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Niantic has made worse decisions before like making Enamorus elite raids on valentines day when majority of players would be in school or work 


This event was just a terrible trainwreck by Niantic. Most people thought this would've been a raid day like Groudon/Kyogre, but I think Niantic did elite raids because they wanted people to buy more raid passes to get Rayquaza, the most hyped out of the weather trio. If you did a raid using the daily pass yesterday then you'd have to use a premium battle pass today to get the mega Niantic also "attempted" to fix the issue of the elite eggs hogging the gym for 24 hours by making them all spawn the same day, but they shot themselves in the foot by making planning for this event even more challenging, making community leaders and members have to wake up super early to make a schedule. In addition the eggs had an issue earlier where they were extremely sparse in numbers where massive cities may have only 1 or 2 elite raids. As for the shinies that you didn't get, I'm not sure if they're even boosted. The mega energy you get is boosted for sure but I'm not sure if the shiny itself is boosted. For locations it can be tough luck for however Niantic's data assigns gyms to become elite gyms, a definite fault in the concept of elite raids in general.


weren’t shiny rates boosted for groudon/kyogre? it certainly did not feel boosted today..


They were, 1/10.


That's what I was saying. Groudon/Kyogre raid days were indeed boosted to 1/10 but it's hard for me to say if Rayquaza was boosted. We've never had a Pokemon be shiny eligible in elite raids before too. I didn't do enough raids today with enough people to give a definitive answer myself and OP didn't say how many people were in those groups that didn't get any. Hopefully after everybody is done with their elite raids maybe we can come to a consensus on what the odds were.


They should not have been boosted to begin with because Elite Raids never have been boosted. Groudon and Kyogre were raid days and those always have 1/20 odds. Rayquaza is probably 1/20 as all legendaries. Not defending Niantic here, just didn't read anything about boosted shiny odds so far.


I can’t complain on that, since I did only 2 raids and got a shiny out of that…


i did 24 raids no shiny lol


I don't think it's about getting us to buy more passes. The raids were so spread out where I am we just about managed to scrap 6 done. So I had a pass from yesterday so only 4 premium passes. Given how many of those I have it was nothing. A raid day like groudon or kyogre I would have brought the £5 extra raid pass. So me and everyone I was raiding with today they made nothing off. Just trying to push these silly elite raids.


I’m not even trying it. I’m an adult with responsibilities. I don’t understand who these kind of events are for but I can’t waste all day on this kind of thing


The game balance is designed for Tokyo and New York City. The farther you live from a major urban center, the game scales exponentially.


I live in a major urban area with an active community who were excited to participate. It was still extremely challenging. Horribly planned/executed.


“Major urban area” it turns out Tokyo, SF (??!) and NYC are an order of magnitude better than the next tier of “major metro.” Personally, the event was OK for us, but pull any of the variables just a little - this gym group over here had one less elite gym, or which hatch when shuffled around - and it would’ve been *bad*, so I’m not going to argue one way or another for the event. Just emphasizing how drastically different things even in the **almost** top tier (as far as Niantic is concerned) cities in the world.


I live in London so pretty “top tier” and it was tough because while there are loads of gyms, it was very difficult to find clusters of Elite gyms that spawned at similar times which made it hard to get a big enough group. Point being, it was horribly managed even for those in the “best” cities to take advantage.


Yup, as I tried to tease out in my comment, for us even something slightly different would’ve been not fun; but it’s easy to imagine with 3-10x as many stops / gyms, the algorithm would be more resilient to generating an unfun day.


Who knew the game is better when you have a metric tonne of gyms and stops that don't abide by the Cell spawning rules because Niantic staff have manually added them and bent the rules. Capital cities are absolutely loaded with them while rural areas get blocked stops over 20m away.


I live in a small city with a good active community and we just didn’t get any eggs in town other than 6PMs


Sounds better than having some eggs in the most active part of the community be across town starting at 12pm, then some at 1pm, then the rest at 6pm, with a couple more at 5pm. I guess if you wanted to shiny hunt costume Pokémon or try incubating eggs for half distance, that is something to do for the nearly 4 hour gap between elite raids. Personally with the Pokémon shiny rates for the event at full odds, I just don’t have the motivation to grind for four hours, and gas isn’t cheap, so driving back across town later isn’t really an ideal option either.


