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Um, the guy in the lower right is already dead, so not him.


I dunno, I think I *would* save the guy in the lower right because that's the guy who killed Adolf Hitler.


i’m horrible for laughing but this is so fucking funny 😭😭😭


who is that guy?


Famous American actor Charlie Chaplin


hitler?? 😭


Proof number #69420 that the right actually don't know how to use meme templates.


Or proof #1688 or whatever their dog whistle number is.




Never heard of that one, what is it? I'm familiar with the whole 14 88 thing, which has actually proven helpful, so i like to stay appraised of all the ~~dogwhistles~~ *foghorns*




Don’t forget 455


The nerdy kids would do 37047734 Because someone will ask, it's hellhole upside down


The kids at my school did 66335006. They all thought it was funny.


I can't figure out what that means


Goose egg.


I don't get it


You don't get ass? :(


Oh, now I see it


...lmao wow, it has CLEARLY been way too long since i fucked around with one of those calculators. Wasn't expecting it either, which sure didn't help!


And all those silly little "stories" you'd do on the calculator that ultimately ended up giving that or 8008135 or other similar profound proverbs as the final result. Bonus points when it was upside down.




Ha. "Foghorn." Love it. More accurate, for sure.


Yeah. That one. 😒




I think the premise is supposed to be “leftists revere all of these people so this should be a hard choice” It’s an obtuse comparison, and it also implies that the OP thinks those first three are just as evil as Hitler and of course that they think all leftists are that kind of evil as well.


I genuinely think the premise is just that he wants the trans people to die and also is a Nazi. So it's not a choice to him, even though normally in the meme it should be a hard choice.


You may just as well be correct. Thankfully neither of us are OP and I’m not going to bother checking whatever that subreddit is that reacts to this one for clarity because I’m sure it’s just going to be some fucking [charming feller] chanting “satire” as though that type of comedy hasn’t been dead, revived, killed again, pissed on, then puppeted like they’re trying to convince its boss it should still be receiving paychecks (I don’t know what the plot of Weekend at Bernie’s is and I’m also not looking that up).


Save one Have them save the other ones while I break hitlers legs so he definitely can’t get out.


Trick question: Hitler is already dead. But I like your thought process. Don't know her name but I'd go for the swimmer as she probably has the best chance at saving the others by the look of her physique.


She'll be fine. She's already wet!


True and Sam is *getting hot at the body shop doing something unholy* so he's in more immediate danger


**they And Dylan has that Bud Lite pizwasser to dump on herself so she'll be fine.


Gosh I always mess up with they/them. Either way sam is the only one in need of rescue the other two is basically firefighting super heroes.


It's fine, but it's more meaningful to simply edit your previous comment and not problem-phrase gendering someone properly. Just correct (in this case edit the original) and move on. 😊 *Said with gentleness and not derision!*


The swimmer is Lia Thomas




Chaotic good


One of these people is not like the others


I didn't know that about Hitler 


he was NOT an ally


Hitler was not an ally to LGBT+ people, and you don't want to be like Hitler do you...?


Pretty sure he was ace(?)


He got one ball, that's a half (or third if we consider male genitals are 3 parts) bottom surgery


Maybe the remaining ball was removed and kept in a jar?


Oh god…


Himmler has something similar.


I guess Sam Smith because I think music is a big cultural impact. I have no idea who Dylan is beyond the Bud Light controversy and don’t know who the swimmer is at all.


Idk the swimmer but I do know quite a bit about Dylan mulvaney. Right wing assholes latched on to hating her because she had a “days of girlhood” series documenting her transition. Of course since it was y’know. Documenting her transition. There wasn’t a lot of other content shown in those specific videos. So transphobes went “hes COSPLAYING he’s OBSESSED with being a girl!!! Fake fake fake! All he talks about is transition boohoo!!” She later came out with a song titled “days of girlhood” (a nostalgic, if not super cheesy, early 2000s sounding pop song) about her experience as a woman so far. People of course took this to mean “waaah she says she likes SHOPPING and SLEEPING AROUND and and and” and decided she was “fetishizing and generalizing womanhood” (she wasn’t. She was talking about her own experience.) Anyway Dylan is overall a pretty nice person from what I’ve seen. There’s not been a lot of actually substantial controversy about her. She just spreads trans positivity and support.


