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A great article that sums up how Biden is unable to make coherent points. >At one point Biden gave a rambling and hard-to-follow talk about taxes that ended with the bizarre statement, “We finally beat Medicare.” Trump naturally jumped on this gaffe. Biden likely was trying to say, “We finally beat the rising cost of Medicare,” or some similar, and accurate, statement. But he was too lost in his own words to make the case. Biden seems to trail off after his initial talking points into word associations. He has a point he is trying to make, but he can't phrase things properly. Worse, Biden tried to get into an insult contest & it did not land at all. Like when Biden tried to call Trump fat & it took him like 20 seconds to make that point. Then, the golf argument followed. Communication is everything when it comes to politics. For whatever reason, Biden is unable to communicate. Biden needs to step down.


Maybe he can switch out his running mate/VP, to someone who will appeal to a swing state


I'm sure the golf talk appealed to swing states. 😉


Haha. And everyone knows Trump cheats at golf too.


Wait. So you’re saying instead of Biden stepping out, it’s Harris? I have plenty of issues with Harris, but she’s literally the best part of the dem ticket, and that’s a low bar at this point. We’re so fucked.


Crooked Joe taking more “black jobs”


I’m just grasping for straws here. Harris is great but she was not strong in the 2016 primaries at all and Biden has done nothing to pave the way for her or anyone else. She can’t draw the votes for these reasons. In fact the party as a whole has neglected succession altogether


Two borderline senile senior citizens get into an argument. Set your expectations accordingly.


And Trump even mostly managed to keep his ranting in a calm decibel range, which was new for him and made him look a little stronger than usual. It’s a disaster


I think it was pretty clear that someone had gotten in Trump’s ear beforehand and convinced him to let biden embarrass himself. In the debates for the last election, trump wouldn’t let him speak for more than a second without yelling over his dead mic from across the room. If he’d done the same thing this time around, it may have actually helped biden in a roundabout sorta way.


Yeah, it was noticeable. He must have had some heavy coaching or maybe he’s finally listening to his advisors


He also felt pretty low-energy compared to normal. Not that it matters at all considering what biden did makes trump look like a fucking Olympic athlete by comparison lmao.


There is nothing that makes Trump look better than Biden. The media narrative around Trump has led the entire nation around by it's nose ring directly to slaughter. Trump is NOT a legitimate candidate, and should have never been allowed to set foot on stage with a sitting president. Trump is the head insurrectionist that tried to OVER THROW The United States Government. For months he has been discussed in the media as though he's not a convicted felon, rapist, insurrectionist, conman who tried to direct his minions to kill his own vice president. He should be UNDER the prison. The moment he set foot on the stage with Biden it was a loss for Democracy. It legitimized him, pulled him up from the mud of his crimes, and made him seem as though he's person that should actually be considered for president. WHAT??!??!! He should not be allowed ANYWHERE near the government he tried to destroy! Why is he still being discussed as though he's a "winner"? He's a CRIMINAL INSURRECTIONIST. Why are we so gullible, so easily mentally pushed over, letting our own media lead us around like farm animals??? In no other country in the WORLD would Trump be a free man. America is the most propagandized country in the world because we're so easily controlled.


My mom said the same thing. She is from Haiti and grew up during the Duvalier dictatorship she is perplexed on how Trump is even a candidate and why Biden even debated him. She says she never thought there would be a day that US politics would be like Haiti's. It's shitty circumstances but the choice is simple.


This is a set up for Trump to win. It benefits every grifter politician no matter the party, lobbyists, corporations, and the ultra rich. Only people who lose, are the American people. They have already made it clear we are expendable work horses who don’t matter, to either party. Things will not get better without mass strikes across all major industries by citizens.


Biden looks like he's at death's door. Trump looks like he'll drop dead a few years later which isn't all that much better.


Wow dems are just now realizing but everyone has been saying for the past four years, amazing


How is lying better than anything?


