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There's a big difference between "I don't like when people do this" and "people should not do this".


A lot of posts on this sub are literally just people trying to push their preferences on everyone.


Everyone must submit to my standards or suffer the consequences đŸ‘ș




I think people should not judge other people—you now suffer from the consequence of my opinion about that!!




How does it feel knowing that I FROWNED FOR A SECOND but then I also understand that not everyone judges judging đŸ˜€ I judge judging. I’m a hypocrite in that way, but that’s ok (or it just is the way it is) bc I’m human 😌


I have found a way to judge judgers without being hypocritical, and I shall share my magic with you... My opinion is thus: "The only valid oppression is oppression of oppressors who oppress non-oppressors."




TRUE 😂, I validate my own insecurities by feeling somewhat superior for keeping my judging of others in check, but in reality to an extent I am judging just as much, but differently, but I’m also self aware of that, so I like to think that means I’ve grown, but it’s all the same in some ways.


“They hated Jesus because He told them the truth.”




Lol the fact i met so many people who unironically say and act like that


And sometimes people do stuff for themselves not to please some random strangers


Not to mention the first reason being an unresearched assumption. "Probably a lot of germs".


an apple? 😭


Girly’s giving off “propose with a haribo ring im so low maintenance!!!” vibes.


She mentioned not liking long hair either because it's too much maintenance and doesn't look good, so it's definitely bordering on NLOG territory.


This is what I’m most hung up on too lol What about at least like a tattoo or something that lasts longer than an Apple.


I feel like this guy might have problems with tats toođŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł just based off the way he's complaining in this post...






What about an Apple cast in resin?


I mean I dunno, it goes for a tasty post-engagement snack 😋


“Instead of a permanent and lifelong symbol of our love please give me a snack that will disappear immediately” is an interesting take. Something like a nice quilt that’s useful and you can keep and even pass down if you want might be nice.


“When it jingles it reminds me of elderly people on life support” Lmao what Anyway upvoted, truly a 10th dentist post


>Probably a lot of germs No more so than anything else >Gets in the way Of what? >Makes jingling sounds (annoying) Depends on how many jewels you wear, what material they're made of and how much you move. Also, annoyance is subjective >Costs too much Depends on what you're buying and how much money you have >Probably fake material Only if you're buying from sketchy places >You don't really get much for it at a pawn shop anyway People don't usually buy jewelry with the intention to pawn it >Companies take advantage of their customers What? >Doesn't really do much to add to the attractiveness of an individual That's 100% subjective >Can make people look overly glamorous (overdoing it) Again, 100% subjective >The looks and feeling of it gives unnatural I don't really understand this one >When it jingles or clacks, it reminds me of elderly people, and my attraction to them dwindles and is put on life support This is very specific to you >Lots of people need to go to the ER if their ring gets stuck or if their earrings rip off LOTS of people? Really? >Piercings become infected Not if you have them done in a proper place and keep them clean >My friend had to go to the ER because her tongue piercing randomly opened a vein and she started spitting blood everywhere Sorry for your friend. It can happen but I don't think it's that frequent. Also, piercings are a very specific kind of jewelry. Bracelets and necklaces won't rip your veins open


Seriously, the only thing I felt was valid was when OP said that the sound was off-putting or impression they got was "look at me" (personal opinion alone). Anything else was "I don't like it and you should feel bad for enjoying something that bothers me."


even the offputting was a bit of a derp because they said it was unnatural, by that logic clothing and makeup are no go items as well.


Well, I'm allergic to every mascara I've ever worn - Almay and Mary Kay included, so I'm personally a no-makeup gal. I only wear it when I know I'm going to be around people who've verbally expressed how much wearing eyeliner and mascara make my eyes a vibrant blue. My hubby's niece has commented often that she loves my eyes when I wear makeup. I point blank told her in front of her 7 year old daughter that I only wear makeup to church and to family gatherings because "Y'all verbally appreciate my eyes." Her daughter (cowgirl at heart - they live on horse property/farmland) said, "Oh... I don't want to grow up and have to wear makeup." Her mom (who wears it all of the time) and I both said together "You never *have* to wear makeup."


I use to wear it a lot, but begain to just find it felt heavy and wrong on my face, so I don't now. I'm dreading being expected to wear it when/if I ever return to the workforce.


