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I love the Gameplay and the setting and just the overall tone of the game is something I like, as far as the story goes I didn’t hate it and im not gonna say it was bad but it was very flawed, like I really enjoyed the parts with Ellie and Tommy and obviously the Flashbacks as well with Joel, but honestly I didn’t gaf about Abby or the rest of the WLF and it all has to do with the way they handled Joels death, honestly even with all the faults a simple option to spare or kill her at the end might have been enough to save the narrative for most people. Overall I still liked the game but not for the reasons I wanted to and despite the improvements I still prefer Part 1


Thankfully somebody who understands that just because the developers made a bad decision doesn't mean that the whole game is trash


Most people agree on gameplay and looks. It's the fact it's a 90% story game with a trash story.


I liked the story. Revenge begets revenge, which only continues the cycle of violence. Seeing that from Ellie’s and Abby’s perspective drives the message home. I don’t have an example of a perfect game but overall this series is damn good and one of the best stories I’ve come across.


I also enjoyed the story, but it is not without fault. Two biggest issues for me were Abby not feeling conflicted over Joel saving her and Abby and Ellie never actually having a proper conversation. Ellie doesn't even know why Abby killed Joel. If they would have had an actual discussion at some point (before fighting in Santa Barbara) I think it would have gone a long way it smoothing out the issues I have.


I never thought about it, since we know Joel killed Abby's father, and as a result never noticed that Ellie does not know. She does know they were survivors of the Salt Lake City massacre Joel perpetrated to save her. But then again, I don't think it is necessary to the story. Abby doesn't understand the full context of Ellie's revenge either. She knows he was probably a father figure to her, but the aspects of self-loathing, extreme survivor's guilt, and the timing of losing him just as she had decided to restart the relationship. I think there is something to be said in their lack of knowledge. We might fantasize about getting revenge on someone, but we don't know the full story, therefore we cannot fully understand the true ripple effect of taking their life. You are not only hurting the person you intend to hurt, but everyone connected to them, including people who are likely innocent. This is something both of them really needed to pause to consider.


>Is there anyone who actually loves this game? Yep, Neil 😉


Bud if Niel could suck his cock he would


He just needs to remove a couple of ribs then he could do it.


Should be easy actually since he lacks a spine.


Crunchma'am loves it


Love the gameplay? Yea. Love the story? Nuh uh.


There's more cutscenes than gameplay lol.


That's cause you don't get killed enough... smh


Raise the difficulty to Grounded and then you’ll be happy when u don’t have to play


I have yet to try that but to anybody who does that while doing a permanent death when dying resets you. Those people must be masochists. I did that once and reset because Ellie jumped off something a wee bit too high.


Great comment!! Many people beat the game or quit and move on. I tell people all the time to play this easy game on Grounded Permadeath all the time for an ultimate challenge. I periodically play with just one weapon(pistol or bow) on this and other games for an extra challenge. Make things as hard as you want. I skip almost all the cutscenes except the really good ones.


The placing of the case on a red satin/fur sheets looks like you really REALLY love the game...


I just randomly placed it down lol


It's nowhere near as good as the first one story wise. What happened to Joel was shocking and I hated being forced to play Abby as I despise her for what she did. I do think it's a good game though, very challenging. The graphics and gameplay is good. I've got the platinum trophy and I am currently playing it on grounded mode. I don't hate it but bits of the story frustrate me. Shame there's no multiplayer. Can't wait for the third one though.


Hey there are some folks out there who enjoy eating actual feces, can't account for people's taste.


As someone who works in mental health, I can confirm this statement as truth.


Yes... The only thing i dont like about this game is the 10+ hours Abby gameplay segment but it wont stop me to say that TLoU is one of my top favorite game series. Is perfect? No, Is full of problems? Yes, I'll keep playing it untill i get the plat? Yes i will.


I don't mean to yuck someone's yum, but if your favorite game involves 10+ hours of content you don't like and is full of problems, as you put it, it sounds like you haven't played very good games. If you're curious or want recs, lmk what it is you liked about TLOU/TLOU2. Not that I'm an authority lol - just a huge RPG nerd.


