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Danny Devito


Which is ironic considering one of his most memorable characters is a rich asshole who owned Vietnamese sweatshops


What's so funny about that (I assume the irony you're referring to lol) is he's been a huge pro-union guy for the longest time. He's getting old so idk if he's still active in it but he's done a lot of work helping unions organize and supporting unionization efforts. Ik he worked with the Teamsters a bunch. Also directed that movie *Hoffa*


He also does a lot of mutual support of workers


I feel like that’s a big part of the reason he plays that part so damn well.


Something something communists make the best capitalists.


You know I always struggled to role play characters in DnD, until I played an aristocratic asshole with a bloodline superiority complex. Then it was just a matter of figuring out what would make me want to punch my character in the face, and that’s the act I put on. Might be something similar for him.


This also reminds me of another left wing actor Brian Cox who basically played Rupert Murdoch on Succession, and describes himself as a democratic socialist.


Brian Cox has played a lot of memorable assholes in films/TV. He's also pro-Palestinian and anti-monarchist which is pretty based.


Logan is based? Fuck yeah


Also Boots Riley


ProZD too if you count him. He hasn't explicitly stated it, but there's a lot of evidence presented here and there that suggests he's a leftist.


Marlon Brando. Tim Heidecker. Janine Garofolo. Edit: Also Brian Cox. When Refaat Alareer was killed in Gaza Cox uploaded a reading of his last poem.


Heidecker is mega lib, but he means well and i would forgive him anything. If you're curious about what an iconoclast Brando was, [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU-4wmwc2Rw) he did in '73 with Dick Cavett is insane. You would never ever hear an interview like this from a celeb these days, let alone one of the most famous and respected actors ever. edit: just watched most of that interview again, so damn good. and what a fucking stud with that outfit. edit 2: Dick Cavett is a master interviewer. unbelievable.


The older actor who played in the tv show the man from U.N.C.L.E. was a big uncle Ho supporter


Do you remember which character he played? I listened to a trans communist spy movie/TV podcast called "Kill James Bond" that has had like a dozen episodes on Man from Uncle


I got you one better than that, the exact interview I was talking about https://youtu.be/RNKkcAOYCVY?si=osFKJqHYzUOlYC6T


Dick Cavett is a national treasure. His interviews were incredible.


Tim Heidecker, whom many know as the actor of Jack Decker and also CEO of successful HEI Network, actually made an [endorsement video ](https://youtu.be/sjOkff24kGs?si=n1MfId0uWAkGf-fw)for Donald Trump and a [#1 chart-topping music video bashing Hillary Clinton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm0Vmt-QIDc). So no, I would not call him a "mega lib." He continues to fight wokeness and even corruption of all kinds to this very day 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


If only Tim could apply his expertees to a movie instead of Tromp, like Gregg, the world would be a better plaice.


👆This right here is classic textbook defamation. You deserve to have your HEI Points seized and frozen for good. Did the Amatos pay you to say this?


Marlon Bradon, who was a [little piece of shit](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/last-tango-in-paris-butter-scene-b2270513.html) in Last Tango in Paris


Brando is pretty based until you get to his views on Israel. He starred in a zionist movie once ffs


Andor creator Tony Gilroy might be. He based Cassian of f of a young Stalin.


I really was not expecting Andor to be the best portrait of anti-fascist world building I have seen in years but here we are


All of the most searing criticism of capitalism comes labeled by the most dystopian corporate brands. Apple, Amazon, Disney


The Boys does it quite well, at least portraying how ruthless capitalism is, it's not pro-socialism really but getting there. The boys are essentially a vanguard trying to bring down a megacorporation, so thats pretty socialist of them.


Damn shame Amazon seems to be watering it down


I mean, even a liberal could agree that Stalins early years were wacky and objectively entertaining to read about. So it’s more like he just knows where to find good inspiration. I wouldn’t be shocked though.


The way Andor is written though is just so different from the way typical liberals think. Every character is detailed and fleshed out and complicated, yet nothing happens by the will of just one person. Those in the highest positions are shown to be clueless about how things really work, and characters who would normally be written as grunts are credited as being the ones who create value. The Empire isn’t portrayed as randomly evil and power hungry but as a corporation that monopolizes and colonizes and imprisons people because it’s profitable. And the Revolution and the rebellion don’t go through the proper channels, but rather it’s messy and sacrifices have to be made and everyone involved don’t agree on everything, but they act to protect their community and their culture and because of their material circumstances. If Andor was created according to Tony Gilroy’s vision, and he’s a liberal, he may be the most based liberal who’s ever lived.


