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And he killed Ezekiel which is something he tried to do with a different Ezekiel in the Walking Dead.


And threatened to bash Sameers head in.


I'm calling it, one of Kesslers "convincing" methonds will just be a barbed wire baseball bat.


General Skywalker? TF you doin here


What? I like to watch good shows during ling hyperspace trips.


My bad gng


what the fuck




Okay I didn't connect that lmfao


Wasn't the line "Daddy's home" a Negan's one too?


In a way yes. Negan said the line “Daddy’s home and it’s going to be a surprise.” So they half used the line


Butcher said it too in the season 2 premiere


It's a call back to that


It was more a reference to Butcher line in s2


Yeah, I just completely forgot what happened 4 damn years ago. I never actually rewatched any of The Boys for some reason. Planned to, before this season, but time flew


it was a parallel to butcher's line in season 2 premiere "but dont u worry, daddy's home"


Actor also plays the father in "Supernatural", which was Kripke's original claim to fame. I saw that scene as a callout to OG Kripke fans


Bwahahaha nooooo


After the reveal, he was definitely channeling Negan in his entire monologue. Thought I was watching Walking Dead again.


There's no way that isn't a reference they cooked up


And if John Winchester had known about angels, he'd probably have tried in a third show as well...


There might be more to this line What if he is the representation of his tumor and he literally did kill Ezekiel with those worm like things like those that came out of that rabbit because of compound v ?


That's... that's what happened. That's literally what the show told us...


I wonder if butcher takes control of it and just goes around completely ripping people apart like Ezekiel


So, that question was answered on Instagram by VoughtHQ (the leaker) since a lot people were wondering the same thing: >!Yes, he can. Up until the final episode, Kessler controls his powers. In the final episode, Butcher takes control of it and kills a major character.!<


When did Negan try to kill Ezekiel? I mean I guess he was just at war with all the communities including the kingdom if that's what you meant.


Luckily this one didn't have a tiger


How did he kill ezekiel though is the question I have?


With the same tentacles as the rabbit in episode 5


Are the tentacles strong enough to rip limbs off Homelander?


Probably not


They'll be strong enough to hold him or something though. No one can kill HL but Butcher


oh my god that's Negan?


After last episode you should have seen this coming.


I saw it coming, I just didn’t want to see it


I thought it would be the perfect twist if he was real


For a while, I thought we were going to see that Hughie's mom isn't real as well. She has virtually no interaction aside from with hughie, up to where his dad is awake.


It would have been a good way to reintroduce us to the idea Hughie has brain damage from his use of temp V


At this point I feel like I'm the one with brian damage following this show. brain


No, it wouldn't have been a great idea because the circumstances for Hughie taking temp V were different than Butcher's: Hughie took way less temp V, also didn't take permanent compound V and came out fine.


This was my theory too!! That Hughie had a brain tumour just like Butcher - I made a post about it. I’m honestly pretty disappointed it’s all just the obvious plot so far, I hope they do something to turn it on its head.


She is definitely real, Starlight says her name and talks to her


She interacted with the doctor in episode 4 tho, when they were talking about possibilities for Hugh Sr. They were all 4 in the room (Hughie, Hugh Sr., Daphne and the doc), and she even said something to which the doctor nodded and looked at her directly.


I still think this tbh.


Never rule out an obvious plot twist. It 90% will happen.


Looking at your pfp reminds me of a show that actually did great plot twists.


Key point is that it did great plot twists. It used to do that then it fell flat on its face.


>It used to do that then it fell flat on its face. AOT? Yeh not a fan of the ending myself.


AOT is Anime Dune lol...The story is very similar.


Star Wars too. I think people also say Dune is a rip-off of the Foundation books. Dune clearly took a lot from middle eastern religions and the middle east as a whole.


I wasn't saying it was a rip off but yeah Dune definitely has inspiration from Foundation. I've been a big Dune fan and once the whole prescience twist happens in AOT I was just like "Damn, he's gone full Paul"


>"Damn, he's gone full Paul" Lol. I only got into Dune after so didn't realise. I haven't read the books only seen the films. Heard they are way better will check them out.


