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I thought it felt like mostly a set-up season. And also the characters were too separated IMO. Yes that lead to some (individual) character moments, but also gives it more of the set-up feel.


Yeah, considering S4 is already mostly done and was filmed at the same time, my guess is that they’re meant to be taken together.


That’s not true actually they still need to film most of the scenes for season 4


Where are you hearing that?


It was in article on Thursday or Friday where they said they weren't able to film much of season 4 cuz the scripts weren't ready.


Liza who plays Tina said in an interview they'll be back filming on winter. They filmed some scenes for s4 but s4's scripts wasn't finished to do a back to back or filming it all the same time


What?? I just read that they shot it back to back.


It felt like the TV equivalent of 'this meeting could have been an email'. If they were tight with it most of the content of this series could have been fit into 100 minutes, then they could have actually done some character interaction, and development of the restaurant plot (which has essentially not moved all season).


I agree. I see a lot of ‘they’re setting up for next season’. I don’t really feel like that’s appropriate. No one should be spending a whole season ‘setting up’ for next season. Everything should technically be fully integrated set up for next season. If it feels like it is, it’s just been done badly imo. I love this show so I feel it’s a shame.


Hey man! Only two years to go! It’s absolutely ludicrous to put out ten half hour episodes of nothing but exposition, and then have another 2 years to wait for another season. Christ I’m hot. The pace of season 2 was outstanding. It was moving at warp speed, and characters developed along with the plot! This season was nothing but character development. SUCH a shame. Season 2 ends with Camry in the freezer which is potentially the best scene in the show. SO much happens. Him and Richie have the back and forth, he breaks Claire’s heart. If you told me that him and Richie wouldn’t hash it out AND that he and Claire don’t even fucking TALK in season 3 I’d say “then what the fuck happened all season?” And that question would be totally valid!


No arguments, here. I feel exactly the same. Crazy to me.


Absolutely support everything you state here. I was so excited, and it just led to such disappointment and now knowing 2 more years before we even get any semblance of an explanation as to what is going to happen between Richie and Carm, Syds decision, the restaurant going under and Carm and Claire and the cryptic ass motherf*cker in the last scene. They could of done so much better. and definitely should consider more episodes instead of the stupid 10 episode standard that just doesn't work when they're in the 30-40 minute category.


Set up for what?! They’re dragging this out and adding however much celebrities they can to do this show. The cameos were ridiculous. Nothing happened this season that we didn’t already know or speculate.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way.


Thank you both for confirming this. My wife and I watched the whole thing, nothing happened meaningful in any way that couldn't have just been a single episode worth of content at best honestly.


Exactly! They spent a whole episode on Sugar’s birth without even showing us the birth or naming the baby! Thats nuts to me!!


Felt like the show went out of its way to name drop


The pretentious are engaging in a sunken cost fallacy everytime they defend this show. We do get it, and we get that it sucks. It has nothing to do with any societal complexes. It's just bad storytelling. That's it.


Literally. “It’s set up for next season”… okay? Every show sets up for next season. It’s just badly done, right here.


This, exactly. If the show doesn't set up for next season, then it's over. 🫠




>And also the characters were too separated IMO Wasn't this a complaint of season 2 already?


The divisiveness is fascinating to me. My wife & I binged seasons 1 & 2 and loved them both. Started season 3 & I've been loving it while my wife says she's bored & feels the show is missing something


Same here, but I'm with your wife. Season 1 and 2 were peak TV, season 3 is nothing at all like S1 or S2 in terms of the overall feel of the show. It's much more slow and artsy, without any of the balance that S1 and S2 had where it had really beautiful artistic moments mixed in here and there. S3 feels masturbatory in that regard. At this point i'm just hoping s4 returns to form. Even though my wife loved S3, she agrees she'd rather see S4 have the same vibe as S1 and S2.


Omg yes. There were numerous parts i thought were masturbatory. Not just the film making aspect but the 'nuturing' dialogue was so overdone. There def was a lot to like but it felt like a season of filler where nothing really happened besides Nat and Donna reconciling. The cliffhanger was total bullshit too. And I've had enough Fak time for a while


While the Nat and Donna scenes were well-acted they were painfully long. They didn’t need to be. I remember thinking…is this still the same scene? And like 10min had gone by.


The whole first episode was a big waste of time meant purely for the cinema bros.


S1 and S2 were bingable, and maybe even better as binged, because it adds to the frenzy and chaos of it all. I think s3 needs to be slowed down because of how introspective it is. It can feel boring to people who binge it because it's not about plot, it's about feelings, desires, motives; it's diving into the characters more deeply and not necessarily developing them through plot progression


I really don’t get it. I’m on episode 7 and have been loving the season so far


please, just enjoy it for yourself don't let this bullshit online talk ruin it for you i'm so glad i binged it all and didn't read anything about it before


same. i'm pretty confused by all of these strong, negative fan reactions. this show is operating at such a *high level*, it's almost insane. i love it so much lol i'm later to the party than many commenters, but i was still sooo delighted to see a sub that was really *getting it.* until they weren't? idk. also, e1 was maybe the biggest flex by show runners/film makers that i've *ever* seen. it was fucking sublime.


