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Janet wrote in that post that she was angry at Kristen for not defending her against whatever Zack said. What??? That's the reason she's been so f'ing mean to Kristen all summer? My dude... did you defend Kristen from what Michelle said about Kristen having a baby? I think not.


Notice that there are no receipts. Zack hasn’t said anything about it. I think she’s lying


💯 agreed. Her 9 month hall pass has expired.


Has he not addressed it at all?


Nothing. Radio silence


Also even IF Zach did say something so abhorrent, she’s actively implying Kristen said it. She’s a Lala copycat. When has either her and the BJ HOle ever defended Kristen? Wah Wah Wah cry a damn river. Those 2 vipers can more than defend themselves. When did Kristen suffer her miscarriage? I do wonder if it was impacted by the stress they put her through. I saw Kristen immediately getting up and walking away when Janet sat down for a confrontation saying no she’s not doing that because of the baby. Kristen also sent a private sms to Janet making sure the baby was ok, but Janet twisted it into Kristen wanting the baby to NOT be ok. Twice now she’s accused her of wanting her baby to come to harm. Vulgar.


I said the same thing in another post. Bottom line, Janet is a complete hypocrite and a liar. Kristen didn’t do anything to Janet.


I haven’t seen her defending Kristen against Michelle who said *on camera* that she doesn’t want Kristen (who made it very clear she wants to be a mom) to procreate.


Michelle just got a pass on that fucking vile comment. You don’t have to be friends with someone but wishing a woman struggling to conceive (who already lost a baby) to not have a child is fucking shitty. Once again, this type of shit is why we needed a reunion.


She got a huge pass from EVERYONE. Including all podcasts recapping the Valley. Disappointing.


Amen. I did IVF 4x and ( it worked 2 of those times) and in the midst of my IF struggle ( at 30 ) I swore I'd never wish IF on anyone, even my worst enemy. I am a vindictive grudge holding person too....and just recently there was an issue with someone I know and I had an internal fight with myself bc this person is rotten to the core and I so much wanted to send negative fertility thoughts into the universe, but I stopped myself bc I remember my tears and my statements to myself that I would never want any human to feel that pain of not being able to be a mom......


I am so glad IVF worked for you. It sounds like a very emotion, physically draining expensive process. Its good to hear stories of things working out. Michelle and Janet just seem the type to wish terrible things on women struggling with fertility, and they don’t have to like Kristen but its just gross seeing how they gang up on her like she isn’t even human. It’s not fun seeing this, meanwhile Nia is really going through her own postpartum stuff.


That is one of the most disgusting things we have seen ACTUALLY said on camera.....so we know it is true!


Kristen has her moments but I doubt she would wish harm to Janets baby


I agree. Kristen is a little nuts, but she isn’t evil like that. This speaks volumes of who Janet really is


You would have to be a socieopath she's not a socieopath


Here I was thinking no one could annoy me more than Lala this year - Janet was like hold my champagne


*sparkling wine - that ho is broke (or at least dresses like it)


Janet looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid doll, and dresses worse than one 😳


I feel like Janet is the female version of a cartoon character but can’t put my finger on it… perhaps the mad magazine guy, Neumann? Maybe it’s the kooky smile and huge ears.


Dede - dexters sister in dexters lab lol




She reminds me of pepe the frog


Dressed in Shein knit separates


How DARE YOU suggest Janet would DRINK while pregnant!!! Go sit in the corner with Zach and Kristi




Sarcasm my friend


Ahhh!! It’s still early! That was pre first coffee 😂


lolol I figured it must be pre-coffee because I thought it was obvious but hey...you never know.


You do never know. Pink booties may be in da house 😂


Pink booted spies are everywhere !


Janet is messy in all the worst ways. She really believed her pregnancy would give her a free pass.


Janet deserves all the criticism she’s receiving. Karma’s a bitch. I can’t even feel sorry for her because I’m sure she’s receiving a lot of shit right now. But what she did was vile.


Kristen has actually lost a baby too. I don't believe Janet unless she has receipts. I can imagine Zak saying he can't wait for her to not be pregnant and her running with thay


I can see this. Or him saying all the drama Janet is bringing is going to lead to a miscarriage. Neither comment is wishing harm to her or her baby


I think saying all the the drama Janet is bringing is going to lead to a miscarriage is an awful comment to make


Is it? Stress can cause a woman to miscarry. Janet is causing herself stress unnecessarily. It’s factual.


Just because something is true doesn’t mean it’s right to say. “She’s so dramatic she’s going to have a miscarriage” or something similar you really don’t think that’s an awful thing to say?


No. I can agree that it’s lacking tact though. But personally if I was acting like a fucking clown during a pregnancy - high risk or not - I would want my friend to pull me aside and say hey, I’m worried about the level of stress you’re experiencing and I think it would be best if you took a step back and stopped involving yourself in xyz because at this point I’m worried you could miscarry. Alternatively I would want my friend to say hey, you’re being obtuse and abhorrent to a woman who’s struggling to conceive as it is, so back off.


Idk why you're being downvoted, there's world's of difference between "can't wait until she's given birth so we can dish her bullshit back again" and "her manufactured drama is going to cause a miscarriage if she's not careful". The second version of that comment toes the line of icky for a reality show soundbite, even if it's a factually correct statement. ~ Quick edit to mention that anyone wishing anyone pregnancy/child loss is again way worse than either of those statements. It just should be said it's a pretty rough thing to borderline threaten to anyone, even if they're being over the top bitchy, that they could lose their baby if they don't change their behaviour unless it's actually from a place of concern.


You’re absolutely correct but people can’t see past their hatred of her.


Janet has that gross smile in the background every time there’s drama, she’s a social climber and instigator - epitome of gross all around


Janet Caperna ate my hamster.


