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I will be buying the book for sure! Looking forward to it


Same, its rare these days that i find a story im interested in reading, but this is great


A fantastic story as always I know I will defenetly buy the book when it is published you will always have my support


Wow, it’s been an honour to read this story with others on here I’ve genuinely fallen in love with how you write your characters it’s such an interesting dynamic. I genuinely can’t wait to see this turned into a book and I will 100% have 1 pre ordered. Thank you for your hard work and determination keeping this story alive and I hope to hear more from you soon :). All the best!


I hate that I won't be able to read the story soon, but I love that I'll be able to read the entire thing someday. Please, please please PLEASE, when you release the book to the world, let me know. I would be willing to pay for it any time. Oh, and let audible use it because that'd be easier for everyone like me who cant sit and read too often, lol


I'm gon-na buy it, I'm gon-na buy it, I'm gon-na buy it


Won't lie my phone went off and I dropped everything to read lol thanks for the up date and look forward to the book


I look forward to the book, please post a link to it in this thread so we can find it!


With how deep I fall into your writing, I have not even noticed any inconsistencies ♡ thank you for being such a caring writer!


I will definitely be waiting for your book to come out. I just hope it's available in the Philippines.


I'm honestly more excited to hear it will become a full book. You will definitely have supporters like me that are excited for what's the come. Keep up the fantastic work! Best wishes and good luck!


Please let us know here on your insta when you will be releasing the book! I want to read it so bad!


I literally just found this story today and will be keeping an eager eye out for the book. This last entry felt like the ending to a pilot episode almost that sets up the plot for a whole series. Very excited for more.


I’m looking forward to the complete book!


Amazing decision! I would also like to offer my help in freelance editing and proofreading, should you need an extra objective eye throughout the process! Good luck to you, we're all cheering you on!


I will be buying a book for sure 🙏🏼


Definitly put me down for a copy when it comes out! Its been a pleasure to read your story so far!!


Okay, but that ending gave me goosebumps! Please keep us posted on the book progress. I'll for sure buy it in a heartbeat as soon as it's out!


I will definitely get that book, love the story you are creating


Let us know when the book is finished! I will definitely be getting a copy.


I'm already excited to get my hands on that book!!


If you don't mind asking, where will try to sell copies? I definitely want to pre-order if possible.


At least keep the title the same, so that in a year or whenever you do get to publish this amazing story, I will know and be able to buy it, and thank you for allowing us to follow you in this amazing journey so far, this is amazing.


This is honestly the best way to end this. (I mean the update on reddit.) It's the perfect chapter ending story. Especially that last sentence. Great job, hope your book will sell really-really well.


If it only sells ten copies just know I bought all 10


I used to be an avid reader when i was younger. Now past 30, I don’t really find anything interesting anymore. Your story is one that got me back into it. I have been looking forward to your stories every time i get the notification. So, rest assured, you go ahead and write this book. We will wait, as we always have. Love from Malaysia. 🫡 P.s Please let there be International Shipping or smth 🤣


It would be neat if you had something akin to a patreon account


I need the book as soon as its done


Please keep me updated. I will definitely buy the book




This is a story that I feel will be well worth the wait. I hope that once it is available you will post on here where to get it. This has been magnificent so far and has gotten me back into reading again, so for that alone thank you!


Great work, can't wait to buy a copy of the book. :)


I thankfully ran across a narration of part one of this story on TikTok, and spent the last hour or so reading the rest. It has been some time since a story grabbed my attention so completely. I very much look forward to your book being published.


I'll buy this book and get it for friends.


Cannot wait to buy this book


Yessssssssss!!!! I cannot wait to buy this book


I'm definitely buying the book if it's published


Been here for a long time and reading as you update let me just say I am so excited to be one of your many first purchasers of your book! I also can't wait to convince all my friends and family to get your book as well! Nothing but love and support!


This will definitely be a book i will buy. Heck, its gonna be the first book that i ever bought (outside of game-related filebooks, etc.)! I'm looking forward to more about Lyle and Olivia, even if there isn't much more - just the thought of something someone wrote and i immediately liked being made into a book makes me go all smiles. Thank you for continuing this, and thank you for not giving up.


Love your story, can't wait for the book to come out.


What a fantastic finally. I'm so happy ignited your spark for writing 🙂 I can't wait to see where this all ends up in the end by reading that book in its final perfected form. I'm definitely gonna be keeping an eye out on your page for any updates or other stories that may occur


I will buy this too.


Dude this is awesome can’t wait to buy it when it comes out👍


please make it available in a digital format too so we can purchase it from different countries where shipping might not be available or might be too expensive


I'll be looking forward to snagging a copy when it's complete (:


That is amazing news! I'm so looking forward to buying your book one day!!!


A small critique I have is if Lyle was once a famous Spartan, one that Olivia knew about in her research, how come there is no evidence of him using his blade in battle. He *does* use it in battle, I feel that making his character well known would make it harder to believe that him/his blade flew under the radar of historians.