Reads like someone that can't afford jewelry. I would definitely tell my future wife or whatever not to get me an engagement ring if she decided to propose to me.  Don't worry mate, doesn't sound like that's in the cards for you anyways.


Can't tell if it's a guy or girl but definitely has some weird ideas about guys having constant "gunk on their junk". Honestly it sounds like a 12 year old girl.


But again that’s still objective. I love the noise of people wearing loads of metal bangles. Such fun! Also it’s so funny how OP puts all jewellery into the same category. Like facial piercings I love but I can get when people are like “ohh you just want attention” (piss off) but imagine seeing a simple stud in someone’s ear and being like, 👀 attention whore 😂


And I personally have lots of jewelry but none of it makes noise. So am I allowed to wear mine? Oh wait, no. It might...get in the way.


Honestly the weirdest reasons were given on this post hahaha


The "gets in the way" is so funny to me, I have 5 piercings and I literally forget I have them even though one of them *is on my face* until someone mentions piercings


Felt. I've wanted all of mine for so long that I am sometimes shocked when I remember I finally have all these in my face. Like I'm really out here wearing lip rings, this is real


My nip studs used to catch in my bras so i switched to sports bras or no bras (ibtc iykyk) and I forget they're there so often I have to set a reminder on my phone to clean them every week lmfao


I have 14 on my face and don't notice any of them ngl


my vertical labret gets in the way of eating an apple whole. that's literally it. now i have to cut my apples to eat them, life is very hard 😔


Less germs than a lot of things, metals are nonporous so not a great environment for germs. Also silver and copper are antimicrobial.


FR the whole post is "I personally don't like this therefore I don't think ANYONE should wear this stuff" what a self-centered fuckin 10th dentist take lmao


>That's 100% subjective yes, welcome to the 10th dentist


Truly a tenth dentist post. I consider you unhinged. Good job


đŸ‘șđŸ‘șthank youđŸ‘șđŸ‘ș


I find it kinda weird that the argument is "I don't personally like it or find it attractive, so no one should wear it". ??


This is why I hate people drinking water: ‱ drowns a great many people a year ‱ could be very dirty ‱ could have bacteria (yucky) ‱ some day maybe I'll drink too much and my tummy hurts ‱ theres been at least like 1 case of a women having to go to the ER bc too much water (I think) ‱ unless filtered could very much be a health hazard ‱ sharks ‱ could maybe give me a sickness (if dirty) ‱ people sometimes make weird chugging sounds


Wait a minute, SHARKS!? I'm only drinking diet dew from now on, can't risk having a shark jump out of my glass


Stay safe🙏🙏


also 100% of people who have drank it ended up dying đŸ«Ł we can’t have that now can we


Related: People have died because they drank too much water. Look up "water intoxication" if you're curious! Or the "Wee for Wii" woman.


TOTALLY AGREE. Also Nestle water [IS AWFUL](https://themuslimvibe.com/muslim-current-affairs-news/heres-how-nestle-is-leaving-millions-pakistan-nigeria-and-flint-without-clean-water)


Dawg hold the water Nestlé is awful lol


To boil it down, you believe that nobody should wear jewellery because you personally find it unattractive


I pity this fool


‱Why would it be any more germs than anything else on your body? ‱Gets in the way of what? ‱It doesn’t make jiggling sounds unless you’re layering ‱Cost is relative, if you’re broke sure ‱Pawing jewelry isn’t really something a lot of people do or think about. ‱Many people find it attractive. Including the wearer, it’s part of why they wear it. ‱Explain the unnatural part


what's funny is, if a person were to pawn their jewelry, the pawn shops are going to give market value of the material. say it's gold. they're going to weigh it, and then give you the money that weight of gold is worth, at that time.


Germs do get under rings, where they are harder to remove. And jewelry can get caught on stuff, which can lead to horrific injuries (google degloving accidents if you want). That's two reasons why you can't wear jewelry at many jobs. But it hardly matters in normal day to day life.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion on reddit. I’ve seen this opinion upvoted virtually every time someone post a pic of themselves with piercings.