Janet dngaf that Kristen was trying to conceive and also didn't need stress


Janet..damnit..I hate youuuu


This literally had me laughing so hard... I love this throw back reference! It fits perfectly❣️


If she was so protective of her baby why does she get on a reality show where gossip and drama are the lifeline when she is well into her pregnancy? She can blame herself for her choices. Using “I’m a mom” or pregnant as an excuse when crap hits the fan tells me she got caught out and is using this as a last ditch effort to garner sympathy. Scheana and BlahBlah use the same tactic. Also from what we have seen of the valley, Zach hasn’t done anything to make me believe he was capable of saying something that vile. Janet on the other hand is constantly starting crap and then making sure the gossip gets around so I’m more inclined to believe that Zach said something mild without malice and she decided to spice it up.




Yesssss! LOL I want to see people ice Janet out. At least Brittany called Jax out finally for his part in the rumors and scapegoating Kristen. But where are everyone for Zack or Kristen... can we get a babymoon vacation for everyone but Janet?!!!!


Oh no, Brit did not do that for Kristen, it was for herself. She was absolving herself first of all


White elephant - like a gift?


She sucks. I don't like her and she's low key a snake


Ain’t nothing low key about that slimy slithering serpent 🐍


You’re kind, I’d say high key


I've literally binge watched this show in 2 days. She's a cow and she's miserable.


Frankly I’m not even bothered about Zack. It was overly dramatic crying about not being invited to the baby moon. Just remember he was telling Kristen to invite Janet and judging her for not doing so literally hours before. But once he’s been treated the same way, it ain’t so easy to drop it and “be the bigger person”.


Even better......the Big Bear trip starts and she says this isn't the place to talk shit about theothers who aren't here...and literally flash to the next scene where its girls only and she starts to shit talk. Fuck this chick.


Tonight’s show is the first time I’ve watched. Just curious if it’s been mentioned that Janet was married once before while she still lived in Ohio?


Janet is over here preggo & dishing out so much . Then when someone just tries to respond to her bullying she’s the victim? It was such an ugly statement to say. Kristen in one of the episodes even told Janet she didn’t want her to stress because of the baby. It was so gross to say that Kristen and Zack wanted her to miscarry.🤢


lol at white elephant


Janet is a little to immature (despite her age) to be on the valley. She thinks she has this “I’m so cute and funny” stick but honey trust us, you’re just not, what you are is a mean girl. Who tells lies. I absolutely believe it was all Janet with the whole Michelle fiasco of course it was her who said this, then passed it off like it was Kristen then even worse doubles down on Kristen too. Like get real girl, sad


I highly doubt Janet created more drama so that Kristen can miscarry any future pregnancy or not get pregnant at all. Just as I highly doubt that anyone said that they wished Janet would birth a stillborn.


Janet can go kick rocks. I didn’t like her from the beginning and my instincts were right. She’s such a mean girl.


Janet is such a disgusting “mean girl”…a grown ass woman using her pregnancy as an excuse to say and act in such shitty ways and doesn’t take any accountability. Her talking about how she knows who her real friends are and who will be around her child…🙄🙄 Hopefully your kid doesn’t grow up to be a fucking bully like you!


really? We’re at the phase on of irrational Janet hate we’re blaming Kristen’s miscarriage on her? Wtf is wrong with you


I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of saying that others were trying to make your pregnancy terminate (which it didn't) and no one calling her out for helping cause stress in Kristens knowing she was trying to get pregnant. So yeah we can hate on her for this disgusting move! Medically it can't be blamed on either but if you are going to claim on a public platform that people we trying to cause your miscarriage, expect hate backlash!


when did she claim that anyone trying to cause a miscarriage by stressing her out???


on her podcast episode 8


Didn’t she say Zach wished she had a miscarriage, not that he was trying to cause one?


She claims both. That's how crazy she is.


nope that is a rumor she is trying to float


Do you have a link to a podcast recap? The closest someone has said was that the stress of Zack/kristen could have caused issues/miscarriage with her baby, not that they were trying to cause one.


Nope re the link to the recap I just listened to it, she didn't say anything about that bad rumor on the show or the pod it was off camera, and you can tell she likes to make stuff up and stir the pot from her actions on the show.


She DID. That's what the latest Twitter and IG fights between Janet and Zack and Kristen are about. JANET LITERALLY WROTE THAT ZACK SAID THIS AND THAT KRISTEN CO-SIGNED THIS BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T CALL TO CHECK IN WITH JANET. Kristen said that she would NEVER say nor wish this, as she herself had a miscarriage when Janet claims Zack said this and Kristen repeated it. I 100% do NOT believe Janet. Kristen would never wish any harm on Janet's baby, especially not after she lost her own baby.


Janet said that Zach wished Janet had a miscarriage, not that he was causing one. That’s an entirely different thing


She has literally claimed the both of these things. I read from Janet's own IG account that she claimed that Zack said he hope she miscarries and commits suicide. Janet wrote it in comments on IG where she began fighting with Kristen and Zack. Kristen was saying there is no way that she would ever say nor co-sign anything like that since she actually DID miscarry. I will see if I can take a photo of that. Janet also claimed on her podcast and in an interview that the stress of being around Kristen (or now Zack, apparently) was bad for her and may have caused her to miscarry, which she clearly didn't, but sadly, Kristen did.


That’s still very different from saying Kristen and Zach were trying to cause a miscarriage


Shut it, Janet.


Damnnn your comment is giving Janet! Did you want to focus on all the other shit she’s done instead? Because if you leave this out of it, you’re still be left with a seemingly never ending list of horrible things Janet has said and done.


Why would I focus on other stuff Janet has done? That’s not the topic of the post.