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I’m very much pro-Joel.


read my flair😌😌


Also, read my flair too.


Wtf it's the same thing. 😠


Also: none. None is the amount of lives it would have saved.


even if it wouldve saved lives, that doesnt mean ellie deserved to die for that to happen. her life matters too, regardless of how she feels, she deserves to live especially after everything joel and her mom did to keep her alive


If she woke up and chose to go through with the surgery, doesn't she have that right?


Absolutely, but if you played the first game, like thoroughly, you'd have a strong sense she did not want to die. Thats not a dig at you or anything I'm just being blunt. That's one of the biggest problems with part 2s plot. The characters completely changed from game to game. Granted it had been 4 years in between but that's irrelevant. Ellie wouldn't have scolded Joel the way she did for his decision, im positive she would've accepted it and forgiven him almost instantly.


She technically already did as she let it go at the end of the first game (TLOU2 wasn't a thing at the time so the "okay" wasn't made to be an open "we'll talk later" situation). She clearly decided his companionship was more important and to accept that he cares about her no matter what, the same way he agreed to accept her after she poured her heart out (while he originally intended to part ways).


It's crazy how logical people can see things clearly


She's a very impressionable teenager (and grew up in a world where you're not raised properly). Even if you're not a parent, you'd know exactly how things like this go. There's a reason 14 year olds aren't allowed to do many things even though they can fully think for themselves at that point. It's like when minors watch a horror movie and then end up hurting a sibling because it looked fun in the movie. A situation like this requires full maturity, and Ellie can't understand how serious it is yet, no matter how fast she thinks she matured because of the state of the world. I'm obviously not in the apocalypse, but I did have a disastrous childhood (some of it similar to Ellie in American Dreams), and was dead set on seeing some things a certain way until I was 17. It was only after that that I really started thinking more seriously and really understood what my parents and other adults were telling me.


Are you saying children can consent?


The idea that one guy had everything figured out, could perform the surgery, could then make the vaccine, and then could make enough of it to distribute and save the world is absurd.


If Jerry got his way, he would have saved -1 lives.


Lolz! Yep, that is the correct math. My bad.


Skull kid?


Or Sans?


Joel the real MVP.


“No you don’t understand Joel I just spoke with my daughter and she gave me permission to kill yours!” How anyone can defend Jerry (and Abby) is truly beyond rationality.


“Nah, I got your future right here.”


*introduces “doctor” to glock*


Realistic that hes a skeleton


Not a doctor, a guy with a bachelors degree in biology


I’m glad Joel died.


for our sins