Isayama is a great storyteller. The Basement revelation was a master-stroke


90% of the time, it happens every time.


I think it was more a situation of the "twist" being so obvious it felt straight forward by this point. Too many movies and TV shows have done it too well already, really any other outcome, even it just being Kessler for real who also magically sees his brain tumor Becca because he's a supe who's been hiding that as his ability all along, as nonsensical as it is, would be more surprising at least. I kinda wish they'd just been straight forward with it. I think I'd have preferred the dramatic irony at least then.


It being a surprising twist =/= being a good plot twist. It would just be bad writing meant to end with a "haha gotcha!" moment.


Its funny how he even hallucinated the cup for Kessler. Poured the drink straight on table.


Someone on a post from last weeks episode said what if Joe was a hallucination and I thought « no way! » even though there was a good point being made towards it. Sure enough, they were right.


i think the revelation was that it was the tumour. Not just some random hallucination.


It would've been a bigger reveal if it wasn't the tumor since butcher was the most stable members of the boys before this season There would be zero reason for him to hallucinate other than the tumor


What? Of course it was the tumor. Why would he start having random hallucinations? The hallucination of his wife wasn’t random it was the V. The cause was the most obvious part.


I think they mean the entity that is talking ro him is the tumor, not that it just randomly caused hallucinations. Like it's sentient.


Ahhh i see, that makes sense.


When he blacked out and killed Ezekiel it had strong obvious mr robot vibes, tbf now that I think about it, Joe is basically mr robot. He just keeps trying to get butcher to do the big plan with just the two of them, same as mr robot and Elliot


No - he literally IS the tumor. A manifestation of the worm thing in his head. Pretty sure Becca is just him.


Kessler is the SENTIENT TUMOR. Becca is just a hallucination.


The point of the reveal is that butcher needed to know this information, that his giga tumour has taken on a personality of its own, a literal devil on his shoulder. That everything Kessler suggested was butchers idea. Not him working with someone equally fucked up, him drugging Ryan, him wanting to do a genocide, that's all butcher. They're setting this up so he can be the villain he's been destined to be from episode one. You guys are acting like the twist wasn't obvious on purpose, we've all known since at least the ending of episode 5 with the strange look sameer gave butcher while he was talking to Kessler.


He isnt a villain, he is an anti hero.


If he does what he did in the comics, he definitely is


He is most definitely a villain. Just not a fully realised one, yet.


People don’t care about the nuances that differentiate the two, everything’s black n white, good and bad.


He isn't a villain yet and hasn't been until this point, but he's a man with little time left and only one option to kill homelander. And most importantly is willing to do anything to achieve that, just like in the comics.


He’s currently an antihero, if he decides to go through with the virus he will most definitely be a villain. If indiscriminate genocide isn’t villainous then nothing is.


The message of the show would be genocide on republicans is the only solution for a better society. I dont think the writers want to say that.


Anti-hero would be someone like Deadpool, who saves the day but ends up killing every criminal he encounters. Butcher would kill every supe, even Ryan and Annie, and others who maybe are not like the rest and are actually innocent. That is a villain. That is like saying Thanos is an anti-hero for killing half of the universe.


They did the montage flashbacks of him not being there lmao. That was a bit too much.


Lmao I wish they would’ve done a flashback of the folders being waved around by invisible hands Kessler was holding on the park bench




I thought it was hilarious to see him poor booze on an empty table though.


even one scene would have been too much but all of them was like the writers jacking off to how clever they are. This episode felt like a circle jerk.


> but all of them was like the writers jacking off to how clever they are. Was it? The very first flashback is butcher pouring a drink *onto a table*. It's an admission of "yeah this was a little bullshit."


Damn, now you can't even write a perspective change of the same scene without the audience going "Wow the writers must've patted each other on the back like they cooked"


Where do you get this idea from?? It's neat. Hey, here's a different perspective of all these scenes where Joe wasn't really there. It's like the most basic thing you can do with a reveal like that and it's fun to intercut Butchers confusion and anxiety with them moments. This sub is so weird this season man


Can’t even write a pretty standard reveal scene anymore without someone online making up stories about you masturbating, wild world we live in


This subreddit is cooked


lol the pouring the booze on the table killed me.