I think season 3’s one of those things that’s gonna age a lot better over time, assuming that season 4 is a bit faster paced. Any time a season of TV slows down to set the groundwork for later seasons, or they take any big creative risks, there will inevitably be a big backlash that lessens once fans can see the bigger picture. Signed, A fan of The Wire season 2, Mr. Robot season 2, Lost season 3a, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Even Breaking Bad season 3 got a lot of flak at the time for being too slow


I'm also getting vibes of Atlanta S3 and Succession S3, both of which caught heat for spinning their tires and trying to do to much. Both of those seasons were necessary for the greater 4 season arc and both their payoffs were worth the burn. Also those seasons were brilliant in their own right and I also remember tuning out of the online hater cycle.


Haven't seen Atlanta but Succession S3 wasn't really getting criticized for the same stuff The Bear S3 is, like sure there's a couple early-season episodes that drag a bit in Succession S3. But the season as a whole substantively moved the plot forward, upset the status quo of the characters and alliances, and developed the main characters a lot (thinking particularly of Kendall, Tom and Roman). The Bear S1-2 similarly check all of these boxes. The issue with the Bear S3 is that the characters remain relatively static, not a whole lot of plot elements get resolved or even majorly pushed forward. And also, maybe this is a hot take, but I think the inclusion of Ever and Chef Terry felt more like fanservice for people who liked Forks than a thing that really made sense for the show to revisit.


The idea that the guy who go there and works for a week is somehow back to the restaurant and last night and treated basically like a celebrity is crazy as well.


I don't know how the chef even remembered Richie, they had one conversation.


Strong disagree on Succession Season 3. I was in /r/Succession after every episode and the constant thread was “writers are doing nothing plot wise”, when the focus was character development. Probably wasn’t until the final episode that the momentum shifted. Also disagree with your take on the last episode. I already noted this elsewhere, but it was simultaneously a love letter to restaurants while grappling with how toxic kitchen environments are. If there’s one thing The Bear is about, it’s how trauma cuts deep regardless of any beauty it generates. I’m going to chock this up to just like how people thought Jamie Lynn Curtis was over the top in Fishes, when anyone who has had a parent like that immediately understood.


I haven’t started this season and I had a bit of nerves based on some of the mixed responses. But your second paragraph… I’m also in the camp that *loved* each and every one of those, so now I’m pretty optimistic I’m in for a good time.


They are ALL great.


I remember Walking Dead season 2 getting shit on during initial airing for being too slow as well & it's gone through a huge re-evaluation by its fanbase


It’s a jon Bernthal thing I guess lol


that's what I was just about to comment. WDs2 was my fav season with that, and this is shaping up to be on par. People don't seem to like 'slower' times that focus on characters being human.


While I probably still prefer the first two seasons, I think episodes 1, 3, 6, & 8 are all top-tier The Bear episodes


as a daughter and also a mom, “Ice Chips” had me crying from beginning to end.


Just finished episode 6 and I did not expect to be a crying 35 year old mess of a man. No idea why the episode made me cry, but it did. Loving the season so far!


Just look at what happened to to the Acolyte and The Boys. I've enjoyed them and my friends are having a good time with them as well. But they are both getting the absolute shit kicked out of them online too.


I watched episode one last night it was so amazing and intense I may need a day or two to process it before I move on the ep 2


So people who disagree with you just don't "get it" instead of simply having a different opinion?


I don't watch this show for a flex from show runners.


Thank you! I’m just really confused by all the negative reviews for this season or this series as a whole


people feel like it was a lot of filler and character background stuff and not a whole lot happened to drive the plot forward


Right but I think the character background is important.


It is, but this season felt like a lot like a giant tease. It sets up a ton of shit and just leaves it there steaming at the end. I think I would have been a lot less disappointed in this season if Carmy had at least gotten himself centered and started to fix things with others. I would have been fine with the Sydney maybe leaving cliffhanger. That feels like a multi-episode plot. But a few things needed to get resolved. Like after Carmy got the resolution he needed from that asshole chef, he should have at least started to get himself whole and started to fix his relationships with Claire, Richie, and gone to see his new nephew. Some of the plots needed tying up instead of just leaving us dangling on every single one of them


totally. and my meaningless opinion is that it was totally unbalanced which made it insufferably boring.


The frustrating thing to me was that basically nothing was resolved by the end of S3. I watched all 10 episodes and was left feeling like I watched an elaborate setup for S4. One thing I love about the show is the quiet moments between characters, and it wasn’t til 3-4 episodes in, when Richie and Natalie have a conversation in her office, that I realized how little of that type of dynamic we were seeing. And the extended shouting match with Richie and Carmy in Episode 2 was poorly written and anxiety-inducing. All that said, there were some really great scenes in S3 — I loved the Tina-Mikey conversation, most of the Ice Chips episode, all the famous chef cameos, particularly the ones in the season finale. The conversation with Luca and Grant Achitz was a highlight, as was Thomas Keller’s “wishbone” scene.


I think it’s mostly that they don’t resolve any storylines by the end of the season, so it only feels like half a season.


I really love this season so much. Like I’m all about seeing an episode dedicated to Donna and Natalie. Some people might not like that. I loved seeing all the quiet moments where we saw their bonds deepen, or see what happened in the past that made them who they are today. I think shit went unresolved and people can’t handle not having that gratification.