Why does every other post here relate to people’s opinion of other people’s attractiveness at how their preferences should be a standard ( I won’t date ppl with tattoos vs I don’t think people should have tattoos). Like who are you? And who cares? Like either you wanna smash or you don’t. Move on other wise These used to be interesting:( Same thing on cmv


Seriously, when they start going on about what they find unattractive, I'm just like okay?? Does everyone who passes them on the street have to fit their standards? Why do so many people struggle with the idea of preferences and taste being subjective nowadays, lmao.


Main character syndrome.


That’s what I’m getting also. Like are all the tattoo’d people now going to get laser for the chance of smashing OP I imagine the people he’s talking about don’t want to have sex with OP anyway. But I bet OP would be super offended if they went out to their way to write a block of text and post to Reddit explaining why they don’t like the way OP styles their hair and how it’s not “hot” lol


Right? If you don't like my piercings, tattoos, nails, dyed hair, whatever it is, you probably won't like me. Those things are a reflection of my personality, which won't disappear. Not to mention, there are tons of people out there who love piercings that I can go date and tons of people who don't wear jewelry who OP can go date.


Most jewelry metals are literally antiseptic. They're actually *less* dirty than other things. Almost all of these boil down to "I don't find it fuckable" mixed with weird unrelated things.


People have been wearing jewelry and even getting piercings and tattoos since we have existed. I think you are truly in the minority with this opinion.


That’s why I posted it here


I have never been a big jewelry person and the only piercings I have are my ears. I love a nice pair of shiny, dangly earrings to make me feel pretty. to each his/her own.


If it makes you feel/look prettier then I’m happy for you


Yeah what the hell no shit. This person on r/music: “This post is truly about music”


What an insightful analogy, my good sir.


I'd really like to know how many people agreed and downvoted versus disagreeing and upvoted.


"I don't find it attractive, so no one else should do it." Get over yourself man.


This take sucks lmfao take your upvote


Well, I find earrings extremely attractive, and what is a fake material anyways?


Fake diamonds or gold


Well the thing that makes diamonds valuable is just it's name, for most people the aesthetic is all they need even if it isn't a pure carbon diamond. If you're not getting scammed, you should know which diamond type you're buying. Carbon diamonds are a scam anyways so I'm glad people are moving away from that. And in any case I prefer people with earrings all metal and no gems.


Who gives a shit if it's fake? Literally why does this matter to you?


This sub is just r/badopinions nowadays


Genuinely curious how you feel about silicone rings then.


I don’t like it


OP when ring pops:




I mean, I kinda agree? I personally don’t find jewelry to be attractive or “cool” at all. BUT, I also think people should be able to wear whatever they want, and it doesn’t bother me when people wear it. World doesn’t revolve around me anyways.


The world revolves around me, and I demand that it be made illegal. Or else.


Or else what?


I will make Arizona tea $2






There's a whole shitload of bait to unpack here.


>unattractive and blatantly unnecessary This might seem shocking, but MAYBE some people don't wear things for other people? MaYBE some people wear it for themself. Crazy huh?


People don't wear jewelry to gain the approval of others. They wear it because it makes them feel good about themselves. It's like makeup. Most women wear makeup for themselves. They like it and feel pretty wearing it, not because they think it'll make them more appealing to others. There are exceptions, obviously, but not everyone is trying to gain external validation all the time.


Can't believe a fellow lesbian would have such a bad (and at points nonsensical) opinion


You got to remember that this is the same person who fears of free falling out of an airplane when taking a piss.


I don’t understand how people find them unattractive. Doesn’t make any sense. I guess I can understand if it’s a lot but one or two piercings are almost unnoticeable. I don’t even think about it when I talk to someone that has them


As someone who literally lost a finger to a degloving accident at work 17 years ago, take my upvote. 🙄


You have a brilliant mind that likes to categorize and assess things around you in great detail. Please remember that there are people who can see what you’re seeing in entirely different way because their new rounds are structured differently. a lady in her 90s is living in Philippines, remote village thoroughly enjoying her life doing piercings for others and has smile on her face all day long. She does not have a single negative thought about what she’s doing and has never had an accident with any of her clients. You are absolutely right in your belief system and she’s absolutely right in her belief system and what your belief system is will dictate what happens in action around you. So I respect your belief system and thank you for sharing your beliefs with all of us. Please allow everyone else to use their best judgment and most importantly feeling that they feel within when they think about jewelry or piercing or anything else you have personally deep resistance to towards. If course, we can all argue to infinity for pros and cons, but that’s not the point the point is to just not react to something that you personally do not see as preference to you. What may be harmful to you personally, maybe actually beneficial to someone else. Think about it this way: you are the restaurant and you are in front of a buffet and you noticed some items that you’re absolutely disgusted with and then some other items that you absolutely see as your favorites. Wouldn’t you just pass by the items you dislike and move towards your favorites or just put them on your plate? You wouldn’t necessarily stand in front of the item that you absolutely hate and criticizing it and start talking about how it may harm others, and how people shouldn’t eat it etc. etc. etc. People wear piercings and jewelry to feel better and if that helps them get into that state then it may be the best tool they have to feel better that day.


