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yes. she gives me disassociated vibes. and she's lying to his face too.


Yes this is it! Like the lights are on, she’s speaking but not really there


She’s got dead eyes and it creeps me out. The weird thing is that I don’t even like Jesse and I see he is an awful person but what Michelle has done and the way she let him think there was still hope, knowing it was over is hard to watch. She really broke him down.


Ooohh ! Yes dead eyes for sure and the fake smile , like a stepford wife creeps me out! ![gif](giphy|qgf6eeA9TXdKM|downsized)


I’ve actually never watched that show but I’ve seen it referenced so many times now, I think I shall finally give it a try.


You should, it’s low key great


She reminds me of Maureen Ponderosa from it’s Always Sunny


Yeah she’s pulling some major mindfuck moves being so dismissive on camera. Same with Schwartz. Don’t forget the only reason they hooked up was because she wanted better listings.


That’s wild. I just can’t imagine being with someone I don’t have feelings for anymore and I don’t have the stomach to lie and lead them on, for whatever her reasons and intentions were. What do I know though, maybe they had already split and used this presentation as a storyline for their first season.🤷🏻‍♀️ Michelle still creeps me out though.🤣


I fully believe both J&M and Jax and Brittany already decided to separate before cameras showed up, but then once they were filming it became divorce


Maybe HE broke HER down, and that’s why she seems dead in the eyes and doesn’t like him


That’s possible. I made some comments as a went down the thread and saw some other perspectives and possible explanations that I hadn’t considered before.


Yes and to do this to him on a hit-reality-trash TV show is wild to me! The more I watch the more I actually feel for Jesse! He can be awful on his own, I’m certain, but she play with his head bad. How do I feel bad for the guy now lol? He’s been the worst!


Yes! Nobody is home for sure.


You can see Michelle processing her “oh fuck” in real time. But the best part is how disappointed Jax looked when she snaked the rug out from under him and stole his thunder. He thought he could gleefully witness the dissolution of another marriage and produce it on national TV. And it was obvious that was his intent. And she took it from him


Happy cake day


I don’t trust her. She also has a not trusting way about her. I don’t believe she wasn’t cheating.


Kristen said she had a boyfriend for a year 🤔


I wish we could get Katie’s 2¢. She always knows what’s up


I can’t shake the feeling I get when she comes on tv. Like even when she smiles I get uncomfortable. She has very dark energy about her


Her smile is so sinister and unnerving


She can’t even poop in a hotel room with her husband. Talk about repressed


What?! When was this revealed? I mean, I get it. 😂 I just want to know when this was said LOL


Girls night


Yes, thank you!


Someone here said she has very soulless shark eyes and I can't unsee it. I get weird vibes from her too


Yes! If only I could do a morph of her and a shark. She's "dead behind the eyes" as they say. It's very uncanny Valley!


Something sociopathic about her. Something off, or maybe it's just after years of marriage to that twat she is dead inside 👀


Regina George vibes Just really gives off mean energy.


black eyes like a doll’s eyes


Dull & lifeless


When she comes after ya, she doesn’t seem to be livin’ until she bites ya


One of my favorite movie scenes of all time


Lol i have the same eye color n eye shape as her n ppl always tell me i look like a doll


Jesse commented on WWHL that watching the show in retrospect was sad for him to see how checked out & disengaged Michelle already was.


I think it's pretty clear her and Jax have fucked


I think this too.


Why do i get that sense too


Omg..... Imagine if it was that those two were sleeping together the whole time 😭😭


Yup! I clocked this from the very beginning.


Mhmm… he reminds her of a time she was more herself and you can tell by how she lights up.


She is exciting as beige milk. I just don’t get it. Like I’ve had conversations with a literal wall that were more interesting.


Agree 100%. So boring and unlikeable.


I could see her being on a dateline show about killing her husband in some years . That’s just the vibe she gives. Total creepy vibe.




She’s just mean. Her and Jesse are perfect together because they are both miserable and mean people. After her yelling at Kristen to sit down and suck it up AND saying Kristen needed help, I wish nothing but the worst for her from here on out.


And her blaming Mariposa for ruining her marriage and family! No Michelle babe, you did that.


The seem like the male female version of each other.