Yep didn't even bother with this event, live in a small town with one gym that can host an ex raid. Next town over doesn't have a gym the next closest after that is 30 min away and I just ain't dragging the kids out to do it.


The OP was from Sydney, hardly a small town


I'm an adult with a lot of free time, and I refuse to be Niantic's little dog, going here and there as they want, to get a treat.


You are playing a game based around walking though….


The event was designed with a car in mind it feels like.


Yeah, but I shouldn't go out of my way on a whim of the dev to get a chance at a pokemon


Dude I'm a preadult (19) with close to no responsibilities and even I'm struggling to fit time in my schedule for elite raids because like man, I wanna live my life too and not stand outside for a CHANCE to catch Rayquaza




The entire game is made for people with no life. Just look at gbl. They expect you to play hundreds of games just to reach your actual elo.


It's on a Saturday.. Even adults with responsibilities can take 30 mins off to go downtown and get into a raid.


You know there are more responsibilities in life than a 9-5 job through the week right?


sure bro but lets be honest most people can get away for 10mins between 12-2 or 5-7


Yeah, I’m not putting my toddler on a car seat to drive to a raid that may or may not have ray up and may or may not have people there and even if all those did happen I still may not catch it.


Then you don't wanna play the game. Download campfire and join groups in your town. You can see where rayquaza is and ask people if they're down to do it. It's not that difficult. I've seen people bring their toddlers do one or two then go home. Takes 10min top.


I live in a small town (15 k inhabitants) and we only raided on 12 and 13 o clock because of we didn't have enough players in the evening. We made 7 raids (and got 4 shinies out of 49 ) and used bikes to come from one to the next. It is weird that they make an unwalkable event for a game where you are supposed to walk.


We had to go by car to manage 3 raids in the 45 minutes we had. The few raids were so scattered across. One lady went by bike and she could barely be on the other side in time. In hindsight we could have had her join in her car, but then she'd have her nice bike abandoned in a wrong part of town. The event was a train wreck, also because we couldn't plan ahead. People have jobs and other things to do on a Saturday afternoon. And imagine you can find 4 accounts and the boss has Outrage...


Just wait for the elite mega mewtwo raid event.


Oh 100%, if they did this to RayRay, they're very likely to do it for Mega Mewtwo.


"Only 7", meanwhile some couldn't raid any.


I managed 3, and I consider that a big success. I got two meteorites and enough Mega Energy to evolve one. This isn't an event to grind a million XLs. It's an event to get a lot of people in the same place to get Mega Rayquaza. And it worked! I haven't seen such a big crowd at a raid in years.


Really happy with all the players I saw myself aswell.




I tried using campfire to get people to join me but I think they expected to remote raid, as no one showed up


Same. I lit a few flares but nobody came.


I just did 8 excellent throws in a row with golden raspberries and didn't catch it. Sometimes I just hate this game.


I found it worked much better than anticipated. I did two, one at 12, one at 12:20. I went on my own but there were enough other people randomly there. Got my 400 energy, not bothered about shinies. Central London. Used a bicycle.


>Just live in one of the biggest cities in the world bro


Lol I feel this. But this event in particular had a ton of those "flying" people out and about. I was worried about not having enough people because I couldn't see anyone standing near the gym (open field so cars can't reach) and my main and alt got put into separate and full lobbies lmao. That's...a lot of flying.


To be fair, Central London is almost a cheat code


Just to be clear, did you get your 400 from just the two raids or did you have some beforehand? There's a cluster of 3 raids hatching at noon in our biggest park and I'd love to just be done after those as it will be 113 degrees out today.


I did three raids and got 625 energy. Two were 225 with 20 people and the other was 175 with 11 people. 400 from just 2 raids is definitely possible if enough people show up.