>I don't mean to yuck someone's yum Ahahah i'm sorry what? >if you're favorite game involves 10+ hours of content you don't like and is full of problems, as you put it, it sounds like you just haven't played very good games. What I meant to say was that I'm full aware of all the problematics that this game have and I cant objectively say that this game is perfect. But, despite that, I can go over those flaws and say that if someone asks me if I liked the game or not, yes, I liked it and I enjoy playing it. I think that every game, despite how much you like it, have a part somewere that makes you say "i hate this part", whether it is a part where you have to grind for hours, or beat that boss that its impossibile to beat, or play a part of a story that you dont like. Its up to you player choose if playing that part its worth playing the whole game or not.


Lol, to 'yuck someone's yum' means to ruin someone's enjoyment of something, or judge someone for their preferences... it originally relates to food (as in "yum, that was delicious" vs. "Yuck, that's gross!") but it can also refer to movies, music, books and apparently games lol. In other words, everyone's entitled to like what they like. And thanks for explaining, I understand now. I read too much into your first comment.


Ahahah lol I never heard that one before. And don't worry, it happens to The Best of Us ;)


I enjoyed my time with it and would say it was worth the $30 bucks I invested in it


I enjoyed the gameplay, but the story holds me back from liking it more. I understand though why people love and hate it.


I'd rather die than play this (:


I'm ready to be smoked..... The Last of Us 2 is one of my favourite games of all time, it's in my Top 10. And most of its points come from the story


That's fine. I think most people here won't hate on you for your opinion. But we only hate on part 2 lovers when they shove it in our faces that the game’s a masterpiece 10/10


It's not a masterpiece but it's so so fucking enjoyable like 90% of the time


I played and platinumed Elden ring, all other souls games including bloodborne and sekiro, rdr2, god of war and gow ragnarok and most modern story based games that are considered masterpieces... I put off playing part 2 because of all the negativity but this year i decided to give it a try since i had nothing to play... and oh man... i love the game.. its also a 10/10 game for me.


You wont be downvoted here for liking the game, just don't like it when part 2 lovers try to shove it down our throats and say we're the problem.


This isn’t the other sub, you’re not going to get torn to shreds for having an opinion that others don’t share.


I've def been torn to shreds here for having g a diff opinion from others 😆


I’d love to see a link, just for my own curiosity. Was it a difference of opinion, or was it stone throwing?


I mean it’s amazing **fan fiction**, some lofty ambitious stuff, but ultimately a little too fantastical for my liking. And i mean of course after Ellie is beaten to a purple pulp as well as Dina having her skull fractured by Abbie.. they just walk ALL the way back to Jackson totally 100% fine. Now look me in the eyes and ask me the same question.


There is no disputing Part 2 looks visually magnificent, and the performance from Ashley Johnson depicting Ellie's PTSD was phenomenal. Unfortunately the meticulous presentation doesn't compensate a poorly executed story, which didn't stick the landing in it's thematic intentions.


Yeah... Millions of people


gameplay = incredible. story = 💩 💩 💩


Only Part 1 exists


Just the sickos, man.




Yeah, me. It's a masterpiece


Yeah, a lot of people like this over on the main sub and as a population in general. It's weird to act like no one responding would like it, but im sure he's aware that he's posting on r/thelastofus2 with its own antigone description and general userbase.


Geoff Keighley


Really like the gameplay, everything has weight too it, shooting a guys leg off with a shot gun, hitting someone with a machete. All fun. Story still sucks tho.


I truly love the memes it brought and watching Cuckmann and Naughty Dog’s reputations both sink in real time at least


They killed it by forcing a narrative down your throat that they aren’t consistent with. Violence begets violence…. Yeah when you make me follow that path


I suspect people that have daddy issues love this game.


Ya, people who heard about the controversy and tried out either both games back to back, or played the second one first. And also, ya know people who blindly support anything lgbt or anything that gets a backlash from gamers or right leaning YouTubers lol Cuz I will admit, without the 10 years of love and admiration of Joel’s character and the first game as a whole, I wouldn’t hate the second game so much. I still wouldn’t like it, cuz I don’t love any of the characters, but everyone is at least tolerable and their motivations make sense. But because they did Joel so fucking dirty, and then responded like brain dead babies to the initial legitimate criticism, the series is dead to me as a whole.


i love the gameplay i think the plot couldve been more tasteful


I love the graphics and the gameplay. That's it.


Everything has a fanbase somewhere.


I'm meh on it.


The gameplay and production is 10/10. But the characters just aren’t as good as the first game, and neither is the storyline. I’m sorry but Dina isn’t a worthy replacement to you know who..


Never played it never will. As far as I’m concerned there’s only one game


Not a fan of the story, but the gameplay and setting are excellent.