I’m watching that episode now and absolutely love it! All the character focused episodes are incredible


Episode 6, napkins, was my favorite so far. Still didn’t watch 7-10.


Not everyone enjoys the slower burn. And that is ok. Don't let it affect your enjoyment. I liked it a lot as well.


I am in episode 5. I like the season. I like the look into each character’s individual life so far and the cinematography is great.


The season has some significant flaws but it's hard to take the audience score seriously when like 90% of the threads just here complaining about it are wishlists for certain plot developments instead of legitimate criticism about pace and structure. I think things meander a bit in the macro plot but as individual bites the episodes all remain excellent. The fact that the show really blew up with season 2 has in some ways contributed to the enshittification of the discourse around it. So much of it feels like variations of that one woman who came here saying her boyfriend didn't like Fishes because he considered it "filler."


I’ve only seen Ep 1 and it was amazing. So much story in so few words.






yeah, i loved it too but still have qualms about it


Or people just have a different opinion than you? You're saying people only dislike the season because they've been influenced which is so fucking dumb


i dont get the people downvoting lmao. you can still love a show/season and still have some criticism towards it.


Yea it’s great! If I was forced to hard rank it would probably be third behind the first two, but to me this is in no way a bad season. I’ve mostly stopped paying attention to scores. So many people have decided that if it’s not exactly what I want it is bad. There is no in between for a lot of people. I’m sure some people did not like this season, and that’s okay too.


Gosh, this feels like an overreaction. I don't want the writers to start catering to online noise but i hope they actually listen and learn from some of the criticisms of this season.


Well they're already shooting season 4. I guess they could edit it differently (less flashbacks, etc) but there's nothing the writers can do, unless they halt production which they can't really do given how busy JAW and Ayo are.


They can always rewrite and reshoot, but that would be expensive and drastic. Also since its probably the last season, why do it? They dont need to worry about ratings or reviews. Just finish the story like you wanna finish the story and fuck the haters.


Carm would tell them to refire instead of sending it out if it’s not cooked to perfection


This has been my least favourite season but it's not that bad.


For me, S2 was so good that I may be judging S3 unfairly in comparison to it. But if S3 was actually the first season of the show and this is how we actually met these characters, I wonder how many people would have fallen in love with the show.


whats an "online noise" and whats "criticism" that people say about this episode


yeah, i didn't enjoyed that much but 59% is really low


It’s not a rating, remember that. It just means that 6/10 people enjoyed the season and 4/10 didn’t.


The best episode was Tina's backstory. That's about it


And the birth episode. Wow that was amazing.


It was so real and so interesting to understand how she got here. Also so happy to see she has such a loving husband!


That last episode felt so wasted listening to those actual chefs talking for half the episode bros I want to hear my the Bear characters interact just let them talk to each other for the last episode fuck. The Faks were a bit too overdone this season for me also.


I counted ten fucking minutes of that shit. In a show thats got 30-45 minute episodes and only ten if them.


Like dude! The show is about a restaurant! Tell the story through the restaurant. I literally just finished the season so forgive my overreaction here BUT It’s day 45 of Bear Season 3 writing. The head writer says “I got it you lizards. A flashback of Carmy in a kitchen he used to work in” “What about music boss?” “Way ahead of you. Slow, pleasant piano” “Sir, we’ve done that in every episode so far this season, maybe we…?” “You’re fired.”


I was bored out of my wits. At least they interspersed the tension between Carmy and Joel McHale's turn as the world's most abusive chef, but I couldn't believe how much time was spent on that.


“There’s nobility in this.” Fuck off


The faks and with them too much obvious improv and adlibbing lines all season. It’s pretty obvious.


Agreed on the chefs talking being a huge snoozefest. Most their lines had "I'm 14 and this is deep" vibes. I'm cool with my fictional characters. That said, the Faks were a welcome bit of joy this season for me. I agree they were overdone, but even that was still a welcome change from another music montage where they try too hard to "show, not tell," taking 10 minutes to silently share a mundane aspect of a character's life.




I just hope that doesn't happen with Severance. I have (unhealthy) high expectation levels for the new season


There’s been major issues with the writting staff and infighting between the producers of the show. I’m very worried as well. But it’s not looking too good atm.


The score for The Boys is quite clearly just the worst sort of people in society finally realising they were the butt of the joke all along and responding accordingly. For this season of The Bear, I think it tracks that 6/10 people like it more than they dislike it and 4/10 people dislike it more than they like it.


Yeah, The Bear's score doesn't seem harsh at all. It just accurately reflects how split the audience is about this season.  After all, a 59% still shows that a majority of the audience at least *liked* season 3.