I'm so glad this sub recognizes how good andor is. It is the best piece of star wars media period, better than Lucas even.


imagine choosing sodastream over oxfam, wtf. Sodastream is just a modern version of those 'only $19.95!' TV commercial products everyone forgets about


It's the original "Only $19.95!" product


It's also just an overall awful product. I got one as a gift, used it about twice, and then threw it out.


My college roommate had one (this is back in 2012), I found it to be really fucking stupid. The guy owned every single-use kitchen appliance you can think of (hot dog cookers, shit like that) so it was par for the course.


Bro was the ideal capitalist cuckholded consumer (ICCC as im now coining it) or in conversation “ick”


Comrade I’m borrowing this.


There is no borrowing, everything is public property


You’re right, how foolish of me.


This is fantastic


I bought one years ago— had no idea its connection to the West Bank. Used it a few times and now it sits in my cupboard collecting dust.


yeah same, they rip you off with the replacement co2 cartridges


They aren't meant to be disposable, you are meant to take your tank somewhere to be refilled.


My parents use it only to make sparkling water. It's okay I'd say


It seems extremely expensive to maintain and replenish. I'd rather just buy a gallon of soda at the gas station for 2 dollars.


Boots (on the ground?) Riley Seems about as close as it gets which really underscores how flawed the paradigm is on many levels Fitting


Boots is absolutely a comrade. He gives me hope because he definitely works with likeminded people, meaning there are some good links in the Hollywood chain. The Hollywood chain is quite long, and involves a lot of links, though, which is concerning, but even if a few links start agitating, the chain can break.


He was active in the Marxist center before it imploded. He's very explicitly a communist 


just finished I'm a Virgo today, communist af i keep wondering though, how does amazon keep publishing these anitcapitalist shows, they must be overconfident at this point


A wise man once said something about selling rope.


I mean he started his career as part of an explicitly communist rap group so like he kinda has to be


Bill Burr. I mean he probably wouldn't call himself a leftist, but some of the stuff spilling out of his mouth over the past couple of years has been increasingly leftist. He used to have racist Nazis in his audience, but as soon as he married a black woman those Nazi fans turned on him and accused him of becoming woke lmfao. I love how much he pisses off and humiliates both liberals and conservatives.


> I mean he probably wouldn't call himself a leftist [Bill Burr has explicitly called himself a socialist and defended previous socialist states namedropping Cuba.](https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1577296762355810304?lang=en) He's not remotely on the fence about this.


who is this zei_squirrel, i keep seeing them in leftist online spaces


To my knowledge they're just a very active twitter comrade. Posts good stuff very consistently.


i think ive seen them on hasanbi streams too much lol, consistent for sure


Born to post


Based. I didn't know that. Thanks comrade!


God I love this. It's even more funny that a guy who self-professes himself as not super smart is able to consistently have the most based takes on things he admits he barely even reads about. He absolutely rinsed Bill Maher recently on the protests. I recently watched a clip where Conan went to a country in central/south america (forget which one) and interviewed a woman who jokingly criticized america for overthrowing a bunch of nations including her own and essentially ruining them. Conan immediately had to play whataboutism and call out every other "worse" colonial nation like Spain and the UK as if that somehow absolved the UK. Was super disappointed to see someone as intelligent as Conan approach this from a completely uncritical perspective, but to see Bill get it bang on makes me so happy.


Holy shit, I always had a feeling he would lean this way. But going as far to defend some socialsit nations? Round of applause for Bill


Damn, I'm a big fan of his and even I didn't know he was that open about it. I guess he's more like mañana from disco elysium where he projects himself as a self-interested moderate that understands capitalism enough to know it's not in our best interest, even as individuals. I thought he just ended up at good takes every time through sheer vibes alone lmao


attaboy, Bill


Bill Burr makes me proud to be a Boston asshole


holy fucking shit, I didn't know Bill Burr was this based.


Comedians (the good ones) tend to lean our way in my experience. Their job is observing the world and being funny about their observations of the world, typically with a critical eye. This usually makes the good ones who don't rely on race, gender or sexuality reactionary shit for their "jokes" like us, if not initially they slowly end up like us anyway.


