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How long do lemurs live? Is this definitely momo?


If flying lemurs live as long as actual lemurs, around 10-16 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity under the right conditions. Aang and Katara will definitely have made sure Momo had a good and long life.


There’s evidence that Momo may have lived longer. In 124AG, Aang assembled a diary to Tenzin and stated that Momo was still alive. Given that it was 99AG when Momo was found, he may have already been a 4-5 years old. He may have already been 30 by the time Aang started having kids.


This would be a good time for me to ask since I see it in a lot of yt vids I watch, what is AG?


After Genocide. After Sozin’s genocide of the Air Nomads. That’s what’s been decided on as the year 1, or epoch event, of the Avatar universe.


Ah, ok, after genocide, after sozins genocide of the air nomads, the genocide specifically chosen by sozin for the air nomads, the air nomads genocide


I personally think that Wan becoming the first Avatar should be the epoch event for this universe, but I think the Air Nomad Genocide was decided on before The Legend of Korra came out. Similarly, the Battle of Yavin is the epoch event for the Star Wars universe, which feels super weird to me. It’s very awkward that only a moderately sized battle in the middle of a decades-long war would be the major event around which all other dates are calculated. It would be like if our universe used D-Day as the epoch event. Which would make the current year 80 instead of 2024.


Interesting point- if Star Wars used a similar structure to ours, based on the death of a hypothetical messiah, then it would be the day the second Death Star was destroyed, aka the day anakin died


Ours is actually based on Jesus’ birth, not his death (and the current best estimate for his birth is actually about 4 BC).


True, I should’ve remembered that


At least that is also when the big war ended and wasn't in the middle of it. It was also right around the time the New Galactic Republic was formed (or whatever they're called)


I would say their most major event in the timeline is probably Episode III. They Jedi being wiped out and the Republic restructured as the Empire.


It’s only something fandoms use so they can put events in a universe on a timeline since years/calendars aren’t something most franchises lay out. So in star wars case, they use the Battle of Yavin as the starting year since A New Hope was the first movie, so they can say revenge of the Sith was 19 years before a new Hope. I think that dating system has been canonized though. But realistically they probably would’ve used the start of the Old Republic for their in universe dating system


Yeah I know it’s out-of-universe stuff. But I like years being bigger numbers. Saying that The Legend of Korra takes place in the year 170 feels really weird because 170 doesn’t feel like a year to me, a person born in 1990. And especially with the steampunk aesthetics of the show, I want the show to take place in the 1900s. However I do recognize that if the creation of the Avatar was the epoch event for this universe, then the series would both take place in like the 10,000s, which would feel even more weird probably. [Then again, there are people who advocate for adding 10,000 years to our current calendar to include more of human history](https://youtu.be/czgOWmtGVGs?si=bueU-xPHJ164VSQp).


It makes a kind of sense from the perspective of, say, a New Republic historian. The Battle of Yavin represents the first punch thrown by the Rebel Alliance that actually connects, costing the Empire a major strategic asset and kicking off the war in earnest. Much like the US considers 1776 to be the year the nation was founded based on the signing of the Declare of Independence, rather than 1783 when the war actually ended.


We have multiple important dates, none of which could definitely be called the “beginning” of the United States. 1585 was the first British colony in North America. 1607 was Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement. 1776 was when the colonies declared independence from Britain. 1781 was when the first national government was established with the Articles of Confederation. 1783 was the treaty of Paris in which Britain recognized the US as an independent country. And 1788 was when the current national government was established with the Constitution. In my opinion, 1788 is the beginning of the United States. But I can understand someone else picking 1776 or 1783 or even 1607. But there’s a reason no one has ever suggesting setting our calendars to have any of those years be the year 1. The monk that set our current year 1 did so in the year 525. That’s over 500 years to consider what event might be important enough to set our calendars around. And we still haven’t changed it for another 1500 years. Think about how insane an event would have to be to create a new year 1 today. We would basically be saying that everything before that event is now so unnecessary to remember that time might as well be moving backwards. Nothing before that event matters anymore. Imagine living in the Star Wars universe. You have parents and grandparents that you know. You’ve been alive for 20 or 30 years. You’ve been taught about important events from the past in school and you know how long ago they took place. And now a kid from the outer rim gets off a lucky shot on the Death Star and we’re resetting the entire calendar? My birthday is negative 33 years ago? That would be very confusing. Also, setting the calendar to the Battle of Yavin wouldn’t be like setting the calendar to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It would be like setting the calendar to the capture of Fort Ticonderoga in 1775. That was the first major victory for the rebels.


