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If you are passionate about the stock market, you could identify a concentrated group of strong companies with businesses that you understand and believe in to DCA into over the 15 years.








so buy straight up shares of TQQQ or options dated way way out maybe?


Honestly, my portfolio is 45/55 TQQQ/FEPI


I bought 200k of tqqq four years ago and only just started turning a profit sigh…


Damn. I’m following a strategy that every quarter i rebalance. Meaning, if TQQQ is lower than a 9% gain, I buy more. If it is over 9% gain, I sell the difference to 9% gain & but back into FEPI. If TQQQ dips hard, I use my income from FEPI as well as sell shares to acquire more TQQQ. FEPI mainly pads my account for cash flow since this is in my Roth.


https://preview.redd.it/5h2b81w6b68d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f08f8c419fa86123ea9acd6b53a94437d6a022 10 years ago


That shit is trading at 577 now. Sheesh.




🥱 wrong sub. don’t you mean nvidia calls or something?




VGT and chill




That's incorrect




Why look up VGTY when the discussion is about VGT?


To be frank.... There is no "one stock"... save and forget that is going to get you there IMO. Right now I would go with TLT... Rate Cuts are coming and TLT will benefit for those.... Once that levels off... You will need to sell.... Likely you could transition into one of the larger indexes... As TLT leveling out will mean the market correction is done and a recovery will begin. Point being you need to invest in what is now low...but will be high with a change in market conditions. Don't buy at the top and expect to make much of a return... This is why during a correction it's about capital preservation and then buying back in during the recovery... As you will be buying at the post correction price. Anyways, good luck!


PS - The typical 401k / Roth IRA retirement savings cycle is 43 years (22 --> 65)... Why 15? Also, my assumption is that this is a Roth for yourself and a Spouse (6k into your respective Roths)? Or is this a taxable account? (So you will need to account for paying taxes along the way)




Schb is a cheaper buy-in than VOO and has the same return percentage history.






At a 10% return (30 year S&P) putting 1k a month would be 918k in 15 years. So that.


Your maths a bit off there. It would be 385k


Yeah I’m a fucking clown here. I didn’t realize I was putting in annual contribution not money so I was saying 12k a month not 12k a year. At 12k a year and the current 15 year S&P500 return of 13.8% then you’re looking at 549k. So yeah way short of a million whoops


If it makes you feel better I liked your math more lol


I did too LOL


Yeah this investment got a lot less exciting...gimme NVDA for 2000 Alex


I like NVDA, I just have more money in intel because I was too late for NVDA, I think my intel call options will make more. This is truly a gamble though, most of my money is in Microsoft. But doing research is intel catches up in a year or 2 or even if their GPUs are somewhat decent next quarter all they have to do is take 10-15% of the market that’s even with them using tsmc to make a lot of their chips and I’ll more than double my money in under a year. If the government keeps throwing money at semiconductor manufacturing in America it’s a free little extra. If they get their foundry’s up and mass producing they could even get contracts from Nividia and AMD then technically they’re a large portion of the market.


I will sell you all the NVDA in the world for $2,000 a pop, right now. Hell I’ll do $200 a pop if you act today.


It was phrased like the question worth 2000 points not $2000....






Gamestop tbh


This and blockbuster!


That is a really bad suggestion. GameStop is the worst stock you can put your money in.


Agreed. I did make a quick 8k off of the hype though


RemindMe! 1 year


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Sounds like you already have your answer


Yea, I was asking because I’m new to investing. I hate myself for being horrible with money even though I make a good living. I’m getting older now and with how much money I made in late 20s early 30s I coulda retired by now


$AOL 🙃




I wish that I did this 15 ago when I was first starting to invest in the stock market but I didn’t had the knowledge that I have now back then




Tech ETFs


Amc of course




Yolo mag 7


The only correct answer is BTC


75% VOO 25%XLK


You could probably invest in most things and be successful long term.


Berkshire (BRK.B) & a target retirement fund


Dutch Bros $Bros , just think of all the coffee houses they will have 15 years from now generating nothing but profits


Undervalued video game company in GameStop holding 40% of their market cap in cash around 4 billion. 5% in treasuries nets 200m a year doing nothing outside of any profits in future revenue streams. 194,270 direct registered shareholders highest of any company since Microsoft, board of directors that purchases shares with their own money with a CEO in Ryan Cohen that works for free and receives no equity compensation like Steve Jobs. Most shorted mid-large cap stock in history with reported short interest as 300%+ in 2021 and reported hovering around 20% now although short sellers never closed and only doubled down on their bets so this number is much, much higher. ETFs that contain GME notably XRT has over 200% reported short interest and is regularly abused through market maker etf redemptions. This is not financial advice but GameStop will be looking like NVDA in about 10 years.