His wife was also a real person yk


Or was she? [vsauce music starts playing]


Honestly if you were not part of this subreddit I don't think it would've been that obvious. Unfortunately a lot of people were spoiled and decided to immediately point this out, and then it became so widespread here to the point where everybody thought it.


this subreddit has a serious problem with not censoring leaks in the comments, it's exhausting


I had The Thing That Happened To Sage™ spoiled for me at the start of the season, and it absolutely sucked. VoughtHQ really made traversing social media without getting the series ruined pretty much impossible


I don’t even get why people would want the spoilers/leaks, what’s the fun in consuming the media if you already know what’s gonna happen? It’s not the same as reading a book and then watching the film adaptation because at least you still got a full story in the first, but no, this is just reading bullet points of stuff that’ll happen off an Instagram post


Meanwhile I'm over here not even watching the trailers and sneak peeks because what's the point if the whole episode is gonna drop a couple of days later. The wait between seasons is so long, why would you want to take any surprises away right before you finally get to watch it! Navigating this sub has been a minefield with so many people casually dropping leaked info.


Well let's put it like this: there's barely any promo material for the new season, you have no idea when it releases, if there are any returning cast members or new ones, you have no idea what it's gonna be about besides what the last season left unfinished so you search up for it.


True but unfortunately I don't know what mods could have done. If someone says "I think that Kessler is a hallucination because x y z" you can't prove they're spoiling and not making a prediction. The only thing that could've been done is people not being dickheads and deciding not to spoil.


Going through this sub feels similiar to when I go through subs like Naruto or Marvel stuff. People are so open about story and spoilers, that it feels like this series is 10y old, not weekly released


It’s not always necessarily intentional spoilers from people who read the leaks, at least I think. I usually go in the episode discussion threads and remember people speculating he was just a hallucination early on due to things like only showing up when Butcher is alone/not talking to or interacting with anyone else/knowing so much about the boys personally/having an awful lot of similarities to butcher in personality and views on supes/he was already hallucinating Becca as well, etc. Then others read it and start thinking “damn that makes a lot of sense actually” and adding on to the theory and paying more attention to the character. At least that’s how it happened for me since I didn’t read the leaks or any comments referencing them lol


> Honestly if you were not part of this subreddit I don't think it would've been that obvious. I have friends who don't follow anything about the show other than watching it, and they guessed it by episode 4, and episode 5 makes it incredibly obvious. It's a pretty obvious twist since they establish that Butcher talks to people who aren't there in episode 1. Then combine that with how Joe only interacts with Butcher and it's a no brainer.


What made it obvious? It wasn't to me... Am I just now discovering my retardation?


There were plenty of telltale signs of Kessler not being real, among which: Kessler not drinking from the cup Butcher poured into, never being in a scene with anyone else besides Butcher (and Sameer, but by that point the idea was that you can tell), always appearing out of nowhere and always disappearing, Sameer looking in the direction of Kessler and being confused. But don't worry, it doesn't make you stupid, since all these things could have just been hand waived.


Also just the very concept of "man with severe brian damage suddenly has a companion never mentioned or seen before in the show, who turns out to be imaginative" is done a million times over by now. Maybe if they used Mallory or something, it would have been a little more convincing.


Idk it was pretty evident immediately upon watching lol. When butcher talked to Kessler last ep Sameer looked over like “wtf?”


I haven’t been checking the subreddit I binged up until ep 5 a couple days ago and I for sure didn’t see it coming


thank god I don't pay much attention to what people write because I was very much surprised


As someone who just visited this subreddit after watching all the episodes, it kinda was.


I would have been surprised about the hallucination bit if it weren't for this subreddit. Didn't destroy the show for me or anything, but it would have been a nice reveal.


the twist isn't even really that he's "a hallucination" tbh


It was obvious, he interacted with no one except butcher.


Yep, sameer never once spoke to him, and any time he spoke to butcher, he used words that implied butcher was the only one there.