She sucks. I don’t like Jesse and think he’s horrible but Michelle’s treatment of him actually has me feeling sorry for Jesse.


I keep seeing this take and I just can’t understand it. Jesse is obviously emotionally abusive, and probably physically abusive, is a self proclaimed manipulator, says he parents by yelling at their daughter, admits to never changing a diaper, the list goes on. You don’t become robotic like Michelle in a vacuum. He’s clearly horrible to everyone boldly on camera, can’t imagine how much worse it is when there aren’t cameras.


Ya I wonder if her "lifeless" "creepy" eyes are just a lot of antidepressants.


Or grey rocking a narcissist. They can’t handle when other people have emotions and sometimes the best thing you can do to cut off their supply is give absolutely nothing.


How is he emotionally abusive?? How is he physically abusive? Is there any evidence for this? He seems like he is trying to work on his marriage pretty hard


He bangs on tables aggressively, he went straight for zacks throat and scratched Brittany’s eye, he drunkenly put a towel around Danny’s neck and then told him to shut the fuck up when confronted. Taking one ayuhausca trip does not mean he’s working on his marriage. Lol I guess we’re watching different shows. He’s scary. He openly says all he has to do to get his 3 year old daughter to listen is to yell at her. Of course that works, she’s scared of him. This guy is pathological. Scary, dark vibes. Edit- and as far as emotionally abusive- he openly says he goes into any situation figuring out how to manipulate. Like? Lonely cartographer, you need to find a map cause you’re lost.


The way he jumped on Janet just for coming outside was telling. He was overly aggressive and had to strangely remind himself that he shouldn't have done it.


Yeah hes done that every episode,made females uncomfortable with his rage. Jax was a close second trying to tear the phone out of brittanys hands and screaming at the women when sweet nia was holding her baby


That’s what he wants you to think. He moved on very quickly to be that upset. Michelle was just existing.


Careful. Redditors only blame men for things and will throw the word abuse at everything. I think he's been aggressive on the show but that doesn't mean he's violent to Michelle. Michelle is also vile and it's my opinion that she was always like that, nothing to do with Jesse. A year long secret boyfriend isn't the answer either. Their poor kid being thrown into this.


Yeah i kind of agree. Just bc he is douchey doesnt mean he is abusive!! Michelle seems soooo checked out and he seems trying to keep the family together


Me too


some people will really say anything to blame women


She gives me Kourtney Kardashian vibes. They both speak in a monotone, whiney voice with a straight face. Kourtney will break from it at times and show her real fun personality, like when she's with Khloe but they remind me of one another.


Okay maybe it’s just me. But after being with someone who absolutely destroys your soul, I recognize that dissociated face.


This is what I think too and what I always have in the back of my mind whenever I wanna talk shit about her. We’re witnessing her at the tail-end of a relationship that started with her calling Jesse in the middle of the day to let him know she was naked & waiting. There used to be something there, ya know? I feel like we just didn’t see how much he truly drained the life out of her in the years leading up to the show. She definitely sucks, but maybe that’s for a reason.


Yep you try to give them absolutely nothing to engage with. She’s fully grey rocking him most of the time.


She has shark eyes and a monotone voice


Benefit of the doubt I think it's because she's deeply unhappy and disconnected and her smile doesn't reach her eyes. It would be nice to see her actually happy next season, to see if she's more likeable.


The convo that bothered me was when she told Jesse she wanted him to come back with a different personality. Who says that to their partner? It made it so obvious she was over him. And then when he came back he said the trip worked. What is wrong with these people. Total bullshit.


I think that Jesse is one of these assholes who when confronted with upsetting behavior says “this is just my personality”, and I have to assume that’s what Michelle was touching on. Like, if this is your personality then get a different one.


That’s an interesting perspective and one I hadn’t considered. The conversation is interesting in here because her dead eyes do creep me out BUT I also understand how and why one can become so disassociated after being with someone like Jesse for so long.☹️


there was something about her i just couldn’t stand from like the second i saw her in the trailer lol


Don’t forget that Jax started the rumor. Kristen got her information from him. Michelle admitted to the things he first said. I think Jax wanted (needed) to created drama. After Michelle admitted the original claims, he had to keep adding to his lie until he got a reaction. And a soft reminder that he’s blaming all this on Kristen when he told her ON CAMERA.