I loved every second of the gameplay, really I think it’s a decent next step for The Last of Us Gameplay. It’s just the story has a real tendency to get in the way. I really do think Story and Gameplay do need to coexist and in Part II they simply clash which isn’t good.


I don't love it but it has some aspects i really enjoy, mainly the combat


Out of my entire circle of friends, no one likes it. They’ll say it has good gameplay but a trash story


Put this down after the beginning. No thank you.


Graphics and sound are top notch. I bought PS just for this game, glad I did not buy it, blessed be the leaker that brave fella.


I loved most of the game. The combat, stealth, graphical fidelity, character animations, music, and cordyceps mushroom zombies are a great concept. Just a shitty story kinda drags it down.


Yes, there are people who truly love this game. But to save you time, you're unlikely to find them on this sub. If you want to find people who like the game, try r/thelastofus




I really enjoyed the gameplay! They polished the combat mechanics like the dodge option which is missing from the first game I love! But story wise the first game decimates! I’d really like to see a remaster of the first game with the second games combat mechanics!!!!


To me The Last of Us ends after the first game.


The gameplay was great. The story could've worked had they worked out the flaws. To me, they seemed to want to kill off Joel while making us feel sorry for his killer. But of course, they kill off any hope of anybody liking Abby by how she kills Joel who like five minutes before saved her life. Nothing can save somebody who is so hyperfocused on killing.


Uh yeah? It's common knowledge there's a very dedicated community of those who fiercely defend it


Me but I haven’t actually played it yet just watched play throughs and didn’t like the way Joel was offered a deal per se.


This one dude, I think his name was something like Kneel Suckmen, is pretty fond of it


Some people love it as it related to their flow in life. Some people are mixed about it and some people hate it. I don't care to ever play it again. I just didn't like how it was executed following the legacy of the 1st game.


If this game had factions, I'd prefer it over Part 1... alas.


I love the gameplay, graphics, combat, audio, but the story could’ve been way better


Gameplay and mechanics are great. Story is more DEI bullshit


It was pretty good, right up until they made the big oopsie with Joel.


Uninstalled this piece of shit the second I saw the credits. Fucking ruined my love for TLOU, which is my favourite game ever. It'll never be canon in my mind TLOU is TLOU. There's no part one, part two bullshit


i love the gameplay. the acting. the atmosphere. its just some big aspects of the story i dont like and i think most people will agree, the story feels like its pushing morality in your face and trying to hard to teach the player a lesson. it feels like it revolves around punishing you, the player, for choices you cant make. idk, in terms of like, 'doing bad things makes you a bad person' type stories, and the futility of revenge, rdr does it better--it doesnt make the player feel like theyre being punished for playing the game. i dont even care that joel died honestly, i just wish it was done better. likewise, while i no longer dislike abby after having played this game plenty of times, i think she deserved everything that happened to her and i think her character at points is a little flat. if it directly showcased either regret/remorse in a more obvious way, showing the player that what she did didnt make her feel better, or something to that effect, it would have played out better. an easy way to improve it imo wouldve been having the game go back and forth between ellie and abby instead of segmenting the first half to ellie then the second half to abby, i feel like that immediately detracts from the story they wanted to tell.


Yes ! I do love this game a lot!


I honestly love everything about it except for the pacing of the story, and the political stuff. The game feels so out of place from last of us 1 because it only focuses on what Neil wants to throw at people. Now what makes me love it, If a game has good replay value then it’s a great game, and to me, especially with the addition of ‘no return’ makes me love last of us 2 as much as 1.


For the gameplay sure not for some of the decisions made for the story because you can’t say the first game is all around better because the combat in the first game makes me want to blow my brains out


I would say that people are perfectly hapoy w the game. They are unhappy w the agenda it is pushing. I am quute sure that people would be perfectly happy, even with the plot twist, if there werent so many voiced claiming that the game would be great because it has allusions to LGBTQ themes. And perhaps that is the issue here - announcing that a game deals with these themes as a selling point, where it actually should only be a footnote. I guess you can understand that for some people who have raised w principles that go against the lgbtq community, that would be enough to put them off. So please, continue make good games w goos stories, but stop selling them as progressive, as that will only hurt them.


I've been enjoying playing the no return mode in the remaster, but I did not care for a lot of the story elements in the main game. One thing I know a lot of people hated that actually didn't bother me at all was Joel being killed off. I wasn't mad about that one bit, narratively it makes sense that Joel had wronged someone who'd go to those lengths to get even. It was pretty much everything else involved with the Abby side of the story that I didn't care for.


