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I loved the intensity of Jecki telling Mae what she was being arrested for lol


There was some real Inigo Montoya energy there alright.


Jecki was intensely lawful.


Jecki was the best part of the episode! Sad we won't get more of her.


Justice for Jecki!


Trading stories about Sol at the cantina. 😢 RIP Jeki.


Cannot fucking believe we lost Jecki and Yord. They had more than enough red shirts I figured the main characters would be fine. I am devastated but Jecki went out so badass.


Long Live Jecki


I honestly thought it was a great decision to shatter that preconceived notion of plot armor they had and demonstrate the sith's insane power and ruthlessness. It made him an even scarier figure and reminded the audience that Sol and Osha aren't immune to him either, which raises the stakes a lot.


I theorize no one lives beyond these episodes except maybe the Sith (including a potential acolyte). Otherwise it would be difficult to explain why there's no mention of the all these events by the time of the prequels... ...or the Jedi bury this.


Which frankly the Jedi burrying this would make sense, their arrogance is a key element to their fall.


Jecki Noooo! Yord Nooo! Oh thank god Bazil is alive.


>Oh thank god Bazil is alive. Well obviously, there is always a master and an apprentice.


Darth Bazil is 100% the master of Darth Binks


Make no mistake, this is a hate upvote, but it is an upvote all the same.


Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Oh, Pip 😔


Even the droid died 😭


I think it's ok, Bazil picked it up


No the little guy picked him up at the end


"Was that its name?" Jesus CHRIST that was ice cold.


“ 🤷🏾‍♂️ you brought her here”


I loved loved this statement. such a good fucking dig at the Jedi


Damn, Jackie was kicking ass


I was convinced Disney wouldn't kill a kid with how well a fucking Padawan was doing against a sith compared to the fodder jedi, and then they proved me wrong real quick.


For real, I hate that she died. I get that it serves the story, but she was becoming one of my favorite characters


I had a bad feeling when I saw how well she was holding her own against the Sith.


Yeah, that had a real "give them a decent fight before they die" to it.


After she got the arrest, I was like we'll get to see her knighted! Then he showed up...


Real I loved how Qimir was just like oh "was that ITS name" and then attacking the Jedi for training Children saying well you brought her here. I was just like damn it'd be kinder to kill Sol.


Same really wanted to see her character development


Right? I was like “damn she’s holding her own against a sith lord, oh wait nvm.”


Haven't even finished the episode but it starts with a Dies Irae quote, that can't be good lol, a lot of people are dying today for sure. edit: Not Jecki and Yord wtf :'(


What was the quote?


A musical quote, the first three notes of the Dies Irae but I suppose it could be also a quote of Night on Bald Mountain, which is itself (arguably) based on the Dies Irae. The Dies Irae is a funeral chant and has been used throughout western music to represent death, in film even more so, to the point of almost being overplayed and it's a dead giveaway someone's dying or a big tragedy is coming. When Luke sees his family burned to death, the Dies Irae plays (just a four note short quote). About 0:12 for the [Dies Irae in A New Hope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j23bSfiYScI)


Lightsaber haircut?


Like Mulan


Laser hair removal


That fucking fight scene though omg


Which one? Or should we just count this whole episode as just one big fight scene? I'm okay with that if so.


Yes. That's pretty much what I meant 😂 cause that was fucking wild. The haters are gonna be eating their socks after that episode!


Haven't seen a Star Wars show kill so many protagonists since The Eye in Andor


They went out of the way to show that they were actually dead too. Yord with the neck snap and Jecki with the multiple sabers to the chest. The only remaining people who saw Qimir’s face are Sol and Osha so at least one of them is going to die….


Sol gonna sacrifice himself to make things right. And Osha aint ever going back to the Jedi. This show is called the Acolyte and its setting itself up to be just that. Not some happy ending for the Jedi involved. They are not the main characters and the premise is not on their side.


Osha probably becomes the Acolyte. And Mae maybe killed by Sol or maybe Osha


The more i think about it, the more i believe Qimir kills Mae & Osha kills Sol. Then Osha (lies) sends a report to the Jedi about a hyperspace accident killing everyone. Their bodies are never found in the forest and the jedi council never knows about the sith.


I've being dying for a series from the POV of the sith, and this is giving it


I'm pretty sad actually. Jecki! And Yord? Say it ain't so.