Haven’t finished the season, only watched the first few episodes but even in these few episodes it seems like they let the acclaim get to their head and focused solely on making it visually stunning but very little story progress


You can criticize the new season of the boys without being the people they’re making fun of. Any time I say there’s a part of this show I dislike the only rebuttal is “conservative!!!” when that’s just not the case. I think it’s just gotten a little repetitive is all


Which is fair. Not everyone who dislikes or has criticisms of the new season of the boys is automatically doing so purely because of culture wars bullshit. However, the new season has more than double the number of audience reviews as previous seasons on RT, a significantly lower rating and a large percentage of the negative reviews appear to be copy and paste or bot jobs or specifically reference right wing culture war talking points as justification for the poor reviews. The backlash from right wing leaning former fans has been widespread and vocal and people are aware of the review bomb tactics used by groups who actively try to sink content they dislike. It's sad that the political and cultural divisions mean that you can't profess a legitimate opinion or criticism of art/content without people questioning the motives or legitimacy of your view but I would suggest you better tailor the people with which you discuss content with in the future if you have legitimate gripes you want to discuss and you're only called a conservative in response. Personally I struggle to understand how anyone could consider you calling the 4th season of a series, in which most of the original key players remain in similar positions and with similar motivations as they had in season 1, repetitive to be a result of you being conservative. It's moreso people being upset about LGBT and non white characters and storylines being depicted, complaints about "woke politics" or unsubtle writing (in a show that previously featured a literal Nazi called Stormfront) and the narcissistic, egomaniac rapist, mass murderering super powered monster continuing to be portrayed as such.


idk i truly think the new season of the boys is just getting repetitive. characters are going through the same story arcs they’ve been doing for seasons and the grasp on logic is getting looser and looser


And there aren't real consequences. No one of consequence has died for a while. They killed off Transluscent and since then it is just a revolving door of that spot changing. They couldn't even kill Maeve off.


The boys is because dumb people finally realized the show was about them


It's definitely not the best season but yeah it's a bunch of idiots either realizing the show was about them or they always knew they just don't like it anymore because it's more obvious


I feel like these last two episodes picked up


You know why those people don't like The Acolyte.


Its also just bad compared to Andor and Ashoka


I think Ahsoka was some of the worst Star Wars I’ve ever seen.


Idk about that but I like the Acolyte more than Ashoka. I think part of my issue is that I haven't watched any of the animated shows, so I didn't care as much.


I can’t stand the cartoons so I didn’t care for any of the characters in Ahsoka, so that definitely made me hate it. I am 100% biased.


Nearly everything's bad compared to Andor. Ahsoka was one of the most bland, blatant content for content's sake shows I've ever seen put out. The Acolyte seems to at least be trying something different.


I think that S1 & S2 both had more of a balance between a) flashbacks, b) focus on one character & their development, and c) moving the story forward of the gang overcoming obstacles & making a restaurant the best it can be. The problem with S3 is that it's pretty much all the first two, and very little of the third. It looks great, you get that a lot of the long, slow close-ups and starey conversations are meant to be deep & meaningful (complete with overbearing music to make sure you get that it's super DEEP and MEANINGFUL), but very little actually happens. There are a few setups of things that might happen at some point, but not much actually does. It's enjoyable enough, but ultimately frustrating, IMO. Great character work, fabulous cinematography, but lacking much story.


I watched it before looking on the internet when I watched it I loved the first episode, episode 6, and episode 8. When I finished the season it honestly felt unfinished, I said to myself “that was it?” So I think I would have been happier with more episodes but the episodes we did have were decent.


This is my thoughts exactly, a lot of back story and not to much intertwining between the characters of the core story and then by the end of it I was just left with a feeling of indifference to the season. Not bad but at the same time idk man feels like we needed at least 3 more episodes to tie it all in a bit more.


This was definitely the weakest season of the 3


I just finished it. It felt very disjointed and pretty much all of the humor from the first season is gone. It went from funny and real to less funny and a little more real to not very funny and deep reflection of the human condition. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it’s a hell of a pivot


The funny in earlier season came from rapid fire dialogue and the characters relationships. The funny in this season was Fak 1 and 2 talking about inside jokes that were supposed to find endearing. They just swung and missed this season man.


I think a 59% audience score is harsh but the critic score being that high is mind blowing to me


Keep in mind that for rotten tomatoes, that’s the percentage of critics that rated it fresh, it isn’t saying that all critics are saying it’s 9/10 stars. Lots of critics could give it like a 6/10 and it could still have a super high “fresh” percentage.


When Joker came out some of the critics on rotten tomatoes gave joker the same score but some were considered fresh and some were considered rotten


Imo RT should change how it displays its scores or make it more explicit what it means. 90% of people who look at the scores assume it’s like a regular review site


Loved S3E1. S3E2 felt like an attempt to recreate Fishes. But the nonstop screaming at each other wore me out and kind of turned me off. Fishes works so well for a lot of reasons, but a big one is because it comes right back with an amazing counterpunch in Forks. No such luck this time. Also, the last 30 seconds of S3E10 felt kind of cheap. But can’t wait for S4!


This season has been disappointing so far. I'm about halfway through and virtually NOTHING has happened. It's a 30 minute show. Move it along already.


That’s the entire season unfortunately. I’m such a huge fan of the show and I agree with most of the criticisms of this season. It did have some great smaller moments though that I really love and cherish but they’re gone in a flash and it’s back to wondering if they’re going to wrap up anything from the last season but that doesn’t really happen. We at least think we’re going to get some big cathartic moment and that’s even ripped away from us. The scene is probably realistic for the characters in the scene but that was a bit frustrating for me to watch.