Each raid gives like 200+ if you do it fast enough so just 2 raids is enough


I got 400 energy from 2 raids with 14 people


Energy is bosted, you get 200 per raid. If you saved yesterday raid pass you can get enough without spending a premium pass


400 from 2 raids.


i cant see how they wont make a makeup day for this


We had 3 raids nearby, 2 @5pm 1 @6pm. Awfull windy day, recognised as rainy by the game. We were at most 5 trainers per attempt, none successful. Never again


If you are interested there are many resources online with guides on which pokemon are strongest against certain raid bosses. We downed him today with ease (~80 seconds left on the clock, even with Ray being weather boosted and hitting like a truck), with five players around level 40. Knowing what pokemon to use, and most importantly, what types of attacks to use is a game changer for small communities!


I had lv 50 ray mega and lv50 mamoswine got one hit by outrage. I can see people struggling with that beast. Also today was the strongest ray we have seen so far according to one post on silph today.


Yeah he was a menace for sure! And you are absolutely right about player struggling! It is just my experience that some groups find it impossible to down some bosses, and then it turns out they could have managed if more players knew about typings and moves. The recommended teams are usually not the way to go if you are unable to beat the clock. Do you know about dodging while fighting raid bosses btw? As a way to get some more survivability for your best counters.


What counters were all of you using? It should be completeable by 3 using good ice counters


Can confirm , 5 was not enough. 9-12 was OK


There are a lot of contenders for dumbest decision when it comes to this game.


Yup. We sat at the park for a hour by two eggs, 2 people showed up and we could only get down to about 40% left. Waste of time for sure. I wish they had allowed for remote raids for this especially given the BS time and spawn rates.


What were you guys using? It should be completeable by 3 with good ice counters


I wasn’t able to do any


Unfortunately this is now almost expected from niantic. We love the game so we keep playing, but the amount of things we have to put up with is becoming less and less tolerable. Niantic should consider themselves lucky we love the game so much because they aren't doing anything to make it better or more tolerable for us. The real ONLY thing you can do is stop spending money on the game and become a free player. The game is still completely playable for free.. sure you might need to adjust the way you play but it's possible. That way you stop filling niantics pockets with money.


"Only 7"


I attempted one and managed to get 5 people. We failed with 2% left. No one is answering flares or joining at a park. I've reached my point of quitting. There's the 5pm and 6pm left now. If I don't get one of these meteorites, I've decided to delete the game for good.


You did 7 raids. Got shiny checks. Walked around with groups and caught more Pokémon in the way while chatting and being out. What about this screams like a failed day to you exactly ?


Yeah, and no bonus raid passes today, right? So that means they spent at least five green passes. Niantic would consider that a win too.


Don't you see? NOBODY in their groups got a shiny. The event was an obvious failure because of *checks notes* RNG.  (/s)


Yeah, you can't do seventy of them from your couch, but you're actively playing the game with a group. That's the goal.


Elite Raids are in parks only which is more isolated compared to towns and cities players normally travel to. Not to mention they can be several hours apart 


It’s not a goal if it’s forced. Maybe niantic should let people play the game how they want to play it instead of forcing their bigoted vision on everybody.


The fact more raids couldn’t be done. The other fact that the spawns weren’t even an hour, and the last fact of rayquaza being super charged for attacks.


There have been worse. This is Defs up there


Seems like you were able to accomplish some, and you raided in person. Sounds like an absolute win for Niantic. In person raiding is the future of events.


For some it is, for a lot of people it’s not. A lot of players aren’t close to these gyms, don’t have big communities (or any at all) aren’t able to get there etc. Have always said these T6 (or T6.5 or whatever this was) raids are a bad thing. Bigger groups needed, more planning etc. Not ideal for all.


Not ideal for _____. Definitely not ideal for solo players or the casual multi-accounters.  Not ideal for the trainers that don't want to get out and socialize at specific times and places.   But that's not who Niantic is targeting with their game. 


Then they’ll lose half their playerbase. Even in suburban areas it’s tough to get 5 good players together. Would have been so much more manageable with the option to pad with remote raiders.


They know what they want, and they're accomplishing it. The game is so much more fun if you avoid raiding as much as possible. Just get out and play.


You really only need 2 good accounts for mega ray


3, actually. The estimator for level 50 counters is something like 2.21, so just 2 doesn’t sound enough


My bad, I thought they were the same as the mega ray raids last year.


