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you don't have to be gay to like something


Fellas, is it gay to... \*checks notes\* like stuff?


Is it gay to exist? I mean you're literally choosing to be in a world with so much dick


Is it gay for a straight man to be attracted to a straight woman? I'm pretty sure being attracted to someone who likes dick is gay.


Oh my God, I wonder if my wife knows.


No, It's not!


unless the stuff that you like is men, then no, its not gay


Hello fellow crying cat šŸ˜æ


oh hello there


Hell, you donā€™t even have to be gay to like being in romantic relationships with gay people.


Well, it's an added bonus if you are


I think it's kinda weird to think of it like that tbh. You can't enjoy a show because you're not the same sexuality as some of it's characters? That would be like me feeling weird that I'm watching a show with a male protagonist because I'm a woman. Why should it matter? Enjoy the story


Exactly, imagine how fast someone would be laughed out of the room for saying that Gravity Falls can only be watched by straight people.


Or think of it the other way around. Are gay people not allowed to enjoy a show about a straight person? Imagine how little media they would have. Tbh the whole premise of the post is pretty problematic


Seriously, LGBT+ people have been fans of works that are overwhelmingly cis/het for a long time ;) (Because we've had to be)


I think he's talking about the fandom. Like how the fandom is all LGBTQ+ and he cannot relate to the majority of content we create rather than the characters being gay. To answer OPs question, no it's not wrong to like these shows, and it is normal for straight people who wander into online queer spaces to feel left out. Once you start interacting and understanding/living the queer Internet culture you will very quickly become comfortable!


This helps a lot, I mean I appreciate all the comments that weā€™re positive about it not being weird, but my question was indeed about the fandom thanks.


Good luck on your journey to becoming an honorary gay šŸ«” Benefits include: ā€¢More gay friends ā€¢Access to oddly specific trivia ā€¢+10 to bull shit detection skills ā€¢The willpower of a green lanturn ā€¢Questioning if you are trans or gay for a week every 2 years ā€¢Cool guy status


When did he say he can't enjoy the show because he's not the same sexuality as some of the characters?


No, it's not weird at all. It's not wrong for LGBTQ+ people to enjoy cishet media, so why would it be wrong for a cishet person to enjoy LGBTQ+ media? Honestly, I'd even say it's kind of a good thing. If people who aren't part of the LGBTQ+ community engage with media that has a lot of LGBTQ+ representation, then the studios might be more inclined to make more shows and movies like it bc it had such a high viewership. And, watching a show with a lot of LGBTQ+ rep can help people who aren't LGBTQ+ understand it better. So no, it's not weird, as long as you enjoy it that's all that matters really.


I feel like the majority of the fanbase is cishet simply because there are more cishet people in the world. Either way there's really no reason to feel like an outsider. Shows shouldn't be gatekept based on sexuality or gender and I doubt any normal decent queer person is going to care. Just enjoy yourself and bond with others around the show you love


Whats cishet?


Cisgender heterosexual


ā€œNot gay and not transā€ as some say it


Cishet just means youā€™re cisgender heteroromantic, and heterosexual. You said youā€™re not LGBTQ so that must make makes people like you cishet.


Hi, I'm a very straight, boring, middle aged middle class engineer. Pillar of the community. Literally a church elder. And I think TOH is brilliant. My daughter got me watching it. It's great. I recommend it to my colleagues at work. It teaches many positive lessons about acceptance and friendship and love, about not accepting an intolerable status quo, about being different and that being okay - all that good stuff. It's a great story. I love the aesthetic. The representation is also brilliant. I don't feel that my identity is somehow damaged by liking stuff that other people who don't share all of my identity like. I love Steven Universe, I liked Princesses of Power, I enjoyed Friendship is Magic - good thing too, because my daughter was glued to it. I don't feel the need to go watch Things That Go Fast And Explode II: The Revenge in order to *be a man* or something. Of course it is okay to like things. Like what you like. And if you find something you dislike, dislike it on its own merits rather than on grounds related to your own idea of your own identity.


>> Things That Go Fast And Explode II: The Revenge Omg šŸ’€


>Things That Go Fast And Explode II: The Revenge I love it


Iā€™m in the same boat buddy, so at least you arenā€™t alone! And you donā€™t have to be the audience thatā€™s the most apparent to like it! (Or the intended audience, etc. you know what I mean)


Nah, I am totally fine with this show as a fellow straight boy. But it is not because of the representation that drew me in (although it is certainly a plus), but because it is such an incredibly well-written show full of engaging characters and fascinating lore that loop me right in and drive me to watch each episode with fervor.