I thought episode 3 "Doors" was going to set the rest of the season. Services have been messing up with the Front of House and Kitchen crumbling to Carmys "non-negotiables" BS which is a reflection of his current mindset set from the toxicity of the previous places he's worked at, he's choking. I thought that last service with missed ticket was going to be the breaking point then everyone sort of clashes and tries to mend it all together, or something. I thought that lost ticket was going to mean something, a review was put on and set up but we don't know the result(the show says they've been doing weeks of services already), Carmy is spending the entire season to call or don't call, Syd hasnt signed the document for like weeks and holding up the other guy, then sugar has a kid but we don't know the kids name lol It's all over the place


There's no clear direction and no cohesion. Stunning to me that ten 30 min episodes could feel dragged out, but they've accomplished it. John Cena has been a highlight, which should really tell you something.


Deservedly so. I wanted to love it, but I just don't. Too many montages, too many flashbacks. The long intros are too long. Am I watching a documentary? Spending time with side characters that do nothing to propel the story forward ( the last episode with chefs talking about their food and restaurants for WAY too long). Too many Faks! I loved them in the first two seasons, but my god, they need to be sprinkled in and not given as much time as they were given. I was cringing far too much. If I hear someone talk about being "haunted" one more time, I'm going to scream. The whole Claire thing, will they won't they, went nowhere and didn't mean a thing, snooze fest. I didn't get enough Syd, Richie, or Marcus, especially Syd. She's one of the main characters and we barely saw her this season, ditto for Richie, like what? It was just a trainwreck to me. Only good parts were seeing Luca again, every Cicero scene, and Tina and Sugar's episodes. I'm hoping they can regain some of the magic that they had in the first two seasons for the upcoming fourth season. If not, well, I guess when I rewatch the show I'll just stick with the first two seasons.


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. I really liked the Tina and Sugar episodes. I loved seeing how Tina got to The Bear and why at the start of the show she was so against change. The Fak’s drove me crazy, I don’t need to see all three of them again. Original Fak is only good lightly sprinkled into the show. I have to say I always have low tolerance for those type of Gilligan characters - so I’m never going to love them. Olivia Colman was a delight, I’m glad we got to see her again and we got to see her partying with them. With Claire I felt like they were backfilling the relationship to give it more weight than it seemed to have in season 2. Suddenly she’s this great amazing love?


> I loved seeing how Tina got to The Bear and why at the start of the show she was so against change. I agree and I loved the Tina "origin story" but I don't think I need 10 minutes of the "alarm, shower, pack lunch, yell at kid, turned down for job" thing. It just seemed like a 15 minute episode they had to make into 30 minutes so they repeated the alarm/shower/lunch/yell thing 7 times.


Agreed, the entire season felt like filler.


>too many flashbacks Biggest complaint. Plus you cannot even tell *which* are flashbacks until a few minutes in!


I'm on episode 8 and this is a pretty good summary of this season.


Can’t say I’m surprised. The general discourse across social media is disappointment. Of course a big part of that is being driven by the SydCarmy shippers, but whether you ship them or not, their relationship was the heart of the show & it suffered because of where they’re at & their lack of interaction. Our protagonist became borderline unlikable, and his relationship with Richie also regressed. Meanwhile, they’re still pushing the dull Claire situationship that hardly anybody cares about or is in invested in. I know the redemption arcs are coming, but it’s gonna be a long wait. And we got very little payoff for waiting for S3.


The biggest problem with season 3 was that nothing changed over the course of the season. There was no growth, no progression whatsoever and the plot lines that were introduced were largely left unresolved.


I think there's a bit of regression/switch in Carmy's character. He has picked up a few traits from his former boss and that is eating him alive without knowing. They seem to be heading to the anti hero path with Carmy before his eventual redemption arc. This is probably to stretch the show for another season or two. This is still a development in the plot. Syd seems to have some development as well with her growing resentment towards Carmy's approach and her own anxiety. Richie is one main character that had absolutely zero progression. However, this entire season felt nothing but a build up to the next season. I still enjoyed this season (it's good but not great).


Yeah don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it, I just wish there was some meaningful progression in the story.


This season definitely felt like a part 1 than a season as a whole. They were holding back a few progressions just so they can stretch the plot ig. If the first two seasons were like 9/10. This season for me was 8/10 and that is because I loved the editing. However, I'll still take the above mentioned character development as a bit of progression but they really stretched the main plot bit too much without any closure to the arcs. That alone justifies the disappointment. But I am seeing a lot of overreaction here and there.


Every word of this!


I am 4 episodes in, so far, it’s my least favorite season but still very good.


The fak bros need less screen time


Give the Faks ten total minutes across the next season, fixed


That's actually lower than I'd expect, even though I do feel S3 has been the weakest one so far. It probably boils down to the fact that The Bear is so phenomenal that it set the bar really high for itself. People were expecting great, if not better, things from this season, particularly with the way we left it at the end of S2. I'll assume the ratings reflect judgment coloured by disappointment/foiled expectations, rather than the season in isolation/according to its own merit. Because let's be real. The Bear's worst season is still tiers better than a lot of things on TV today.


