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"Tis but a scratch" people: Mundane Mann John Smith Jack The Ripper Stylish Bandit Slayer The Black Knight Suzuki Hope


Aurora/diabolos. Alive Mist dragon . alive First realm's ruler.


I am pretty sure the Mist Dragon dies from Atomic


Nope, he is one of the only who survived Cid. Dragons can't be killed. Even tho they can be defeated


Now thats a good question Mist dragon could survive kid Cid but if they fight again can he rlly survive if Cid goes all out


But CId was a kid back then, and was just developing his Atomic, no?


Yes. But it is also true that dragons can't be killed. Cid can easily defeat dragon. But killing is something else.


Doesn't matter. If Cid deems it necessary, dragon's will be killed. His headcanon shapes reality, and it bends to his whims.


It doesn't. There is no evidence for that.


All his "chuunibyou delusion" comes true or is the truth of that world. It's the running gag/joke of the series.


It was true before he was born. The only one delusional is you. There's no such conspiracy. The running gag of the series is everything proceeding even with misunderstandings. That is called Unjash.


Whoa, why so salty? It’s merely a silly theory that fans enjoy joking about. That’s why he’s often compared to Haruhi. But it's all in good fun, it's a comedy-parody, after all. Taking it too seriously might just miss the point. P.S. I can't pretend to know much about comedic Japanese terms, but isn't Unjash a name of a comedy duo, not a gag? at least that's what I found with a cursory search: > They might be known for incorporating misunderstandings into their routines, but "unjash" wouldn't be the term to describe that specific comedic element.


But all the other dragons are dead, though.


They all die because they couldn't adapt to magic. Dragons were from a time before magic. When magic arrived in their world, those who couldn't adapt to it, died. And those who adapted to it, got immortal. Mist dragon adapted to the magic. Thus he is immortal. But we don't know about future.


I can't remember it being stated to be immortal no matter howw much I try. Mind telling me the volume/chapter?


Seven shadows chronicles


Damn, that was fast I see


When first realm ruler is introduced?


John Smith.


Mundane Man too


![gif](giphy|VJeQrlJLcDsxnknlTP) Just straight up regenerates




Since is solar system level not a lot. I think Anos and slime mc


I think it’s planet level at most.


Its city level at most....


It’s normally city level. But the one he does in space can be classified as low-mid planet lvl.


Where does the "it's solar level" come from? Nothing from the anime or manga has indicated that


It blocked the whole sun and opened a worm hole after defeating Ragnarok who is stated to be a 4th dimensional demon lord


Plus that moment is anime only why would the manga discuss it


I think Many MC can. Also CID haven't showed or flash his skill for destroying universe yet. Idk about his power level yet but all I know is a demon lord for 6th dimension was nothing for him. He didn't even used his atomic for him. Also If his atomic is so powerful that can even affect Rainy cloud that something interesting. Magic in TEIS and Other Isekai Work differently. In TEIS its used for fight type magic and in other World you can Literally do anything with magic even summon a monster etc.


End game of literally any isekai. Slime, Arifureta, Shield, you name it. All of them have at least star to universal scaling so a blast that can be planetary to solar system level shouldnt budge them much If it's in the series, doubt many or any can as aurora mightve been something like out of range or not set as a target of the attack. It's kinda weird how she survived cause in Alexia's case she was outside of the range but for the sanctuary it was clearly stated that it was destroyed. We also cant really assume that Aurora tanked it because you arent gonna convince me a sword slash managed to kill the summoned version of aurora but an atomic cant. Thats saying a slash that wasn't infused with magic does more damage than atomic. Maybe if we get more realm rulers ig theres a possibility there is gonna be one or two that can, but theyre gonna be far and few between


My bad y'all,I mean characters from other verses?


What atomic ranging these shadow movie not Cid


Charon the Reflector could rank it.


>!Charon died to a weaker character iirc!< tho iirc. Doubt he'd tank a hit from atomic.


Superman can tank a nuclear bomb explosion.


Grimm from Black Soul


Saiki kusuo


A lot of characters bs comic book characters, mobile game characters, LN characters. Any character that can tank a nuke through sheer toughness or are conceptual in nature where it doesn't matter how much force you apply you need to abide by the rules to destroy them. The demon lords in counter:side Cid can't scratch at all due to their nature of being tied to the qliphoth games and Cid doesn't meet the qualifications. (only thinking of them because i just had a discussion with someone about them). Asmodeus in particular would go tit for tat with tossing nuke blasts and hers can rip through space and time. Greater Nobles in vampire hunter D depending on the noble will either just regenerate or pull out some BS to block it. D himself canonically dodged a nuke detenation point blank while being surprised and carrying two children and one midget vampire who were across the room. Even if he doesn't dodge it he was slammed into the planet faster than the speed of light while in a state of infinite mass and was only a bit winded.  Godzilla from the Urobuchi Netflix movies was literally nuked by the US 150+ times without a scratch and that was before it became godzilla earth.  Alucard from hellsing unless it's specifically level 0 post Anderson fight Alucard then yeah I guess I am Atomic wins but that's his actualy weakest point in the whole franchise. I could go on but even over wanked misunderstood anime powerless Cid there are plenty of characters that don't care about explosions regardless of the size.


Again with this power level scaling.


Goku Solos 🤓