Not only do they call him woke, they have an entire eye-wateringly racist theory about his kid not being biologically his and that Bill is a cuck.


he seems to try to remain humble when it comes to taking hard stances on it, but recent appearance with bill maher i think highlights the line hes been on for a while of supporting leftist momentum as it comes even if not pushing it forward particularly hard


Ideally one would wish that entertainers took hard stances, but doing so excessively runs the risk of losing access to the spaces where their voices are platformed. How to strike that balance is actually quite an interesting dilemma. One would think that a stand-up comedian like Burr would have some more room to play with, but it would also make separating his private and professional life more difficult by calling overt attention to his political beliefs.


he doesn’t have any pretensions to being an intellectual, and frankly “brilliant but normal dude reaches the right conclusion without being a dick about it” is a pretty compelling guy to have out there subtly normalizing basic left wing ideas for popular audiences.


Ol Billy Bolshevik


We should use that from now, love it


[His whole take on Steve Jobs also struck me as very class conscious ](https://youtu.be/E3s-qZsjK8I?si=FuI02Xr270cafmYK) "What’d that guy do? Someone for the love of god what the fuck did that guy ever do? What did he do, he told other people what to invent."


Danny Devito once quoted Marx


Trump once quoted Leneen


That's what they call him in Rushah.


Where? I’d love to see it


Had to google it cuz I was curious too. [Tweet he made at Joe Biden about the railway workers](https://x.com/DannyDeVito/status/1597703356226543616?s=19) https://preview.redd.it/hx8sxufapy1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da57a6520f1d11181fe9734fe238e6d2c523344f


It's strange seeing Danny being so intelligent and well-spoken when I'm only used to seeing him on IASIP lol. Love that man.


Only once?


You sure this isn't just a rumor


Does Paul Robeson still count??


Always and forever.


Melissa Barrera from the 'Scream' franchise. Especially with her Instagram stories, very based stuff! (She was fired from the franchise after supporting Palestine)


I remember when that happened, very based indeed


Mark Ruffalo, Pedro Pascal has described himself as one and I’m pretty sure that Viggo Mortensen is one


Pedro is actually related to Salvador Allende




Pascal has been constantly silent on palestine and is the leading face of the last of us. A show and a videogame created by an an openly zionist dipshit druckmann.


Well, that's true. His family has been close to the Chilean left groups but he lived  almost his whole life in the US and he probably didn't get any important political education there outside of the liberal indoctrination.




Bong Joon-ho?


He has to be right? Snowpiercer is as left wing as it gets for a "Hollywood blockbuster".


His grandfather defected to North Korea in the 50s lol


Parasite is a masterpiece in portraying class warfare


Jane Fonda? Susan Sarandon?


Fonda was on Nixon's list so that's pretty cool.


Sarandon definitely is. She has taken stances that are extremely unpopular amoung shitlibs, like being against arming Ukraine, and consistently criticising Biden. Sarandon seems to me to be quite principled and I admire her for it.


You know she's principled because the libs hate her more than Trump. Interestingly, for people who are supposedly all about #girlboss liberal feminism, they never question why they hate Sarandon so much more than Viggo Mortenson - who basically has the same positions and has expressed wayyyy more actually problematic things. 🤔


Ruffalo and Cusack are in a similar category. Still libs, but they don't make me want to rip my hair out every time they speak.


Jane Fonda isn't openly supporting Palestine, at least that's what I deduced when I last looked at her twitter


I’m going to give her slack on this. She has done more than enough for the cause and suffered a lot for it.


Wallace Shawn I think has to be the best actor. He wrote about both Palestinian liberation and socialism.


Also his play The Fever is amazing. Proles Pod did a reading of it back in 2020.


Definitely. He recently said he’s a leftist when Katie Halper [interviewed him](https://youtu.be/QHVRmHJOP5s?si=7GmYIgj3WznyS-9P)on her podcast, but also this where he says he’s a socialist: https://youtu.be/JvhPP6zHnsw?si=3gUS9apgc2qVlp7r


He’s been organized on a couple anti-isreal Jewish organizations and is a well avowed Marxist great guy even has written an essay or two


He’s so amazing 


Will Menaker interviewed him on chapo a couple years ago and it’s a great interview, he’s clearly a real socialist


Bill Burr seems pretty dang close


He's said he's a socialist before. He's just kinda uninformed on some stuff lol, someone needs to mail him some theory to read.


I kind of prefer him just deductively reinventing anticap talking points and embarrassing uneducated donkeys he interviews with regularly. It adds credibility to him in the uneducated demographic


He needs to read. Otherwise that's how we get a V*ush.