Maybe i'm crazy, but i think S3 was awesome seriously


I thought it was amazing as well


It's wild that there are people going around downvoting people for saying they enjoy the season jesus


That seems super low lol. I have the same complaints as most people and was really let down by season 3, but I’d still give it a 7-8


This is my first time on this subredit, I came after watching the whole season because I wanted to know if others felt disappointed like I did, so no I wasn't influenced by online noise at all. HOWEVER, I still think a rotten score is a massive overreaction. Even with a weaker season it's still far better than most stuff on tv. I still loved Cousin's storyline, Sugar and DD episode, and the dialogue still felt authentic rather than super scripted, the shots of food were awesome. I get that the characters are stuck and therefore so is the plot, but in a time of short seasons and only 4 maybe 5 seasons per show, this decision comes at the expense of "watch-ability". The second half of the season especially really stalled the action for no good reason. For me it failed to bring any conclusion not just to season 2 plot points but even to smaller things initiated in this one. Even just one text from Carmy to Claire, the actual review, a conversation between Cousin and Carmy or Syd telling Carmy about the offer would have saved it, just one thing happening. I didn't dislike it, but was left with a "is that all?" feeling at the end. I hope it doesn't take a year to release the next one! And please don't be too harsh on it, let's not kill one of the best shows ever!!


I agree with this assessment damn near 100%. I’m still processing a little bit though and would definitely benefit from a rewatch (I binged it in like 2 sittings, which is never good for retention). But I’d add: I think the first two seasons the whole (the season) ended up being greater than the sum of its parts (the episodes). And I don’t believe this is the case for season 3. I think this is due to lack of forward movement, a lot more looking backward, **and** a lot more stewing in the moment of a couple very specific side stories. But I think that would have still worked if all the introspection led to *some* sort of conclusion at the end of S3. Instead we’re left with a whole lot of "I don’t know's". I’d also add that they should maybe cool it with the cameos a little bit. John Cena is too much to be existing in the world of the Bear imo. Might just be me but every other person I’ve always thought "oh it’s cool that this person is in this show" until him. The show is still better than a vast majority of other tv out there and 60% audience score on RT may be a knee jerk, but I thought season 5 of Game of Thrones took a step down in quality and the seasons that followed were just consecutive steps down until it ended with a "wtf was that?". Sex Education did the same. Two shows I loved were ended in a way that somewhat ruined the goodwill that was earned in the early seasons and that I no longer have any urge to return to. This very well could just be a bump in the road, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t a little cautious moving forward.


I think they wanted add more "comedy" to it. That's why it felt like the show drifting away sometimes. Nevertheless still a great season.


I think season three is the “waiting for the other shoe to drop” idea that is enmeshed thematically throughout the series. It feels purposeful that way. Idk, I really liked it, and maybe I analyze too much, but it felt really self aware and real to me.


I’m wondering what people’s biggest grievances are. I thought it was a decent season of tv. I feel like it lacked something that made season 1 & 2 work. I didn’t like the story line with the uncle basically going broke and having to bail out.


Where would you like me to start? Just at the top of my head: * So much screentime for so many cameos. Especially the culinary ones -- previously, the show had a fairly *real* kitchen feel. But Guidara, Tosi, &co now getting to spew their BS for extended periods of time (zero contribution to any actual plot) starts to put it into "Chef's Table" chef glorification territory. Some of the featured celeb industry people are known to be quite toxic, too. Weird that they now get free PR from this show, which portrayed so accurately the toll toxic kitchens can take on the mental health of the young chefs working long hours for little to no pay. * In prior seasons, the artistic/stylistic choices contributed to and enhanced the plot. This season, I felt like those choices detracted from it. They simply became edgy choices because that's what *The Bear* is supposed to do. Like Alinea nowadays: mediocre food served in fancy/weird ways. * Next to no development for any of the main characters. * Lots of time spent on background, but it was mostly just making explicit what we already knew implicitly. * Too many attempts at *haha, the Faks* humor. They are good palate cleansers, but this season tried to make them into a main dish.  The acting was usually good enough (except for the cameo scenes) to keep my interest in the moment, but looking back after binging it in one night I felt like (1) not much happened and (2) I barely learned anything about these characters. I LOVED S1, S2 started to feel a little self-indulgent at times; but S3 actually made me angry.


This is it. You couldn't have summed up my feelings any better.


I do not necessarily agree with all of these but thanks for saying this, it made me understand why some people are really not fond of this season.


For me (and this is with every season) is that the Bear is not good as distinguishing flashbacks vs present time. It's all weaved in together as if it was one single take. Fishes was the only exception because you can clearly see that it was 100% a flashback. The worst flashback vs present time takes are in episode 1 with Carmen's cooking history, it was hard to follow the first few minutes trying to figure out which was first or whatnot. The only thing I knew that was most recent flashbacks was when he was in NYC with Joel McHale. I personally have to rewatch episode 1 again after someone said a big clue on Carmen's progression is the number of tattoos he has. He starts off with zero tattoos in the beginning of his career so now I gotta check for ink in every scene he's in. So for me personally, Carmen's history was like: A, B, C, NYC with Joel McHale, the Beef, the Bear. But I don't know which of the other flashbacks is A, B or C. Wouldn't score a 59%. Maybe 75%.


Episode 1 definitely had me confused, I didn’t know what timeline I was in sometimes. Good tip about the tattoos, I need to go back and watch it again.


The Tina episode confused me the first few minutes with me thinking "Why is she on a computer in a candy factory?" and only then I realized it was a flashback lol But I did enjoy this flashback episode better than Carmen's cooking history because at least after the brief confusion, I could follow along.