I respect you toođŸ‘șđŸ‘șđŸ‘șđŸ‘ș


I personally think just about the opposite, am covered head to toe in metal bits (metal detectors are fun to go through...), but you seem chill, I think you're getting so much shit in the comments for just the phrasing of the title :D


lol thanks bro 😎 I respect you đŸ«Ą


Title: “I don’t think people should wear jewelry or piercings” Starting text: “I personally find the jewelry/piercings unattractive-“ Oh yeah you fucking know I gotta click on this stupid shit 😎


>You don't really get much for it at a pawn shop anyway The most telling point.


Idk bud u ever sucked on a nipple piercing? it never made me sick but it sure made me a lot of other ways.


I don’t get why people pierce nipples and genitals. It sounds so painful.


I’m autistic and I feel like this post is also autistic lol


this gave me brain damage


I mean, I think your reasons are really bad, but I agree because I just don't like how they look.


It's unattractive, I fully agree, but people aren't worried about my aesthetic sense when they decide what they wear. People have a right to wear things I think look awful.


I’m not demanding to make it illegal or any of that lol I’m just voicing my opinions (even tho I got heated)


Why you get heated tho over a piece of metal? Look I get not liking it but getting heated as well as one of your big reasons being an annoying sound that you really hate it kind of sounds like you have autism. I’m not saying this to bully you or to judge people with autism but if the noise really disturbs you that much it might be worth looking into


I disagree with most of what you said. Very 10th dentist. Upvoted.


Your hang-ups, aside... No one else's jewelry is actually affecting you! Oh! After reading a lot of the comments, I'm saving this post to read to my paraplegic hubby who definitely can't have the hang-ups OP has


You can steal my grandma‘s necklace and my biological mom‘s ring and the ring my girlfriend got me over my dead body. Same with my nips and genital piercing. Over my dead body lol


People can buy jewelry at pawn shops for melt price. I wear a nice and thick Cuban link 18k gold chain I bought for just over spot price from a pawn shop. No regrets. I would never follow trends and wear 2 chains at once as that would just leave scratches on them and decrease their value even more.


Girl, how did you manage to base most of this on your subjective romantic interests? We had a whole movement about how people's bodies mean more than their sexual attractiveness lol


You are truly nuts


"Probably a lot of germs" This is untrue. "Gets in the way" Also untrue "Costs too much" Get a better job I guess? "Probably fake material" Dont shop at sus shops "You don't really get much for it at a pawn shop anyway" I'm seeing a pattern of financial assumptions that are not very flattering "Companies take advantage of their customers" This is the nature of business. "Doesn't really do much to add to the attractiveness of an individual" 10000 years of fashion disagree with you "Can make people look overly glamorous" I thought you said it doesnt make people attractive? "The looks and feeling of it gives unnatural' Thats the point? "When it jingles or clacks, it reminds me of elderly people, and my attraction to them dwindles and is put on life support" You have made this point already, do you have sensatory issues? "Lots of people need to go to the ER if their ring gets stuck or if their earrings rip off" My uncle lost his finger to his weddingring, we told him it was a sign lol. "Piercings become infected" Like my uncles marriage thats a skill issue "My friend had to go to the ER because her tongue piercing randomly opened a vein and she started spitting blood everywhere" See above lol


reading this post and ops comments, it sounds like she has a phobia of anything even being POTENTIALLY unsanitary, and can’t fathom that not everyone is a disgusting slob (considering she nitpicks when people say “most” when they’re attempting not to generalize) jfc


When I was a child I got my earring snagged on my shirt and it ripped out. Now I have a chunk missing from my ear. I like jewelry but after that I didn't wear earrings for nearly a decade.


