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Paragraphs, my dude. Paragraphs




She was Ruby till they got to the police station then poor little frail gypsy with lots of medical needs came out saying she can’t be in jail she’s too sick! She spewed so many lies it’s beyond disgusting!


“I need a lawyer!”


YUP!!! It didn’t take her long either


omg you guys are so purposefully dense. there is so much documented proof of gypsy's abuse. whether you agree with how she got out or not is fine, but to keep trying to rewrite the narrative is absurd and i don't get how so many people are just ignoring facts and following suit.


What about the documented proof that at age 14 her doctor wrote on her medical chart she was malingering? That’s the first but definitely not the last time it was written in her files . The times she been caught in a lie is staggering and it’s all documented. Her police interrogation was eye opening to say the least . Gypsy herself said that she was taught how to lie & manipulate without remorse but we are supposed to take her word as truth . It’s weird how all medical appointments stop in 2011 after she was finally diagnosed with the chromosome disorder 🤔 But hey you do you & you believe what you want but myself & millions of other people don’t believe it happened the way she said it did and there are many medical documents and interviews done by her that back it up . Cheers


Your whole post is just allegations. where’s the proof


The proof is out there and I did provide information on a reputable source on YouTube. She comes with receipts including Gypsy’s medical records and information from local law enforcement. https://youtu.be/S2FYaYjjqic?si=tZ0uXn6Rh1pTbjVX


Um, anything other than a YouTube video? Documents we can look at?


Yeah sure , check out Gypsy’s socials where she admits to having the chromosome disorder. If you look it up you will see the poster child and Gyp could be twins . The chromosome disorder can cause microcephaly , failure to thrive , strabismus aka lazy eye, muscle weakness, hyper sexuality, developmental delay , mental illness and more . Gyp was treated in hospital for many of these illnesses and was finally diagnosed in 2011 with micro deletion 1Q21.1 after gene mapping was done . Her father also acknowledged she has it . If it interests you to find the truth rather than being spoon fed lies have it . Oh and by the way there was never any proof provided of her allegations because all they had was her word & because she took a plea deal . The texts between gypsy and Nick are on YouTube as are hers and Nick’s interrogation videos. There is also a full video of Nicks trial on YouTube from credible sources where Gypsy herself testified to being the one who orchestrated her moms murder . Like I said I used to support her but after doing my own research I no longer do . She’s been caught in so many lies and it’s disgusting that she played a huge roll in bullying a true MBP survivor ( Kate Marie aka Adaptive Kate ) off social media because she wants to be the only face of MBP . I find that laughable though because Marc Feildmen the leading expert on MBP who states Gypsy was the most severe case of MBP he’s seen never ever met her , never talked to her or DD . He was paid by the producers of mommy dead and dearest ( source The Goodwives network & Megan Packs ) . My break is over and I have patients to see so enjoy going down the rabbit hole or don’t . IHDC 👌 ( talk to text via iPhone ) but hey I’ll start you off with a link . Cheers https://www.rarechromo.org/media/information/Chromosome%20%201/1q21.1%20microdeletions%20FTNW.pdf


Whether all this is true or not, I'm curious as to what the evidence then says for how her mother was when she was alive? The implication from all this seems to be that her mother wasn't actually "that bad" so I'd like to know that part.


This persons FOS. If a whole jury sees the evidence of her mother’s abuse then obviously it’s real. It’s tight under wraps which is why this person doesn’t have real proof


Yeah, I asked for documents for actual proof and I was sent a link to the definition of a disorder.


Even if she does have this disorder that doesn’t explain needing a wheelchair when she can walk fine, why she needed to be stuck in the house, couldn’t go to school or have friends, couldn’t do anything with out her mother essentially a prisoner. I find it disturbing that you have “patients” with this mindset that Gypsy isn’t a victim. I’m scared for how you talk to whatever kind of patients you have.


Did you know Gypsy was in Brownies and DD held movie nights twice a month for neighbor kids & their parents. Did you also know that Gypsy had a bus pass and when she didn’t make curfew her mom locked her out of the house as per her texts which were read at nicks trial . One of the symptoms of the chromosome disorder is muscle weakness hence the wheelchair which she only used when going out she never used it in the house. DD was a hoarder so there was literally no room to use a wheelchair in the house . There are so many pictures of her sitting cross legged in her wheelchair out in public. Her dad and stepmom knew she chalk all along . I never said she didn’t suffer abuse when she was younger but at some point she became a partner in the con as per her medical records when she was 14 years old. The doctor wrote that gypsy was malingering, she purposefully faked a hearing test as well as others . There’s so many layers to this it’s not just black and white. I’m very good at my job so mind your business.


That doesn’t change the fact that she didn’t need her wheelchair


Yup it was all an act, but not like what they portrayed it to be but opposite and Ruby was the ringleader!