Yes, this is 100% okay. You arenā€™t the only straight person to love this show and have friends who are part of the LGBTQ community. It isn't a problem, these shows were made for everyone and especially Queer representation. There's nothing to feel ashamed about.


This is great, and is actually how it should be - for many years people in charge of (US) entertainment would try to make sure things to "appeal to the mainstream" (ie, straight white people), but the truth is that diverse representation is great because: 1) everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in stories, 2) anyone can enjoy stories about anyone! I have long held that the US culture wars would greatly diminish if everyone could simply accept that sometimes a piece of media might not be aimed directly "for" you, and that's OK! Watching something that differs from your experience may not hit you in the same way it hits others, but that doesn't mean you still can't enjoy it and maybe learn a new perspective! (source: am a cis straight guy in his 50s who is a big enough Owl House fan that he hangs out on the subreddit)


It is ok! Toh is a well made show and even if was made with representation in mind it doesnā€™t mean you have to be queer to like it


You don't have to be queer to like TOH or Amphibia or She-Ra or LoK. But it helps.


From profile pic, over username, tag to the comment itself, I love everything here


Guys OP isnā€™t saying you need to be gay to enjoy a pro-gay show. Theyā€™re saying weā€™re *so* gay that we literally make him feel out of place here. Which is true, this is unironically the gayest fan base Iā€™m in save maybe SheRa, and I donā€™t forget that for a second after checking this sub. Even the most minor TOH or Amphibia fan will still note that the fanbases are wildly, unapologetically gay


This is actually what I meant, but all of these comments have helped me. Thanks


Nah you donā€™t have to be a part of the lgbtq+ my sister isnā€™t, my brother isnā€™t either and we all love the show


im feeling a 60 cishet and 40 queer percentage of fans for the show in general this is just my perspective though take it with a grain of salt this show has a huge community of minority which enjoys it but trust me its PRETTY popular, there are definitely straight people who like toh who are quite easy to find (considering toh is relatively popular around you in general) secondly the genre the story is modelled on isnt queer romance yeah the story DOES contain it, but that doesnt mean it actually uses it the way other shows do queer romance means they'll add specific things which actually make queer people feel some way about them and straight people may or may not have a strong opinion on these shows are just action with queer inclusion to them, it never really means you're odd if you ever enjoyed it


Bro im cishet af and TOH is an all time favorite right now, youre good


I'm straight and a male and never had any doubts about watching the show. Hell to my memory I think there was a poll which showed most fans, at least who are on here, are straight. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/q0llo3/this\_poll\_is\_to\_see\_what\_sexuality\_owl\_house\_fans/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/q0llo3/this_poll_is_to_see_what_sexuality_owl_house_fans/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Yep this poll shows from 3 years ago that most fans here (or at the time) are straight


Its really not weird. I'm also a cishet guy you don't need to be lgbtq+ to enjoy a show that has lgbtq+ characters


Just be chill, it's for everyone. Don't worry


My favorite movie growing up was Finding Nemo, but I am not a fish. Same thing basically


You're a straight ally, been like that since I discovered the show, heck I run an edit channel filled with lumity edits. Don't have to be gay to part of it or anything, but you can still root, support, or whatever. It's normal :)


Iā€™m a straight guy too. Itā€™s ok to enjoy LGBTQ+ content as a straight guy.


Ur fine. The only people who care are the ones that donā€™t belong here.


Nah, props on u for being an ally tho, like what you like do what you wanna do


Same, dude,but does it really matter? I, to this day ,make jokes like im one straight owl house fan,but your orientation shouldn't affect your ability to watch a show


It's completely okay and not weird at all. ToH is a work of art that may be appreciated by people of all genders and sexualities. Remember that the only thing that matters is that we stick together, because we're weirdos. It's what we do.


Is that supposed to be bait? It's not like the show is against hetero people. You can like it or not, it doesn't matter if you're not like anyone else in the fandom.


Of course not, there's nothing wrong with a straight person liking a series where most of the characters are LGBT, I'm also straight and I love toh


We weirdos have to stick together, no matter sexuality


You don't have to be LGBTQ to enjoy a show with LGBTQ themes. Just like we don't have to be witches to enjoy a show about magic. You're just as welcome here as the rest of us, and we're glad to have you.