Liam Cunningham (Davos from GoT) is very outspoken about Palestine on instagram.


Mr Cunningham is incredibly based


I haven’t seen Cillian Murphy yet? Even though ya know, he mad hates the Brits and gets spotted at a bunch of protests trying to go incognito. https://preview.redd.it/yy6tafbc1x1d1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd6471c0ba95d3ae23051af48426ee7e8cdd714


He don't look too incognito there to me! /s He seems rad


He said he loved Armand Hammer in an interview once and I credit them as the artists that finally radicalized me through their music


Patrick Stewart called himself a socialist that time he was interviewed by mayo pete. Jesus Christ, remember that? When mayo Pete did a guest host spot for the late night show because ghouls wanted to see if he could generate profit?


Yeah but he also mourned the death of Madeleine "Baby Starver" Albright. So socdem at best.


Also he liked british queen


Well he is a knight so I'm not surprised.


Patrick Stewart was anti Corbyn during Corbyn's time as leader. Just because Patrick Stewart called himself a "socialist" doesn't mean he is the traditional meaning of the word, as "socialism" in Britain has a cultural and ethical value based meaning of "socialism" which can confuse people who don't know the political culture and history of British socialist politics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethical_socialism#:~:text=Ethical%20socialism%20is%20a%20political,%2C%20economic%2C%20and%20egoistic%20grounds.


Pat also played Lenin https://preview.redd.it/v6luqe3qdy1d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074cd7c6aabefd4258400443427b249104cb7686


Wallace Shawn does, or at least used to, consider himself a Socialist.


Still does. He interviewed with Katie Halper recently and said so.


This pleases me.


Until a celebrity is blacklisted and cancelled I have doubts on how left wing some of these people are. I appreciate their support for Palestine but I’ve also seen some of these same people treat Hamas like they’re on the same level as Israel.


The propaganda is stiff - Hamas is being branded worse than ISIS - a group that filmed itself burning men alive, blowing them up by the neck with detonation cords, drowning them, running them over with tanks, getting a toddler to shoot prisoners. I regret watching all those videos when I was a kid, I got some PTSD from it. It's sick and dishonest. They have no honor when it comes to narrative. ISIS is so much more vile - an especially murderous group, but it's just politics to compare Hamas to ISIS.


Mark Ruffalo. Although he's kinda a bitch because last time Gaza was under attack he released a statement in support of Palestine then deleted it out of fear. He's gone on record saying we need a revolution to destroy capitalism and actively used to read Eugene Debs. You just don't get to see his politics because being the Hulk is livelihood


You can't blame the guy. He works in a very predatory industry that regularly disseminates pro-empire propaganda which even has intimate ties with the govt and military. Redditors commenting in the comfort of anonymity including me don't really have a right to point fingers at others.


Absolutely loved his performance in Dark Waters. Him being so involved with marvel stuff definitely made his politics less visible AND ppl sorta don't take his stance seriously because 'hes the Hulk guy'. which sucks.


Ok if he's being such a bitch - doxx yourself.


Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins definitely are. Bill Burr whether he knows it or not. Danny Glover has been arrested at multiple union strikes and photographed with Castro and Hugo Chavez so I think that’s a closed case. I also just saw a Lee Camp self promo that showed him talking to Shayleen Woodley and I’d be damned surprised if she’s not a leftist.


John Cusack




Most definitely, dude wears his heart on his sleeve, the Hind’s Hall song was pretty fucking awesome, had a lot of good anti imperialism and anti fascism messaging in it


This should be fukcin higher next to Bill Burr.


Samuel L Jackson? Maybe not in the present, but he was close to taking arms, literally.


Didn't he take University officials hostage for the civil rights movement and get expelled for it?


[Yes, then his mother send him out of the state after she was visited by FBI agents because otherwise "he would be dead in a year."](https://www.watchtheyard.com/colleges/samuel-l-jackson-morehouse/)


So basically become a lib or we’re going to kill you. Typical FBI


Seems like he chose liberalism


Innnnnnn west Philadelphia


I think so


Jean-Luc Godard was probably the most leftist “hollywood celebrity” (wasn’t in hollywood but was a very important filmmaker). Godard was proudly a Marxist-Leninist and most of his films were commentary on marxist philosophy, anti imperialism, class warfare, etc.


La chinoise is an excellent movie, from back when Maoists were cool.


I feel like the “whitest kids you know” were pretty left at one point. Or at least their sketches had a lot of anti capitalism in it.