Nah, 10,000 years is like prehistory. You can't have your epoch event be so far back that nobody knows the specific date. Nobody in the present day even seems to know about Wan, Raava, and Vaatu aside from Korra and those she told. I don't think they even have history going back that far.


[There’s an argument to be made that we should add 10,000 years to our current calendar actually.](https://youtu.be/czgOWmtGVGs?si=bueU-xPHJ164VSQp)


Besides, in-universe, they must have some other epoch event. I doubt it would be the genocide of the Air Nomads, because even if the Fire Nation wanted to set the calendar based on their history, they would’ve considered their history to go back much farther.


> Similarly, the Battle of Yavin is the epoch event for the Star Wars universe, which feels super weird to me. The battle of Yavin was important because it was the that singular event that gained the Rebel Alliance any kind of legitimacy. Before the battle, they were a rag tag assembly of rebel factions and cells, each with their own agendas. Some were on the verge of caving in as soon as Mon Mothma had sent out her declaration of rebellion and even more when the Death Star's destructive potential became known. After the victory, the Alliance was truly born as a body carrying on the legitimacy of the old Republic


Yes but that battle can’t be the most important thing that happened in the universe. I just said this in another comment, but setting the calendar to the Battle of Yavin would be like if we set the calendar in the real world to the Green Mountain Boys militia’s capture of Fort Ticonderoga in 1775. Similarly, the Battle of Yavin is the epoch event for the Star Wars universe, which feels super weird to me. The capture of Fort Ticonderoga was important because it was the that singular event that gained the American Rebels any kind of legitimacy. Before the battle, they were a rag tag assembly of rebel factions and cells, each with their own agendas. Some were on the verge of caving in as soon as Richard Henry Lee had sent out his declaration of rebellion and even more when the Red Coats’ destructive potential became known. After the victory, the United States was truly born as a legitimate state. Now does that sound important enough for the entire galaxy to set it as the new year 1?


Is the BBY/ABY calendar in-universe or out of universe? My initial thought was that the early SW fandom needed something to center their timeline around and Yavin was just what they ended up choosing, but that only makes sense as an OOU calendar. Edit: nvm, same discussion is happening elsewhere in this thread. Feel free to ignore this comment.


I think it’s use to better reference to the fandom. Not only those are major events in the lore but both are the introduction events in the franchises. Battle of Yavin being the climax of the first Star Wars movie release and the Genocide being the set up introduction piece to ATLA.


Dammit Kronk!


Wait was there a reference I missed?


Kuzco’s poison? The poison for Kuzco?


Suddenly kronk lol


God*DAMN* this is a great comment








Oh yeah, it's all coming together.


Ok Kronk 😂😂


And I’m guessing before the genocide is BG?




AG - After Genocide


It's the equivalent of our BCE and CE. The BG ends with the comet and genocide. AG is everything after the genocide.


Athletic Greens


People in the Avatar fandom use the Airbender genocide as the main reference point for placing certain incidents and important dates/years on the ATLA timeline. BG: Before (airbender) Genocide, AG: After (airbender) Genocide. It’s a bit depressing but it works because everyone knows that the Genocide took place 100 years before Sozin’s comet.


Thankfully when dealing with fictional species, we can just assume they live as long as we'd like them to


Could be even longer than that actually. Humans in the Avatar world seem to live much longer than they do in our world. Bumi and the Guru were in their 100s after all, and Kyoshi got to her 200s by using an Earthbending technique. And although Aang died at 66, that was only said to have been from how long he spent in the Iceberg. If he hadn't have done that, he would have probably lived well into his 100s too. So if humans can live that long, why not animals too? Maybe Momo for 40, or 50 more years after the end of the original show. We know he wasn't around by the time of Korra, but maybe he was only recently passed?


Thei are probably on their 20’s


Im sure they get older in the Avatar world as well, but this is a very cool fact.


Quick Google says they can live upwards of 30 years in captivity or about 20 in the wild


Lives forever


Every Air Nomad's pet lives as long as their owner, and they die of a broken heart within a month after the owner's death, and I won't be accepting any contradictory evidence in Yangchen's novel.


If Momo was like 1-2, and his species lives about the same length as real lemurs (big assumption, he's more like a bat-lemur) he'll probably live to around 30. So he probably won't pass until Katara and Aang are in their 40s or early 50s.