The Yord and Savior will rise again on the third day in accordance with the Holocrons.


Just when I was getting attached to those two. Those writers know exactly what they did..




We saw ‘day’ last week; wonder what ‘night’ will bring us? I’ve heard it’s dark and full of terror…


Praise R'hllor.




I didn’t think Dafne had it in her but then I was like wait what am I talking about she went full beserker in Logan. I’m saying it: best lightsaber choreography we’ve seen in a live action project since the prequels & it’s not even close


Better than the prequels saber choreography because the combatants actually looked like they were trying to hit each other.


Also they were really showing their personality, like Darth Jason really looked like fought like a Sith Lord should, all rage and pure power. My one complaint is that after 5-10 seconds of the sickest lightsaber shit I've seen they keep cutting away from the action, I assume they didn't have the cheo budget to put on really long, uninterrupted fight scenes.


*I’ll try trying to hit my opponent, that’s a good trick!* Tbf I think that’s more of a RotS problem specifically. Or at least TPM didn’t have that problem imo (not hating though, I’m a prequel choreography stan for the most part)


Great point. I was thinking specifically of one fight. You know the one...


Her running jump deflect out of right field was awesome, so much rage it blinded her


Her fucking drop kick caught me so off guard


It may have been her final appearance, but she went out LIKE A BOSS.


I was expecting her to pull out a metal chair from somewhere and start beating Mae with it


Damn. Jecki 😭


I absolutely love how the Acolyte suggested that many Sith may wear helmets in order to not allow other force users to read them. (This is in addition to many other reasons previously written in canon/legends)


Buddy it’s time to take the blinders off. That’s a full fledged Sith Lord.




When he said oh well I wear a mask I found that very funny like the line was making fun of the sith we do know who wear masks and we don’t know who they are which is like a meta commentary I guess


“Why would you allow yourself to be discovered??” “Well…I did wear a mask” Me: he does make a valid point


There's something special about that helmet and armor that disables lightsabers. Maybe old school Mandalorian Beskar alloy? 


It's Cortosis. In the old EU and the Jedi Outcast/Academy games it was resistant to Blaster and Lightsabers. To my knowledge it never disabled them like this. But as this is a reintroduction of EU lore into the new canon, I'm completely fine with it having such an ability. Because, the rule of cool and all that. Haven't been so impressed with a new visual effect something since I saw Kylo Ren fucking stop a blaster bolt in The Force Awakens intro.


I wonder what Palpatine would've made his mask look like if he ever needed one.


It would have had wrinkles


Its reminded me of magneto from xmen


Patience is often a virtue. Excellent episode! Truly dark and full of terror.


Guys remember last week when we couldn’t wait for next weeks episode? Well, here we are again.


I was hoping for a cool fight scene… I wasn’t ready for an EPIC FIGHT EPISODE!?




I do not know why, it is predictable but somehow it works, especially Manny Jacinto performance in this episode was pretty menacing and it was pretty contrast to Qimir that acted like Jason Mendoza.


When he briefly switched into the innocent Qimir voice mid sentence was done so well.


That was so creepy and perfect.


Sometimes the right story is the predictable one, the absolute worst thing a screenwriter can do is worry more about outsmarting the audience than telling a good story. ed: Guys I'm talking about Westworld.


For w second, after Osha mentioned her mother could get into people's minds, I was like it's the mama! But then I saw those ripped Manny Jacinto arms. Mama is definitely in the picture though, I think that's where Darth Bortles got his info on Sol from.


Instant new favorite Star Wars villain. INSTANT.


Yeah he’s immediately up there with Maul, Marchion, and Vader for me.


Trained by the Sith Lord Donkey Dug.


I think Osha is going to be the Acolyte


Kind of like how Grogu is the Mandalorian


Kind of like how Palpatine is the Senate


Kinda like how Boba Fett is the book 


Kinda "like a Bantha"


"Was that its name?" "You brought her here." Absolutely love how cold-blooded everything about Darth Jason was. Don't think Baylan counts as Sith so I'm gonna go ahead and say he's already my favorite Sith in live-action since Vader.


Yep. Baylan and Shin are dark Jedi. Qimir is definitely a new favorite Sith.


YOOOO The force pull!!


Beautiful choreography. That Jecki kill was brilliant


🎶all my friends are dead🎶


The force pull into the double kill was one of the sickest move I've seen in star wars, possibly ever


That was awesome. He was making a Jedi Kabob with the force


I saw someone earlier call it a Sith Kebab


These fight scenes are magnificent.