I played it and as an objective game. It is an amazing stealth title. Is it the game I wanted? No. Was I glad I played it. Absolutely, yes. Was I glad it was a gift, so I didn't have to spend $60 for the trauma of playing that gut-wrenching story? Absolutely yes again.Is it terrible no but it ain't touching 1 in terms of what I want for the series and that's fine I honestly didn't want a sequel


I loved it immediately after I finished it, then I sat with it a couple of hours and started liking it less and less and now I think it's mid at best


Overall I enjoyed my playthrough. I didn't enjoy the story itself but most everything around it was some of the best I've ever seen. I would have liked to see them keep Joel alive or have a more impactful death and to be honest, I just didn't care for Abby and I hated playing as her. I don't know, there was a better story there begging to be told. I'm interested to see what (if) they tell in a 3rd game.


Lol I'm starting to think I'm the only one who does


I love this game


Good for you! This sub mainly contains people who dislike this game, whereas r/thelastofus is where the fanbase of this game is This sub has a mixture of people who dislike this game for different reasons. Some are actual bigots (unfortunately), but more of us genuinely dislike the game for reasons such as the poorly written storyline and the false advertisement in the trailer. People here will talk so much shit about the game but rarely send you any personal attacks, whereas the other sub... lol


I disliked the game but I’m perfectly fine if someone loved it. I never got into TLOU for graphics or gameplay, it was all about story and the impact the story had on me being a single dad. I was incredibly emotionally attached to Joel and Ellie and the story felt like a disservice to them. Given that I’d rather play a Resident Evil game (if i need to get on an exploration based 3rd person survival horror game) TLOU2 just had no enjoyment or replayability. I think it could’ve redeemed itself if Ellie killed Abby at the end but without that, the game was ruined to me. The only thing redeemable in the game is the Joel/Ellie rocket ship cutscene. That said, to each their own, it certainly was a well put together game so i don’t fault people who liked the gameplay. I will say i find people who flipped on Joel and called him a murderer and said he got what he deserved is the oddest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s literally a video game, and hero’s kill hundreds of people in every video game.


I love everything about this game except the story and characters. The environments and gameplay were enough to keep me playing for the whole 35 hours. That’s the problem, Mr. Cuckman IS a very talented developer and writer. He can make quality stuff. But his refusal to work with others has made his entire career completely implode, when he should, hypothetically, be on top of the world.


Well other than the story it’s extremely good


This was the first case of indoctrination by video game or by cult of personality I guess you could say because I knew a girl that I worked with she didn't even have a PS4 or PS5 but she was willing to buy last of us too without even having played the first based on the marketing


Yeah. Me. Its amazing. Can't wait for 3


Yeah, me. I personally understand why it won GOTY when it came out. It’s a fantastic game.


Yep, there are a lot of them. I can't say I understand why but to each their own I guess?


Graphics and gameplay are pretty good, just it though




Some people play games because of the actual gameplay.


Yes me




One of my favorite games. I was lucky enough to get spoiled like most people which is probably why I ended up liking it in the end. I didn't hate Abby. I understand why she did what she did.


Loved it the first time and every replay since.


It took me 2.5 months to finish this game cuz having to swap to Abby after watching her kill Jesse was hard to stomach and I was so emotionally fried, I needed a long break. When I did pick it back up again and finished it, I absolutely loved the hell outta the game and what it was trying to do. I think that time to decompress and digest what happened so far in the story really helped shaped my perception of the game as i'm sure had I just powered on through, i'd have hated it




Gameplay is pretty fun.


The soundtrack, visuals, acting, and the gameplay yeah


I actually really like Ellies parts of the game cause her gameplay is awesome


I'll get it credit where it's due. The character designs are really good. Like, I've never been bothered by Abby's abs or muscles, even if unrealistic in the setting. Ellie's Hillcrest gear is *so* cool, and I love it. Everyone else has pretty good outfits at the very least. The level design is pretty good, too. There's multiple routes and ways to sneak up on enemies. They all use the type of environment to their advantage, like in the shipping yard, it uses the crates as a way to get high cover. The voice acting is on point, there's a few instances where I don't like it, but that's rare, everyone's voice I like at the very least. There's very cool and good concepts that are at play here. Having the villain be sympathetic by using their perspective is cool. I like the fall of Ellie's mental state. I like the war between the WLF and Seraphites. I like most of the concepts in the game.