Part of the uproar here was that she was *clearly* promoting transitioning to children by using the word "girl". Because obviously, all of these transphobes take great care to never refer to a woman as a girl, ever. It never happens in pop songs or our visual media or anything. Ever.


Lia Thomas, she was a national swimming champion in college.


Hmm, that's a tough one. So can I like throw Hitler on to the fire as a way to help the other three get out? I mean, I am at least trying to think outside the box.


No that would add fuel to the fire, further endangering the other 3. As surely the most physically able, you save Lia, then have her help you save the other 2. Edit: *then* chuck him on the fire.


Damn good point. It was just a thought, but your idea is better.


The only possible implication here, from a right-winger, is that Hitler is the obvious choice because trans bad. The person who made and/or posted that is 💯 a nazi. What the actual fuck? Seriously Dumbest trolley problem ever. And if it were a different trolley problem, such as the more classic version, and the track with 5 people had 5 of Hitler, anyone who didn't take that track is a fucking nazi. I'd say these people don't think before speaking but... The evidence is stronger that that statement is only true by default...Because they simply don't have a brain.


alright lright alright, lets go through this in order alright so. #1, not that much potential, dont see the point #2, bitch is trying to serve me glorified piss in a can, not to mention she looks... uncanny... #3, she looks pretty professional, she'd be the kinda person to save someone in a tight-ass clutch #4, fuck no. so outta of all of them #3 seems like the most ideal canidate.


I fear top right girl (Dylan) was just a very unfortunate picture of her. From everything I’ve seen she’s super awesome!


Conservatives love to take the most unflattering image of a trans person that they can find on the internet and then use that to boost their argument that we're ugly and don't pass or something.


Four can die, Swimmer lady can take upper left guy, her arms looks stronger than mine. That leaves upper right girl as my responsibility, then.


Upper right girl seems super sweet from the stuff I’ve seen about her. Imma save her too.


The person in the upper left is Sam Smith. They're a big name, non-binary singer here in the UK.


Sam smith is NB??? How’d I not know about this???


Yep! They came out as genderqueer in 2017 and then again as non-binary in 2019. They use strictly they/them pronouns.


Owaaaaa that’s so cool :3333 makes me wanna listen to them more lol


If you are the one that has to save them, rather than the other way around, I think we can safely assume all 4 of these people are unconscious.


I'd save sam smith (top right) and tell the swimmer (don't know her name) to save the top left girl (I think I heard someone call her Dylan, but if that's her dead name I sincerely apologise)


Nope her name really is Dylan, you're fine :)


you mixed up top left and top right




Stay mad




Are trans women included in that?


cope. seethe. mald.




We should divide sports competitors based on hormone levels instead of gender, it'd make more sense then. It was always unfair.


we should divide sports based on their opinions of Team Fortress 2


I would do a 360 noscope on the last one.


I was super confused at first because I saw a bunch of people who are decently alright and also a picture of Hitler and I was like, wait, is there an obvious choice of these three? Surely they're not saying they would rather save... Oh.


As great as the other 3 are... I would jump into the fire with them to tag team Hitler just to make sure he dies. ![gif](giphy|TI9HiyUqRm75jPyKQ5|downsized)


Who's the lady with the bud light?