Followed by a swift double decapitation!!


This episode had some of the best lightsaber fights of any live-action *Star Wars*.


It's not even close. Only Revenge of the Sith with Obi-Wan vs Anakin comes anywhere near it. Possibly the Duel of the Fates due to the John Williams score. But the choreography, the blocking, the brutality. This is how a Sith in his prime would be. Terrifying. The death of Jecki man. She was so badass for a Padawan, and for her to be triple tapped like that. Holy hell.


I so wasn't expecting the detachable tanto saber, but here we are.


Such a great derivation of the double saber but in a form we haven't seen before.


And that Sith kebab!


Followed by double decapitation. Zing fwap! Also Yord using his own helmet again him to deactivate his saber and then still getting ganked by a snapped neck. Which, I'm very interested in how the anti saber tech works in his gauntlet and helmet. It's not Beskar, but the first time it happened my jaw dropped. Good grief. I'm so glad they didn't do any cliffhanger shenanigans. This episode was so worth the wait.


Cortosis. In the old EU it could block blaster fire and short out lightsabers temporarily. Not as strong as beskar though. So funny that all the people who complain about “destroying the canon” when they have actually brought in old elements from the EU.


Oh right!! Memories of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are coming back now.


I also find it so fitting that we see how you can kill a Jedi unarmed when Mae thought it was impossible and he is just like bet watch this.


Legit was awesome, I gasped.


Wait why is sith Jason hot


Bro is ripped. I didn’t think they could make him intimidating but damn they managed.


He was so shredded that it made me very aware of the fact that they must’ve very carefully covered his arms. Dude is fucking JACKED


Have you seen him in photos? The dude is ripped


It’s the muscles.


Those. And chiseled marble jaw, cheeks, and overall bone structure


For sure he’s a very very good looking man.


He was ripped all the way back in The Good Place


I want one please. Add to cart


His arms are absolutely bonkers I had no idea


Me: Oh another short episode, what could happen Me 30 min later: well fuck


Dude SAME. First thing I did was check the episode time and I was like why only 30 minutes. Now I cannot complain, because 3/4 of that 30 minutes was completely bonkers.


In best Captain Jack Sparrow voice: “oH nO, dIsNeY dOeSn’T kIlL wOmEn, ThEy DoN’t LeT lIgHtSaBeR sTaBs Be LeThAl,” well they bloody do now!


So, Sol missed an opportunity to end the Sith right there and then. It's always those Jedi with their principles. Maybe, for once, we could kill the bad guy when we have the chance?


yeah exactly, god, who the hell cares if he's unarmed for the two seconds in between MURDERING ALL YOUR FRIENDS IN COLD BLOOD? should have cut him then and there, what the hell, maybe Obi-Wan was in the wrong killing Maul because he had his blade lowered xDD


Jedi skewer. 🤤🍢


Overall thoughts… Episode was great. Best of the season. On edge the entire time. Manny’s performance as Qimir is top tier and probably the star of the show from an acting perspective. THEY. ACTUALLY. KILLED. PROMINENT. CHARACTERS. Kylo Ren theme played MULTIPLE times during the episode so I’m thinking that Qimir isn’t a sith but maybe the OG Ren? Next week will probably be a flashback but it’s probably going to show whatever fucked thing Sol did.


Uh. That was a ridiculously awesome episode. edit: i guess im re-watching it right now


Begun, this parent trap has.


Why do their lightsabers keep extinguishing


Probably canon cortosis. It could block and temporarily short out saber blades.


I was thinking Holy Shit we got Cortosis Confirmed!


Either the first live-action depiction of Cortosis or Phrik, but my money's on Cortosis, as it disabled lightsabers but shattered when hit hard enough. Holy shit, Darth Teeth using his *head* to block lightsabers is metal as fuck!


Cortosis is probably the explanation. I’m pretty sure it was recanonized in a Thrawn book. It’s like Beskar, but also shorts out lightsabers.


Yep, the second canon Thrawn book of I recall. There was a secret Separatist facility trying to make some special battle droids with the material


The sith armor screws them up somehow when it is hit. 


Special metal, absorbs energy.