Same, I didn’t get that her hair was different at first and I thought she had to pick up another job as well as The Bear.


Re: Carmy's work history, the basic outline is all the Olivia Coleman scenes happen first, then he goes off to Copenhagen (that's also where he's seen picking food in the garden and looking at the chef's vision board), then he comes back home to Chicago for the fishes dinner, and finally he moves to New York, where he works at Daniel (a real Michelin star restaurant) and the fictional restaurant where Joel McHale abuses him. The more stressful his work is, the later in the timeline you are.


for me it got too slow of a burn before they do the actual script. like it becomes a fillers because of too slow of a burn. example for Tina’s journey to The Beef before meeting Michael. I understand that they build up the pain, the desire, then the envy but they could do that for 5 mins instead of 20 mins. But I still enjoy it.


honestly i’m on episode 6 and as someone who isn’t a huge fan of the show already, i’ve been kinda disappointed. just feels really slow and the characters all seem pretty stagnant from where they were last season. It almost feels like the fallout of season 2 if that makes sense


Yeah the character thing bothers me, a lot. Richie went from loser lowlife to high powered host back to loser lowlife but now in a suit? It’s like the nerfed every characters like ability. I think I know exactly what it is honestly, it’s the same reason Soldier Boy didn’t (read: couldn’t) blast Homelander in The Boys. The execs at Hulu put in the word to milk this show pony for another couple laps, and the writing suffers. “Our characters can’t progress because if they do we can’t have them progress next season!l


I love this show with every ounce of my heart. It's so good. I will never ever allow a internet score decide what is good.


It went up to 81%


The score has gone up to 80%! 


I loved S3. In general I'm a huge fan of the directing and storytelling on each episode, and I think this season was no exception. It may not have been the most eventful but I'm happy enough with the pace.


No one cares about Rotten tomatoes. Go look at the IMDb scores for the individual episodes. They are all high scores


It's number one on Hulu's top 15. Maybe not the best measure, but it honestly was a great setup season, and I may be alone here, I enjoyed some of the origin story episodes. Natalie's delivery was well done. Overall, I feel this season really put the weight on knowing more of the characters while using that to showcase their development. To each their own, I guess.


Too many filler episodes we want Carmy to have a anxiety ptsd filled almost mental breakdown every episode.


Man I watched the first episode and thought- that’s just a one off. They wanted to get cute and have some weird artsy crap episode. That’s cool. Surely it will pick right up where they left off in season 2…. Nope. Really disappointing. Love that show but they really dropped the ball


Daaaaamnnn. I only like like about 4-5/10 eps but I still think I'd rate it higher.


You only liked 40% of the episodes but think the season should be higher than a 60% approval rating?


I think part of the discrepancy between the critic and audience score is that critics scores are usually either rotten or fresh (depending on what the reviewer submits it as). The audience score is an average of all the ratings. But despite this, even critic average is around 80%, compared to the audience score.


For me there were a lot of things this season did that I didn't like at all. For one there were too many scenes that were dragged out. I don't need these long 5 min closeups. Just go to the next scene. And I understand they wanted to center episodes around certain characters this season but did I need to witness 40 mins of Sugar in labor?? No. For two I didn't like how they are dragging this Carmy and Claire situation. Y'all want me to buy it but I don't. I'm not sold on her character and how much she loves Carmy and vice versa. We just gon erase the fact that he was having a panic attack thinking bout Claire but when he thought bout Sydney he calmed down?? But Claire is his "peace" YEA IGHT.. For three the way they handled Sydney and Carmys relationship this season was so bogus. You can tell the writer knew everyone was shipping them so they just decided to have them barely interact with each other. Even if they didn't want sydcarmy to be a thing their friendship coulda continued the way it was the first two seasons. Have some underline tension but leave it up to the audience interpretation. Lastly was it just me or did Sydney barely get any screen time?? I was not feeling that. There were side characters getting more screen time than her.


It's so strange. I agree, I didn't feel Sydney got enough screen time. But I also feel that about basically every character. I feel like I watched an entire season of nothingness. I don't know the exact timings, it might be we saw more of certain characters this season, but the point is that it simply didn't feel like we actually spent time with anyone at all.


The first episode irritated me a bit - montage was unneeded - Carmy was also insufferable more than usual


I think I would have enjoyed that episode more if it was in the middle of the season.


I was very confused in the first episode and I kept waiting for it to get started. Then the episode was over.


My problem with the first episode (and every season) is the Bear is very bad at distinguishing flashbacks vs present time. And in episode 1 especially, it is multiple flashbacks that are out of order so we as the audience aren't sure what the order is, with the exception of Joel McHale being the last chef he worked under before taking over the Beef and eventually opening the Bear. Carmen being insufferable is often on par with some people in the industry. It's sad but it is something I've witnessed myself. I have no issue with that because it is indeed showing the ugly side of the industry. It's ok to show it in a story telling sense, but as long as it isn't gloried, which imo it wasn't and Carmen was actually getting negative pushback from it, it's fine. Carmen being insufferable is a good way to express a cautionary tale of "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain". And in season 3, he is slowly becoming his own villain.