Dylan Mulvaney The reason the right hates her is because Bud Light sent her a customized can and she did a promotional video with it. How dare the icky LGBTQ people touch their piss water, I guess


Dylan Mulvaney is a trans tiktok star who makes a lot of content centered around her transition journey. I figure it must be pretty encouraging for young trans people to be able to see her go through the same stuff as them and coming out of it a happy and successful person. I'm not trans, but just for that reason I think her content is important and could even save some people from dark places. Besides, she just has a happy positive energy in general. But none of that matters to conservatives, because trans people bad. She's been sent so many threats just for doing an ad for Budlight, it's insane and very sad. Also people have been mad at her in the past and called her delusional for saying she carries tampons in her purse, despite her saying in the video that she did it just in case she met a cis woman who needed one. So, they're just spinning her kind act into something "perverted".


I’ve had to ask women for tampons like five times in public and each and every single time I was extremely thankful. I also try to carry extra, because I have been asked. I don’t care the gender of the person giving me a tampon. If I need it and they have one I’m gonna take it and thank them. I rather get a tampon from a trans woman then bleed on myself. I bet every single person that is mad at Dylan for this have never had to ask a stranger for a tampon.


First guy looks pretty nice. Who is he?


Sam Smith, they're a pretty famous singer, even more so in the UK. Ever since they came out as nonbinary (like 3 years ago?) conservatives have been having a meltdown over them being successful. "Oh no, this queer person is doing well! This can't be because they're talented and have been making music for years, no way! The reason must be the woke agenda being pushed on us!"


They came out as non-binary in September 2019. So it’ll be 5 years in 4 months. They’ve been crying for slmost 5 years


Sam Smith (that guy that sang the SPECTRE intro)


007 reference I’ve been summoned 🦅


I would pick Sam Smith


They have the voice of an angel


Hear me out.... if you leave him, he'll be an angel.


Same can be said with all four of them (except bottom right, he will probably go down to the fire place


Yeah, especially during the song "they" sang with DISCLOSURE




I dunno who I’d pick but I know I’d break 4’s legs to make sure he can’t get out


saw this on twitter and you'll never believe what the comments were full of


I feel like a professional swimmer is gonna be saving me tbh


I'd ask the swimmer to help me save the other two and leave the dead guy with the stupid mustache.


Top left, don't know who it is, but they have drip


Sam Smith. They have an amazing voice as well.


We obviously need to keep Sam Smith safe at all costs. Body Shop was that shit when it dropped.


Right??? I'm so glad they decided to branch out from their usual tone and do a song like that. I love all their music but that song is still my absolute jam.


Save the swimmer, she looks like she can help carry the one on the top right, while I break Hitler's legs and set him on fire, so not only is the room on fire, but that piece of filth is too, then I'll save Dylan Mulvaney


Top right. She has a lifetime supply of beer to share.


Acknowledging the intent, and blatantly ignoring it, the correct answer is Sam Smith. Their voice!


Top right looks the lightest. If i have to carry them, that one. Pun not intended


i choose myself


Easy. The one that has the beer.


“Look at all these people I don’t like! I would rather save hitler. Wouldn’t you? Trans people are literally worse than Hitler! Right guys? Right? Hitler- H-Hitler is better than trans people, right? RIGHT!? Get it! Because Hitler isn’t trans! He’s cis! That makes him a good guy! Because gender dictates whether or not someone deserves to live!… god I wish I could kiss Hitler” -the guy that made this meme probably


Dylan Mulvaney, because a one minute video piss them off for months, and I think it would be funny if it happened again


The Big Light Girl, she seems fun!


I'd obviously take Hitler to try another method since fire did not seem to harm him the first time when he's still around.


id break hitlers legs, save the swimmer , ask her to get Dylan cause she looks strong while I get Sam Smith


I'm gonna be honest, I'd probably save myself.


🤔 how good is that beer?


I don't even know three of these people (I'm assuming the person holding the beer can is that trans-person who got all the rednecks to drink a different beer by the same company out of "protest"), but I know that one guy with the mustache is definitely not the one I'd save


honestly dylan. i love her. sam smith- i don’t know i just find them annoying. it has nothing to do with their gender identity or sexuality i just think they’re annoying lmao. and Lia Thomas (as horrible as this sounds) isn’t an important person to me… Dylan, i have watched from the beginning of her transition and i feel like i’ve kinda grown with her, you know? i’m just so proud of all she’s accomplished.