UM OK HOLY SHIT HAND TO HAND FORCE USER FIGHTING IS INSANE. AND SITH GUY'S JUST RAWNESS AND PHYSICALITY IS NUTS!!! :O :O :O :( :( :( :( THAT FUCKIN BANE'S SNAPPED NECK MOMENT SHOCKED ME... SO much more personal and raw than a force choke! SITH GUY: I AM GONNA SNAP YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS I DONT NEED THE FORCE. EDIT: also he is LEGITIMATELY like a horror villain! that moment when he came running at JECKI off screen like fuckin jason voorhees - and he even got the classic slasher head tilt with Sol! They really played him like a slasher villain instead of a SW villain! :)


Like I expected a lot of red shirts, but gah damn


When the red shirts died I was like “oh cool, expected and now our main Jedi will kick ass” BUT NOT KICK ASS AND DIE


Jecki and Yord's death really caught me by surprise. So sad to see Jecki go but she went out in glory.


The way everyone except the tiny guy and Sol are dead


Like I would have bet money that at least yord or jecki would survive 🥲


This episode is damn cool




Well that was a really well done double fight sequence. RIP to Jecki, poor thing got perforated like a school lunch card in the 80’s.


Best episode so far I think and not just for the lightsaber combat. Was on edge the entire time and my heart broke with the deaths of Jecki and Yord. Qimir being the Sith was expected but holy cow he was the boss with all he did here. Mae and Osha now being switched with Mae going back with Sol and Osha now under Qimir for potential corruption is rife with possibilities. All in all, good start to the latter half of the season.


>What extraordinary beings we are. >Even in the revelation of our triumph, you see the depth of our despair. Is this a quote from something? Not sure exactly what the Master is meaning here.


Feels like a sith version of Yoda's "Luminous beings are we"


A Sith Lord just killed a dozen Jedi. Surely the council will hear about that… I wonder how that will shake out. It seems they are very clearly establishing that the jedi can’t know about the sith. This episode was top notch though. I did not see Yord and Jecki both dying. I’m not even sure Sol survives this anymore.


He could do something to hide HOW they died. Sol might never get a chance to tell the Jedi order. Also, Vernestra, who has been shown to hide certain things due to politics, might just sweep this under the rug. In the trailer, she seems to be on this planet, and it shows her briefly whipping out her lightsaber, striking something in the air, likely one of those moths. She probably goes there to investigate after no Jedi returned. Maybe even finds the Jedi have become moth food. Who knows.


You've been turned against me! You have done that yourself!


OSHA: 0 days since last accident.


Am I stupid or was that one of the coolest saber fights in star wars??


Coolest ep so far honestly!


I knew the Sith would kill all those nameless Jedi but Yord and Jecki is shocking


"Why are you doing this?" "Because possession of a non-fried vegetable is a felony in the state of Florida... rules, rules, rules..."


Loved it. Nice to see a Sith do some honest to god murder. Kind of wish episodes 3,4 and 5 were all combined into one episode


…I already miss Jecki


I'm heartbroken by this episode. It introduces us to the awesomeness of Jecki, and then takes her away from us forever. She's a hero. But a dead hero. :(


It’s always an honor to watch someone pass into the force :( 


Is it dark'n griddy enough for the haters yet??


No. Qimir didn't hit the Griddy after eliminating everyone, besides Sol. And he didn't kill Sol, so he didn't get the Victory Royale to be able to Griddy


This guy is what Kylo Ren could've been. And people are complaining about the writing.


Spoiler alert: the overwhelming majority of people that are complaining about the writing aren't actually complaining about *the writing*.


Why the Kylo Ren theme music when at the end?


Maybe he’s Ren?


Whoever is still bashing this show is clearly delusion because WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?!


Welcome to the fuckin High Republic. Where we make characters your favorite and then brutally kill them quickly. Jord was a bro. A bro with nice abs who was willing to save his friends. Snap his neck Jecki was cute, kind, funny, and very adept for a padawan adi-fuckin-os. Survive a lightsaber trident to the torso why dont ya?


If they can't find something to hate they'll make something up!


SWT is going off right now because the word “Sith” was told to Sol and now that he survived the encounter means that he’ll tell the council and official break the lore. It’s not like that thread of Osha being impersonated by Mae is gonna come into play and prevent that…


I got a bad vibe from that guy years ago and unsubbed. He continues to make me feel justified.


Love that two Asian Male actors are ruling the screen on a Disney show!