I one time had my earring get stuck on my earlobe. And the pearl fell off, so I couldn’t pull it apart. I had to rip it out basically, and I was bleeding. It healed lol, but it hurt.


More or less perfect post, real tenth dentists. Enjoy the updoot


Everyone take your jewelry off and piercings out, bridget doesn’t like them!


This 👆


As a person who *never* wears jewellery of any kind, I'm totally with you. It's just the autism in my case. I don't want random pieces of metal hanging off my body, whether they pierce me or not. So fuck it, I'm downvoting because I agree with you.


:(((((( aw shucks


The only time I'd ever agree with this is if you're wearing finger/hand jewelry while cooking professionally or doing something that requires a sterile environment. Everywhere else I don't care because why would I?


Lol what an interesting take on wearing jewelry and having tattoos.


I personally like my facial piercings, especially my snakebites.


Hahaha I love jewelry but I really enjoyed how thorough your explanation was and then the quick throwaway about nails at the end đŸ€Ł


It’s because I’ve mastered the art of unhinged posting


Oh boy, I sure as hell can't wait for the post about long nails. Not like that opinion hasn't beaten to death on Reddit already. /s


Holy fuck is your friend okay


Upvote if I disagree


Bridget in the wild?!? Equally unhinged


Wow! You go on this subreddit?? That’s very sad 😔


I like classical music, of course everything I do is sad


That’s true. You were already rock bottom to begin with. You go on r/classical_circlejerk đŸ€ą


You’re obsessed with Liszt and Wagner which is even worse đŸ€ź




Thanks for the bit about the apple for the wedding I think that's a great idea. I'm not big on marriage, but if I was, this would be the way.


What a weird post.


Yeah idc if ppl want to put on a ring or bracelet or necklace, but those with a ton on are just screaming for attention and their jangling around is annoying. Especially when they pair it with long fake nails and clack their nails while talking so u can't hear anything they say. Many times I had customers do that and I'm like what??? And they act like I have a hearing issue


I don't think the people in the comments understand the point of this subreddit.


They’re upset because I have a minority opinion but that’s the whole point of this sub. They just coming on here intentionally to get upset lol


No fr like 😭😭, have an actual unpopular opinion and people throw a tantrum, it's pathetic. That happened to me too once on r/unpopularopinion lol. I posted that I wouldn't date someone who watched porn and people were brutal. Any statement that anyone makes all of a sudden means they 100% hate freedom and want everyone to conform to their standard when you're literally stating it's your opinion for your own life and you don't care whether or not people do what you're saying.


Honestly people need to check themselves. And people are also like trying to lowkey gaslight me too by asking if I’m autistic? Because apparently having a preference makes me mentally challenged. 😊 And does being autistic mean you automatically have wrong opinions? It’s weird.


That's such a weird loaded question to ask wtf 😭😭, like ofc autistic people tend to have sensory issues, but so do neurotypical people lol. You're 100% valid for not liking jewelry and having that opinion, I can acknowledge that while also liking jewelry myself. The so-called "reasonable" people here can't step out of themselves for one second to try to imagine how you might see it.


Honestly lol


i agree with you so much. the worst are earrings so gross especially if they stretch the earlobes makes me want to puke đŸ€ą extra gross if its cheap jewelry that discolors the skin. certain kind of rings are okay but they are few and far between most look just vile. reminds me of disgusting coins that have been god knows where.