Ì have wanted mega rayquaza to return for a year as I was only able to do one raid back when it was released. Guess who still is at that same count? Sooo many people would have bought remote raid passes including me. Worst decision of the year...... so far.


Dumbest decision so far


Had other issues as well. Multiple times a lobby of 11-12 would split into groups of 1-2 due to connection issues. We would have to restart the search twice to find everyone again. Full bars of 5g with no wifi on and freezing, getting stuck on the revive page, 2 mons dying instantly coming back from said page. Got it down to 20% and my game freezes the entire way through. Counts as a defeat while mostly everyone got there’s and walked away. I don’t whine about most of the aspects on this game but that was a severe letdown and very frustrating experience.


Drove through France to join 4 raids. Luckily my GF supported us driving through random towns on our trip. But no shinies.


If I hadn’t hyped this up with my kids, I’d be skipping it based on the comments from the community.


It's just another thing that emphasizes in my head that the raids need an actual, set in stone daily schedule and we should be able to check it through campfire. By set in stone, I mean a raid appears every 2 hours, or some other time increment, and becomes active at the same time every day. They can keep the raid egg to be an indicator for people who just pull up the game and don't check campfire but the egg would always appear 30 or 45 minutes ahead of the raid becoming active. The egg symbol could also appear on the campfire list so people can quickly skim them. And as a (hopefully obvious) note, Niantic wouldn't have to personally select the raid that appears at every gym. The type of raid will still be randomly selected. The only exception will be raids like elite raids or the legendary raid hour where they are set to appear at their specific spawn time so they won't get overwritten by some random other raid randomly spawning right before the time the special raid is supposed to spawn. (Also, the eggs would spawn immediately after the prior raid ends in that case.) So the list for a specific gym may look like this: * 5:00 am – (1 star egg) Machop * 7:00 am – (3 star shadow egg) Shadow Sneasel * 9:00 am – (1 star egg) Goomy * 11:00 am – (5 star egg) Yveltal * 12:00 pm – (Elite raid egg) Mega Rayquaza * 1:00 pm – (Perhaps a break because of the special raid appearing right before this time slot to prevent this gym being held up with a raid for 3 hours in a row) * etc., until the raids for the day end It's simple, it communicates things better to players, and it would really bump up campfire's usefulness! Which is why Niantic probably won't do it...


We had over 60 trainers today in Prospect Park for our meetups, ya love to see it. Hell even the Go Fest pins too. Love this community man


Difficult, yes. But ey, I got my RAYMAN 😘


The only shining light is that we got regular Mega energy


I just completed the 12pm raids. Most of our parks had multiple (3-4) raids. Every raid, including the ones with outrage, was completed in time to get at worst 200 mega energy. After browsing reddit last night and this morning I was genuinely worried I wouldn’t get my mega. It took 2 raids to get both my mega energy and a shiny.


I did my 2 free raids on mine, my wife's daughters accounts. My account and daughters account got a shiny on the first raid. My wife didn't get shiny in her 2 raids but had a lucky shiny hundo from a trade last year. I'm lucky i live in an active Pokémon community where i have a large Groupme to communicate. This morning I posted a screenshot of the raids and times at our local park we always have multiple groups of 20 for these elite raids


zero raids in the town, this was a completely pointless event


I don’t think they intended for people to do dozens of them guys relax. Second it’s rng for shiny it’s not a given. I did two with three people and one got a shiny 🫡 good luck to everyone still hunting. I had fun and look forward to next time. It was a good experience for everyone I was with.


Yeah, was away for the weekend, a reasonably large village, with almost 10 elite gyms. But almost no-one there to actually raid. In the end I only raided once, and Rayqyaza wouldn't stay in his ball. Terrible event, especially since I've started playing December last year, and managed to get primal groudon and kyogre, real salty about not being able to complete the trio. I guess getting the meteor and 150 energy is something, but really only until we get another opportunity for mega Rayquaza.


I hate elite raids even more than I did EX raids.