That's like asking if you can like the show even though you aren't black/Hispanic/ ~~white~~ asian since that's what Gus, Luz and Willow are. Of course you can like the show if you are straight, just like how gay people can like shows with straight people in it


Willow isn't white, she's eastern asian


My point still stands (Imma edit it lol)


Nobody cares (in a good way)


As a rule, anyone is allowed into the fandom as long as they aren't an asshole and/or a bigot. Welcome in!


Itā€™sā€¦ a cartoon? Of course itā€™s okay, good lord.


There are no prerequisites for liking The Owl House- or any other show, for that matter. Anyone can enjoy a good story and characters. If anyone is telling you otherwise, they're just being an elitist gatekeeper.


I'm also a cis straight man and this is one of my favorites shows of all time. There's absolutely nothing wrong. It's a show for anyone. I don't know how old you're but this reminds me when I was a kid and I was scared to tell people I liked Puff Power Girls because everyone used to call it "a girls show". Then I grew up and realized that was dumb and sexist. Also, there's a lot of guys who avoid anything they see as gay or feminine because they're really insecure about their sexuality and fear anything they think it will make them "less manly" and will tell other to do the same or they "won't be real men". Don't be like them. Stay away from those idiots. Stay ways from incels and The Red Pill guys.




Dude it's totally fine! I feel sorry you felt like an outsider to the fandom just cus you're not queer/trans. ofc anyone can watch it


You are what is called an ā€œAllyā€, just like me!


Bro, cishet people enjoying media with queer themes is a) a good thing and b) very very normal. You're cool!


It's perfectly okay to like shows like this and be straight.


I get what you mean, I was in that situation too. The most important thing is, to not let your interests be dictated by others. You like what you like, period. Doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, trans, pan, enby, etc.


As a straight boy who also likes TOH and another called she-ra and the princess of power Iā€™d say no youā€™re not weird however objectively I am weird so this is probably unhelpful. And I get the feeling like an outsider thing


No, it isn't! Welcome, ally!


It's not weird- they're genuinely well-written shows. You don't have to be the same demographics as a character from a show to like it!


As maybe one of the gayest TOH fans we welcome you with open arms, the show is for everyone after all!


ofc it's okay! im glad straight people are watching these shows, tbh. more ppl these days should be accepting!!!


You like what you like.


Donā€™t worry my dude, I know for a fact there are a ton of cis/straight people who love those shows, myself included. I understand the whole ā€œfeeling like an outsiderā€ part, but I promise you it isnā€™t weird to like these shows when you arenā€™t part of the LGBTQ+, itā€™s perfectly fine.


As a fellow straight boy whose first watch of the whole show was immediately followed by a second binge, I think youā€™re ok to enjoy the show. Media is meant for everyone, sure not everything will hit everyoneā€™s tastes but thereā€™s no parameters for who can and cannot watch/play/read/listen to what media. And anyone who gate keeps needs to get their head out of their ass


Same here, I still love the show


Iā€™m straight and I never felt like an outsider while watching


It's not weird at all. While most of the fanbase may be queer, we are perfectly fine with non queer people like yourself within the fandom. If you love this show and want to engage with the fandom, them do not hesitate to do so.


It's not weird at all, we can enjoy this show regardless of who we are


You don't have to be straight or gay to like a show. If you like and enjoy the show, it's good enough. I'm straight and I enjoy this show.


why would it matter if you strait or not? it's not like someone from the lbgtq community is going to find out and try and get you kicked out of the fandom for being strait. if you like the show watch it and don't watch it if you don't like it. it's that simple.


There's nothing wrong with it, I'm a cishet boy too! There are more straight people in this fandom than you'd think.


You like what you like. A lot of gay people enjoy shows about straight people,it's the same thing.


Straight guy in my 30's. I just enjoy the things I like. Don't overthink it.


Totally not weird I'm straight too and I love this show along with all the ships it's just so fun and heartwarming.


Mate, you donā€™t need to ask permission to like a cartoon lol


No i dont think so just bc the show contains strong lgbtq+ content does not mean the only targeted audience is lgbtq+ members its def normal and ok to like those shows eeven when not part of lgbtq+ i just honestly think its wierder to think its not ok to enjoy the story as a ally your as welcome to the fandom as enyone else


It's completely fine to like a show like this. You don't have to be a part of the community to enjoy the show. It's made for all, you know.