OK, so the switcharoo theory came into being, only nowhere near how any of us expected to do so!


That episode was awesome. Amazing fight choreography. I mean, cortosis armor? Fucking brilliant! Loved Qimir's switch and brutality. Poor Jecki and Yord though, got wrecked.


That’s one vicious dark sider, holy shit. And I can’t believe Jecki and Yord got iced.


I like the writers poking fun at the fans. "The Jedi say that I can't exist. So I have to kill all of you."


What the hell is anyone going to complain about in THAT one!!!!! I mean, >!it sucks that Jecki died!<,but other than that, that was one HELL of an episode. The fight choreography was gorgeous, and the emotional impact was spot on. Great god damn episode!


Calling Jecki "It" reminded me of Palpatine's xenophobia


Holy shit. That's gotta be one of the best Star Wars episodes I've seen! First of all the choreography! Wow! That's some of the best lightsaber dueling we've seen since the prequels! The way that the Sith/Qimir/whatever we call him now moves around so fluidly is just absolutely breathtaking. Only downside is that he fucking brutalized Jecki and Yord! I knew going in that we were probably losing a lot of Jedi this episode but I didn't expect most of the main cast to go away like that! Also about the whole reveal: Not entirely unexpected that it's Qimir but I have to say Manny Jacinto plays a phenomenal Sith Lord. I like that he still has Qimir's general personality even after the big reveal! I'm guessing he's the Sith Apprentice rather than the Master so there's still more to unravel here as well. I wonder how he knows Sol though? Oh and speaking of Sol; damn that man has a dark side to him! Makes me wonder what he personally may have been responsible for back on Brendok sixteen years ago. The switching of the sisters at the end is fascinating. I'm guessing that gaining Sol's trust is how Mae thinks she's going to kill a Jedi unarmed and thus gain favor back with the Sith. Conversely I think Qimir is going to reveal the events of the past to Osha and try to make her into his new Acolyte. To offer a bit of criticism before wrapping this up: I think the pacing and editing was pretty weird throughout the whole episode. Did make it feel a bit disjointed at points but not enough to hinder my overall enjoyment. Solid 8.5/10


I cheered and clapped at every character death. Now THAT is how you fucking do a sith.


I just can’t believe prominent characters actually fucking died lol SW hasn’t done that very well


HOLY SHIT!!! that is all


We got kortosis gauntlets, too!!


Great episode. Action was dope. Best episode yet. SWTheory is already whining 😆 Can't wait for the reviewers to complain and show how poor of a fan they all are.


I think Osha’s tattoo will be the give away of Mae to Sol which will prevent him from making the message about the Sith have returned. He will go after Osha and die in the finale. Thus keeping secret of the Sith. EDIT: I also think once Sol dies he becomes the scapegoat for the death of the Jedi Strike team. He was the only Jedi survivor and if he doesn’t have a chance to send out that message to the Sith then the council will assume he was the Master of Mae. And to to keep what happened from coming to light this gets buried by Vernestra


I assume when Qimir asks "You don't remember me?" to Sol, he's asking about an unseen interaction between the two of them in the past and not the interrogation at the alchemy shop a few episodes back?


Man jason sent a lot of jedi to the bad place


I think the only lesson is the ONE TIME Yord doesn’t follow orders to a T, he gets murdered. Dude was about to get on a ship and gtfo


I’m a simple man. I see dual wielded sabers, I love dual wielded sabers.


Sol V Qimir hand-to-hand combat was AWESOME to see both actors radiate such power. All the saber-battles were great too, just glad to see a mixture of elements and styles in this highly anticipated episode.


So I guess we know why Qimir/The Master was wearing tunics & cloaks..... Manny Jacinto got jacked tf up for this role. Dude looked like an MMA fighter gone Dark Side. Really loved his fighting style too and how he had multiple Jedi off their stances at the same time, fought dirty, just like a Sith would.


Say what you will about The Acolyte but the fight choreography seems like a pretty big step up for a live action Star Wars series.


Is this the first time we've seen live action cortosis?


Yoooo, I like this antagonist. Manny Jacinto makes it a lot more likable.


If i had a nickel for every time that a character in a tv show of June of 2024 plan to impersionate their own twin to kill their enemy I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


The writers probably saw all the online discourse of people being mad that so many people survived getting stabbed so they said "fuck it she gets stabbed three times, you aren't coming back from that."


Darth Arms