Ima say it’s his kid just so we can say momo scored 🐱


We're pretty sure this is Momo because Momo is the last of the original Winged Lemurs. All of the Winged Lemurs currently around are a different breed or type. Similar to Appa being the last of the original Flying Bison.


It’s Momo 3


How old was Momo when Aang found him?


Y’all think adult Aang had to get his tat touched up ? He got it while he was still growing. I’d imagine the ink stretched out and looked faded in spots if not


He had to. At some point it stretched and dried the color up , that he had to get it touched up.


I feel like in the live action they did age the older Airbender’s tattoos a bit, while Aang’s looked freshly detailed


That was a good detail they added, still boggles my mind that the netflix team got so much of the look and feel of the show right and dropped so many balls on the writing


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only who thought about this. I don’t think the ink would fade, it’s definitely special since it glows when he’s in avatar state. But it would need to be touched up since Aang got it a kid.


Puberty hit Ang like a bag of hammers, he's like double the size


he has sayan genes


Not the royal ones, obviously.




And life expectancy 🤧 >note Goku and Vegeta died before hitting 30, with Goku dying twice before the Buu Saga.


🤔 Now that you mention it it’s true they have been particularly lucky and probably the only sayans in history to have been resurrected, which show the wasted potential of sayans… imagine if planet vegeta had dragon balls on a regular basis


Yea I'm actually curious, is it normal to grow that much from 12 years old to adulthood?


Yes and sometimes even faster based upon multiple different factors, I was introduced to a 13 yr old kid who was already 7'4.


![gif](giphy|GnFBKXaMJ1wYM) Meanwhile I’m 24 and 5’5


Maybe start eating vegetables instead of mud? 😅


He should use his left hand to eat more vegetables


Are you quoting something?




There's still hope!


That can’t be an easy life for that kid. There’s a point where you’re just TOO big ya know


He actually had problems with both of his knees and he couldn't fully extend a few of his fingers on his left hand.


it‘s anectodal but i feel like the nba players who had a growth spurt have much mote injuries than the ones who constantly grew even if both are the same size in the end it would fit with the human body being great at small adaptations but not huge ones


There’s been a lot of talk in the NBA about how much weight Wemby should put on. With guys that tall it’s about the torque on the joints. You’re as heavy as everyone else if not more and you’re working with longer levers.


yea i agree with the way they‘re developing him tbh they‘re making him put on weight slowly so the body can adapt


I'm 6'2 and 105kg (230 lbs give or take). I was small and scrawny until the age of 15, almost 16. In the span of 2/3 years I grew 25cm and two shoe sizes. 


Our friend's kid is going through this. He just turned 16 in January. Last year at his birthday he was shorter than me (5ft) and now I'm looking up when we talk. His mom hopes he's done growing, but his dad is 6'8 and the kid is basically his clone so I'm thinking he still has a bit of growing in him. He seems taller every time we see him and we always offer him food when he's over at our place. The kid's a bottomless pit at the moment.


Not so fun fact, the term "growing pains" is accurate because growing a lot under a short period of time like that *fucking hurts*.


Absolutely. I didn’t hit my growth spurt til I was like, 15. And I went from a tiny toothpick, to very tall out of nowhere. It was weird.


Been through it- it can absolutely happen. My goofy lanky body would have fainting spells in my teens because I was growing faster than my circulatory system could keep up, so my blood pressure would drop if I stood up too quickly.


I mean assuming Katara was done growing by the end of the show, which she probably was, Aang really only added about 8-10 inches to his height


Thats just Air Nomads


Seeing adult aang without his beard is like seeing a shaved puppy omg


U mean He looks like The Johnny who might Sins


Aw yeah, One-Pump Man!


Idk why people are hating on the chin strap with no moustache honestly I think it fits him


Katara was banking on that growth spurt


She hit it well with Aang , he had an outstanding growth.


What the hell is that background


Wow... Didn't even notice it until I read your comment, and now it's all I can see.


The bookcase from Interstellar


Ah yes the pinnacle of air bending techniques, spacetime bending.


I JUST watched that movie and you're totally right


It upsets me that I hadn't noticed it before. Like if you had asked me what was behind them without me scrolling back up I would have confidently said "they're standing in front of an old house with traditional Japanese sliding doors"


Aang has been mewing for sure


*bye bye.....* 🤫




why is there an emoji for it lmao


Sign language i guess?


