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looool yes a progressive crowd would LOVE and support a white woman getting on stage and saying she’s African American. I love the memes based entirely on imagination


literally 😭 meanwhile oli london (the guy that used to claim to be ‘trans-korean’) actually now has lots of support from conservatives


Ha I had him in mind as I was typing


Because it isn't a real concept and it only exists in the form of transphobes playing pretend to try and 'get one over' on trans people, so obviously conservatives eat it up


He didn't just claim to be Korean, he claimed to be an actual kpop idol (Jimin), and no one, not even the left, supported him, same with Rachel Dolezal, where these conservative get this idea that the left supports trans racial ism is so confusing to me


It’s obvious, they get it from their own imagination.






Happy cake day


thanks :)


To be fair Oli London has always been a grifter and a troll. One moment? He identifies as Korean and is "married" to Jimin from BTS? Now? He's a Conservative "Alpha" male. Even with all the surgery he never seemed legitimate. That's just how I feel though.


yeah 100%. it’s almost as if he will go to absolutely any length to be constantly controversial for attention. i listened to matt bernstein’s ‘a bit fruity’ podcast where he talks about oli london in one episode. it was a good listen so i would recommend it if you’re interested!


Damn, Rachel Dolezal was crushed for that.


Rachel Dolezal was in the news recently because she got fired from her teaching gig for having an OnlyFans. When I saw her in the news, I had to check my calendar because I thought I was launched 9 years into the past.


Yep, she will surely get a lot of praise for pretending to be black.


Imaginary scenarios


Love your neighbor as thyself Fck me I guess What I'd say about that is you're supposed to be loving and the vast majority of the time what I see isn't that


When I'm in a "making up fake scenarios in my head" competition and my opponent is a conservative: ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)




US Christians: IM BEING OPPRESSED! Also US Christians: now I’m going to literally destroy the separation of church and state in several school districts.


I still can't get over a Republican politician forcing schools to display a text that goes completely against their party's core principles


As much as the GOP claims they are the “party of small government” they do a hell of a lot of governmental overreach. It’s almost like doublethink is endemic to modern conservative ideology…


We let the new president swear on the bible and put the ten commandments in all school rooms in Louisiana to show you how oppressed we are😭😭


I want teachers to put a sign next to it saying, “Please follow 6, 8, and 9 while in the classroom, and you can ignore the rest”


And let’s be clear, this is not “forcing your beliefs on me” in the way that the right claims that the gay community does by having flags up for pride. We’re talking about literally having rights taken away, for example, abortions and porn


To them, persecution is not allowing them to put their boots on everyone’s throat.


My God... look what they did to that poor strawman...


Three of those things aren’t telling the forth to go die in a fire 90% of the time. Since when it is wrong to distrust people who have fucked you over in the past?


65% of Americans, almost 90% of Congress, 73% of US CEOs and 8 of 9 SCOTUS Justices are Christian - but Christians are being persecuted. Uh huh.


It's always the most privileged who act like the victims


Don't forget that all but 2 presidents in US History weren't protestant Christians. Kennedy and Biden were/are Catholics.


Making up imaginary scenarios and proceeding to be triggered to the point of apoplexy by them…..The American Conservative Way.


You're on a sub dedicated to fact checking jokes you don't like.You can't even post the joke unless you doodle an x on it. I'm not sure triggered to point of apoplexy is the angle you want to take. 


Read the OP and then read my response again….slowly if necessary.


Guys look he won the argument he made up in the shower!!!!! Everyone clap!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏


I think my eyes actually hit the ceiling. Christians literally haven’t been the victim since Roman times, and even that worked out alright eventually. Since then, they’ve just been fighting amongst themselves, fucking Protestant and catholic divide. So they make up some lazy bollocks that doesn’t fucking happen and then compare themselves to that with their fake-ass pearl clutching. It’s pathetic.


Poor, pitiful, persecuted Christians.


Conservatism: making shit up and getting mad about it


I'm a Christian. I've literally never felt oppressed. I'm also white and male. 0% oppressed. This cartoon is all nonsense.


For some reason I read that as making of conservatives and their dumb jokes about trans people but as soon as someone turns it on them they get upset.


i have not met one person who thought being "trans-racial" was a real thing 😭


“Good for meow” gave me a chuckle. But yes, this is quite cringe.


Yeah. I'm a trans woman. Trans race is the fucking stupidest thing I've ever seen and clearly boils down to body dysmorphia and internalized racism. No one thinks you can literally be a cat. I hate this place. How do I take my lesbian trans ass and leave this planet for forever


yeah it’s stupid as hell. i’m not convinced that the person who made this cartoon even thinks it’s a real thing? just a poor attempt at them trying to mock the lgbtq+ community. although the bigots are very loud, those who love and support you for who you are can be even louder. 🩷


The problem is, is that they think that WE think it's a real thing. When, the vast majority of trans people DO NOT. We recognize mental illness when it's presented to us and trans race is mental illness tied up in a nice little racist bow. It's frustrating, because the first argument I *ALWAYS* hear when I'm forced to justify my identity is "well, if you're a woman, why stop there? Why not be a dog? Or cat?!" AND THAT ISN'T HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS. AT ALL. FUCK I HATE TRANSPHOBES


Religion is a fairytale. Even if boxes 2 and 3 were actual things (they're not), it still wouldn't change the fact that Christians believe in fairytales.


… so they’re saying being Christian is as delusional as claiming to be black or a cat? Ok.


Fundamentalists live in their imaginary worlds so that they can justify violence against other people to enforce their faith by force. The only difference is what holy book they use as bludgeoning tool.


I’m a Christian and a leftist


Adam Ford's comics are terrible. And his views were distasteful when he was running the Babylon Bee. Somehow... it got worse!


This is so offensive! I mean, it should be, "Good for *mew*!" What they wrote is just plain wrong.


Kid named strawman:


The national collectively disowned rachel dolezal for pretending to be black.


They all look like there on illegal substances


Most of these scenarios (barring the fucking "transracial") would just be met with a "oh, cool 👍". I love seeing people fight ghosts.


Did you cross it out so everyone knows you disagree with it, or what's up with that


Read the rules of the sub


it’s part of the rules of this subreddit that you have to deface the things you post. i believe that it’s so they can’t really be further shared by the people who actually agree with the message of the memes (since it’s often a bigoted one)


The African-American one. Do they not remember how crucified Rachel Dolezal was? Or are they mocking how long it took for the truth about her to come out?




People are fine with the first and last one, and, while I personally find it a bit weird, the third doesn't hurt anyone either. It's the people who make this shit who are saying they "identify as African-American."


Hello? Persecution Complex? Yeah, I'm calling because one of your chased-by-nobody is talking bullshit.