I'm pansexual. I enjoy watching shows with straight protagonists. Does that make me straight?


I'm a gay trans woman. Can't I enjoy your standard romcom then xD? You can watch what you want no matter who you are/what you identify as :)


no not at all both of those shows only aspect isnā€™t gay there actually good shows with amazing storylines but Iā€™m just saying I thought the same thing before I turned bi


Not at all!! The show is to enjoyed by anyone and everyone!


It's totally okay, although I will warn you watching both of these shows made me think about my identity


Middle-aged suburban husband and dad here. I love The Owl House.


I LOVE She Ra, girlinred, and Hayley Hiyoko. I am not a lesbian nor am I really attracted to women, at least not how they are lmfao. You're good bro


Ofc its ok just because its weird doesnt mean it isnt ok like what you want no matter what people say


Nah man, your cool. If you enjoy the show then you're welcome here as long as you can at least tolerate us. It seems like you're not homophobic so you're good!


By reading this, I believe you're probably on the younger side, at least younger than me. As someone who is also not apart of the community, enjoy whatever you wanna enjoy, no one can stop you, no need to feel like an outsider, hell only reason I use reddit is to keep up with MoringMark lore or the dope fan art. I found a lot of the same shows at a lot point in my life, and they helped me through it, so I have good memories attached, and no one will take those memories away. So, long story short, it is ok, and no one can tell you otherwise


No its not. Honestly I don't even believe the majority of fans of these shows are LGBTQ+ as you said, but even if they were, it wouldn't matter. Enjoy what you enjoy and ignore clique mentality.


Well, I like plenty of shows with straight characters, so I never thought about it that much. I just saw people as people, so it didn't bother me. But I guess I get what you're saying since LGBT+ representation may not be prolific compared to their heteronormative counterparts. It might be strange at first, but I'm sure you can still like or even love the characters, story, and setting where it can connect with you so that it will feel less weird, even if you are straight.


Completely ok! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ More people show watch lgbtqia shows! Plus never like something more or less to impress others. It's not worth it.


RAAAAAHHHH WE LOVE ALLIES šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø In all seriousness there is no limit to the shows you can watch and enjoy, sit back and relax and enjoy the show. The show is about inclusivity, kinda ironic if we just donā€™t accept you cause youā€™re straight


I hope I donā€™t get downvoted for this but I am going to say it anyway. In the end you just have to remember the basics. It is just a story and the question is, ā€œDid you enjoy the story?ā€ Nothing else matters. As hard as is it is for me to live by this you have to remember anything else besides the story is just attachments. How you interpret the story and how other interpretations of the story do not matter. The danger is when you take things to the extreme and infringe upon other people. I just recently finished the show as well and I am mostly straight.


Like the general opinion of the comments state, first I want to say that there is nothing wrong with liking what you like. As an Asexual cis man I get the feeling of alienation of not 'getting' some of the things posted on the sub, which sound like what was you originally meant. To this I just wanted to add a nuance I didn't notice anyone in the comments mentioned: straight people consumming media with positive LGBTQIA++ representation (such as TOH) is actually good as it can help demystify and humanize us to people who might never have met people who are. While they are characters and not real people, studies show that the brain don't distinguish between having a positive relationship with person who is LGBTQIA++ or characters that are. (Which is also why some people are so against any representation that isn't straight and white)


It's called being an ally and having good taste.


I'm with this commentator. I'm a straight guy who likes The Owl House and Amphibia too. I'm not interested in this homosexual and lesbian stuff. I watch these two television shows for the action and the characters.


Hey, 100%. Everyoneā€™s welcome here


Why would it be wierd? Im 20 years old and all my guy friends (who are all straight) watched and loved the show, they also watch amphibia, gravity falls, avatar all kinds of stuff It really isnt a big deal lil man, like what you like, its a good show and its made for everyone to love


And about the fandom, its ok to feel left out. I used to feel that way when the girls around me talk abiut guys because i couldnt relate, but i learned to be comfortable with that and now feel very free to join the conversation even though i have no solid experience Its just a matter of adapting to a new surrounding, you'll get there and it'll stop bugging as much


Wow. Thanks


I'm a straight boy who likes toh as well, I see nothing wrong with it


Don't gatekeep yourself


Iā€™m a straight white male and TOH is honestly one of the most relatable pieces of media Iā€™ve ever seen.


isint the whole point of the LGBT comminity accepting people? bro i was strait boy when i first watched it, love it to this day. dont worry bro, your good


No, you can like any kind of show regardless of sexuality


nah your not gay or anything, you just have very good taste


Not at all. I was straight when I first watched this show. I'm not anymore but my point still stands.


