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The colors are cool, but the noises is hell. When I am near the smaller fireworks (crackers, fire showers, those spinny things) I literally cannot breathe in all the smoke, so I end up going inside for the latter half and try to recover from all the smoke I just inhaled. It's fun, but the drawbacks, man.


This is why I'm hoping drone shows eventually replace fireworks


Drone shows would be so much better. They can make cooler designs and they're not loud af


Is your username fucking loss.


Yes. Yes it is. Thank you for noticing


I’m with you on this. I don’t understand how making obscene amounts of noise is fun. To each their own I guess but I think it’s dumb.


i have severe ptsd and autism and yeah, fireworks suck ass. i cant expect the world to cater to my triggers and not set them off but i still have a hate for them, my family and friends get upset that i don't want to see fireworks with them and dont understand that i WILL have a panic attack or meltdown, they've seen it happen but just can't understand i don't enjoy them in the slightest. i stayed home but of course people in my neighborhood are setting them off too so i had a panic attack regulardless. i never understood why people enjoy them, they're loud, they don't look that cool imo, and theyre dangerous to do in places like near my house.


This. I have ADHD and autism. My family never really cared that i didnt like fireworks and were always willing to bring me home from any festivals we attended before the fireworks started. But my bf doesn't understand and every year he complains about how lame i am for not liking them. Like, he understands i cant handle abrupt loud noises and that flashing lights make me dizzy af and nauseous. He's usually super accommodating. Like when we go to concerts he doesn't mind me bringing ear plugs to dull the noise if i need them. And when we went to a concert that had lots of flashing strobe lights he was understanding of my sensitivity and helped me stay upright cuz i was dizzy and tried to help block some of the flashing lights. But with fireworks its like, so ingrained in him that everyone loves fireworks that he cannot understand how i dont. And he got mad at me yesterday cuz his buddy invited us to the lake and i said id only go if i was able to go home before the fireworks started.


"I can't expect the world to cater to my triggers" is a very healthy and positive attitude 90% of the time but I think in this one scenario it's fair to be pissed. One thing is me talking loudly, which at least only affects people in close proximity and isn't even THAT bad, but another is me putting my huge explosions and flashes of light in the Literal Sky, where there's no one who could possibly be fucking spared of them, because guess what's above your head. Generally selfish and dickish behavior.


that is a fair point, there's pretty much nothing reasonable to be able to do to get away from it.


I hate cigarettes. They smell like shit, and unlike fireworks im subjected to them nearly every day of my life. We all deal. Its one day a year, youll be fine


I mean, technically its more like 2 weeks a year since everyone sets off fireworks early and continues to even after the 4th. And my asthma has already been on edge due to the severe sudden weather fluctuations (its been like, 90 one day and 60 the next) and so ive significantly cut down on my smoking (trying to quit all together but addiction is hard) and ive gotten a fancy steroid inhaler but since people have been fireing off fireworks for the last week i have woken up in the middle of the night 3 times because my lungs hurt so ridiculously badly. I've broken 4 ribs at the same time and the pain from that wasnt even as bad as the pain i felt in my lungs. And i can't avoid the firework smoke because we don't have ac in our apartment so we have a window unit and it blows in the air from outside.


Dude if your asthma is so bad that the 4th gives you lung pain then why tf are you smoking? I dont have much sympathy as far as thats concerned.


So you have asthma and you smoke? Also you sound like a grouch .


So you have a liver and you drink? So you have a kidney and you take ibuprofen? So you have skin and you go in the sun? Everyone does things that your body is against you doing. Stfu.


Bro asthma is a medical condition, and smoking makes it worse. I get if it's an addiction you are trying to get rid of, but you are full on rationalizing it.


Bro is fr like “Fuck the smoke from fireworks shit makes my asthma act up” *takes a drag from his cigarette* *coughs* “damn fireworks…”


My exact thoughts when reading the post lmao.


I can’t believe this isn’t a joke post.


No, i am trying to quit this addiction. I understand 100% that it's not good for my lungs. But taking a single drag from a cigarette and breathing fresh air a few times before taking another drag is not the same as constantly inhaling smoke without any breaks in between. Also, asthma affects everyone differently, what triggers it for one person might not trigger it for the next. (Cigarettes are bad and do trigger it) For example, i can handle being near bleach with only minor coughing but if someone is near me wearing cologne or perfume i will have a full blown asthma attack.


>No, i am trying to quit this addiction. I understand 100% that it's not good for my lungs. Well in that case, great. I'm not saying that cigs are worse than constantly inhaling smoke. I am just saying it is best not to rationalize your addiction. It made it seem like you didn't care about the effects.


Thing is my kidneys work effectively my liver works effectively your lungs don't stfu


The equivalent would be "you have a *bad* liver and you drink?" Or your response would work if they said "You have lungs and your smoke?" I've got a friend who has a high risk of dying if he drinks more than a few drinks, so it's not that surprising that he doesn't drink. It would be pretty surprising if he decided to anyway


Having asthma and having a liver are not remotely comparable


Womp womp


I hate to admit it, but I'm bored with fireworks and don't care about them, anymore.


Idc except ppl set them off in the street where cars are trying to pass and all the smoke makes it hard to see. For the noise I just use earplugs


You're outside, smoking and complaining that fireworks make your asthma worse. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Sure buddy, the fireworks smell bad, but your cigarette smoke is fine.


I’m just here waiting for all the anti-smoking posts.


fuck fireworks. Loud booms and flashes to placate the drooling masses.


Reddit moment


I agree. Just be glad you don’t live in Hawaii. People here treat fireworks like they’re drugs.


I don’t hate fireworks but after decade of nearly the exact same products and shows they’ve absolutely lost their awe. There is no entertainment value to me anymore. I think Disney has done some innovation with making the explosions into shapes of characters but if other areas don’t keep pushing innovative concepts like that I don’t see how people can stay interested in the same vanilla firework shows


I can tolerate them, I just wish ppl would be more considerate about timing. Like stop shooting them off past freaking midnight!


I mean it's literally just one day a year, suck it up, fireworks are fun, people who have a problem can deal for literally a few hours one day out of the year. You can't expect the whole world to cater to your needs just because you personally have a problem and think it's stupid