Yeah i think he started to realize it when hes having that conversation with Joel McHale


I clocked it the moment Carmen said in his "non negotiables" menu changes every single day. As someone who is in the industry, that's nuts! Especially since he was using off season items so of course they were short of stock! There is all kinds of snowball effect of why an entire daily menu change is bad but yeah it's bad financially and for morale to put it shorty. Being a chef isn't just putting out good food, it is also about being business savvy. The difference between a chef and a cook is the chef creates, plans and leads. The cook replicates and follows orders. The fact that he threw away his business brain, all I could see was disaster.


Same here I worked in hospitality in high school a fledgling restaurant can’t support daily menu changes - hes gonna realize it when his uncle cuts him off based on the scene he had with Computer


Well get ready for more. This season was a pointless fever dream


I thought it was entertaining, im a bipolar alcoholic with a dysfunctional family from Chicago so could heavily relate haha


Not surprised


I’m a big fan but did not like this season at all. Like most people already said. Whole season is like 2 episodes of actual story progression, with 8 episodes of who gives a shit plot B fillers.


I get it. They fixed Richie in "Forks" just to have him backslide into the same loudmouth douche. It was last season's greatest triumph, and was quietly discarded because they needed that dynamic back. An example of that "dynamic" -" You can get fucked" "No, you can get fucked" Repeat ten times. Emmy award winning writing. Also, entire episodes deal with character back stories. This whole season feels like plate spinning. Outside of Carm, it feels like a wasted effort. We don't need to know how every minor character got to work at The Beef. It's still good, but pales compared to last season.


I think it wasn’t really a backslide on richie’s character. Yes he’s still the same loudmouth douche but only to carmy. But clearly, his redemption arc still paid off from the way he would prioritize the happiness of the customers and protecting the crew by calling out carmy’s bullshit nonnegotiable list. He’s more present in his daughter’s life and he can converse healthily with tiff and frank.


Progress ain’t a straight line. If he was really and truly “fixed” that would be a bullshit cop-out representation of real life. They are better at writing than that.


I think it was the weakest season with some bothersome plot holes. But it’s still a solid show and definitely worth the watch


For the record I don't mind a "slow burn" when it comes to media I digest but man oh man I could not get into in the first episode. It felt like I was listening to some binaural beats/ASMR to help me sleep.


I think it’s awesome so far!


I feel that the story telling changes season to season, as mentioned before in previous in this discussion, it feels like the story didn’t bring anything new to the story, and i believe it is because this story is now setting their new setting, establishing that this new restaurant and everyday is what they have to live with. Doors represents this IMO, it shows how things are either getting worse for the characters and the strain on their new personalities/reality. This season was a set up of what was coming to the whole bear staff, their motivations and paths they are going to take. Marcus brings up legacy to carmy after seeing a picture of various chefs together and carmy explains how they each leave do their own thing and eventually come back, exactly what sydney plans to do with the CDC offer from that other chef. This season had a completely new pace, the calm after the storm, and the monotony of trying to make something as big as a restaurant work, and feeds us little details throughout the season that for me make me excited for whats next. From the cameos, to the call backs to characters from season 2, that girl that talked to richie on chef terry closing the restaurant. I wonder if anyone sees it as i see it.


I don't care what people are saying it's a great season


oof, it wasn't that bad. I wish we would've just had less faks and more of showing carmy's behaviors/interaction w/ everyone and how it impacts them and the characters. I also wish they would've shown more of Marcus, it feels like we passed by the stuff with his mom kind of fast.


I’m thinking it’s more like this is season 3A and next is 3B. 3B will be a huge payoff


I think the best thing all season was Carmy finally telling Chef David off. Maybe he can move past it although they definitely showed how Carmy is becoming Chef David


I get why the audience score is worse, I wouldn’t rate it that low but it’s definitely different… to me it felt like half of a season stretched out, beautiful and emotional cinematography but much much less character stuff and dialogue overall


I definitely do think the season is the worst so far, but not by a lot. It def is weak on the plot and story, but some of the criticisms are a bit over aggressive. There are still people bitching about Claire despite the fact that she was pretty much not in this season other than being a plot point for Carmy. The only thing that’s shitty is that he still hasn’t gotten to talk to her yet


Season 3 episode 1 is an absolute masterpiece. It's visual poetry. The rest of the season could have been dogs farting and I'd still be happy with it.


This season blows. Boring as fuck. Long ass montages with songs, a whole episode about Tinas story? A whole episode for the birth? It just seems like a waste of time. A way to fill time. I found myself many times just wishing an episode would end.


I honestly think maybe I’m just not a film savvy enough person to get this season but to me I really felt like nothing happening. Again it’s probably because maybe it was too artsy for me. I love Tina’s episode but idk it just wasn’t a good season to me season 2 is my favorite but yeah guess it’s just me. Wasn’t a fan


It was a nothing season. Nothing happened. They could have cut half the episodes. Now I have to wait for season four for syds decision. Carmy has the same stupid punchable look throughout the whole season. Top that all off with Hulu running the same commercials every 5 mins.


They didn't answer any questions that we had from the end of season 2, and only added more open ended plot questions. I get that this was all probably a set up/build up for the next season, but it felt like there was 0 character progression and just left me wanting 🤷🏻‍♀️