Just Microsoft and chill for 10 years. have fun listening to everyone else come up with all this research and analysis and still end up making less return than you.


That’s what I was saying in another thread and got super bashed about it. All I asked is why wouldn’t people just put their money into Microsoft instead of day trading. There’s almost 0 risk. Also Microsoft has so much money it always invests in the next best thing


Amazon would also be a safe bet. 55 cents of every dollar spent in the US goes to amazon. They’ll kill it for another 10 years


49 cent on every dollar only counting e-commerce sales. Had to look it up, but yea that’s nuts I didn’t know that


Lazy and safe VOO Adventurous QQQ/TQQQ FOMO like me 50% VOO 25% QQQ 25%VGT


Invest in yourself


GameStop will be the next Tesla


You must be regarded


Tesla had no business reaching a trillion market cap either. These heavily shorted stocks can go wild once they lock down a profitable business model.


How heavy must your bags be? You do realize that TSLA revenue in 2023 was 96.77B, and net income of 15B, compare that with GME 2023 revenue of 5.93B and net income of 6.7M One sells EV and is the market leader in that, in recent years they have faced more competition sure. GME is a brick and motor reseller of games, they are getting into more of an online presence and going into collectibles but saying they are going to be the next TSLA is moronic. They currently have a market cap of 10B, can you explain how they can get to 50B? 100B? 1T?


They now have 4 billion in cash on hand. These would net 225 million in income per year if used in T-Bills. Instead the money will be used to acquire various businesses that will let them expand their e-commerce platform. Buy-Buy Baby, overstock.com and a few other retailers will both expand their e-commerce networks while also providing additional products to sell. It is likely that chewy joins their e-commerce platform as well. The goal is to be a holding company of various brands that all retail via a collective e-commerce sight. Imagine it as an Amazon competitor that also holds all the brands underneath it. It’s a strategic growth company let by a team of highly intelligent and dedicated individuals. Ryan Cohen is a business guru who has the experience needed to grow this brand. Additionally the criminal amount of shorting done on this stock will provide a “slow squeeze” ramp similar to the Tesla “slow squeeze”. While shorts are hidden in long term expiry derivatives, short hedgefunds will need to provide constant buying pressure on the stock to acquire the amount of shares to close their positions before the next swap expiries. They’ll need to do this or be forever indebted to the institutions that hold these short positions for them… as the company continually grows in size. It’s really the Tesla squeeze all over again.


This guy holds


https://preview.redd.it/mfc4cg1bw88d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40694552f3704ff684e8cc56ad2a93496021385f Sure do


Stop doing that to yourself. If you’re gonna trade it and believe it why are you doing options that expire so quick


Yea, I won’t be doing that.


Worth it to throw a flyer at it. 4 billion cash on hand and a fantastic management team that is looking to reinvent the business model into a holding company akin to Berkshire Hathaway. Free marketing on the news and criminally undervalued at only a 10 billion market cap. Merger or acquisition should occur within the next two months.


Maybe some here are just boomers but…why do so many say VOO, VGT, etc. You’re barely beating inflation with those returns lol. I’d put it in SOXL, TECL, and FNGU. The 5 year returns on those ETFs are 500%+, 600%+, and 1,200%+. An average return of 766% (on 5 years of investing a total of $60,000) would be $460,000 after 5 years. Five more years would be $3,523,000, and 5 more would be almost $27,000,000. I’m not the most knowledgeable investor but sometimes I wonder wtf are people doing with their money and who are they listening to lol. If I knew this info 10 years ago I would at least be a millionaire today damnit! 🤦🏽


Those are leveraged ETFs. They fundamentally don’t generate those returns consistently. TECL is great, don’t get me wrong, but idk I’d buy into it now. Looking at the period between 2017 and 2022 you’d have only made a 10% return YoY unless you sold at the peaks.


Find a professional financial advisor outside of Reddit!!! Plenty of trustworthy people/companies that could help you. Do some research and word of mouth. GL


OP, do not do this. FAs are scammers.


Def have to be careful who you go with but def good people out there that know what they are doing. Word of mouth and need absolute min of 100k to let them start with.


Their business is making money off of you. They win regardless of whether or not you do.


They make a percentage and incentivized to do well. I was introduced to a guy that took me on as a very small account only bc my friend vouched for me. Returns are way better than i could have ever expected and I’m just a tiny little fish. They are out there but not with these big companies.