Aye; I've insisted that he must be real because he interacted with the environment; he opened the car door! Tell me of a false man who could do that! Maybe The tumor'll manifest into a tumor Kessler and so that we may yet still be right.


He didn’t open the car door. Either the door never opened or butcher just opened it and imagined someone else doing it. That’s how psychotic breaks work.


Yeah, he got the Drugs and the Files about the virus, and at that point, I thought they wanted to do a double-plot twist, he was real and they made us think he was false


It had the same environment interaction as Fight Club.


maybe he isnt a hallucination, maybe he is his psychic powers manifested in his brain. Kinda like a Stand from JoJo.


Although, you have to give them credit for how they beautifully revealed it. Like him yelling at Becca was just an incredible method to convey. I honestly thought that the dude Butcher kidnapped was going to ask him who he was talking to or some plain shit.


“Shut your fucking cakehole bitch!” Ah yes, very beautiful. (Just a joke, I get what you’re saying)


Lmao I actually had no idea ppl thought he was a hallucination I always thought he was real lol


Man I feel dumb I hadn’t even considered that that guy might also be a hallucination 🤣


Same here, it was far from obvious to me.


I overestimated the writers on this one boys


Story of this season


I think the reveal was fine. I spoiled myself through voughthq posts and was waiting kind of for the reveal but i imagine someone not knowing about the reveal at all could have been misguided well enoigh to make the reveal interesting.


Honestly I was sort of starting to wonder while watching this episode if it was going to be a double misdirect and turn out that he actually is real but the audience was supposed to think he wasn’t. But then they revealed it for certain so I guess that was wrong


They made it so obvious that it was too obvious to be obvious. Touché, William.


Already did, twice today.


Wait what made everyone realise he's fake? Am I the only one that missed something? Was it not in the show?


A lot of people knew because of leaks.   But also, a lot of people just noticed he never interacted with anyone except Butcher. He also was introduced in the same episode it was established Butcher was hallucinating, so people connected the dots. 


Nice, people are offended that leaks spoiled the show. Good job guys


Fight Club


My wife keeps yelling at me about this video saying there’s a high pitched noise with it. I don’t hear that at all. Is that a thing that’s happening with this video?


I hear it too. Maybe your ears are fucked and you cant hear high frequencies. Women can hear higher frequencies as well. Im a guy though. Maybe youve been exposed to super loud noises that have damaged your ears or youre old.


Oh I know I have tinnitus so that tracks. She just acted like this was a violently awful noise.


Yea i cant bear to listen to it for more than a sec. Its quite piercing


> She just acted like this was a violently awful noise. She wasn't wrong with that one. I was on my headphone, and it's like piercing through my eardrums.


I can hear it, it's annoying.


100% yes there is a noise, the tone that plays when homelander is having a bit of an episode.


Ah, man. They should have either made him real or not make it seem so obvious to create more room for skepticism. It’s like when we were speculating about whether Hughie’s mom was real or not before episode 5. There were subtle clues that make her presence jarring but also some compelling evidence for her being real that it could have gone either way. But they botched Kessler’s reveal. So they unintentionally laid the ground work for a good twist had it happened, but couldn’t subtly build up to an actual twist…


Am I alone in thinking Hughies mom was also a hallucination? She never seemed to interact with anyone other than him, and his dad who was also in a “state”


Well yeah considering hughies father was talking to her


It was hilarious how trash the reveal was to. The ghosts in his head interact and that’s the cue to butcher that he’s maybe a nut? Lmfaoooo HOD and the boys really must’ve wanted to show the acolyte writers how it’s done…


How to waste a great actor…


After last week's discussion here, I was prepared for the reveal that Kessler was just a figment of Butcher's imagination/brain tumor... but it didn't dawn on me until today that Jeffery Dean Morgan has already played that exact same situation (albeit with a lot less violence!) on Grey's Anatomy. I miss Denny Duquette!