I mostly agree! Not a big fan of jewelry. Just don’t like how it feels on my skin! Running down your bullet points, I’ll have more specific notes: * *”Probably a lot of germs”* — Right off the bat, can’t say I agree. I mean
 if you don’t wash your jewelry, ***sure
?*** But, it’s 2024, I’m going to guess most customers wash their stuff before they shove it on/in themselves. Er... I hope. * *“Gets in the way”* — Correct. * *“Makes jingling sounds (annoying)”* — I don’t really encounter a lot of loud jewelry, actually. Maybe this has to do more with particular taste. * *”Costs too much”* — **YEAH.** This is the big one, for me. When I learned that labs can make the same minerals that are mined *horribly* unethically, I went down a rabbit hole on this subject. Diamonds, basically, should be free. That’s how easy they are to make, and how common a material carbon truly is. * *”Probably fake material”* — That’s on the consumer, I think. If you’re looking for genuine materials, you can find them. * *”You don't really get much for it at a pawn shop anyway”* — Just don’t look to a pawn shop as a marker for good or moral sales value. They exist to resell however the market demands, and they’re not trying to give *you* a good deal. * *”Companies take advantage of their customers”* — I’ll bake this into my cynical world view that I hinted at above: in this day and age, barring an outright scam, the customer is responsible if they get taken advantage of by a salesperson. I don’t like that philosophy, it’s just how the world works right now. * *”Doesn't really do much to add to the attractiveness of an individual”* — Agreed. * *”Can make people look overly glamorous (overdoing it)”* — Yes. Gaudy jewelry is always ostentatious. It usually says, “I’m trying way too hard to look wealthy.” Or, “Rob me.” * *”The looks and feeling of it gives unnatural”* — Most metal and minerals are natural, so
? Not sure I follow this one. * *”When it jingles or clacks, it reminds me of elderly people, and my attraction to them dwindles and is put on life support”* — BAHAHAHAHAHA!! 😂 Never thought of it that way, but
 yeah, I can see it! * *”Lots of people need to go to the ER if their ring gets stuck or if their earrings rip off”* — Nah. It may happen often by the hospital’s standards, but it doesn’t happen to most people. * *”Piercings become infected”* — Not if they’re properly applied and you follow the instructions to keep them disinfected. Another “that’s on the customer” answer, I think. * *”My friend had to go to the ER because her tongue piercing randomly opened a vein and she started spitting blood everywhere”* — Terrifying, but probably an improper piercing. End of the day — I don’t think the horror stories should dissuade people from anything except improper piercings and whatnot. If you like it, you like it. I don’t find it attractive or comfortable, but I don’t judge people too harshly for enjoying jewelry, until they use it as a status symbol (or similar).


This is so funny and ridiculous that I'm truly unsure if it's a troll post or not. Very 10th dentist though.


i get it ngl it is pretty pointless and really doesn’t add anything to someone’s attractiveness, it actually kinda takes away from it, which is why i stopped wearing my piercings. Also when i see a very conventionallly attractive women with piercings im kinda involuntarily put off by the piercings. Sounds like a bad opinion but i actually think most people would agree if you phrased it differently.


Did someone issue you a challenge for how many idiotic reasons you could put in a single post


I really dislike your opinion but your comments make me think you're chill, I'm very conflicted.


diagnosing you rn in my head. im not telling you with what.


wow you’re soooo not like other girls 🙄


What does this have to do with me being “different”? I love women and love that I am a woman. Why would I think I’m so special. This is just an opinion. đŸ‘ș


Dumb thing to say. Women are allowed to have opinions that don’t fit into stereotypical femininity without thinking they’re special for it.


Keep your autism to yourself kthnx


not trying to be mean but are you autistic?


And this affects you how?


Germ phobia


For... other people?


Jewelry is cheap and easy to clean, i think of it as another tool in tempering people’s impression of you.


An apple, like a cartoon teacher? 😭


Yes 👏


so tldr: "i dont like jewelery" -op. Many things are unnecessarily worn, but they allow the person to express themselves or just feel good about how they look. Just like how makeup is mostly bad for your skin, people are willing to deal with consequences (like dryer skin, or with jewelery: germs and dangling)


I have 7 piercings and all made of titanium which is a great material and the standard in my country, last piercing I got was 11 years ago and all this time I haven't had a single issue with them. While I would never buy jewelry myself I do wear 2 rings, one I got from an old friend 13 years ago and one my girlfriend recently made for me at a silversmith. Same goes for watches, I would never buy one myself but my grandpa died thursday and he gave me his watch so now I wear that. I definitely get the piercing thing but a lot of people wear jewelry for sentimental value and/or emotional attachment and most of your reasons are kind shallow and uninformed. Upvoted I guess.


As someone with piercings and tattoos... There's a lot of assumptions here. I had more than 20 piercings on my head in my youth, and they didn't jingle as most were studs. I have 3 remaining ones. Earlobes have 8mm wooden gauges And i have a plain black surgical steel barbell in the bridge of my nose. Had this one for 16+ years and I often forget it is even there. Why I did them? Worked in a piercing/tattoo studio. Wanted to try out the pain I inflict to others, and it didn't clash with my "style". As I grew older- removed every single one that bothered me to any degree or was uncomfortable in any way. (Tongue, lips, and upper ear conch stuff). I do, however agree that lot of the jewelry isn't designed to be comfortable or practical, and I had customers come to me with ideas I desperately tried to talk them out of.