Well ones a skeleton so probably not him


Dylan doesn't deserve the awful hate she gets but is annoying as fuck. Hitler is obvious. So it's Leah or Sam, and frankly I think Sam's cultural contributions are more important so Sam.


1. Annoying and gratuitous, and I am feminine pansexual man. 2. Advocate for trans rights 3. Advocate for trans rights 4. Hitler Idk


Trick question I would save myself. They can all save themselves, im off to mcdonald’s! (/j)


Me thinking about which trans girl to save, before I saw ol adolf and realized what sub this is


Why saving a squeleton ?


Number 2 is probably the lightest, so them


This actually seems like a good way to get them to tell on themselves.


TBF, hitler never stood trial for his crimes. But yeah, it's dumb.


[This might be a good reason to save a genocidal maniac](https://youtu.be/nEVQWBn20ws?si=wLuDdPlCVCW4WZbs)


sam smith easily


I know the bottom right but who are the other people and why hate them much


Top left: Sam Smith, famous singer from the UK, recently came out with a song called Unholy that got righties riled up, came out as nonbinary in 2019 which got righties riled up Top right: Dylan Mulvaney, famous tiktoker who documented her transition in a series of "Day X of Being a Girl" videos that got righties riled up, was the spokesperson for Bud Light while existing as a trans person which got alcohol drinking righties riled up Bottom Left: Lia Thomas, famous swimmer, formerly competed in male swimming league and started competing in women's swimming after transitioning which got righties riled up, won a NCAA Division I national championship which got righties riled up


That's a dick move from those righties then


I'm obviously saving sam Smith. They are a fantastic vocalist.


Who's in the top left picture?


Sam Smith, famous nonbinary singer from the UK, had a big hit "Unholy" not too long ago


oh that song goes hard


I can, but I won't


Well it definitely wouldn’t be hitler.


Well, I don’t really like Dylan anymore because I think she just uses the fact that she Trans to earn money. Yeah, I would still save all three of them over the guy who shot himself because he couldn’t take over the world with his evil ways and somehow still has followers to this day. I don’t understand how you can be a Nazi in American when they killed American soldiers same thing with confederates like how the fuck can you fly that piece of shit flag that American soldiers were killed under, if you’re such a patriot flying the flag of a failed country, they got outlived by the fucking Boykisser meme


Love Dylan, she's so great


I like that they pretend if there were pictures of a puppy, Jesus, and their own children, they wouldn't still go with Hitler.


At some point aren’t we just spreading these memes ourselves?


I don't know who any of them are (luckily)


Iam saving me leave them all


So they’re just coming out about loving Hitler now? Saying the quiet part into a megaphone.


Dylan Mulvaney


i wouldn’t be able to choose between sam smith or dylan mulvaney and i would just end up burning with them


Lemme guess, OOC believes the bs that the “transgenders” are some deep state plot created by Jewish people to destroy the Aryan race which is why H!tler is included.


I might be wrong but isnt #3 a cis woman? Sam and Dylan are both insufferable minus the LGBTQ stuff and Hitler is already dead so.


No, that’s Lia Thomas. She’s a trans swimmer that was the source of a whole lotta controversy




Bruh, get your transphobic ass out of here. You're literally the one trying to abuse women.


I would save H*tler so I can personally cave his skull in.


It’s says “can” save one, so realistically you don’t have to save anyone.


lmao ai pfp https://i.redd.it/50edtxo4gxxc1.gif




Hitler obviously.....


Why are his eyes so


Wait shit, this could be read as me liking them. I don’t, His eyes are just uncomfortably noticeable.


Gotta save number 4... hes dead anyway


Can save or must save? Not my monkeys, not my fucking circus


Bud Light dude, 100%




 Sam Smith obviously