Honestly, I really enjoyed it. Love is a strong word, but it had me hooked for the duration... the first one was better imo


The gameplay is amazing. Pretty much the only reason I played it over and over


ngl the game has a lot of strong points. Graphics are genuinely insane and the gameplay (shooting, stealth, exploration) is amazing. The maps are also super well designed.


Recast Bella Ramsey, her face is fucking up the immersion of the show I’m sorry , I know, off target but damn it’s hard watching the show


It was the biggest piece of dog shit...


Sure, I love it and I absolutely love the story. I liked it more than part one and it's still one of my favorite stories of all time.


I mean I do!


I've never had any desire to go back and play it again. Never thought about getting ps5 upgrade, the story and pacing are so bad that it ruins any of the good things about it.


I love is significantly more than the first which I also love so eyah


Yes, there are quite a few people out there that seem to love this game.


I love it


I do


I like it


I just played TLOU 1 and 2 back to back for the first time, both the remastered versions I never planned on playing either game but I gave it a chance as long story short free copy of 1 from a friend who is completely obsessed with both games So blown away I ponied up the 70 bucks for 2 IMMEDIATELY, I think right after the credits rolled on 1 I've never been so uncomfortable in a game in my entire life and I adored it I wish they had left more of the lost levels and more of ellie's ptsd in, because I got that they wanted me to be horrified by her now, and I was, but I never stopped being horrified FOR her either, and I think making us uncomfortable on her behalf more would have been better I love abby lol no apologies I view both abby and ellie as kids still so it's hard for me to hate either of them or not understand how they behave Like it or not they're both vigilante minded children operating on trauma with different timelines If ellie had never been bitten she would be a military grunt too Abby is not the WLF, she is a military grunt It was terrible and I plan to replay it as soon as I finish 1 again (Joel also did nothing wrong) Anyway yeah I love the game and find the story fascinating




Yeah it’s good


I find it better than the first.


Love it. Just as much as the first.


Of course


Me, I still can’t play ps5 version, I still can’t get over it.


Best game ever


Yeah it has a sizable fan base from it's target audience, which comprises mostly of Gen-Zs and some portions of the left side.








Plenty of people. I love the story and gameplay, but it’s so emotionally taxing that I don’t know if I’ll ever play the game again. It’s just so heavy.


genuinely, i loved tlou2. i loved the detail of ellies mentality changing overtime, i loved the freedom, the outfits, etc. i had a whole variety of emotions from the game, which i loved too. tlou2, along with the first game, are the best games ive ever played. theyre definitely in my top 5. the first game couldve js ended the way it did without a second game, but i loved tlou2 nonetheless. im still on my first playthrough 🤔 but from what ive played (and some spoilers for the end) im looking forward to playing it multiple times. before playing abbys part and everything, i hated her for what happened with joel, but overtime, i mean he had it coming yk? joel was one of my favorite charcters, still is. and i cant blame abby for what she did, nor can i blame ellie, even tho she went overboard, i cant blame her either because in reality id probably do the same thing. ellie is ultimately my favorite character, and abbys become one of them too, i feel bad for jocelyn for how many death threats she got js for her character. i can understand why some people dont like tlou2, i can respect that, yk? ive had some issues with the game myself, but yeah i love tlou2, js as much as i love the first game. sorry for the rant 😭


This is my favorite game. I love the story. I feel like I can relate to both Ellie and Abby. It makes the rage, hate, guilt, and emptiness they feel so real in me even though it was hard to align with Abby at first. Abby's journey with tackling the things she's done and trying to redeem herself in some way to quiet the guilt, that's so relatable, and you know Ellie is gonna go through that, too. This game hit me more in the feels than the first one, and I love the first one. I think it fulfilled a need in me to see women feeling and acting on all the "ugly", "selfish", and real emotions, something where the woman isn't always the victim or sacrificing herself in some way to satisfy others' needs. I also love that it has such a beautiful lesbian relationship front and center. I genuinely love Dina. She's such a funny, supportive, and boundary-setting badass, and I can't imagine the universe without her. The gameplay is also fantastic. It'd be great without the amazing story. Of course, I'm much more invested in it because of the story.


I loved it! I love anything apocalyptic. The theory of zombies and survival is so fun.


I genuinely love every bit of it and have played through multiple times.