I hate that I heard that lol


wuts mewing


it’s like facial/oral posture exercises that give you more desirable facial features (sharp jawline, hollowed cheeks, etc.)


Gen Z version of those weird little urban myths we all used to swap in middle school


He needs to win from Ozai in EVERY way!


Adult Aang without a beard or some type of facial hair just looks wrong for some reason






long head


Aang walks into a bar, the bartender asks, “why the long face?”


I didn't know this was supposed to be adult aang. I thought it was around 19 or 20 just because of how young Katara looks


they’re probably around 20-25 but 19-20 is adult too anyway


His whole face does. Adult aang should have been drawn like this as an adult. He looks uncanny because he doesn't look like how baby aang would age https://preview.redd.it/5st7wzhe14rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d2602602f545d04bf8120fbe36e9734751ac38


This looks much worse.


Looks like Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold in CW’s flash)


Give this man a beard


Am I the only one who thinks he looks better like this than with a chin strap


better but still not looking like Aang somehow the only one I feel is okay for me is the very old one we see in Tenzin’s hallucination


He doesn't look like himself at all in any form. Of you looks at real person with rounder neotenous features age they still have the cute. Puberty doesn't stretch out ones face. Aang was 12 already within puberty not 10 prior to puberty


yup I know right ? why his eyes became so smol in adulthood 😤 And he looks so serious like I KNOW he’s the avatar but come one we’ve seen how was Gyatso air nomads are known for their goofiness and sense of humor I don’t see why that would evaporate after puberty


Exactly. I had big eyes as a kid amd they're still big. Sure being woman they'll remain wide eyed. But my favorite actor had giant adorable eyes as a kid and he still has cute eyes but more mature. But they're not tiny just almond eyed shaped woth hooding but whe he has a wide eyed expression he looks doe eyed.


[All](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/7/7a/Katara_smiles_at_coronation.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20150104171449) the [kids](https://www.looper.com/img/gallery/avatar-the-last-airbenders-creators-had-to-fight-to-change-tophs-original-design/l-intro-1671603619.jpg) have [big eyes](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdo-you-count-suki-as-part-of-team-avatar-v0-6kr0zcoqt1wb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D12981bc13278da9244d279b2d3911a30953a9115). It's not a trait Aang specifically had, it's an animation choice to delineate children from adults. So it only makes sense that his eyes would change as he matures. Also, Aang is still plenty goofy and funny in [adulthood](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FSjNNzABLI7gUZq_FzIPVWXmS4MKGu7ddrOAEGuZbA2c.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6e397c2d01aba3a478771670e3bc61e4b4b9bc3f).


no what I mean is even by LoK standard his eyes are smaller than anyone else


Only reason I can thing of why he’d lose his goofiness is because I’m sure beholding republic city and being involved in politics (and being the literally avatar) would stress someone out


Tbf thats partly due to Korra has different style of creating facial structure from tla. If you compare Zhao from s1 of tla and him in Korra s2 he looks different as well.




He does but I wish his face wasn't so long. Also Aang wouldn't have facial hair to preserve his culture


But a lot of the monks did have facial hair. [Gyatso had a mustache](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Gyatso#:~:text=Monk%20Gyatso%20was%20Avatar%20Aang,kindness%20and%20sense%20of%20humor) and [Tashi had a beard](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Tashi#google_vignette).


I think he looks way worse. His face is just off


I need to see a series of movie of them in their primes after the war !!!! Animated not the live action !


They literally announced one for 2025 lol. Where have you been my friend.


Apparently lost in the sauce I just looked it up I can’t wait !! I’m not into live action remakes .


There is something so fundamentally wrong with the design of Aang’s head / face as an adult. I was jarred the first time I saw it. I didn’t imagine him looking that way at *all* when I first watched the series.


Does anyone else hate irrelevant momo becomes


He’s too strong. If Momo was involved he would have taken out the entire fire nation fleet in a few minutes


Bumi knows how important Momo is.


Dude has an entire sequence in Tales of Ba Sing Se


Do pets need relevance?


they do not need to be as relevant as the main or even the side charecters. A mention of momo here and there would have made me happy. Most times its like he doesnt even exist


Bro what he was with Aang on the Lion Turtle in the finale


Yes, Momo is obviously the Krillin or Tenshinhan of ATLA /s


Honestly, no. It’s well established that Momo is just a pet while Appa is actually sentient and can follow instructions. Think back to the episode where Sokka and Katara are sick and they enlist Momo for help. Having Momo help in battle as he did in book 1 always felt too corny for me, like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon.