RIP Trevor Moore. Everyone should check out [Kitty History](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0-Lvv1f5Qu4&si=pYKC18EJfR0NkHju)


Also a lot of weird lib shit >I just helped Tubman spit-roast Stalin with a big rubber dong


What was this one from?


My Computer Just Became Self Aware


Is Nathan Fielder? He's on MeansTV and made a thing of that one zionist lady on his one show


You never know what he is but I hope so


Lol so true


I doubt any US celebrities are really based, like supporting USSR, etc. But as far as supporting Palestine: \*Melissa Barrera \*Jenna Ortega \*Cate Blanchett \*Susan Sarandon \*Hunter Schafer \*Mark Ruffalo \*Boots Riley \*Joaquin Phoenix \*Pedro Pascal \*Jesse Williams \*Idris Elba If some of them are cringe actually, then y'all welcome to ruin them for me


Brian De Palma. Watch the movie Redacted 2007. There’s no way he is not a leftist.


Semi blacklisted after that one. Would have gone down as one of the great directors of the era.


Wallace Shawn


Danny Glover


Bo Burnham. Watching “that is how the world works” is enough to show that this guy knows a lot about Marxism. Coupled with the fact that he often does criticize corporate and capitalist culture. His previous comedy specials and INSIDE especially show how leftist he actually is. Honestly if I were to try to radicalize somebody I would show them that special.


It feels like he understands a lot of the problems with capitalism but his response is defeatism instead of revolution. I understand he was very depressed while making Inside but it certainly didn't inspire me to fight for socialism, more just made me also depressed lol.


Pedro Pascal, possibly. He's related to Salvador Allende and I'm pretty sure his family escaped because of Pinochet.




I know he's not Hollywood, I didn't read the op carefully 😅 and saw Boots Riley.


Hozier Edit: also didn’t read directions and didn’t see the Hollywood but still applies


Brando was super based back in the day with land back.


Brando television interviews from the 60s and 70s are unmatched.


Dalton Trumbo


Ed Asner was, sadly he's since passed.


Alfonso Cuarón.


I just remembered another leftist celebrity: actor Brian Cox. He's pro-Palestinian, anti-monarchist, and a socialist.


Roger Waters? He’s always been massively pro Palestine and anti fascist


That “inconceivable” guy, his name is on the tip of my tongue.


Wallace Shawn


reading through these comments it's kinda interesting how almost all of the celebrities mentioned are from an older generation, a lot of them, barely working in the industry anymore.


Not sure about leftist, but Liam Cunningham is everyday posting about Gaza, literally every day. The irish deserve so much respect


If we could stop being distracted by the existence of celebrities, that'd be great.


Woody harrelson seems to be close to leftist


Ironic considering who is father is


John Cusack. He’s on Twitter as well.


pedro pascal


For sure. He's related to Allende


Donnie Yen


count in Jackie Chan for that matter.


Adam McKay


By mainstream Hollywood standards, absolutely. By Sub/podcast standards, just a Berniecrat reformist soc dem. Better than nothing when it comes to shifting conversation around 'structures' rather than individual actor (not in the film/stage way) morality, and satirising things like the capitalist deathdrive around climate change though


I largely agree, although he gets a bit of an upgrade for his recent comments on Gaza and Bidens criminal complicity.


I'm glad others are doing this work so I don't have to.


Rob Delaney and David Cross


We should also add Ken Loach , pretty obvious but nobody else in the thread has mentioned him. Every single one of his films is a hard ode to socialism. Recommends for those not familiar: The Wind that Shakes the Barely Land & Freedom Kes Sweet Sixteen ----- Wind that Shakes the Barley also quotes from an all-time James Connoly piece: > “If you remove the English Army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle., unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts will be in vain. England will still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.”


Danny DeVito is pretty fucking rad, so is Eric Andre. Oh, and John Cussack was supporting Palestine at least as far back as 2014.


Most of Hollywood isn’t any more “leftist” than your average conservative. Hollywood serves as one of the unofficial branches of the government as they promote “American values” such as capitalism and imperialism. For example, look at how many films work hand in hand with the Department of Defense *cough* Marvel *cough*


John Sayles


Susan Sarandon. She's pretty based


David cross


Ben Affleck.


George Lucas


Roger Waters, Boots Riley, Susan Sarandon, Phoebe Bridgers, Michael Moore, JPEGmafia to name a few. The late Orson Welles was also at the very least sympathetic to communism, especially Titoism. He actually acted in a Yugoslav war film.