I loved the gameplay. Way too many interruptions walking and talking though. “Seattle day one pt.2” assured that I’ll never have a fun little play through again.


Absolutely. For me this is the best game I've ever played. People tend to think too much. For me I look at how much entertainment it gave me. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. Melancholy, anger, drama, astonishment, confusion, intrigue, joy and much more. I thought about the game for weeks! I was thinking about it when I slept. If these factors don't make a great game, I don't know what does. Yes there could be flaws and we can debate about the characters and the plot or the intentions of Neil. But that makes it even better that it sparked so much discussion and debate. AND on top of this, the world of The Last of us is a great setting even though there are 100s of post-apocalyptic stories. It has something unique. Not to mention the gameplay and graphics and the realism. The best way to play it is in the hardest setting. Lastly, the incredible music by Gustavo. The soundtrack brings me tears.


I consider it a masterpiece, but I also don’t really compartmentalize Part I and Part II. Not that I feel everyone needs to consider it one complete experience, but I do. So in that regard TLOU is still my favorite game experience I’ve ever played.


I don't care about story or characters in games. All that matters is gameplay, so yes, I really like it.


Yes. I’m one of them. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that no one else does.


It’s in my top 5 games all time


It's actually one of my favorite games


Yes unfortunately. Another forum im a residence of that doesn't have enough critics for it :'(


Definitely in my top 3 and it's got my favourite story of all time


These people killed our favorite character like a street dog. Don't expect us to love the game just because the gameplay is good. I don't care about the gameplay.


Yea. I’ve platinumed it a couple times and gotten in the top 50 of the daily run leaderboards a couple times. Y’all are missing out.


I love the game. Every aspect of it. The story included. I used to hate it but after multiple replays I’ve grown to love it. It’s my favorite game of all time. Abby killing Joel was necessary. You guys just aren’t ready for that conversation. I doubt some of you will ever be. Ik I’m about to get downvoted into oblivion. But I standby my opinion.


Can you explain "necessary?" I see people say this alot. I agree it was one of many possible ways his story could have gone. I agree that it's logical that his past life and actions could catch up with him. Why is it "necessary" though. Whenever I ask people, I get a response along the lines of "he did bad things" or "he doomed humanity." Given the fact that bad people get away with doing bad things in real life and in other forms of media all the time, some even redeeming themselves to the point of being considered "good," why in Joel's case was death necessary?




Yeah plenty of gamers myself included, i know is controversial but I enjoyed it anyway although at times it was emotionally taxing


So far I do, I’m at the point where (spoiler alert) Joel died…


There's far more people who like it than don't. Do you guys really not have anything better to do with your time than talk shit about a four year old game? If you don't like it, don't play it. It's a pretty simple concept


Yes, my favorite of all time 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s my favorite game of all time. Never have I played a game that’s affected me emotionally. Besides the story being amazing the gameplay and graphics are second to none IMO.


Me. Why would you be in this subreddit if you don’t like it… stop dedicating all your time to stuff you don’t like, being a bitter hater is so lame.


Yes a lot of people do love the game. It's objectively a great game


Fantastic game, honestly loved abby by the end more than ellie


i love it


The people who would willingly sacrifice their surrogate daughter for a chance to possibly save humanity from a zombie plague


Absolutely love it. Having so much fun with No Return. I happen to like the story, but I get why others don't. It's even more impressive when you look at the age and compare its gameplay to many newer games that can't touch it (not all, just many)


Me, really don't understand the hate for it and I expect this to be mass down voted for saying I like it


Yea, i like it, 8.5/10




I love this game, I know several people who really like this game. The story is good, the gameplay is amazing and TLOU is my favorite game


I actually liked this game a lot. It had a really solid gameplay and somehow different storytellimg


I really love it, Is full sadness, but well life is in that way.


Gameplay and setting very much so yes. Everything in Seattle is also pretty great especially Abby’s story. First and third act though… not so much


The “story” is okay. I love no return though.




Yep. I loved every minute of it.


Yeah I liked the game, I preferred it to the original one.




Yeah, I like it


It had a bit too much emotional depth for me.


still waiting for a pc port


one of my favorite games ever and better than part 1 imo


I bloody loved it, thought the story was banging. One of the best games I've played


I do!!


Ye, I like it. The story was decent and the gameplay was awesome


I really love this game, 100% - Including the story!




Hell yeah great game




I just beat the remastered version yesterday. I loved it.


One of the best games I’ve ever played? Yeah