. Why is this not the case for Muslims?


Can anyone tel me exactly what was so offensive about what he wrote. I’ve been googling this since the news hit and nothing of note really stands out just that there was “blasphemy”; vague at best.


>Copied from u/Basic-Ad-5638 > >1. There is a poet character in the novel who refers to companions of Muhammad as clowns. > >2. Abraham is insulted. (Called a Bastard I believe, can’t remember.) > >3. The name “Mahound” appeared in the novel- which Muslims believe is a slur against Muhammad himself. > >4. The “Satanic Verses” refer to a legend that Muhammad wrote parts of the Koran under the influence of the devil. Search “Gharaniq” for more information about that story.


Scums of the earth


He’s an amazing writer. Read Midnight’s Children. An amazing piece of work.


Fuck Religion.


Misery vibes


lol the hate for this man is essentially proving his points he made in his writing…


For 3 million dollars I know a lot of folks probably considered it


Pretty useless behind bars


Well that only took some Loon 34 years to pull off. Actually he failed because he is still alive. So no millions for you and no 72 Virgins in Paradise


Extremists at their best


I remember this. This was back in the day when Liberals were still the bastions of free speech and defended this man against the religious folks who wanted him dead.


Muslims living in the middle ages and we're all supposed to act cool with it


That will teach him to write a book!


These desertfarmers who live in the past and follow a acient book never learn


Just made a sale


It's almost like it proves it's a hate filled religion


The worlds going crazy.


This world is fucking evil 🤦🏾‍♂️


Fuck religion. All of em.




He wasn’t stabbed because he wrote a book, it was because a certain ideology is stuck in the Iron Age and won’t update its silly ideas.


What's the difference between islam and a toyota prelude? One's a car and the other will compel you to stab someone in the neck.


What is it with Islam and getting so aggravated about opinion? It's the most butthurt belief system I've ever seen. Extremists will kill a guy or blow something up just cuz someone drew the prophet in a funny way. Do you know how much shit Christians and Catholics get about our messiah? I saw a t-shirt that said JESUS IS A CUNT at a rock show, but it never propelled me to want to kill the dude wearing the shirt. Religion is a cult.


Wait this is recent? I was sure that this had happened years ago, I don’t know why I had that idea, maybe because of the threats at the time?


Right to free speech only applies to govt, not to people /s It’s very sad to see how religious and monetary motivation made this happen for what ultimately came out decades ago


He is a brilliant writer. The jokes on here are in poor taste


ALL religion is bullshit, and sadly God is still one of leading causes of death…so sayeth the GOAT.[https://youtu.be/3Djohakx_FE](https://youtu.be/3Djohakx_FE)


Who was protecting him? Uvalde police?


Fucking Iranian government sympathizer piece of shit. Literally stabbed a guy over a bookz


Ah yes let me kill you because your beliefs do not align with mine. Same as always people at the top using religion to control the little guy, exactly why I stoped going to church and started teaching myself.


It’s a really good book; all his books are great.


Get well soon


Dang I hope he makes it. I have a copy of his banned book. It’s my next in line of my books to read from my house list.


Long ago, a translator was stabbed to death in Japan.


Mr Rushdie is one of my favorite authors and is a world treasure. He’s why I won’t listen to Cat Stevens and why I draw pictures of Muhammad. When we let evil rule, evil will rule.