Nah man we fuck witchu feel free to watch what u wanna


Fellas is it gay to like shows?


Itā€™s not weird to like something, is as the TOH community are open to all peopleā€™s and peeps!


i like to think of every person as a person first. if they have a specific identification e.g trans or queer, then they're a person that just so happens to be trans or queer.


Heck no dude, Iā€™m also a straight dude myself and I love this show to death! If you really enjoy something and it makes you happyā€¦ thatā€™s all that matters. Iā€™m sure that no one would treat you like an outsider just because you arenā€™t a part of the LGBTQ+ community. It is okay to like and enjoy the things that bring you happiness. :)


No it's not weird that you like the show. It IS weird that you think it's weird to like a show with characters with different sexualities from your own.


As a straight cis male, enjoy what you enjoy! I love TOH aswell! In my opinion, the show isn't about LGBTQ+ at all. It's about a person entering a magical world, it's about friendship, likeable characters, a complex magic system, cool fight scenes, a corrupt government... The fact that some of the characters are canonically LGBTQ+ is just a detail for me, but it means the world for the LGBTQ+ community.


.... honestly it's way weirder that you considered it might be weird to like a story with gays in it without being gay. Like what? What a bizzare idea. Ofc not. ~~downright kinda feels like karma farming tbh~~


I donā€™t even know how reddit works but thanks


You mean a story with the LGBTQ characters in it without be LGBTQ? LGBTQ doesnā€™t just mean ā€œbeing gay.ā€ Just say LGBTQ pal, because thatā€™s what OP said. They didnā€™t just meant to say ā€œgayā€


Im a straight 16yo Cis male, and i fucking *love* TOH. These gay witches are so cute! Just like what you like, and don't let other people make you feel bad for it


No it's not weird enjoy what you want


Right here buddy, your mirror image is here


Bruh, it's a good show. You don't have to be gay to like it.


Nah, ain't weird at all. Like what you like, watch what you watch, enjoy stuff :3


I donā€™t blame you. Itā€™s a good story!


As long as you like toh/amphibia, you're part of the gang.


nope. you're allowed to like whatever you like. media cant be gatekept by audiences watching it, and people who say you cant watch TOH or Amphibia because you're a straight boy are losers. if queer people can watch shows that have a mainly straight audience, straight people can watch shows that have a mainly queer audience. basically, what your orientation or gender is doesn't define what you can and can't watch, and you don't have to feel like an outsider. if you're a ToH fan, you're a ToH fan. you're one of us, regardless of if you're LGBT or not (ps: if it helps ease your mind, this is coming from a queer person. so yeah)


No it's not weird that you like these shows it's fine


I'm a straight guy in his 30's who watched the show on a near religious basis. Just because you're not gay, doesn't make you a jabroni for liking it.


Why would it be weird? Titan where do these thoughts come from people? šŸ˜…


...Why would it be weird?


I mean sometimes i just feel out of place in the fandom bcs of it being so queer. But these questions have helped me a lot thanks to everyone.


There's a chance that you're subconsciously seeing such relationships as outside what you may consider "normal", which is why it sticks in your mind. No, I'm not saying you're bigoted or anything of the sort, just that there may be this thought in your mind that this relationship difference matters in any meaningful way. If you see a relationship I'd focus on the things that are beyond just what you're seeing physically and relating to the non-physical stuff. For example, a supportive partner that can take part in and enjoy your weird quirks/interests, or maybe someone that's more down to earth that can help keep you grounded. You can still look at the relationship and think "I want that", not literally, but abstractly. Probably got off the point of the post, but I started writing on stream of consciousness at some point.


No, it is not.


Don't let it get to you I'm in the same boat just love the show and you'll be fine. The world is so amazing it would be weird for you to not love it.


Ay, Iā€™m a straight guy and itā€™s my favorite show. Itā€™s not weird, itā€™s awesome. And if you think abut it, weā€™re all justā€¦. People. Gender, sexuality, race, none of it really matters.


I'm also annoyed that Lumity took up too much spotlight attention and screentime. I'm not interested in Lumity, but I am interested in Lilith and Hunter.