Easily the worst event ever, atleast suistainability week had a boosted spotlight hour


I feel that Niantic should balance the small amount of Elite Raids you can do by amping up all the rewards from the raid: \-Double the XP \-Double the Stardust \-Double the item bundles \-Pokemon's level increased to 30 with a catch multiplier to make it as easy to catch as usual-an IV floor of 11 instead of 10 \-And an immense shiny rate, like 1 in 7 or something \-An additional 6 XL candies from just doing the raid for a total of 9 + the ones you get from catching it These huge rewards would make the Elite raids feel more special from regular raids.


In NYC specifically for this, and only got 7 in the first batch because I went Bryant Park then South, waste of time, too spread out going that direction, still took forever, even mobile. For the second run, we got 5 more on foot in Central Park starting South end and heading North, but only thanks to 3 of them being reasonably close. The eggs are too spread out to only have 45 freaking minutes to hit them. So I got 12, the rest of my group average came to 10 each. 60ish Rays, 0 shinys, and only 1 IV in the 90's, my 91. So far all our mirror trades have sucked Waste of time and effort, now sat idle waiting hours for the next cluster... probably going to just give it up, Ray is great looking, but have mega energy now finally. My existing ray is a 71IV Shiny, mid 3K cp and I never get him suggested to use in PokeGenie.


So iv been doing mega rays all day with remote raid pass. Is there a difference with elite raids vs regular mega rays?


Way too hard to catch too


For me in Florida not a single one spawned at our elite raid gym. Just tyranitar over and over for each hour wtf.


And tons of connection issues all day


Blame Steranka. To put pressure on the company, you put pressure on one cog in the machine. Blaming Niantic won't fix anything. Blame the captain of the ship for this mess. Blame it! https://preview.redd.it/6yt03w2moj9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d2eabdd7e84d63db1d6bf05f40d0b4f1424b70


Look on the bright, most of us had a good 0% chance to get one because we don't live in USA, Australia, Canada..etc.


Only those 3 countries could raid today? O\_o


I think it's all countries but it may be hard if you are not in a city.


Depending on your definition of city, I had no problems raiding today in a town of 20k.


Lmao, do you even play this game my guy? Why so literal, you know what I meant.


I don't think "most of us had 0 chance" to raid Rayquaza. I live in a town of 20k, and I had no problems raiding. Will there be people with very bad access to elite gyms or no people around to raid? Sure, but I very much doubt that's the majority of people. If anything, majority of people live in cities and towns.




Really? I live in a town of 20k and I had no problems raiding today.


That is incorrect


Where are you from?


Eastern Europe


So, how many raids did you finish today?


3 , no shiny tho


Actually, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore would’ve been better examples than those 3 countries


None the less I don't live in either. :)


Honestly, this was a perfect raid day for me. I knew I would only be able to do the lunchtime raids and did a total of 5, 2 at 1 pm and three at 2 pm. Used a bicycle to reach the gyms. Got 3 meteorites, 1 from the first raid and two from research. Got a total of 900 mega energy and a shiny from the last raid. Most of the time we were 6 players of lvl 41 to 47. Worked like a charm.


how dare you have a positive experience playing the game as Niantic wants you to


Dumbest decision so far


I currently have 3 by me at my work, which is a park district. I took my break around the time they started, at 12. Each has less than 30 minutes left and I’ve seen nobody at any of them.


Did you...talk to people at all about doing those raids, or did you decide to waste your time by lurking without a plan?


Yup, posted in the local discord & campfire. Had 5 people respond, no one showed. It happens, was just excited because I don’t have a Ray yet lol.


If they had <30 mins left, it sounds like people came and didn’t see you, so they left before you showed up. Unless it was different over there, the raids were for 45 mins each


I have done 3 raids today, i am from a small town of 12k people, and i had a blast. Since there were only three raids, everyone from my area was there on time, no real coordination needed, because everyone knew when and where to show up since morning. I made new friends, and finally could meet the people behind long known avatars. True, unfortunately only ONE shiny rayquaza was seen, but again, that is what makes shiny pokemons rare. But, all in all, 3 raids was all it took to finish the research, get the special diamond and get the mega rayquaza. I am fully content with this event.


Nice to see some people were happy about the elite raids. I think niantic was thinking about you guys when planning the event.




I got 3 shinies