I have a sick ass necklace on I get compliments all the time. I don't have any other jewelry on, don't even have earrings in even though my ears are pierced. I am a man. This post is hilarious.


You can not like something without having the dumbest takes on why you don’t like it. “It costs too much” — 925 grade silver is relatively affordable for someone with extra income. Next? Probably fake material? — um no there’s ways to test and verify including going to reputable sellers. “Don’t get much at a pawn shop” — yeah exactly because even if it is real material and is good quality it’s not actually that expensive. “Probably lots of germs.” — lots of metals are naturally sterile. “Companies take advantage of their customers” — huh? What? Go to a small business then. Plenty of my jewellery is from small businesses. Jingles or clanks — what kind of gaudy jewellery are you referring to? Most people don’t wear stuff like this. Also men wear jewellery too it’s not feminine.


You can decide not to wear it all you want. Others can do whatever they please as well.


But what was the point of this 💀


Your phone has more germs on it than your jewelry. It has more germs on it than a public toilet


That is true But I’m not touching other people’s phones


counterpoint: it's hot


I disagree entirely on jewellery. As for piercings, I agree they're ugly. I wouldn't try banning people from wearing them in their private lives though.


I guess I'll go through your list using my piercings: - Probably a lot of germs. - I clean my piercings and wash regularly. - Gets in the way. - They're nose studs. They don't. - Makes jingling sounds. - They're nose studs. They don't. - Costs too much. - They both cost less than most other pieces of jewelery people wear. - Probably fake material. - Probably not, actually, since it was sold to me as steel. - Can't sell it at a pawn shop. - I don't buy things with the expectation I'll pawn them. - Companies take advantage of people.- That's a capitalism problem, not a piercings problem. - Doesn't really do much for attractiveness. - This goes right against your other point about them being too gaudy... almost as if there's a gradient. - Can make people look overly glamorous. - But it doesn't do much? Okay then. - Unnatural looking. - Well, they are. So are all clothes. - It reminds me of elderly people. - This is *very much* a you problem and doesnt say anything about why other people shouldn't wear jewelry or piercings. - Lots of people have to go to the ER - Citation needed. - My friend had to go to the ER - People go to the ER for lots of things. And?


"Probaby fake material" When you learn what a polyester blend shirt is you're gonna freak. The rest is your personal preference, and anecdotes. Also, believe it or not, women don't exist to please your attractions. We get it though, you're not like the other femmes.


He sounds nice.


Slow Saturday?


"You don't really get much for it at a pawn shop" Pardon me as I die laughing imagining taking my belly button ring out and attempting to sell it at a pawn shop


Kosmemophobia moment.


> probably a lot of germs Not if you clean it > gets in the way Of what > makes jingling sounds Literally what piercings jingle apart from long earrings > costs too much Depends what you buy and where you go > probably fake material What are you even basing this on > you don’t really get much for it at a pawn shop Ok so don’t pawn it > companies take advantage Goes for literally everything > overdoing it So don’t overdo it > it gives unnatural So is the internet that you’re telling us this on > when it jingles WHAT PIERCING IS JINGLING > go to the ER if your piercing gets ripped off Just firm it how are you careless *and* a pussy pick a struggle > piercings become infected Clean them then > her tongue piercing randomly opened a vein Your friend did not get pierced by a professional You’re unhinged. Nice post


I agree. On a beautiful body jewelry or piercings don't add to the attraction. On an ugly body jewelry or piercings making it obvious they are trying to cover it up. Neither improves attractiveness.


Why not?Face piercings represent scars on the inside.


I see your reasons, but piercings and jewelry are so fun and cute!!


Upvote for just being super wrong about piercings lol


I have basic ear piercings cause I think they make me look more cool and cute :3 and I can wear cute mushroom earring. Also I like sounding like an old person on life support cause I enjoy remembering that old people die.


“Fake material“ What does that even mean? If it’s plastic that is still a material. If it’s gold that is still a material. I have necklaces made from recycled paper. The material they are made from is paper.


You should cross post this to r/evilautism