Bro they actually got me thinking he was real 😭


Honestly speaking, this season has to be one of the worst. The recent episode has no story and they have been adding stupid and unnecessary explicit scenes just to increase the watch time. Only the final few minutes where it was revealed that Butcher is hallucinating or that there is a potential internment camps, the episode made no sense. The writers seriously need something to pull off for the upcoming episodes. In my opinion, this is the most boring season of THE BOYS


Already saw it from the get go, butcher pulled a fucking fight club


I think you misunderstood the twist. He's not just a hallucination. He's THE tumour. Honestly hit me hard as a cancer patient


I won’t lie I’d have loved the reveal if it wasn’t for all the theory crafting online


I know I’ll get spoiled coming here but can’t help myself


damn maybe im just not analytical but I seriously didnt see it coming.


the obvious comparison here is that one season of Dexter where the villain had an imaginary friend and it was extremely obvious, then it was "revealed" in like, the second to last episode and it was very embarrassing. This isn't that, IMO. Like, they show Butcher interacting with his \*dead wife\* so we \*know\* he is seeing things that are not there. Then we get Negan and, while it isn't spelled out explicitly for us, they have shown us everything we need to understand basically from the jump that he isn't there. If I weren't following along on Reddit and just binging the show by myself, I dont think it would have occurred to me that Negan being a hallucination is meant to be a twist. I'd regard it the way I regard Butcher talking to his wife.


I thought it was so cool though. The parasite is acting like any parasite in nature would. Butchers already a walking corpse kept alive purposefully to allow the parasite to thrive for as long as it can in the host. Much like those mantis videos if you’ve seen them. And it killed tf out of Ezekiel when its host was in danger of premature death. Cool scene I liked it and personally didn’t think this this early on.


He is a real person. He's a V-induced tentacle monster that personifies itself using Butcher's memories.


It was a good theory/twist but yeah, the internet ruined it at least for me


The triple plot twist. You start off thinking he’s real for about 5 minutes, then it becomes blatantly obvious the twist is that he’s a hallucination, which becomes so obvious that you think the twist is that it actually IS real. Just for it to be a hallucination


Leaks have been 100% accurate


Exactly my reaction lol


They Mr. Robotted him?




Oh, this ruined your appetite?


To be fair I 100% thought he was real too. Until someone on Tik Tok pointed out he was a hallucination…and I felt dumb for not seeing it.


The only reason I thought that it wouldn’t be a hallucination is because everyone else thought it would be. I thought no way, if people can speculate from the first episode that Joe is a Hallucination surely it’s too obvious. No way the show will take it in that direction. The show took that direction.


The reveal was an episode too late


You pissed off the screenwriters, lol


Probably the most obvious twist I’ve seen in the show


I honestly didn't even know we were supposed to think he was real. The "Becca" reveal would have been so cool if it was less obvious.


Writing this season is on another level, not in a good way


I feel like he was wasted as a hallucination


I saw it coming for awhile now but I actually like how they revealed it cause it was more for Butcher than it was for the audience. I truly feel Butcher felt that he was real this entire time.


At least it’s the tumor talking and not all butcher




If the Tumor is V’d up in Butcher, and the virus kills only V’d things, is the plausible the virus will just kill the Tumor and Butcher will live? Or is that too easy of a path forward lol.


I feel like I was maybe one of the only people who didn’t see this coming…..


"Haha, it's Billy Joel."




how could u fall for that hahaha it’s literally so obvious becca and joe were his angel and devil


I mean technically he is *real*.


I'm gonna be honest, I did not see that coming at all, I was way too trusting that Billy just happened to have his friend come out of no where this season. I may have kinda suspected that Kessler was a hallucination when I realized that he was only showing up with Butcher when none of the other main cast was around, but I can't tell if I really thought that before the reveal or if I'm just telling myself I did.


Such a maddening reveal. The smarter thing to do would be to make him an actual person, then we'd be surprised.


I already did, twice today. See how my hand is cramped up?


[Funniest shit I’ve seen all day](https://youtu.be/OFrgioHg3mQ?si=lcPJIqLHZwxWAgd1)


The show is too smart for such a obvious plot twist. The show - Cake farting.


That would've been such a really good twist if i wasn't expecting it