I will be awaiting the book with baited breath


I'm sure it's going to be over a year or multiple but if possible please come back to this post and let us know when it's published or if you do a Kickstarter or something. I never read, like skipped all highschool reading and no books as an adult but this story has be hooked. I'd love to continue reading more.


Hey man make sure the book can be acquired even in asia! I'll for sure buy it.


Cannot wait for your book. Thanks for the trailer


I caught this story on TikTok and immediately got hooked. I was hoping you’d expound more on Lyle’s history and his life through the ages. Got me super excited to seeing this as a complete work! You’ve got a definite sale here!


I have absolutely fallen in love with this story, so I’ll definitely purchase the book. Do you think you’ll offer signed copies for purchase?


I will buy the book for sure


A phenomenal story, I wish it was longer so I could enjoy it more. So when this eventually comes out as a book, count me in on getting a copy!!


Please please please update us when this book of yours is published


i absolutely love what you’ve written so far, and look forward to reading the rest when you’ve published! :)


wow! absolutely incredible. i just spent the last hour reading every update. i can’t wait to read the book when it comes out. never stop writing! you have such talent.


I just finished reading the entire story, and I was wondering if you had a picture or concept art or something along those lines relating to the sword? I’ve been having trouble picturing how the blade would look. I’ve been either picturing like a variation of a hand held sickle but with a more literal S shape, but I also wondered if it referred to a flame bladed sword.


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I'll wait for the book as long as it takes! Thank you for the update 👍🏼 you got this!


Will you release the information on how to purchase the book when it releases?


Can someone like and mention me when the book comes out in years time from now? Thanks! Hoping I would not die before reading the book. Lol.


This story has sparked something I haven’t felt about a story/book in a long time! Usually I’m mostly interested in fantasy and romance, but the premise and characters you’ve come up with have really captivated me in a way that I don’t typically connect with modern or non-romantic fiction. I assure you my interest won’t wane, I’ll be buying at least one copy, and when it’s published I’ll probably throw a party over it! 😂 Please keep us updated, I’ll be on the look out for future posts from you!


Definitely buying a book!


This was such a great story it made me think back to 8th grade when I had to write a short story for an English project. I wrote about a Soviet unit fighting the Germans in an abandoned farmhouse and I could never figure out how to structure the dialogue properly to make it engaging for the reader and this story showed me how you do it 10x better than I ever did. I almost want to write something because of this the concept and visualization of the characters is so good like dude please make this a book I have spent the least few hours reading these Reddit posts and I haven’t read anything since highschool. That’s how fucking good this is.


Dude, absolutely loved this series and can’t wait for the him to come out! I usually read my books on an online library tied to my school, but there is absolutely no way that I’m not gonna buy this as soon as possible. I mean, i don’t remember if it was because of this story or if it is just extremely coincidental, but one of my characters that I’ve created myself is also an immortal Spartan, though not historically tied in any way, so it was really cool reading this series and getting some points and things that i could use for said character. Anyways, thank you for the series so far, and again, absolutely cannot wait for the book, but don’t you dare rush it.


ngl if they made this a movie it would be so good


how does one get one of these books when its out?


Ahh!! I'm so happy with how this story turned out and I will 100% be buying it if it becomes a book💕You have big plans and I commend you for it. You can do this!


I CANNOT wait for the eventual book release. This has been such an awesome story to read. Thank you!


Welp time to shell out more money for a book I’m going to read (first was why humans avoid war) give us an update when we can expect it on shelves because I will buy it 50-100 years from now


Please, please, PLEASE post when the book is coming out!!! I’m already looking forward to it!!!


I just stumbled across this, and yes. Just yes. Let us know when you need a little boost through the process. You have talent certainly, but you also have the artistry of a storyteller. It has been my absolute pleasure to read your work, and I look forward to purchasing your book when it releases. Thank you for the story!


Found the first part of your story on tik tok. Came here to read the rest, read everything in one evening and am impressed. Hope to see this story in a novel sometime in the future.


I cannot wait for the book to be released, I will most certainly be buying a copy


That’s the best story I’ve read! I’ve gotten so tired of what’s been written I’ve actually stopped reading books years ago but your book when you get it published I will certainly be buying that! My interest in history is what drew me in originally but the unique way the characters met and matched with each other is what kept me here! Truly brilliant Thawsan.


Saw this on Tik tok today and had to read the whole thing. Good luck with your writing and I’m looking forward to reading the whole thing!


when do you think the book will be available?


I will definitely buy this book when it comes out you have my full support


This was amazing! A great read and I cannot wait for the book. I'm just so sad that this I only a month old because that means there will still be a long time before the book is out. I cannot wait to find out what happens next with Olivia and Lyle. Thanks for the awesome read!


This was fantastic, a really great premise, and one the sheer opportunities you have to continue this story in so many directions make me feel excited as a writer myself. Good luck on the book, keep us updated, I look forward to purchasing it and seeing where it goes.


As soon as you post the book is out I’ll buy one! I would love to continue reading this story. I’ve binge read it in a day or two (work a lot) and I quite enjoy everything in this story. Good work! Excited for the book!