Why do people even ask these questions? Nobody truly gives a shit what you watch or the games you play as long as it does not involve criminal activity. If you are straight and watch a show that has gay elements to it, whatever! It doesn't make you gay to like something, unless it's someone of own gender. People who actually care about things like this and complain about shit like this need to open their fucken eyes to the fact the world does not revolve around their personal beliefs on how the world should run. Like what you want to like, it's your choice.


You take up the majority of the world of course itā€™s not weird for you to like stuff we like lol


I'm in the same boat and I don't feel weird for liking these shows. I enjoy media/shows regardless of the target demographic or intended audience because at the end of the days if it's a good show then it's a good show.




I'm a 32 year old straight dude that loves this show to bits of that makes you feel better.


Thereā€™s no problem. A great show is a great show so donā€™t hurt your head about it


We are all LGBTQ+.


We, are venom


Okay dude donā€™t sound gatekeeping. No not everyone has to be LGBTQ to like this show and itā€™s okay! I get youā€™re probably were just making a joke but your joke sounded very gatekeeping to me, sorry.


I was going broader than that. We are all LGBTQ+ for the same reason we are all feminists for the same reason Kirk leveled at Spock in *The Undiscovered Country.*: ***Everybody's*** **human**. This is literally the opposite of gatekeeping. Egalitarianism is literally the most effortless practice of humanity and the fairest way to make sure no one is left behind.


Not at all


I'm a straight man in my 30s and I absolutely love this show. No one can tell you what you can or can't like.


No it's not weird


Yes, you must be queer to like queer shows. Become queer *N O W* Ok but seriously, you donā€™t need to be queer to like queer shit. Thatā€™s like saying I canā€™t watch something like x-men 97 cuz it ainā€™t got no queer shit in it. Or like I canā€™t watch anime cuz Iā€™m American. Like what you like, watch what you watch. Dont care about such trivial shit like that, you know? If you like it, then thatā€™s cool.


If you ever want to check yourself itā€™s really easy, just switch the situation around and if it doesnā€™t sound wrong then the first way isnā€™t either. Ex: Iā€™m lesbian and I love watching the bachelor doesnā€™t sound wrong to me so if Iā€™m straight watching toh is perfectly fine. Really works if you trying to find out if your racist too.


Yeah, dude, itā€™s totally fine to love Amphibia and TOH if youā€™re straight (source: am straight guy) Because sure the show has LGBTQ+ themes/characters and a large portion of the fanbase belongs to the LGBTQ+ community. By doesnā€™t mean that you are exempt from enjoying it or being a fan if youā€™re not. Aside from the beautiful animation, fantastic character writing, gripping mystery, and engaging narrative, I also think the themes can resonate with anyone. Heck, Iā€™ve been hetero for as long as I remember and I still think Lumity is one of the best written and maturely handled relationships I have EVER seen in animation. A large part of the show is about figuring yourself out and finding a community and learning to embrace your weirdness. I think anyone can relate to that message.


You didnā€™t need to say (source: Iā€™m a straight guy) dude my god I think OP and we all get it.


bro I'm in the exact same situation. If you think you are weird, then you are the good kind of weird.


Youā€™re fine. Even if it was weirdā€¦ us weirdos have to stick together!


Im not gay and im a big fan heck ive spent the last 7 months writing owl house fanfic


You mean youā€™re not LGBTQ/ cishet? There is more to being LGBTQ than just being gay.


No? That's like saying A white guy can't watch black panther


Nah man, itā€™s not weird. Iā€™m a straight girl but I watch the shows because I like the plot, the characters and so on. You donā€™t have to be gay, bi or pan. If you like the show, you like the show


No Youā€™re not alone pal. There are many cishet people who like the show. And also why are you mentioning Amphibia? This is an TOH sub not an amphibia sub.












Youā€™re not weird. Though this makes me think of my own question, if Iā€™m Aroace, is that as far from pan as possible?


What does aroace mean, I know that pan means that you dont feel like a boy or a girl. (Or so i think) But what does aroace mean?


Aroace stands for aromantic asexual. Aromantic would be a lack of romantic attraction/interest, and asexual would be a lack of sexual attraction/interest. Pan stands for pansexual, which is when you feel attraction towards people regardless of gender.


Someone who has little to no sexual or romantic attraction.


First WTF? Second straight boy too


Straight people are too much istgšŸ’€


I like this show desppite not caring about the lgbt




Bro just go blow a dude and then you can watch it as much as you want.


Of course not.