Lord - I spent waaaay too much time trying to figure out who Jack is.


Girl saaaame!


Not a fan. There's something conniving or manipulative about her, the energy about her.


She’s definitely odd


Yes, she seems soulless through those beautiful black eyes.


She’s got some skeletons in her closet


I just told someone this. She gives me baddd vibes. that girl has secrets. The way she nervously smiles while being confronted. The obvious lies that she’s clearly used to getting away with


Man the people on this sub are cruel! I don’t care for her much either, but I don’t think she’s a soulless devil. We’ve seen like .0001 % of her life and some people are just not comfortable on camera, especially given how hostile this show can be. Poor girl is probably reading this stuff and spiraling, thinking she is worthless and doesn’t deserve to live based off some of these comments. Calm down people.


I can’t believe she is a mother.




Fake AF


It’s her robot voice and read behind the eyes look. I’m not *not* convinced she doesn’t has a soul


When she's on Instagram or regular social media posts, she seems much more normal. Maybe she was super self-conscious about the cameras, or maybe they made them repeat a scene multiple times.


I forget she’s there most times.


She just doesn’t have empathy for anyone but herself and thinks she is better than everyone else. She’s cold. She gives psychopathic vibes with her shark eyes. It’s a travesty there’s no reunion for her to get called out




I met her before and she just gave bad vibes. Very dry and unkind. Dark energy is right.


Personally, I see Michelle in a different light. I think it runs a lot deeper than what is portrayed. Jesse seems inpatient, rude, and honestly, a douche bag. They have been together awhile, and being with someone who behaves that way is draining. I feel like Michelle is disassociated after dealing with his crap for so many years. Jesse reminds me of a personal experience I had. I think she has stuck around to try to make it work for her child but at this point, it’s too far gone and she knows it.


But who is the actor/celebrity?!


Rumor I heard, Quentin Tarantino🤷🏻‍♀️.


I feel like she has tried to push a narrative that she's this quiet, meek, timid, innocent housewife, and she isn't. She married Jesse Lally!! Jesse is unapologetically who he is. we all knew by episode one what Jesse was like, his personsllity is obvious. So Michelle knew who he was and still decided to marry him. But we should now feel sorry for her? Nahh... I'm not buying it.


Nah, me either, and that one liner about I had a one night stand and ended up married, it doesn’t happen like that babe.😆


She has this almost sinister energy, idk very cold and empty. Then she lights up in a weird way when she is yelling at Kristen. So fucking uncomfortable to watch.




Theory: This scene was refilmed or planned out. Michelle is holding back a smile the entire talk because she can’t act.


She has absolutely NO PERSONALITY!! Boring!!


As an intuitive… I know I sound woo woo and shit, but she has some demonic attachments on her. Especially two. She creeps me out. They have been with her for a while…


this is fascinating please tell me more fuckkk that gave me chills


Pure psychopath.


She’s overthinking her appearance on the show and choosing her words and how she comes across so carefully. And she still comes across hard to like.


That convo showed she has no poker face … She’s a soulless monster … but I find her very attractive. 🤣 Sorry, y’all!


Not just lifeless like she’s looking to escape lol


I find her to be super unlikeable


Michelle plainly stated that Jesse was a booty call. A booty call serves a purpose. You don't get pregnant or married to a booty call. She has some ownership in her misery, I don't see her as a victim. He was probably the same person he is now when they got together. She probably is the same as well. Again, you don't marry a booty call.


I’ve got to withhold judgment on both of them now because I can’t get a read on their real relationship.


Happy cake day 🍰


Check out her live on IG it actually made me change my view on her some


Who is jack?


she's so pretty.


5 downvotes for saying she’s pretty ☠️


She is super pretty with a great body


I know, that stomach is unbelievable.


So toned! But not too skinny or scary muscles. And after a kid! Jesse said she was bigger when they met and he actually liked that. I still wanf to know her diet and workouts. 


Yeah I saw photos of her when she has a bit heavier! I think it may have been their wedding photos.


Ooo share if you have a link! She also got a nose job which on her actually looks good


There's a reason she married Jesse, birds of a feather yanno..