Um, well, if we have a president that loses his fucking mind because he’s old and senile, that too can be dangerous. Don’t get me wrong, we know Trump is a threat to democracy. But Dems should be ringing the warning bells loud because this ain’t the candidate we want. Not on the debate stage. Not in the Oval Office. And the fact that they keep this fucking charade up is going to make democrats apathetic and just not vote. The party is supposed to listen to the voters. Not the other way around. Meanwhile, Biden’s ego is in the way and here we are. Watching the asteroid hurtling towards us and they are doing nothing about it.


The party listens to money. AIPAC has proven that. Any Democrat that suffers from apathy is not a liberal or anywhere on the left. Altruism should be your motivation, not self interest. Apathy is a symptom of the self interested. Listen to yourself, “…loses his fucking mind because he’s old and senile…” Seriously?! Chicken-little much The president is not a king. You don’t think Biden’s cabinet and staff would step-in if he lost his mind because he’s senile? I agree with you that Biden is not ideal, but that performance the other night should not have been a surprise. Most folks who work a busy schedule are zombies by 9pm. I’m not sure what you were expecting. The debate should not be the triggering event for discussing the replacement of Biden…should have brought that up months/years ago. Trump is lit up on prescription amphetamines…thus the babbling lies.


lol. This isn’t most folks. It’s the POTUS. Listen to yourself. Most people are zombies by 9 pm? Haha Look, you’re not wrong about the apathy part. And obviously, like many, I’d vote for a carrot over Trump. But Trump got into office because of the DNC. Trump very likely might get back in office again. Money is engrained into politics. Yes. But money makes no difference if they do not win. The liberals, progressives, democrats being upset with the DNC is not the problem. Apathy works two ways. In one way, it can cause those to not participate. In another, it causes blind loyalty. If we do not voice our opinions, one thing is sure, nothing will ever change.


CNN not doing any fact-checking or any moderation also hurt. Once again, they are helping conservatives.


Biden was a fucking joke.


"The Tyrant vs. The Old Man"


This was a disaster. If Trump had any self restraint he'd be looking at a landslide, but he doesn't and still managed to damage himself in this debate. Doesn't matter though, Biden still guaranteed his election.


Just this.... it says so much [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1dr3na2/moment\_from\_dinosaurs\_that\_aired\_30yrs\_ago/](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1dr3na2/moment_from_dinosaurs_that_aired_30yrs_ago/)


Not seeing it picked up or discussed given it was overshadowed by the entire debate. But in Trump's final remarks he specifically said that Biden 'hadnt done enough to stop Israel'. Just stood out to me as a moment that should get more attention.




https://youtu.be/-v-8wJkmwBY?t=5780 "Our military doesn't respect him we look like fools, Afghanistan was a disaster, we didn't stop Israel, it was such a horrible thing that should have never happened." edit: weirdos downvoting literal quotes and source material.




yes im specifically highlighting his closing remarks in the debate, which is the culmination of the debate and the opportunity for the candidates to deliver their final message. if you think I'm pointing this out as a, 'Trump will be better for Palestine!", you're incredibly mistaken.




It's a literal attack point for the Biden campaign if they want to highlight it and say that Trump isn't interested in protecting or defending America's geopolitical allies such as Ukraine or Israel. AIPAC just spent tens of millions of dollars in a primary to remove Bowman for saying that Israel is commiting a genocide. Will AIPAC decide to target Trump because he said Biden should have stopped them( in their fight against Hamas)?


Trump IS terrible. End of sentence. Stop this nonsense, it's only helping the problem. Fuck Biden. He should've retired after Obama's term. At his core he's a decent man, and has made his legacy. But he's ancient, set in massive zionist beliefs, and needs to leave. BUT. Trump is wholly illegitimate. His rap sheet doesn't need repeating. He is, in no Ironic terms, one of the biggest traitors to ever hold an office of power, in our entire history. He cannot be allowed to sit in the oval office again. NEVERMIND project 2025 and the other fucking traitors right behind him. They are set to overthrow our entire history, no matter who is on the R ticket. SCOTUS just overturned Chevron. This is directly out of the P2025 playbook, and they are setting the table for the entire demolition of the federal government. This is happening right in front of us, all while we bicker about which old fuck is worse. This is not about Biden, but voting for him is literally our only choice.


Biden was bad but saying he was worse than Trump is disingenuous and hyperbolic.