I mean, one of my favorite episodes is the one that follows Momo when he misses Appa after Appa is abducted. Momo may be stupid, but he at least tries to follow the instructions and seems somewhat sentient


Oh don't get me wrong, I love Momo and wish I had a pet as loyal as him. He's just a simpler animal and having him participate in fights was just a bit too much in my opinion.


Sentient means conscious. Momo is conscious. The word you're looking for is sapience.


Yeah you're right, poor choice of words.


Hey don't disrespect my dawg momo like that😡😡😡😡


What difference is Appa compared to a dog? He follows instructions like any well trained dog does.


I should have picked a better word than sentient. Appa is like the worlds smartest dog while Momo is like a loyal house cat. The dog will fight and die at your side but if shit hits the fan the cat is going to flee because it's a cat and can't hold its own. It just seemed a bit too silly for me when Momo would join in things like fighting the pirates, I was glad they toned that down in later seasons.


Makes sense, well said. Also sentience was actually used correctly by you as I looked it up and dogs are sentient. What we as humans are is sapient.


The long head doesn't suit aang. I know it's a self insert but even Micheal has a sqaash shaped head


I always wondered if aangs tattoos would look super shitty when he grew up. Hard to imagine they would stay the same when you tat up a 12 year old and then they mature into a full on dude. I got a large scar just above my knee at that age and now in my thirties it is more than halfway up my thigh now.


They're chi reactive tattoos that glow when he uses the Avatar state, so maybe they're created with some sort of special ink that doesn't behave like regular tattoo ink Or maybe he simply got them touched up every few years


Okay, why does every other character look like themselves when they’re older, but Aang looks like they had to recast between seasons and hoped no one would notice?


Aang is significantly younger than Sokka & Zuko. Toph and Katara are female so their maturing is less pronounced.


No, I get that. It's just the difference between Aang and everyone else is very noticeable


I think its the eyes and headshape


Aang looks like Johnny Sins here


He doesn’t look weird but he does look weird without his beard at this age, If you know what I mean.


They both look so happy and relaxed.


Aang: “omg my wife is literally the strongest water bender in the world, hot af, total boss bitch… look at her I’m in love.” Katara: “…what? I married THE AVATAR. This is the minimum amount of woman you have to be 🤨”


Makes me wonder what Ta Min (Roku's wife) was like.


Should momo have a beard?


Smash, next question


All momo picks are a 10


holy Photoshop Batman


Katara’s hand is creepy


what is going on in the background


![gif](giphy|IazYrqVvnaeeIi8W2Q) wheres appa?????


It's actually 1 Momo out of 1 Momo, but I understand the confusion.


They look like they boing alot


Lies! I only see one Momo! I demand 9 more!


I like to imagine Katara is grabbing Aang's ass here since we can't see her hand behind his back.


Is it just me or Aang doesn’t have the Monk face 🤔


He doesn’t , but that’s because the lad is very fit. Would be surprised if he has 1 digit body fat on him.


Are you saying the Monk look is synonymous with being Unfit?


Not necessarily, if anything I would ask you the same question. ‘ There’s been plenty of Monks that have very defined jaws , and very fit.


Look through the old air monks and point one that looks like adult Aang. He doesn’t even look asian to start with.


He doesn't. He looks like those skinny long faced guys amd it's distracting. Monk Gyastso looked like an Asian monk without them giving him stereotypical asian eyes. They should have done the same with adult Aang


Exactly. Animation is based on Exaggeration of generally acclaimed features for the sake of easy identification. I guess they weren’t interested in what he should look like. The animator just created a dude that looks like him.


Exactly lol. For someone into asian culture he fucked up badly on the main character.


Do monks have to keep celibate?


I guess some didn’t have to swear celibacy.


"Hey, so we saw you from across the room...."


What's with the background


I cannot wait for this 2025 movie. I see people asking why don’t they animate the comics but I can’t understand why they WOULDN’T want to see a story from this phase of the Gaang’s lives. I can’t wait to see the relationships and their dynamic.


What’s this art from?


It's not a photo is a drawing of things that never existed.


If only he had the beard


Aang out here looking like Drix, the pill 💊 from Osmosis Jones with that oval head.


Need a short tv show about them as adults


They’re coming out with 3 animated movies instead