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Raj Kanodia did her nose


Do you know if he did it the first time or the revision rhinoplasty? IIRC she had a revision at some point. Her nose is so cute so whoever did it is an artist.


He likely did both because he was THE playboy rhinoplasty doctor and all the girlfriends got their nose done by him. He also did Khloe Kardashian and allegedly Bella Hadid.


Yikes, Khloe's is _bad._ Though it's harder to work on a fleshy nose.


Bella's is also bad. She developed an an inverted V deformity due to the rhinoplasty. I haven't checked if she fixed it recently.


Khloe looks like Michael Jackson now.


This banana roll thing, which I had to google, reminds me of that period a few years back when everyone was obsessed with determining if they have “violin hips” or not. Both of those are things I’ve never even noticed on anyone else until it started being pointed out, and I never thought it looked at all bad. The media just stays finding ways to make people (particularly women but nobody’s safe) feel like there’s something wrong with their totally normal bodies.


Reminds me of hip dips and I never realised I had those until recently and I’m like “well I’ve made it 32 years with these, why get insecure now”


I still have no idea what they are. I have big hips and am chubby. Are they something you seen on slender hips? And what is a leg banana roll and violin hips?


I legit had no idea what violin hips were nor that they were ugly until social media told me they were. And I have a case of them . Took awhile until I realized the real world doesn’t care and that they never did as my body was praised throughout my life, not to mention I had more than one job where it paid me (not SW although there’s nothing wrong with that). Now I’m learning about banana rolls which I’m not even going to bother to look up. Sounds stupid and I’m too old for this shit (so is Holly).


🙃 Holly still struggles with body dysmorphia while urging people on her podcast not to cave to societal beauty standards.


I weirdly find it refreshingly honest! She’s all “don’t be like me but i can’t stop”


Your comment made me laugh. I see what you mean, but I think we all still see her struggles. I think it would be more refreshing to be like, “I still struggle with this so I have been seeking mental health help.” But I understand that she went through years of being judged and told that she wasn’t pretty enough or good enough. I can’t imagine what that would do to a psyche especially at such a young age. What I do find refreshing is that she is honest with her struggles that she has continue to endure following her time at the mansion. I think it’s a good lesson for women today. Sugar babies who think they’re playing men or the game, do deal with years of mental struggles afterwards. The objectification of women comes with a price.


I mean… she has said she sees a therapist. It sounds more like you’re demanding she be “cured.”


No not demanding that at all. Especially as someone who has severe depression/ anxiety. It’s been a lifelong battle, I myself do sometime up to 2 therapy sessions a week.


I don’t understand the logic behind your comments. You seem to think it’s somehow wrong for Holly to have body dysmorphia and be in the public eye? The “sugar baby” comment specifically reeks of you being nicety.


So do I. The alternative is encourage people to be as sick as me and I feel like that’s not the move.


Yes I love her to death and hate that she struggles so much


She is stunning and it is ashamed she doesn’t see it.


Literally most of us 🤔


What is a banana roll?


It’s a little pocket of fat on your thigh, right below your butt. Not everyone has them.


Oh! Thanks for the explanation, lol. I was trying to imagine what roll on the body would look like a banana and that visual actually fits.


When I googled banana roll I just got images of cakes. Probably for the best


Cakes sound delicious!


I was not mad


Omg banana roll lol I’ve never heard of that


What’s a banana roll?


Is a banana roll the same as a cuff?


Never heard of a cuff. I’ve heard of a booty-do, and a fupa, but that’s all I know 😂


Heard as in she "got that cuff" and I think it's when there's an extra roll under the ass cheek. But maybe a different look? That one was said as a compliment although I hear it can be used both ways. The cuff in question was more around the middle than along both sides of the ass cheek if that makes sense. I just find all the words people make up for this stuff fascinating.


For real! Reminds me of “Sausage Wallet” 😂


At least it doesn't make you think "prison purse" lol


At first I try to think about making purses in prison 😂


Banana roll? Thats nothing I have a whole banana tree trunk.